993 resultados para Union participation
Women, all over the world have contributed in various ways to the social, political and economic development of the Society. In fact, the World Resource Institute recognizes that "women have profound and preserve effect onn the well-being of their families, communities and local ecosystems" (Gamble and Well 1997:211). Women constitute more than 50 percent of the Agricultural (Fisheries being a sub sector), labour force. A study on Women in Fisheries showed that they participate in all aspects of the sector (capture, culture, processing, marketing research, training and Extension services). This paper reports the result of the study on women's contributions in the development of the Fisheries Industry particularly their roles in Fish Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and high rates of women's adoption of Fisheries technologies. The Case-study research methodology is used to study the "How" and "Why" Women's Contribution in Fish Food Security and Poverty Alleviation is at the index level recorded for the gender. The study made use of "Case Study" Research Instrument; documents, interview, artefacts, direct observation and archival records. The sampling techniques were purposive for research audiences and simple random for fisher-folks in the chosen locations. Analysed data showed among others that in Fisheries Research women occupy very important positions as Heads of Division/Section, Fisheries Liasion/Extension Officers and Fisheries Laboratory Chiefs etc. The paper also gave results of women production, processing, marketing and other services statistics; it also discusses the "whys" of women's low capacity in fisheries development of the nation and finally suggested ways in improving women's optimal capacity utilization in fisheries development
One major aspect of the poverty status in Nigeria is the high rate of unemployment with the attendant economic in capacity, which in turn is responsible for the persistent problem of malnutrition over the decades. This paper is focused on how women can be empowered for better productivity in fish culture enterprises, seeing that women have been active in different aspects of agricultural production. They also sustain more than half of the developing countries such as Nigeria. Some problems being encountered by would be women fish farmers and suggestions on how women participation in fish and shellfish culture enterprises can be enhanced are proffered. The major ones being those sustainable policies by the Government State ADPs and NGOs are applied to ensure adequate motivation of women for fish culture enterprises
For some time now, the Latino voice has been gradually gaining strength in American politics, particularly in such states as California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas, where large numbers of Latino immigrants have settled and large numbers of electoral votes are at stake. Yet the issues public officials in these states espouse and the laws they enact often do not coincide with the interests and preferences of Latinos. The fact that Latinos in California and elsewhere have not been able to influence the political agenda in a way that is commensurate with their numbers may reflect their failure to participate fully in the political process by first registering to vote and then consistently turning out on election day to cast their ballots.
To understand Latino voting behavior, I first examine Latino political participation in California during the ten general elections of the 1980s and 1990s, seeking to understand what percentage of the eligible Latino population registers to vote, with what political party they register, how many registered Latinos to go the polls on election day, and what factors might increase their participation in politics. To ensure that my findings are not unique to California, I also consider Latino voter registration and turnout in Texas for the five general elections of the 1990s and compare these results with my California findings.
I offer a new approach to studying Latino political participation in which I rely on county-level aggregate data, rather than on individual survey data, and employ the ecological inference method of generalized bounds. I calculate and compare Latino and white voting-age populations, registration rates, turnout rates, and party affiliation rates for California's fifty-eight counties. Then, in a secondary grouped logit analysis, I consider the factors that influence these Latino and white registration, turnout, and party affiliation rates.
I find that California Latinos register and turn out at substantially lower rates than do whites and that these rates are more volatile than those of whites. I find that Latino registration is motivated predominantly by age and education, with older and more educated Latinos being more likely to register. Motor voter legislation, which was passed to ease and simplify the registration process, has not encouraged Latino registration . I find that turnout among California's Latino voters is influenced primarily by issues, income, educational attainment, and the size of the Spanish-speaking communities in which they reside. Although language skills may be an obstacle to political participation for an individual, the number of Spanish-speaking households in a community does not encourage or discourage registration but may encourage turnout, suggesting that cultural and linguistic assimilation may not be the entire answer.
With regard to party identification, I find that Democrats can expect a steady Latino political identification rate between 50 and 60 percent, while Republicans attract 20 to 30 percent of Latino registrants. I find that education and income are the dominant factors in determining Latino political party identification, which appears to be no more volatile than that of the larger electorate.
Next, when I consider registration and turnout in Texas, I find that Latino registration rates are nearly equal to those of whites but that Texas Latino turnout rates are volatile and substantially lower than those of whites.
Low turnout rates among Latinos and the volatility of these rates may explain why Latinos in California and Texas have had little influence on the political agenda even though their numbers are large and increasing. Simply put, the voices of Latinos are little heard in the halls of government because they do not turn out consistently to cast their votes on election day.
