963 resultados para Universalist churches
The aim of this paper is to identify, analyse and question the expressions of humour in O Espreitador do Mundo Novo, a monthly periodical published by José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa throughout 1802. It is a chapter of a PhD thesis in History and Theory of Ideas with the title “Correcting by laughter. Humour in Portuguese periodical press 1797-1834”. Positing humour as a social and cultural phenomenon, it is regarded here in a broad sense, comprehending wit, joke, ridicule, satire, jest, mockery, facetiousness or irony, displayed with recourse to various figures of speech. This interdisciplinary work intends listing and researching the themes and issues of the periodical and its targets, namely the social, age or gender stereotypes and to acknowledge its political stances. Another main purpose of this paper is to assess the role of humour as expressed in the printed periodical as a political and social weapon, criticizing ways (and which ways) and/or fashions, often ridiculing novelty just for being new in order to maintain the statu quo, and to establish in which senses humour was used in the context of late Ancien Régime and early liberalism culture. The humour of O Espreitador has also played a part in framing a public sphere in early nineteenth-century Portugal, as can be seen by the different “stages” and backgrounds where the monthly installments of the periodical take place: squares, coffee houses, fairgrounds, private houses, jailhouses, churches, public promenades, pilgrimages, bullfights, parties, the opera house – each of them a space of sociability and socialization. In this one, as in other periodicals of the time, printed humour stands at the crossroads of politics and culture, in spaces boldly widening before the reader. Albeit, there are quite a few loud silences in O Espreitador: not even the slightest remark to the church, the clergy or the Inquisition, only reverential references to the established order and the powers that be. The periodical criticizes the criticizers; it is against those who are against. The repeated disclaimers are intended not only to protect the author from libel suits or other litigation. They belong to a centuries-old tradition which, as early as the Middle Ages, has set apart escárnio (scorn) from maldizer (slander): José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa distinguishes satire from rebuking vice – a “cheerful criticism” forerunner of the ironic humour which was to become a trademark of Portuguese literature in the second half of the nineteenth century. Targeting those who deviate from the social norm (for example social climbers and older women who marry young men) or the followers of fashion (sometimes specifically “French fashion”), O Espreitador charges at liberal and progressive ideas. It ridicules the ways of the “New World” in order to perpetuate an idealized version of the “Old World”. Notwithstanding two exceptions – it condemns racism and bullfighting –, the humour of O Espreitador is conservative and conformist from a social and political standpoint.
This paper examines the impact of historic amenities on residential housing prices in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Our study is directed towards identifying the spatial variation of amenity values for churches, palaces, lithic (stone) architecture and other historic amenities via the housing market, making use of both global and local spatial hedonic models. Our empirical evidence reveals that different types of historic and landmark amenities provide different housing premiums. While having a local non-landmark church within 100 meters increases housing prices by approximately 4.2%, higher concentrations of non-landmark churches within 1000 meters yield negative effects in the order of 0.1% of prices with landmark churches having a greater negative impact around 3.4%. In contrast, higher concentration of both landmark and non-landmark lithic structures positively influence housing prices in the order of 2.9% and 0.7% respectively. Global estimates indicate a negative effect of protected zones, however this significance is lost when accounting for heterogeneity within these areas. We see that the designation of historic zones may counteract negative effects on property values of nearby neglected buildings in historic neighborhoods by setting additional regulations ensuring that dilapidated buildings do not damage the city’s beauty or erode its historic heritage. Further, our results from a geographically weighted regression specification indicate the presence of spatial non-stationarity in the effects of different historic amenities across the city of Lisbon with variation between historic and more modern areas.
Dissertação de mestrado em Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito da União Europeia
Teses de Doutoramento em Arquitectura.
Many churches are concerned about older and dwindling congregations. We develop a theoretical framework to explain not only the downward trend in church attendance, but also the increase in the proportion of older people in the congregations. Religiosity depends positively on the expected social and spiritual benefits attached to religious adherence, as well as the probability of entering heaven in the afterlife. While otherworldly compensation in terms of salvation and spiritual benefits motivates religiosity, the costs of formal religion in terms of time allocated to communal activities and foregone income work in the opposite direction. We show that higher life expectancy discounts expected benefits in the afterlife and is hence likely to lead to postponement of religiosity. For this reason, religious organizations should be prepared to attract older members to their congregations, while emphasizing contemporaneous religious benefits to increase overall church attendance.
