968 resultados para Vírus da AIDS
The authors study a patient carrying Aids, with exuberant dermatological manifestations of cryptococcosis. They stress the therapeutic effectiveness of short-term amphotericin B. The authors reviewed cases of cutaneous infection with Cryptococcus reported in the national and international literature, verifying that the frequency has increased with the AIDS epidemic. Also, they discuss about the differential diagnosis with some cases of dermatosis, particularly with the disseminated giant molluscum contagiosum. In relation to the therapy, they affirm that the choice of drug depends on the organ involved, as well as the immune state of the patient.
A reactivação do vírus da hepatite B em doentes com neoplasias hematológicas é uma complicação frequente da quimioterapia ou da terapêutica imunomoduladora. Os autores descrevem o caso dum doente com linfoma não-Hodgkin e história de infecção passada pelo VHB que desenvolveu hepatite fulminante após quimioterapia. Os mecanismos de reactivação do VHB são discutidos e as recomendações sobre profilaxia são apresentadas.
A cross-sectional study with internal comparison groups was conducted to describe sociodemographic characteristics, as well as verify the association between the type of antiretroviral treatment used and hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, with special attention to the use of HIV protease inhibitors. The data was obtained through an interview questionnaire, as well as blood and urine samples that were collected for the laboratory exams. A total of 418 patients were interviewed. 46 of these, however, met the exclusion criteria. The sample was therefore composed by 372 HIV positive patients, attended at the laboratory of the Correia Picanço State Hospital for the collection of blood, to estimate the HIV viral load and/or TCD4 cell counts from August to November 2000. The association between the variables was tested using the chi-square test and the p-value. A multiple logistic regression analysis was carried out to adjust for potential confounding factors. A greater frequency of patients with high glucose levels was observed among those making use of antiretroviral therapy without protease inhibitors, but the number of patients limited the comparisons. An association was verified between the total serum cholesterol level and the use of HIV protease inhibitors (p = 0.047) even after controlling for age. An association was also observed between the triglyceride levels and the use of HIV protease inhibitors, which remained after adjustment for age, sex and creatinine levels (p < 0.001). The levels of glucose and TSH, the presence of proteinuria and the practice of physical activity were not associated either with the levels of cholesterol or with the levels of tryglicerides thus they were not confounders of the associations described.
This report describes two patients who presented acute disseminated and severe toxoplasmosis as the first opportunistic disease related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. At admission, clinical and laboratory findings were similar to sepsis or septic shock and a fast evolutive course to death occurred in both cases. At necropsy, an inflammatory reaction and presence of a great number of Toxoplasma gondii cysts and tachyzoites were observed in most organs examined.
BACKGROUND: Before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), CMV retinitis was a common complication in patients with advanced HIV disease and the therapy was well established; it consisted of an induction phase to control the infection with ganciclovir, followed by a lifelong maintenance phase to avoid or delay relapses. METHODS: To determine the safety of CMV maintenance therapy withdrawal in patients with immune recovery after HAART, 35 patients with treated CMV retinitis, on maintenance therapy, with CD4+ cell count greater than 100 cells/mm³ for at least three months, but almost all patients presented these values for more than six months and viral load < 30000 copies/mL, were prospectively evaluated for the recurrence of CMV disease. Maintenance therapy was withdrawal at inclusion, and patients were monitored for at least 48 weeks by clinical and ophthalmologic evaluations, and by determination of CMV viremia markers (antigenemia-pp65), CD4+/CD8+ counts and plasma HIV RNA levels. Lymphoproliferative assays were performed on 26/35 patients. RESULTS: From 35 patients included, only one had confirmed reactivation of CMV retinitis, at day 120 of follow-up. No patient returned positive antigenemia tests. No correlation between lymphoproliferative assays and CD4+ counts was observed. CONCLUSION: CMV retinitis maintenance therapy discontinuation is safe for those patients with quantitative immune recovery after HAART.
The current diagnosis of human T-lymphotropic virus type-2 (HTLV-2) infection is based on the search of specific antibodies; nevertheless, several studies conducted in Brazil pointed deficiencies of the commercially available kits in detecting HTLV-2, mostly in HIV/AIDS patients. This study searched for the presence of HTLV-1 and -2 in 758 HIV/AIDS patients from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies using two EIA kits (Vironostika and Murex), and confirmed by WB (HTLV Blot 2.4, Genelabs). The results obtained by EIA disclosed 49 (6.5%) reactive sera: 43 positive by both EIA kits, and six with discordant results. WB confirmed HTLV-1 infection in seven samples (0.9%) and HTLV-2 in 21 sera (2.8%). Negative and indeterminate results were detected in four (0.5%) and 16 (2.1%) sera, respectively. Blood from 47 out of 49 HTLV seroreactive patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of env, LTR and tax genomic segments of HTLVs by PCR. PCR confirmed six cases of HTLV-1 and 37 cases of HTLV-2 infection (14 out of 16 that were found to be WB indeterminate). Restriction analysis of the env PCR products of HTLV-2 disclosed 36 isolates of HTLV-2a/c subtype, and one of HTLV-2b subtype. These results emphasize the need of improving serologic tests for detecting truly HTLV-2 infected patients from Brazil, and confirm the presence of HTLV-2b subtype in the South of this country.
