915 resultados para Urban and Architectual Requalification


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This paper investigates the relationship between access to micro-credit and temporary seasonal migration, an issue which is largely ignored in the standard rural-urban migration literature. Seasonal migration due to agricultural downturns is a common phenomenon in developing countries. Using primary data from a cross-sectional household survey from the northwest part of Bangladesh, this study quantifies the factors that influence such migration decisions. Among other results, we find that network effects play a significant role in influencing the migration decision, with the presence of kinsmen at the place of destination having considerable impact. Seasonal migration is a natural choice for individual suffering periodic hardship; however the strict weekly loan repayment rules of Micro-credit Institutes can have an adverse effect on this process, reducing the ability of borrowers to react to a shock. Our result suggests that poor individuals prefer the option of not accessing the micro-credit and opt for temporal seasonal migration during the lean period. The results have numerous potential policy implications, including the design of typical micro-credit schemes.


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Firms that are expanding their cross-border activities, such as vertical specialization trade, outsourcing, and fragmentation productions, have brought dramatic changes to the global economy during the last two decades. In an attempt to understand the evolution of the interaction among countries or country groups, many trade-statistics-based indicators have been developed. However, most of these statistics focus on showing the direct trade-specific-relationship among countries, rather than considering the roles that intercountry and interindustrial production networks play in a global economy. This paper uses the concepts of trade in value added as measured by the input–output tables of OECD and IDE-JETRO to provide alternative indicators that show the evolution of regional economic integration and global value chains for more than 50 economies. In addition, this paper provides thoughts on how to evaluate comparative advantages on the basis of value added using an international input–output model.


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Attempts to understand China’s role in global value chains have often noted the case of Apple's iPhone production, in particular the fact that the value added during the Chinese portion of the iPhone’s supply chain is no more than 4%. However, when we examine the Chinese economy as a whole in global production networks, China’s share in total induced value added by China’s exports of final products to the USA is about 75% in 2005. This leads us to investigate how Chinese value added is created and distributed not only internationally but also domestically. To elucidate the increasing complexity of China’s domestic production networks, this paper focuses on the measure of Domestic Value Chains (DVCs) across regions and their linkages with global markets. By using China’s 1997 and 2007 interregional input-output tables, we can understand in detail the structural changes in domestic trade in terms of value added, as well as the position and degree of participation of different regions within the DVCs.


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International input-output tables are among the most useful tools for economic analysis. Since these tables provide detailed information about international production networks, they have recently attracted considerable attention in research on spatial economics, global value chains, and issues relating to trade in value-added. The Institute of Developing Economies at the Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) has more than 40 years of experience in the construction and analysis of international input-output tables. This paper explains the development of IDE-JETRO’s multi-regional input-output projects including the construction of the Asian International Input-Output table and the Transnational Interregional Input-Output table between China and Japan. To help users understand the features of the tables, this paper also gives examples of their application.


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In this study, we apply the inter-regional input–output model to explain the relationship between China’s inter-regional spillover of CO2 emissions and domestic supply chains for 2002 and 2007. Based on this model, we propose alternative indicators such as the trade in CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions in trade, regional trade balances, and comparative advantage of CO2 emissions. The empirical results not only reveal the nature and significance of inter-regional environmental spillover within China’s domestic regions but also demonstrate how CO2 emissions are created and distributed across regions via domestic production networks. The main finding shows that a region’s CO2 emissions depend on not only its intra-regional production technique, energy use efficiency but also its position and participation degree in domestic and global supply chains.