Trois ans après avoir témoigné de son mal chronique, une fidèle s'exprime à nouveau devant sa communauté, une Église évangélique de type charismatique. Elle partage la nouvelle de sa guérison miraculeuse. L'analyse comparée de ces récits, ainsi qu'une description ethnographique des célébrations durant lesquelles ils sont émis, montre comment l'énonciation de la croyante est encadrée par le pasteur. Une approche pragmatique et énonciative permet de ressaisir simultanément cet encadrement au plan institutionnel et interactionnel. On verra alors comment cette parole publique contribue à redéfinir la perception que la communauté a de Dieu et d'elle-même. Chacune des situations de témoignage renvoie ainsi à deux façons présentes au sein de l'évangélisme charismatique de se rapporter au surnaturel qui ont un impact sur l'organisation des Églises locales.Three years after sharing publicly about her chronic illness, a believer addresses again her congregation, an Evangelical church with Charismatic leanings. She shares the news of her miraculous healing. A comparative analysis of those testimonies and on ethnographic descriptions of the worship services during which she spoke will show how the pastor frames the believer's enunciation. A pragmatic and enunciative approach recaptures simultaneously both interactional and institutional levels. It will appear that the public speech contributes to redefining the congregation's perception of God and of itself. Both testimony settings show two ways, within Charismatic Evangelism, to refer to the supernatural. Those ways have an impact on the organization of the local churches.
El projecte de recerca “Església, poder i societat als comtats catalans d'origen carolingi (877-1010)” contempla l'estudi de l'Església catalana del segle X en tots els seus vessants: com a estructura formada per diferents institucions (seus episcopals, cenobis, parròquies i esglésies-oratoris); com a conjunt de persones (clergues i laics que participen de diferent manera i amb diferent implicació dels afers eclesiàstics); en relació al poder polític-administratiu dels comtats catalans (comtes, vescomtes, senyors i altres delegats del poder i la justícia); com en relació amb els aspectes socioeconòmics i d'ordenació territorial (la gran massa de camperols, l'acaparament de terres per part dels grans propietaris, l'articulació d'un sistema de rendes, els vincles entre persones de diferents rangs, la compartimentació d'un espai creixent). Observem, doncs, que l'Església catalana altmedieval resta present en tots els àmbits de la vida i que el seu estudi permet, de retruc, un coneixement més profund i rigorós de la societat. Tot això, contextualitzat durant el segle X, a cavall entre dos períodes ben estudiats i que en ocasions l'han ennuvolat. El segle X és un període privilegiat per a l'estudi d'un bon nombre de dinàmiques polítiques, socials, econòmiques i culturals que demostren que aquesta centúria tenia una personalitat pròpia i que la posen en rellevància respecte als temps anteriors i posteriors. La historiografia tradicional altmedieval catalana tendeix a buscar l'origen dels canvis socials, institucionals i polítics, de la Catalunya medieval, en dos moments concrets: el món carolingi o els anys immediatament posteriors al canvi de mil•lenni. No obstant això, l'augment de fonts històriques, el millor coneixement dels conceptes i de les institucions i l'apropament a la història mitjançant nous enfocaments i paradigmes, permet visualitzar el segle X com a moment de continuació, però també de naixement de situacions prou importants com per a no ser negligides.
Contrairement aux idées reçues, l'esthétique assume bien une fonction dans les formes rituelles adoptées par les Eglises issues de la Réforme calviniste. Mais il revient moins à l'image, considérée avant tout comme une source de distraction, qu'à la musique de porter cette dimension dans la piété réformée. Retraçant la formation de la pensée calvinienne sur la question des rapports entre culte et musique entre 1536 et 1543, cette étude montre comment le théologien en vient durant ces années à considérer que le chant des psaumes permet de concilier dans la dévotion, un processus cognitif, guidé par le sens des paroles, et un mouvement affectif, suscité par la mélodie. C'est, aux yeux de Calvin, de la jonction de ces deux dynamiques que naît l'élévation spirituelle à laquelle le culte doit conduire. Notwithstanding common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that by singing the psalms, Christians could conciliate in prayer a cognitive process which was to be guided by both the meaning of the words and the emotions triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
Contrary to common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on Reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that, by singing psalms, Christians in their devotion could conciliate both a cognitive process guided by the meaning of the words and an affective response triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This book is meant to honour the Belgian religious educationalist Herman Lombaerts reflecting on his legacy. He is internationally renowned as a scholar with a strong commitment to and a conceptual analysis of the social and cultural context in which people live and learn. This series of essays is build upon a thought provoking, streamlined design on the relationship between theology and education, relying on Lombaerts' societal and cultural analysis of contemporary religious education. Three key elements are at stake: the self-agency of the learner, the hermeneutic and communitive interpretation of religious traditions in the teaching of religion, and the radical re-imagination of Christian theology relying on this new model of religious educational praxis. For Lombaerts, the search processes of religious people have their own dynamic and dignity. Practical theology should listen carefully and empathetically to this quest. But he is also convinced of the need of solid fundamental research to understand critically its ambiguities and perspectives. Scholars from Europe, the United States and Australia lead the way in this process of "conceptual stretching". Issues such as happiness of children, identity formation of youth, educational and religious insecurity of parents, multi-faith education, tradition crisis of churches, theological education of lay ministers, narrativity and modern art in religious education, etc. are examined from a practical theological point of view, with a strong commitment to the philosophical, psychological, sociological, educational and political dimensions of three issues. With this book the editors hope to commemorate Lombaerts' international radiation, by building a collegial bridge between the different theoretical approaches in the German, Dutch, French, Italian and Anglo-Saxon religious educational research.