Psoas muscle abscess is an uncommon infection that have been diagnosed increasingly in the last years. We present a case of a patient with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection who developed a disseminated infection due to Nocardia asteroides sensu stricto type VI with psoas abscess. To our knowledge no other cases of Nocardia psoas abscess in the setting of HIV infection have been reported in the literature.
The simultaneous presence of infectious organisms within cutaneous lesions of Kaposi sarcoma in persons with AIDS has been demonstrated. We describe a patient with concurrent leprosy and Kaposi sarcoma presenting as an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in the setting of AIDS.
Few data are available about progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) from Brazil. The objectives of this study were to describe the main features of patients with PML and estimate its frequency among AIDS patients with central nervous system (CNS) opportunistic diseases admitted to the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, São Paulo, Brazil, from April 2003 to April 2004. A retrospective and descriptive study was performed. Twelve (6%) cases of PML were identified among 219 patients with neurological diseases. The median age of patients with PML was 36 years and nine (75%) were men. Nine (75%) patients were not on antiretroviral therapy at admission. The most common clinical manifestations were: focal weakness (75%), speech disturbances (58%), visual disturbances (42%), cognitive dysfunction (42%), and impaired coordination (42%). The median CD4+ T-cell count was 45 cells/µL. Eight (67%) of 12 patients were laboratory-confirmed with PML and four (33%) were possible cases. Eleven (92%) presented classic PML and only one case had immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)-related PML. In four (33%) patients, PML was the first AIDS-defining illness. During hospitalization, three patients (25%) died as a result of nosocomial pneumonia and nine (75%) were discharged to home. Cases of PML were only exceeded by cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, and CNS tuberculosis, the three more frequent neurologic opportunistic infections in Brazil. The results of this study suggest that PML is not an uncommon HIV-related neurologic disorder in a referral center in Brazil.
Concomitant skin lesions in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar are rare, being more common the description of post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis occurring post treatment of kala-azar. Skin lesions caused by Leishmania donovani are frequently seen in the aids-VL co-infection. In Brazil cutaneous or mucosal forms of tegumentary leishmaniasis concomitant with aids are more commonly registered. Here we present a case of aids-VL co-infection, with unusual cutaneous and digestive compromising attributed to L. (L.) chagasi, with special attention to ecthymatous aspect of the lesion, allied to the absence of parasite on the histological skin biopsy.
The AIDS epidemic has become a worldwide phenomenon of enormous magnitude and extension, deeply transforming medical practices and public health initiatives. This retrospective survey aimed to analyze clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with HIV/AIDS admitted to the Institute of Tropical Diseases Natan Portella, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, from January, 2001 through December, 2004. Of the 828 patients, 43% were from other states and 71.3% were men. Average patient age was 35.4 ± 11.5 years-old and 85.5% were illiterate or had primary education. The main form of exposure to HIV was heterosexual behavior (54.1%), while injectable drug use was confirmed by only 2.7% of registered cases. The most frequent infectious complications were candidiasis (42.4%) and pneumocystosis (22.2%). Sixty-eight cases (8.2%) of visceral leishmaniasis were registered. Using multivariate analysis, individuals aged over 40 years-old, patients with active tuberculosis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and central nervous system cryptococcosis showed increased risk of death. In this study, young male adults with low educational levels predominated and the most frequent opportunistic infections were candidiasis and pneumocystosis.
Although uncommon, invasive aspergillosis in the setting of AIDS is important because of its peculiar clinical presentation and high lethality. This report examines two AIDS patients with a history of severe cellular immunosuppression and previous neutropenia, who developed subacute invasive aspergillosis. One female patient developed primary lung aspergilloma, with dissemination to the mediastinum, vertebrae, and spine, which was fatal despite antifungal treatment. The second patient, who had multiple cavitary brain lesions, and eye and lung involvement, recovered following voriconazole and itraconazole, and drugs for increasing neutrophil and CD4+ lymphocyte levels. These cases demonstrate the importance of Aspergillus infections following neutropenia in AIDS patients, and emphasize the need for early and effective antifungal therapy.