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Este trabajo lleva a cabo un análisis de la aportación que las políticas urbanas de la Unión Europea (UE), y en particular las dos fases de la Iniciativa Comunitaria URBAN2, han hecho a la práctica de la regeneración urbana en España desde la perspectiva de la Planificación Colaborativa. La adopción de la Planificación Colaborativa como marco conceptual ha provisto la base teórica, el punto de vista e hilo conductor desde el que se ha analizado la dimensión urbana de las políticas comunitarias, poniendo el foco específicamente en URBAN, a través de la realización de un estudio que ha profundizado en el contexto histórico y el debate teórico desde los que se pusieron las bases metodológicas de esta forma de incidir en la degradación urbana, propuesta por la Comisión Europea en 1994. Esto ha llevado a profundizar en el escenario británico de la regeneración urbana, en el que la investigación ha encontrado la referencia sobre la que en gran medida se gestó esta Iniciativa Comunitaria. El trabajo descrito ha permitido caracterizar URBAN como un instrumento de regeneración urbana que conlleva la asunción de un enfoque colaborativo, que en última instancia tiene como objetivo la transformación de la gobernanza. Asimismo, ha sentado las bases sobre las que se ha fundamentado el análisis de la materialización de la dimensión colaborativa de los programas URBAN y URBAN II implementados en España. Los resultados alcanzados por los programas, considerados a la luz de la profundización en la práctica de la regeneración urbana del país, han permitido llegar a conclusiones sobre la aportación que la dimensión colaborativa de URBAN ha hecho al contexto español y señalar un conjunto de líneas de investigación que suponen la continuación del camino emprendido por esta Tesis Doctoral. Summary This work analyses the contribution that the urban policy of the European Union (EU), and in particular the two rounds of the URBAN Community Initiative3, as its most especific instrument, have made to the urban regeneration practice in Spain from the perspective of Collaborative Planning. The adoption of Collaborative Planning as a conceptual framework has provided the theoretical base, the focus and the guiding principle from which to analyse the urban dimension of European policies, and particularly URBAN, through the development of a study that has delved into the historical context and the theoretical debate that laid the methodological foundations of this approach to fight urban degradation launched by the European Commission in 1994. This has included the study of the British scenario of urban regeneration, in which the research has found the reference point on which URBAN was largely conceived. The work described has allowed this Community Initiative to be characterised as a tool of urban regeneration which involved the adoption of a collaborative approach, whose ultimate aim was the transformation of governance. It has also laid the foundations on which the analysis of the implementation of the collaborative approach in the URBAN and URBAN II programmes developed in Spain has been based. The results attained by the programmes considered in light of the development of the practice of urban regeneration in the Spanish scenario, have led to conclusions about the contribution that the collaborative dimension of URBAN has made to the Spanish context and have resulted in the identification of a number of lines of research that represent the continuation of the path taken by this Thesis.


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According to Corine Land Cover databases, in Europe between 1990 and 2000,77% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. Urban sprawl ¡s far from being under control, between 2000 and 2006 new artificial land has grown in larger proportion than the decade before. In Spain, like in most countries, the impact of urban sprawl during the last decades has been especially significant in periurban agrarian spaces: between 2000 and 2006, 73% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. The indirect impact of this trend has been even more relevant, as the expectations of appreciation in the value of land after new urban developments reinforce the ongoing trend of abandonment of agricultural land. In Madrid between 1980 and 2000 the loss of agricultural land due to abandonment of exploitation was 2-fold that due to transformation into urban areas. By comparing four case studies: Valladolild, Montpellier.Florence and Den Haag, this paper explores if urban and territorial planning may contribute to reduce urban pressure on the hinterland. In spite of their diversity, these regions have in common a relative prosperity arising from their territorial endowments, though their landscapes are still under pressure. The three last ones have been working for years on mainstream concepts like multifunctional agriculture. The systematic comparison and the analysis of successful approaches provide some clues on how to reconsider urban planning in order to preserve agricultural land. The final remarks highlight the context in which public commitment, legal protection instruments and financial strategies may contribute to the goals of urban, peri-urban or regional planning about fostering agrarian ecosystem services


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The aim of this paper is to propose an integrated planning model to adequate the offered capacity and system frequencies to attend the increased passenger demand and traffic congestion around urban and suburban areas. The railway capacity is studied in line planning, however, these planned frequencies were obtained without accounting for rolling stock flows through the rapid transit network. In order to provide the problem more freedom to decide rolling stock flows and therefore better adjusting these flows to passenger demand, a new integrated model is proposed, where frequencies are readjusted. Then, the railway timetable and rolling stock assignment are also calculated, where shunting operations are taken into account. These operations may sometimes malfunction, causing localized incidents that could propagate throughout the entire network due to cascading effects. This type of operations will be penalized with the goal of selectively avoiding them and ameliorating their high malfunction probabilities. Swapping operations will also be ensured using homogeneous rolling stock material and ensuring parkings in strategic stations. We illustrate our model using computational experiments drawn from RENFE (the main Spanish operator of suburban passenger trains) in Madrid, Spain. The results show that through this integrated approach a greater robustness degree can be obtained


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During the last years cities around the world have invested important quantities of money in measures for reducing congestion and car-trips. Investments which are nothing but potential solutions for the well-known urban sprawl phenomenon, also called the “development trap” that leads to further congestion and a higher proportion of our time spent in slow moving cars. Over the path of this searching for solutions, the complex relationship between urban environment and travel behaviour has been studied in a number of cases. The main question on discussion is, how to encourage multi-stop tours? Thus, the objective of this paper is to verify whether unobserved factors influence tour complexity. For this purpose, we use a data-base from a survey conducted in 2006-2007 in Madrid, a suitable case study for analyzing urban sprawl due to new urban developments and substantial changes in mobility patterns in the last years. A total of 943 individuals were interviewed from 3 selected neighbourhoods (CBD, urban and suburban). We study the effect of unobserved factors on trip frequency. This paper present the estimation of an hybrid model where the latent variable is called propensity to travel and the discrete choice model is composed by 5 alternatives of tour type. The results show that characteristics of the neighbourhoods in Madrid are important to explain trip frequency. The influence of land use variables on trip generation is clear and in particular the presence of commercial retails. Through estimation of elasticities and forecasting we determine to what extent land-use policy measures modify travel demand. Comparing aggregate elasticities with percentage variations, it can be seen that percentage variations could lead to inconsistent results. The result shows that hybrid models better explain travel behavior than traditional discrete choice models.


