1000 resultados para Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Química
El projecte ha estat elaborat amb la col•laboració del LIGIT i del ETC LUSI. Serveix per a gestionar les Metadades i visualitzar-les a través del Web. El programari utilitzat és Geonetwork opensource, gestiona Metadades conformes als estàndards OGC i ISO. S'han implementat, a través de local o a través de connexions a servidors Web com Dav, CSW o OAI-PMH, en MckoiDB. Es visualitzen en el seu visor, a través de connexions a servidors de mapes WMS i ArcIMS i en visors externs com GoogleEarth. S'ha millorat l'aspecte gràfic i implementat amb noves funcionalitats editant el codi dels fitxers interns com Javascript, XML, XSL, Java
La present memòria descriu el projecte final: Aplicativo Web Intranet per a la gestió cadastral amb programació lliure, la finalitat d'aquest projecte és la creació d'un aplicativo web intranet per a la consulta de la geoinformación del sistema de Gestió Cadastral de l'Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès utilitzant programació lliure. Es va utilitzar MapServer menjo servidor de mapes i OpenLayers para la realització del Visor
El document recull la memòria del projecte final del projecte de la desena edició del Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica impartit en Laboratori d’Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció (LIGIT) del departament de geografia de la UAB i realitzat amb col•laboració de l’empresa SEYS. El projecte es contextualitza en el desenvolupament del Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG) d’urbanisme integrat en una plataforma corporativa del SIG municipal per a l’Ajuntament de Tarragona com a resposta a la revisió del planejament urbanístic (POUM) El projecte es desenvolupa en tres blocs: Urbanisme, Cartografia bàsica i interoperativitat. Les tasques realitzades en aquestes pràctiques versen sobre dos d’aquest mòduls: Urbanisme, on s’estructura les dades del POUM per tal d’establir una base de dades. Aquesta servirà de base pel desenvolupament de l’aplicatiu que facilitarà les tasques del departament d’urbanisme Interoperativitat, on es desenvoluparà un servidor de la informació geoespacial , per tal de poder-hi accedir des del diferents departaments de l’Ajuntament, i un geoportal per visualitzar-les.
A les darreres dècades a Catalunya s'ha anat intensificant la presència de diferents tipus d'instal•lacions energètiques basades en fonts renovables. En especial han proliferat els Camps Eòlics, emparats per la ferma aposta del govern català cap a aquest tipus de font energètica neta i sostenible. El procés de legalització de les mencionades instal•lacions, dins el marc de la llei 3/1998, d'Intervenció Integral de les Administracions Públiques (IIAA), passa per l'estudi de viabilitat del projecte portat a terme pels tècnics de la Direcció General de Polítiques Ambientals i Sostenibilitat del Departament de Mediambient i Habitatge. Aquest estudi de viabilitat es basa en el solapament de diverses capes d'informació cartogràfica per tal de determinar l’impacte del projecte al seu entorn. Mitjançant l'aplicació AVICEC, generada al present projecte de recerca, es modelitza i automatitza tot el procés d'anàlisi de viabilitat incloent aspectes no considerats abans, com ara la quantificació de c visual, generant un informe tipus que faciliti la pressa de decisions
L’aplicació web del SIG d’accessibilitat territorial per persones amb mobilitat reduïda pretén ser un instrument que, a partir de la localització cartogràfica dels elements analitzats, ens dona a conèixer les barreres arquitectòniques existents i, d’aquesta manera, estudiar les possibilitats d’actuació i millora que s’haurien de proposar en cada cas
El Sistema d’Informació que es planteja en aquest estudi és una aproximació a com es pot dur a terme el desenvolupament d’una eina tecnològica avançada, obrint el ventall de possibilitats d’anàlisi del camp de la atenció socioeducativa. En el procés de desenvolupament s’ha tingut en compte tant les necessitats dels professionals com a eina de suport a l’hora d’enregistrar els processos dels usuaris en la intervenció socioeducativa, com la utilitat del client (administració pública) com a eina d’avaluació i informació. Incorporant eines de representació cartogràfica que permeten contextualitzar la població atesa en el seu propi marc de relació.