While these findings suggest that there may not be any short-term or quick fixes to Latino participation, they also suggest that Latinos should be encouraged to participate more fully in the political process and that additional education may be one means of achieving this goal. Candidates should speak more directly to the issues that concern Latinos. Political parties should view Latinos as crossover voters rather than as potential converts. In other words, if Latinos were "a sleeping giant," they may now be a still-drowsy leviathan waiting to be wooed by either party's persuasive political messages and relevant issues.
Analyse about all the economical connexions between the European Union and Algeria since 1962 until 2014.
A federação é uma forma de Estado adotada modernamente por mais de trinta Países, e consiste numa divisão territorial do poder entre um governo central e governos locais. No Brasil, esta divisão contempla um poder local-estadual e um poder local-municipal. A federação é assimétrica quando aos entes de mesmo nível (local-estadual ou local-municipal) são atribuídos diferentes regimes jurídicos, para compensar ou equilibrar suas diversidades. O chamado federalismo fiscal estuda as receitas e despesas dos entes que integram um Estado federal. No Brasil, sempre se adotou a simetria entre os municípios. Após a análise da posição do município brasileiro na questão fiscal (receitas, encargos e formas de redistribuição de recursos), identificam-se quatro pontos passíveis de mudança normativa, para seu aperfeiçoamento: brecha vertical, guerra fiscal, critérios para criação de municípios e regiões metropolitanas. As propostas formuladas na tese são: a mudança do paradigma da simetria, instituindo-se um regime especial para os municípios com população inferior a dez mil habitantes; a proibição de que sejam criados novos municípios com este porte; novos critérios e procedimentos para criação de municípios; instituição de um conselho de municípios, junto ao Senado Federal; nova forma de rateio do fundo de participação dos municípios, com a criação do fundo de participação das regiões metropolitanas; a serem criadas pela União e geridas através de conselhos formados pelos municípios e Estados-membros participantes, na proporção de sua população, área e economia.
244 p.
This paper explores the fiscal situation of the European Union as well as the different approaches proposed for achieving fiscal policy coordination among the member states. Furthermore, it works through the need of fiscal integration as a pressing matter in order for the European Union to achieve its aim of functioning as an efficient single market and economic unit. In order to do so, it analyzes the theoretical lines of the Modern Money Theory as a possible framework for further integration, and it evaluates the different proposals made for fiscal integration so that it can give an assessment regarding their compatibility with this theory.
[ES] Tras una primera visión del concepto de precariedad y acotación del término en el ámbito europeo, este trabajo trata, por un lado, de exponer los factores y el marco social en el que se crea dicha precariedad laboral y, por otro lado, de analizar mediante diversos indicadores de calidad del empleo la incidencia en el caso de la Unión Europea y España. Se exponen la flexibilidad laboral y otros cambios empresariales, reformas legales o transformaciones en el contexto del mercado del trabajo como causantes del aumento de empleos atípicos, los cuales tiendes a ser de peor calidad. En cuanto a los indicadores de calidad utilizados destacan las tasas de actividad, la temporalidad, la estructura de la renta y el salario mínimo, el porcentaje del trabajo a tiempo parcial con respecto al total o las malas condiciones de trabajo, entre otros. Además se hace referencia a la crisis comenzada en 2007 y al efecto agravatorio de esta en la situación, especialmente en el caso de los jóvenes. Por último, se mencionan ciertas propuestas y políticas laborales.
Examinar o Manifesto Ao Professorado de Minas publicado no Jornal do Commercio em fins de 1900 consiste no horizonte deste trabalho. Este esforço significou pensar a participação dos professores, bem como suas ações, atuações e reações, anteriores e posteriores à produção do Manifesto, como constituintes do processo de profissionalização docente. Endereçado Ao Professorado de Minas, tinha como teor principal o apelo pela união. Traçou-se uma discussão sobre o seu conteúdo, a partir de questões emergentes do texto, como a menção a criação de uma associação docente. Somado a isso, procurou-se entender as condições de trabalho dos professores signatários e dos não partícipes do documento, no sentido de perceber as normatizações a que estavam sujeitos, na tentativa de elucidar o que significava ser professor naquele momento e que poderia ter incentivado a produção do Manifesto. Buscou-se, ainda, construir a trajetória dos quatro signatários a partir das relações que possuíam na cidade de Juiz de Fora, os espaços que frequentavam e os cargos ocupados por eles antes e depois da publicação do Manifesto. Para isso, foi preciso perceber a presença dos quatro professores em um conjunto documental variado e disperso, o que empreendeu um esforço de cruzamento das fontes, e possibilitou esboçar a trajetória desses sujeitos a partir dos lugares ocupados por eles. Por fim, empreendeu-se um movimento de reflexão sobre o público a que o Manifesto se destinava, no caso, os professores. Percebeu-se um universo de atuação desses sujeitos na cidade a partir de queixas e solicitações, assim como, de pessoas que não atuavam na profissão docente, mas que reconheciam a importância dos professores e da instrução pública, a exemplo de moradores. Utilizou-se de fontes como o Jornal do Commercio e o Correio de Minas, importantes periódicos mineiros. A trajetória dos professores foi construída a partir dos requerimentos, correspondências de professores com a Câmara Municipal, relatórios de inspetores escolares e abaixo assinados de moradores. O estudo concluiu que as ações, reações e as diversas formas de agir dos professores, inclusive o Manifesto, se constituíram como um movimento importante do processo de profissionalização da docência e do fazer-se da categoria. Pretende contribuir, deste modo, para o campo da História da Educação, incorporando-se aos estudos que tratam do estatuto da profissão docente.