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The article shows a range of contemporary phenomena linked with urban space and the increasing citizens? interactivity in the network. The sources for theory and reflection are related to the ongoing research project ?Interactive Atlas of urban habitability" which is based on citizen participation in the sensitive description of the urban environment. It addresses a classification of variables related to the desires of urban habitability.


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Urban Agriculture was a common practice in the old times. However after a period of low interest by urban population there is a movement of renaissance of urban agriculture especially in the new megalopolis. It is important to understand the role of UA in the new framework, and the interface of urban and rural agricultures, with their comparative advantages. Thus, we describe the impact of UA in several scenarios: political, socioeconomic and environmental. As a consequence several actions should be developed for improving the situation, with the stimulus to UA: urban planning, food value chain, appropriate technology, education and extension services, entertainment and leisure, selection of botanic varieties and agrochemical inputs, design and landscape and good farming practices. As a complement, there is an analysis of the Urban Greening Value Organization in our society. In the paper there is a description of the situation of urban agriculture in Spain (located mainly in roofs, walls, indoor and ground places) the existence of local regulations, barriers and opportunities in the new situation. Due to the social dimension of urban agriculture there are some comments about the role of the more significant stakeholders, and the goals and the structure of the neighbor communities.


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Canberra, the ?Bush Capital? of Australia, was a project torn between ambition and avoidance. For fear of upsetting Sydney or Melbourne, its location avoided larger territorial aspirations but its crystalline winning scheme was bold, and contained the promise of enlightened irradiation. Postwar Canberra, like so many other cities at the time, let its future be designed by Cold-War traffic engineers, who confidently turned dream into sprawl and highways. Although Canberra s mix of ambition and banality, of symbolic desire and structural normalcy, may be precisely what a good city is all about, it probably contains these in defective proportions. What Canberra needs is just a little more of itself, in different amounts, to a higher pressure from the inside. We can easily imagine the multiplying of the original Griffin plan, adding the city onto itself, organizing the recent sprawl with new nodes and public transport with more urban streets between them. With this reclaimed space for higher density, Canberra can then grow from the inside instead of sprawling away, lowering its expenditure on transport and its carbon and sustainability footprint. The new nodes will be denser and allow for variety and change in its programmatic design. Minor but detailed changes in street and public space design will also allow for easier multi-species (people, animals?) access to urban and natural resources. Video brief of the project: http://vimeo.com/45799435


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English Summary: Both in the remote origin of the city and the more recent one of urbanism as a remedial discipline conceived as a means of tackling with the urban and territorial impacts of industrialisation, the relatively balanced relation between town and country was a constant which endured until the progressive fragmentation and separation among the different areas of knowledge and action contributed to create a gap between them both, with disastrous consequences in environmental, social and economical terms. The tasks at hands from the perspective of integral sustainability is to promote a reunion throughout a new culture of territory. Resumen Tanto en los orígenes remotos de la ciudad como en los recientes del urbanismo como disciplina surgida para mitigar el impacto urbano y territorial del industrialismo, la relación relativamente equilibrada entre campo y ciudad fue una constante que se mantuvo hasta que la progresiva fragmentación entre áreas de conocimiento y de intervención contribuyó a un paulatino desencuentro entre ambos, de desastrosas consecuencias en términos sociales, ambientales y económicos. La tarea que se presenta desde la óptica de la sostenibilidad integral es propiciar el reencuentro a través de una nueva cultura del territorio


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Talking about participation is always taking into account economics, capitals and resources. Who can participate? How citizens can afford time and space resources to participate? We don¿t like to speak about participation rather than collective processes of empowerment. Connecting the personal and the social, a different analysis of the relations between the public sphere and the domestic space is needed. There is an emergent new collective realm based on networks opening and distributing domestic practices within the city. These processes are developed as extitucional informal processes around the house, revealing other forms of urban and citizen assemblages in Madrid. Studies on the urban citizen organization have not developed a system to explain the different modes and processes as a movement-rhizome formed around the housing. It is the purpose of this research to explain and track how they are formed, how they operate in the city, how the action enables trading and how other non econonomical capitals are at stake in this process. The article investigates the different modes in which the creation of citizen networks not come only from public space and squares but also from finantial negociations, banks, housing and bodies. House is not any more an individual, particular and intimate space. That is the main teaching that the Mortage citizens¿ platform show us in Madrid. The empowerment citizen initiative PaH and all the citizen initiatives around the access to housing perform another urbanism as an extitutional process. Madrid is also today a collective laboratory around the house.