Aquest projecte és la continuació del projecte “Sistema de Información Geográfico Arqueológico: SigArq. Construcción de herramientas informáticas para la gestión arqueológica”, desenvolupat per Pablo del Fresno Bernal, membre del “Equipo de Investigación Arqueológico Graccurris”. El SigArq 1.1 és la segona versió d'aquesta aplicació informàtica de gestió arqueològica. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta versió és el de permetre l'inventari i l'actualització de la informació (cartogràfica i alfanumèrica) dels elements necessaris per la gestió arqueològica.
Selection bias and unobservable heterogeneity applied at the wage equation of European married women
This paper utilizes a panel data sample selection model to correct the selection in the analysis of longitudinal labor market data for married women in European countries. We estimate the female wage equation in a framework of unbalanced panel data models with sample selection. The wage equations of females have several potential sources of.
An abundant scientific literature about climate change economics points out that the future participation of developing countries in international environmental policies will depend on their amount of pay offs inside and outside specific agreements. These studies are aimed at analyzing coalitions stability typically through a game theoretical approach. Though these contributions represent a corner stone in the research field investigating future plausible international coalitions and the reasons behind the difficulties incurred over time to implement emissions stabilizing actions, they cannot disentangle satisfactorily the role that equality play in inducing poor regions to tackle global warming. If we focus on the Stern Review findings stressing that climate change will generate heavy damages and policy actions will be costly in a finite time horizon, we understand why there is a great incentive to free ride in order to exploit benefits from emissions reduction efforts of others. The reluctance of poor countries in joining international agreements is mainly supported by historical responsibility of rich regions in generating atmospheric carbon concentration, whereas rich countries claim that emissions stabilizing policies will be effective only when developing countries will join them.Scholars recently outline that a perceived fairness in the distribution of emissions would facilitate a wide spread participation in international agreements. In this paper we overview the literature about distributional aspects of emissions by focusing on those contributions investigating past trends of emissions distribution through empirical data and future trajectories through simulations obtained by integrated assessment models. We will explain methodologies used to elaborate data and the link between real data and those coming from simulations. Results from this strand of research will be interpreted in order to discuss future negotiations for post Kyoto agreements that will be the focus of the next. Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. A particular attention will be devoted to the role that technological change will play in affecting the distribution of emissions over time and to how spillovers and experience diffusion could influence equality issues and future outcomes of policy negotiations.
Many of the newly established private enterprises in transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are owned and managed by women (Degtiar, 2000). However, there are limited research and knowledge on gender, management, and organization in CEE (Metcalfe and Afanassieva, 2005) and, particularly, on the performance of female-owned companies. Sporadic empirical evidence shows that female-owned companies have worse performance than male-owned companies in transition economies (Drnovsek and Glas, 2006; Aidis, 2006). The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we study the factors that affect the performance of female-owned companies in a transition context. Second, we compare how performance varies between female and male-owned businesses in such a context. Combining the Feminist Theory, the Institutional Theory, and the literature on determinants of firm performance, we derive hypotheses about the determinants of the performance of female-owned companies and about gender differences in performance. The proposed hypotheses are tested in a sample of 501 private Bulgarian companies. Our results indicate that a number of individual, organizational, and environmental characteristics are significant determinants of the performance of both female and male-owned companies. Although there are gender differences in performance, they disappear when other factors are controlled for. We conclude with some recommendations for policy implications and place the current results in respect to future research.
