912 resultados para Two-Fluid Model
O estudo e medição da imagem, especialmente de um Conselho Profissional são essenciais para auxiliar os gestores destas instituições a tomarem decisões. Como não há uma escala válida e confiável que permita a medição da imagem corporativa de um Conselho Profissional, o presente trabalho busca confirmar, através do método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais MEE, o modelo hipotético proposto por Peres (2004) e Carvalho (2009) que tomam por base o estudo de Folland, Peacock e Pelfrey (1991) que conclui que a imagem corporativa é composta por dois fatores e a percepção desta imagem impacta na avaliação de seu desempenho. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa demonstram, com grande segurança estatística, que o modelo proposto é consistente, tem ótimo ajuste, e pode ser aplicado em futuras amostras semelhantes.
Os dados geológicos e geofísicos escolhidos para o tema de estudo pertencem a Bacia do Amazonas, na região centro-norte do Brasil. A Bacia do Amazonas é uma bacia intracratônica com cerca de 500.000 km. A mesma está limitada ao norte pelo Escudo das Guianas e ao sul pelo Escudo Brasileiro. O limite oeste com a Bacia do Solimões é marcado pelo Arco de Purus, ao passo que o Arco de Gurupá constitui seu limite leste. Possui características inerentes a uma bacia intracratônica paleozóica, com uma longa história evolutiva, marcada por discordâncias expressivas e com uma cunha sedimentar relativamente rasa se comparada às bacias cretáceas brasileiras, o que levanta controvérsia a respeito da suficiência do soterramento para a eficiência de geração de hidrocarboneto. Podem ser reconhecidas nos 5000 m do preenchimento sedimentar da Bacia do Amazonas, duas seqüências de primeira ordem: uma paleozóica, intrudida por diques e soleiras de diabásio, na passagem do Triássico para o Jurássico, e uma mesozóica-cenozóica que representam um aspecto importante na evolução térmica da matéria orgânica que ocorre na primeira seqüência. Com relação à exploração de petróleo, apesar do fomento exploratório ocorrido nos últimos anos, a bacia ainda é considerada pouco explorada sendo sua maior reserva a da província de Urucu. Um dos fatores que dificultam bastante a exploração desta bacia assim como a bacia do Solimões a oeste é o acesso restrito, pois estão situadas em áreas remotas e florestadas, de difícil acesso, com muitas reservas indígenas e florestais, o que causa restrições logísticas, operacionais e legais. O efeito térmico das intrusões ígneas é considerado como o responsável pelo acréscimo de calor necessário à maturação da matéria orgânica e conseqüente geração de hidrocarbonetos. Este trabalho contribui com a reconstrução da história térmica desta bacia a partir da modelagem das variáveis termais e da história de soterramento. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos consagrados na literatura, que permitem, de forma simples, a estimativa do fluxo térmico através do embasamento e da seqüência sedimentar. Na análise da influência de intrusões ígneas na estrutura térmica da bacia, o modelo bidimensional desenvolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas se mostrou apropriado. Utilizou-se o fluxo térmico basal calculado nas condições de contorno da modelagem da influência térmica das ígneas. Como resultado obteve-se a estruturação térmica da bacia e a historia maturação de suas rochas geradoras
Projetos de reatores nucleares foram classificados em quatro gerações (Gen) pelo Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos da América (DOE), quando o DOE introduziu o conceito de reatores de geração IV (Gen IV). Reatores Gen IV são um conjunto de projetos de reator nuclear, em sua maioria teóricos, atualmente sendo pesquisados. Entre os projetos Gen IV, incluem-se os projetos dos ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems), que são sistemas subcríticos estabilizados por fontes externas estacionárias de nêutrons. Estas fontes externas de nêutrons são normalmente geradas a partir da colisão de prótons com alta energia contra os núcleos de metais pesados presentes no núcleo do reator, fenômeno que é conhecido na literatura como spallation, e os prótons são acelerados num acelerador de partículas que é alimentado com parte da energia gerada pelo reator. A criticalidade de um sistema mantido por reações de fissão em cadeia depende do balanço entre a produção de nêutrons por fissão e a remoção por fuga pelos contornos e absorção de nêutrons. Um sistema está subcrítico quando a remoção por fuga e absorção ultrapassa a produção por fissão e, portanto, tende ao desligamento. Entretanto, qualquer sistema subcrítico pode ser estabilizado pela inclusão de fontes estacionárias de nêutrons em seu interior. O objetivo central deste trabalho é determinar as intensidades dessas fontes uniformes e isotrópicas de nêutrons, que se deve inserir em todas as regiões combustíveis do sistema, para que o mesmo estabilize-se gerando uma distribuição prescrita de potência elétrica. Diante do exposto, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um aplicativo computacional em linguagem Java que estima as intensidades dessas fontes estacionárias de nêutrons, que devem ser inseridas em cada região combustível para que estabilizem o sistema subcrítico com uma dada distribuição de potência definida pelo usuário. Para atingir este objetivo, o modelo matemático adotado foi a equação unidimensional de transporte de nêutrons monoenergéticos na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN) e o convencional método de malha fina diamond difference (DD) foi utilizado para resolver numericamente os problemas SN físicos e adjuntos. Resultados numéricos para dois problemas-modelos típicos são apresentados para ilustrar a acurácia e eficiência da metodologia proposta.
