830 resultados para Uranium alloys.


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Groundwaters from the Guarany aquifer located at the South American continent and sampled at four wells with described geological sections in São Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically and isotopically analysed with two aims: to evaluate the quality of this important hydrological resource and to investigate the possibility of using the natural uranium isotopes 234U and 238U as a chronological tool, since the 234U/238U activity ratio and dissolved U content data in groundwater systems have generated models for dating purposes.


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The effect of bath composition and electroplating conditions on structure, morphology and composition of amorphous Fe-Cr-P-Ni-C deposits on Cu substrate was investigated. The deposition efficiency of Fe-Ni-P-C alloy increased significantly with the addition of formic acid, but decreased with the addition of Cr to the plating bath. The increase of charge density activates the inclusion of Cr in the deposit. However, above a specific value of charge density, which depends on deposition current density, the Cr content in the deposit decreases. SEM analysis showed that the increase of Ni, Cr or charge deposition promotes susceptibility to microcracking.


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Heating titanium structures is assumed to relieve tensions induced by the casting process as well as possibly optimizing some mechanical properties. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of thermal treatments on tensile strength of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) and Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Thirty dumbbell rods, with diameters of 3.0 mm at the central segment and lengths of 42 mm, were cast for each metal using the Rematitan System. CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V specimens were randomly divided into three groups of ten: a control group that received no thermal treatment and two test groups. One (T1) was heated at 750°C for 2 h and the other (T2) was annealed at 955°C for 1 h and aged at 620°C for 2 h. Tensile strength was measured with a universal testing machine (MTS model 810). Tensile strength means and standard deviations were statistically compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test at a α = 0.05 significance level. No statistically significant differences in tensile strength were observed among CP Ti groups. For the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, the control and T1 groups revealed statistically higher tensile strengths when compared to the T2 group, with no significant difference between the control and T1 groups. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.


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The martensite aging kinetics in the Cu-10 wt.%Al and Cu-10 wt.%Al-10 wt.%Ag alloys was studied using microhardness measurements, classical differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and in-situ high-temperature X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results for the Cu-10%Al alloy indicated a process dominated by the martensite ordering assisted by migration of quenched-in vacancies and followed by the consumption of the α phase. For the Cu-10%Al-10%Ag alloy the dominant process is the consumption of the α phase associated with a decrease in the ordering degree of the martensitic phase. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Morphing aircraft have the ability to actively adapt and change their shape to achieve different missions efficiently. The development of morphing structures is deeply related with the ability to model precisely different designs in order to evaluate its characteristics. This paper addresses the dynamic modeling of a sectioned wing profile (morphing airfoil) connected by rotational joints (hinges). In this proposal, a pair of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires are connected to subsequent sections providing torque by reducing its length (changing airfoil camber). The dynamic model of the structure is presented for one pair of sections considering the system with one degree of freedom. The motion equations are solved using numerical techniques due the nonlinearities of the model. The numerical results are compared with experimental data and a discussion of how good this approach captures the physical phenomena associated with this problem. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 2012.