Smooth muscle neoplasms are more frequent in human immunodeficiency infected children than in HIV seropositive adults. Endobronchial leiomyoma is a rare benign tumor in HIV infected adult patients. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of these tumors. Here we describe an adult patient with HIV infection with atelectasis of the left upper pulmonary lobe as the first clinical expression of an intrabronchial leiomyoma. In this case, we can not show the association with EBV. Our report suggests that smooth muscle tumors as leiomyoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of endobronchial masses in AIDS patients.
A presente exposição tem como tema vírus. Este assunto levou-me a tecer duas considerações finais, uma de carácter pessoal e outra de âmbito técnico. Relativamente ao conteúdo, sou de opinião que o tema deve de ser amplamente discutido e analisado em lugar de ser reprimido. É prática comum, na nossa comunidade informática, o fascínio pelos temas-tabu, como por exemplo o desenvolvimento de variantes de vírus conhecidos ou conseguir aceder a informação confidencial. Em medicina, a melhor forma de combater uma doença é fazer um diagnóstico precoce correcto e aplicar a devida medicação. No que diz respeito aos vírus informático este seminário dá uma contribuição semelhante.
RESUMO: Nas últimas quatro décadas, desenvolveram-se vários estudos, dispersos por todo o mundo, visando analisar a importância da transmissão perinatal do CMV pelo leite materno, nos recém-nascidos prematuros e de baixo peso à nascença. Comparando estes estudos, as taxas de incidência de infecção e doença são extremamente variáveis, não havendo consenso entre os autores. Surgiu, assim, a necessidade de realizar a presente dissertação, pioneira ao nível nacional, com o objectivo de determinar a incidência da infecção perinatal citomegálica, transmitida através do aleitamento materno a recémnascidos prematuros, e identificar as suas consequências clínicas. Para a elaboração deste trabalho foram seleccionados todos os recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 35 semanas e respectivas mães seropositivas para CMV, internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos de Neonatalogia do Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, entre o período de 1 de Outubro de 2010 e 31 Julho de 2011. Foram analisadas as urinas dos recém-nascidos e o leite materno das mães na primeira, sexta e décima segunda semana pós-parto, utilizando a técnica de Nested-PCR e, posteriormente, a PCR em Tempo Real, para determinar a carga viral do leite materno. Constatou-se que a aquisição da infecção perinatal de CMV no recém-nascido prematuro ocorre com alguma frequência (40,5%), sendo muito provável que a via de transmissão em 38,1% destes casos seja o leite materno infectado, não devendo esta ser desvalorizada. Relativamente às consequências clínicas, não foram observadas alterações clínico-laboratoriais associadas à infecção citomegálica. Analisando os factores que condicionam a transmissão da infecção citomegálica perinatal, estabeleceu-se uma correlação entre a carga viral do leite materno e a transmissão do vírus, permitindo deduzir que quanto maior a carga viral, maior o risco de transmissão. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos sugerem que o risco de transmissão da infecção e suas consequências clínicas não justificam a contra-indicação da amamentação, pois esta comporta, também, elevados benefícios. ----------------ABSTRACT: In the last four decades, several studies were developed all over the world to analyze the importance of CMV perinatal transmission through mother´s milk in the preterm and low birthweight newborns. Comparing these studies, the infection and disease incidence rates are extremely variable, without agreement between the authors. The aim of this study, the first of the kind made in Portugal, is to define the rate of perinatal cytomegalovirus infection in preterm newborns via breastfeeding and its clinical consequences. All the newborns with gestational age below 35 weeks and their CMV seropositive mothers, admitted between the October 1, 2010 and July 31, 2011 in the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit of the São Francisco Xavier Hospital, were included in this study. Human breast milk and urine specimens were collected from mothers and their preterms infants around the 1st, 6th and 12th week after delivery and analyzed by Nested-PCR. The PCR in Real Time was used to determine the breast milk viral load. It was found that the CMV perinatal infection in preterm infants occurs in 40,5% of the cases and most likely 38,1% of these were infected via breastmilk and therefore this should not be overlooked. Considering the clinical consequences, no clinical and laboratory changes associated with cytomegalovirus infection were observed. Analyzing the factors that determine the perinatal transmission of the cytomegalovirus, it was established a correlation between breast milk viral load and viral transmission, allowing to conclude that the higher the viral load the greater the risk of transmission. Finally, the obtained results suggest that the risk of CMV infection and its clinical consequences don´t justify the breastfeeding contraindication because it also provides high benefits.