1000 resultados para Väre, Henry: Suomen puut ja pensaat
Nuoren Suomen ryhmä eli nuorsuomalaiset oli 1800-luvulla Suomen politiikkaan ja kulttuurielämään syntynyt radikaali liike, joka ajoi voimakkaasti yhteiskunnallisia uudistuksia ja edusti kulttuurielämän uusia virtauksia. Nuoren Suomen ryhmän keskeisin foorumi oli vuonna 1889 perustettu Päivälehti, jonka joulukirjana vuodesta 1891 vuoteen 1903 ilmestynyt kirjallistaiteellinen albumi oli nimeltään Nuori Suomi. Päivälehden lakkauttamisen jälkeen Nuori Suomi joulualbumi jatkoi ilmestymistään Santeri Ivalon toimittamana 1904 - 1923, siirtyi Suomen Kirjailijaliitolle vuonna 1924 ja lopulta Eljas Erkolle vuonna 1930. Albumi ilmestyi vuoteen 1940 saakka kerran vuodessa. Sen 50 vuosikerrassa on yhteensä yli 1000 artikkelia tai kaunokirjallista teosta, sekä saman verran kuvia aikakauden merkittävimpien kuvataiteilijoiden töistä.
Ravintola tai tilaisuuden aihe eivät käy ilmi. Kannen koristeena Suomen vaakuna ja punakeltaraidallinen fantasialippu
Background: Dietary supplements are widely used among elite athletes but the prevalence of dietary supplement use among Finnish elite athletes is largely not known. The use of asthma medication is common among athletes. In 2009, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) removed the need to document asthma by lung function tests before the use of inhaled β2-agonists. Data about medication use by Paralympic athletes (PA) is limited to a study conducted at the Athens Paralympics. Aims: To investigate the prevalence of the use of self-reported dietary supplements, the use of physician-prescribed medication and the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma and allergies among Finnish Olympic athletes (OA). In addition, the differences in the selfreported physician-prescribed medication use were compared between the Finnish Olympic and the Paralympic athletes. Subjects and methods: Two cross-sectional studies were conducted in Finnish Olympic athletes receiving financial support from the Finnish Olympic Committee in 2002 (n=446) and in 2009 (n=372) and in Finnish top-level Paralympic athletes (n= 92) receiving financial support from Finnish Paralympic committee in 2006. The results of the Paralympic study were compared with the results of the Olympic study conducted in 2009. Both Olympic and Paralympic athletes filled in a similar semi-structured questionnaires. Results: Dietary supplements were used by 81% of the athletes in 2002 and by 73% of the athletes in 2009. After adjusting for age-, sex- and type of sport, the odds ratio OR (95% confidence interval, CI) for use of any dietary supplement was significantly less in 2009 as compared with the 2002 situation (OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.43-0.90). Vitamin D was used by 0.7% of the athletes in year 2002 but by 2% in 2009 (ns, p = 0.07). The use of asthma medication increased from 10.4 % in 2002 to 13.7% in 2009 (adjusted OR 1.71; 95% CI 1.08-2.69). For example, fixed combinations of inhaled long-acting β2-agonists (LABA) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) were used three times more commonly in 2009 than in 2002 (OR 3.38; 95% CI 1.26-9.12). The use of any physician-prescribed medicines (48.9% vs. 33.3%, adjusted OR 1.99; 95% CI 1.13-3.51), painkilling medicines (adjusted OR 2.61; 95% CI 1.18-5.78), oral antibiotics (adjusted OR 4.10; 95% CI 1.30-12.87) and anti-epileptic medicines (adjusted OR 37.09; 95% CI 5.92-232.31) was more common among the PA than in the OA during the previous seven days. Conclusions: The use of dietary supplements is on the decline among Finnish Olympic athletes. The intake of some essential micronutrients, such as vitamin D, is suprisingly low and this may even cause harm in those well-trained athletes. The use of asthma medication, especially fixed combinations of LABAs and ICS, is clearly increasing among Finnish Olympic athletes. The use of any physician-prescribed medicine, especially those to treat chronic diseases, seems to be more common among the Paralympians than in the Olympic athletes.
kuv., 15 x 24 cm
kuv., 12 x 18 cm
12 x 18 cm
11 x 18 cm
13 x 19 cm
21 x 28 cm
22 x 36 cm
22 x 36 cm
10 x 18 cm
18 x 20 cm
kuv., 13 x 19 cm
kuv., 14 x 23 cm