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The two fundamental approaches to fission-track dating involve either an explicit determination of the thermal neutron fluence (φ-method) or a calibration against age standards (ζ-method). The neutron fluence measurements are carried out with metal-activation monitors or with uranium-fission monitors, co-irradiated with the samples. Uranium-fission monitors consist of either a thin mono-atomic) film, or a thick fission source (standard uranium glass) irradiated against a muscovite external track detector. In this work, different techniques for performing neutron-fluence measurements were compared: based on thin-film calibration, based on thick-source calibration, and based on gamma spectrometry of co-irradiated metal monitors (Au, Co). The results suggest that more experiments are needed to make all calibrations consistent, including new measurements of the length of etched induced tracks in mica. Also the standard glass calibration carried out with thin films should be confirmed with a greater number of calibrating irradiations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By combining galvanic displacement and electrodeposition techniques, an ordered Fe20Rh80 structure deposited onto brass was investigated by X-ray diffractometry, Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements. Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction analyses suggest that the Fe-Rh alloy directly electrodeposited onto brass displays a nanocrystalline state while a similar alloy deposited onto Ag/brass shows a faced centered cubic-like structure, with dendrites-like features. These results directly indicate that the presence of Ag seed layer is responsible for the Fe-Rh alloy crystallization process. In addition, room temperature Mössbauer data indicate firstly paramagnetic states for two Fe-species. In the dominant Fe-species (major fraction of the Mössbauer spectra), Fe atoms are situated at a cubic environment and it can be attributed to the γ-Fe20Rh80 alloy based on their hyperfine parameters. In the second species, Fe atoms are placed in a non-local symmetry, which can be related to Fe atoms at the grain boundaries or/and Fe small clusters. These Fe-clusters are in superparamagnetic state at room temperature, but they may be ordered below 45 K, as suggested by magnetization data. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: In vivo bone response was assessed by removal torque, hystological and histometrical analysis on a recently developed biomedical Ti-15Mo alloy, after surface modification by laser beam irradiation, installed in the tibia of rabbits. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 wide cylindrical Ti-15Mo dental implants were obtained (10mm × 3.75mm). The implants were divided into two groups: 1) control samples (Machined surface - MS) and 2) implants with their surface modified by Laser beam-irradiation (Test samples - LS). Six implants of each surface were used for removal torque test and 10 of each surface for histological and histometrical analysis. The implants were placed in the tibial metaphyses of rabbits. Results: Average removal torque was 51.5Ncm to MS and >90Ncm to LS. Bone-to-implant-contact percentage was significantly higher for LS implants both in the cortical and marrow regions. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for biomedical application. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The influence of current density, at the interval 5-100 mA cm-2, on the structural and magnetic properties of electrodeposited (Co 100-xNix)100-yWy alloys (x = 23-33.5 at. % Ni, y = 1.7-7.3 at. % W) was studied from a glycine-containing bath. W-content decreases with the increase of the current density magnitude. X-ray data have shown stabilization of hexagonal close packed, face centered cubic or a mixture of these structures by modulating the applied cathodic current density, for values lower than 50 mA cm-2. Two structural phase transitions were observed: one from hexagonal close packed to face centered cubic structural transition occurring for a current density of 20 mA cm -2, and another one, from cubic crystalline phase to amorphous state, which happens for values higher than 50 mA cm-2. These structural phase transitions seem to be associated with the W-content as well as average crystalline grain sizes that reduce with increasing the current density value. The grain size effect may explain the face centered cubic stabilization in Co-rich CoNiW alloys, which was initially assumed to be basically due to H-adsorption/incorporation. Magnetic properties of Co-rich CoNiW alloys are strongly modified by the current density value; as a result of the changes on the W-content and their structural properties© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although titanium and its alloys own good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance, these materials present poor tribological properties for specific applications that require wear resistance. In order to produce wear-resistant surfaces, this work is aimed at achieving improvement of wear characteristics in Ti-Si-B alloys by means of high temperature nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). These alloys were produced by powder metallurgy using high energy ball milling and hot pressing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction identified the presence of α-titanium, Ti6Si2B, Ti5Si3, TiB and Ti3Si phases. Wear tests were carried out with a ball-on-disk tribometer to evaluate the friction coefficient and wear rate in treated and untreated samples. The worn profiles were measured by visible light microscopy and examined by SEM in order to determine the wear rates and wear mechanisms. Ti-7.5Si-22.5B alloy presented the highest wear resistance amongst the untreated alloys produced in this work. High temperature PIII was effective to reduce the wear rate and friction coefficient of all the Ti-Si-B sintered alloys. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The correlative light-electron fractography technique combines correlative microscopy concepts to the extended depth-from-focus reconstruction method, associating the reliable topographic information of 3-D maps from light microscopy ordered Z-stacks to the finest lateral resolution and large focus depth from scanning electron microscopy. Fatigue striations spacing analysis can be precisely measured, by correcting the mean surface tilting with the knowledge of local elevation data from elevation maps. This new technique aims to improve the accuracy of quantitative fractography in fatigue fracture investigations. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:909-913, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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New titanium alloys have been developed with the aim of utilizing materials with better properties for application as biomaterials, and Ti-Zr system alloys are among the more promising of these. In this paper, the influence of zirconium concentrations on the structure, microstructure, and selected mechanical properties of Ti-Zr alloys is analyzed. After melting and swaging, the samples were characterized through chemical analysis, density measurements, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, Vickers microhardness, and elasticity modulus. In-vitro cytotoxicity tests were performed on cultured osteogenic cells. The results showed the formation essentially of the α′ phase (with hcp structure) and microhardness values greater than cp-Ti. The elasticity modulus of the alloys was sensitive to the zirconium concentrations while remaining within the range of values of conventional titanium alloys. The alloys presented no cytotoxic effects on osteoblastic cells in the studied conditions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.