In March 2015, over 80 people, representing food banks, churches, advice services, community organisations, statutory agencies and universities attended the ‘Enough is Enough’ launch event in City Church, Belfast to examine the rising demand for emergency food across the city.The ‘Enough is Enough’ project aims to harness the expertise of health and social care professionals, city councillors, advice workers, food banks, community and faith based organisations and strategic bodies across Belfast to collectively address the issue of food poverty. This scoping study lays the foundation for developing an action plan to tackle food poverty in Belfast in collaboration with the community, voluntary and statutory sectors.The Belfast Food Network (BFN) commissioned the project with funding from the Public Health Agency. The research was carried out by Jenny McCurry, who also wrote the report, on behalf of Advice NI. The project was initiated and developed by Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, Institute of Public Health in Ireland, in her role as convener of the BFN Food Poverty Working Group (BFN/FPWG). Thanks are due to Kevin Higgins, Head of Policy, Advice NI, and Kerry Melville, Co-ordinator, BFN, for their involvement in the project.The BFN is a founding member of the pioneering Sustainable Food Cities Network (SFC). Therapidly growing BFN was established in March 2014 to work with partners to establish a successful Sustainable Food City in Belfast.ACCESS AUDIO AND VIDEO FROM THE EVENT
"In the nineties, dialogue in the Irish education system has been frenetic and painful at times. But it has gradually led to an extraordinary cohesion and partnership in the system. The book tracks the major consultations - and confrontations - of the nineties and it explores the personalities and policies of the protagonists - ministers, officials, leaders of Church bodies and third-level institutions, representatives of teachers' unions and parents' organisations." "All of the important consultation documents of the decade are here, the various drafts of the Green and White Papers - some benign, some infamous - the Bills, the Acts. The big issues are expertly set forth - intermediate structures and regionalisation, school governance and boards of management, the role of the Churches, higher education and the abolition of tuition fees."-This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Nos sociétés contemporaines, à l'heure de la mondialisation, ont-elles perdu le sens de l'hospitalité ? Qu'en est-il de ses fonctions et de ses figures à la fois morales, politiques, religieuses et imaginaires ? Lorsque Ulysse abordait un nouveau rivage, la même question revenait : Vais-je trouver des brutes, des sauvages sans justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ? L'hospitalité a toujours été signe de civilisation et d'humanité, et les pérégrinations d'Ulysse ont su dresser une géographie imaginaire du monde humain, dessinant les contours et traçant les limites de la culture et de la nature. Considérant qu'il est urgent de retrouver cette mémoire hospitalière du monde humain, plus de quatre-vingt-dix auteurs du monde entier ont rassemblé leurs savoirs des us et coutumes, des lieux, des cultures, des représentations, des mythes et des oeuvres d'art qui font de l'hospitalité la plus indispensable des valeurs humaines. Philosophes, historiens, ethnologues, littéraires, linguistes... invitent le lecteur, leur hôte, à découvrir le vaste parcours ouvert des significations et des pratiques de l'accueil dans l'histoire culturelle. Have modern day societies in this era of globalization forgotten the sense of hospitality? Hospitality is a principle which used to play a major social function, with its symbolic, ethical, political and religious figures. This book is designed to preserve the memory of the tradition of hospitality. To that end 90 authors from throughout the world have collaborated to present this exhaustive encyclopedia of the places, the customs, the cultures, the myths and the artistic representations of hospitality, all of which bear witness to its importance as a human value. Philosophers, historians, ethnologists, writers, linguists welcome the reader to discover the place that hospitality has had in cultural history, in terms of both how and why it was practised. - This book offers a fivefold treatment of the perennial tradition of hospitality: - Definitions - Civilizations (throughout history and across religions and cultures) - Institutions and places of hospitality, both real and imaginary (castles, hospitals, gardens, churches, etc.) - Myths, figures and artistic representation - Philosophy, politics and society.
In this paper we examine the problem of compositional data from a different startingpoint. Chemical compositional data, as used in provenance studies on archaeologicalmaterials, will be approached from the measurement theory. The results will show, in avery intuitive way that chemical data can only be treated by using the approachdeveloped for compositional data. It will be shown that compositional data analysis is aparticular case in projective geometry, when the projective coordinates are in thepositive orthant, and they have the properties of logarithmic interval metrics. Moreover,it will be shown that this approach can be extended to a very large number ofapplications, including shape analysis. This will be exemplified with a case study inarchitecture of Early Christian churches dated back to the 5th-7th centuries AD