Three studies on pig-duck-fish-azolla integration were conducted simultaneously in La Union, Philippines. Growth performance of pigs and ducks as affected by different levels of azolla meal in their feed, and that of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under varying stocking rates are presented and discussed.
O presente estudo tem como objeto de análise a readaptação funcional de servidores públicos enquanto uma expressão das condições objetivas de trabalho em um hospital universitário no Brasil e seus possíveis impactos na saúde dos trabalhadores; sendo ainda, momento potencial para análise das possibilidades de reconstrução do trabalho público. Os objetivos da investigação consistem em: identificar através do processo de readaptação funcional se o crescente adoecimento do servidor público seria uma expressão dos impactos do ajuste neoliberal no desmantelamento do Estado, via instituições públicas, precariedade das condições de trabalho e de suas formas de gestão; refletir sobre a intervenção interprofissional voltada para a reinserção do trabalhador ao processo produtivo em função da readaptação funcional e avaliar em que dimensões e processos as tendências de gestão pública, no campo analisado, interferem na saúde dos trabalhadores da área estudada e como poderiam contribuir para a mudança dos seus condicionantes. A metodologia de investigação baseou-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e entrevistas individuais com técnicos da equipe interdisciplinar, gestores e representante sindical e entrevistas em grupo com auxiliares de enfermagem readaptados. O estudo confirmou a relevância da reconstrução do trabalho no serviço público por meio de uma gestão democrática com controle social, garantindo a participação da comunidade em todo o processo, para a definição de uma política institucional, norteada pelos pressupostos da saúde do trabalhador.
Proper resource management implies a better understanding of ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity. Scientists from developing countries often have limited information on their aquatic resources because of many difficulties in accessing and exchanging information on a national and international level. The project described not only aims to strengthen the scientific capacity of fisheries scientists in ACP institutions but it is also expected to create an awareness among fisheries researchers and managers of the importance of conserving biodiversity for the sustainable use of living aquatic resources. This will be achieved through training, building a network of regional and transregional cooperation using modern communication facilities, the promotion of research and the distribution and improvement of fisheries management tools. It is hoped that these capabilities will enable fisheries scientists in ACP countries to actively contribute towards a discussion to solve common problems originating from the endangering of the ecological basis of their fisheries.
This paper specifically examines the main determinants of women participation in income-earning activities in Peninsular Malaysian small scale fisheries.
From 1947 to 1973, the U.S.S.R. conducted a huge campaign of illegal whaling worldwide. We review Soviet catches of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in the Southern Ocean during this period, with an emphasis on the International Whaling Commission’s Antarctic Management Areas IV, V, and VI (the principal regions of illegal Soviet whaling on this species, south of Australia and western Oceania). Where possible, we summarize legal and illegal Soviet catches by year, Management Area, and factory fleet, and also include information on takes by other nations. Soviet humpback catches between 1947 and 1973 totaled 48,702 and break down as follows: 649 (Area I), 1,412 (Area II), 921 (Area III), 8,779 (Area IV), 22,569 (Area V), and 7,195 (Area VI), with 7,177 catches not currently assignable to area. In all, at least 72,542 humpback whales were killed by all operations (Soviet plus other nations) after World War II in Areas IV (27,201), V (38,146), and VI (7,195). More than one-third of these (25,474 whales, of which 25,192 came from Areas V and VI) were taken in just two seasons, 1959–60 and 1960–61. The impact of these takes, and of those from Area IV in the late 1950’s, is evident in the sometimes dramatic declines in catches at shore stations in Australia, New Zealand, and at Norfolk Island. When compared to recent estimates of abundance and initial population size, the large removals from Areas IV and V indicate that the populations in these regions remain well below pre-exploitation levels despite reported strong growth rates off eastern and western Australia. Populations in many areas of Oceania continue to be small, indicating that the catches from Area VI and eastern Area V had long-term impacts on recovery.