The battle between cities with regard to their creative possibilities has evolved into a process of multiplying ever-new images and variegated stories of urban attractiveness and success. Engineering “cool” images and “hot” stories about one’s city is now a central endeavor in the narratives of urban policy-making that center more and more on the idea of the entrepreneurial city. The making of an entrepreneurial image is enacted through various narrative genres that lie somewhere between place making and place marketing, between branding and boosting, between restoration and revanchism, between iconic architecture and mega-spectacle. This “imagineering” is not only part of the way cities try to (re)present themselves as entrepreneurial to various audiences through a real “image inflation” (Zukin, 2008, p. xii) but is 1 Forthcoming in: B. Lange,.A. Kalandides, B. Stoeber, I. Wellmann (Hrsg.) (2009): Governance der Kreativwirtschaft. Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen. Transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld. 2 also inscribed in the various ways urban creativity and entrepreneurship can be studied, researched and imagined. In this chapter we aim to differentiate the political narratives of the entrepreneurial city as we emphasize the need to understand the politics of narration and make a plea for critical reflexivity in our forms of researching and theorizing. We will thus try to investigate how the politics of narration is intertwined with the narration of political concepts and will argue that the narrating of urban entrepreneurship can raise very different images and discourses of city life beyond those that are currently engineered. We will distinguish between a grand narrative, a counter-narrative, and an assemblage of more ambivalent little narratives, which we call prosaic narration. While the distinction between these three types might be seen as a bit too simple and “straight”, we believe that by juxtaposing these different forms of narration and alternating between them, we can help problematize the engineering of the city as entrepreneurial and imagine alternative views both of city life and of what is understood as its creativity.
This is the first study to adopt a configurational paradigm in an investigation of strategic management accounting (SMA) adoption. The study examines the alignment and effectiveness of strategic choice and strategic management accounting (SMA) system design configurations. Six configurations were derived empirically by deploying a cluster analysis of data collected from a sample of 193 large Slovenian companies. The first four clusters appear to provide some support for the central configurational proposition that higher levels of vertical and horizontal configurational alignments are associated with higher levels of performance. Evidence that contradicts the theory is also apparent, however, as the remaining two clusters exhibit high degrees of SMA vertical and horizontal alignment, but low performance levels. A particular contribution of the paper concerns its demonstration of the way that the configurational paradigm can be operationalised to examine management accounting phenomena and the nature of management accounting insights that can derive from applying the approach.
In this paper, we investigate the agency costs of government ownership and their impact on corporate governance and firm value. China is used as a laboratory because of the prevalent state shareholdings in exchange-listed firms. In this context, we specifically consider the trade-offs involved in the voluntary formation of an audit committee when the controlling shareholder is the state. The decision to improve corporate governance (in this case, introduce an audit committee) is shown to be value relevant and a function of existing agency relationships and non-trivial implementation costs. Our findings are robust to the level of pyramid groups, the ownership-control wedge, and financial leverage. The research adds to the debate regarding the effect of government shareholdings on corporate culture and performance - a topic that hastaken on renewed importance in recent times.
Many of the most advanced economies of the world have undergone significant transformation in the last few decades. Globalization and technological changes, especially developments in information technologies, have helped to stimulate this transformation. These have contributed to changing institutional frameworks in many respects within the economies including adjustments to economic policies. The results of these transformations take many different forms and are manifested in different areas of an economy. At the heart of these changes however, has been the increasingly important role of entrepreneurship in the economy. The transformed ("new") economy stimulates and supports activities in innovation and entrepreneurship and is labelled the entrepreneurial economy. The "old" economy on the other hand restricts such activities and is referred to as the managed economy (Audretsch & Thurik, 2001).
Nobody would deny that we today live in a globalized world. Our digitalized living daily revises our worldwide mindmaps. Thanks to free trade and travel our material and social worlds have become global as well. This radical sociocultural change has since the last decade been preached all over the world with public institutions and business-interest organizations as megaphones. Since those carrying the globalization message mainly represent nations or super-nations such as the EU, the viewpoints of lower-level actors such as regions, localities, firms and individual citizens have seldom been considered. Paternalistically (super-)national bodies have instructured its subjects, not the least the many small firms that populate the (private) economy, what action to take. The basic message is: submit to the global forces – local is not beautiful any longer.