Numerical techniques for non-equilibrium condensing flows are presented. Conservation equations for homogeneous gas-liquid two-phase compressible flows are solved by using a finite volume method based on an approximate Riemann solver. The phase change consists of the homogeneous nucleation and growth of existing droplets. Nucleation is computed with the classical Volmer-Frenkel model, corrected for the influence of the droplet temperature being higher than the steam temperature due to latent heat release. For droplet growth, two types of heat transfer model between droplets and the surrounding steam are used: a free molecular flow model and a semi-empirical two-layer model which is deemed to be valid over a wide range of Knudsen number. The computed pressure distribution and Sauter mean droplet diameters in a convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle are compared with experimental data. Both droplet growth models capture qualitatively the pressure increases due to sudden heat release by the non-equilibrium condensation. However the agreement between computed and experimental pressure distributions is better for the two-layer model. The droplet diameter calculated by this model also agrees well with the experimental value, whereas that predicted by the free molecular model is too small. Condensing flows in a steam turbine cascade are calculated at different Mach numbers and inlet superheat conditions and are compared with experiments. Static pressure traverses downstream from the blade and pressure distributions on the blade surface agree well with experimental results in all cases. Once again, droplet diameters computed with the two-layer model give best agreement with the experiments. Droplet sizes are found to vary across the blade pitch due to the significant variation in expansion rate. Flow patterns including oblique shock waves and condensation-induced pressure increases are also presented and are similar to those shown in the experimental Schlieren photographs. Finally, calculations are presented for periodically unsteady condensing flows in a low expansion rate, convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle. Depending on the inlet stagnation subcooling, two types of self-excited oscillations appear: a symmetric mode at lower inlet subcooling and an asymmetric mode at higher subcooling. Plots of oscillation frequency versus inlet sub-cooling exhibit a hysteresis loop, in accord with observations made by other researchers for moist air flow. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.
The distribution of fish caught by experimental gill nets has been found to be in the Poisson or Negative binomial form. Using this information, application of Chi-square test as suggested by Mood et al. (1974) has been illustrated, for comparing the efficiencies of gill nets. This test provides an alternative to Anova F-test especially in the context of significance of non-additivity for the two-way model. Based on the present work and the findings by Nair (1982) and Nair & Alagaraja (1982, 1984) an outline approach for statistical comparison of the efficiencies of fishing gear is presented.
Studies were conducted on the organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects of three dried fish products produced from two different model of low cost solar tunnel dryer. The overall quality of the products obtained from both dryers was excellent. Sixty minutes soaking showed the maximum water reconstitution of the products with values between 66.82 to 75.28% and 71.98 to 78.09% in dryer 1 & 2 respectively. The highest reconstitution was obtained from Silver Jew fish (75.28-78.09%) and lowest from Bombay duck (66.86-71.98%) from both dryers. The average moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of the dried products were 11.8-15.0%, 57.32-68.49%, 6.08-8.62% and 12.25-14.88% respectively in fish in dryer 1 and dryer 2. The TVB-N values were in the range of 24.3 to 30.9 in dryer 1 and 22.1 to 28.2 mg/100 g samples in dryer 2. The highest values were obtained from Bombay duck and lowest value in Silver Jew fish in both dryers. The peroxide values varied from 14.1 to 16.9% in dryer 1 and 13.3 to 16.4% in dryer 2. The highest peroxide value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish. Total bacterial load varied in the range of 6.6x10⁴— 8.6x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 1 and 2.54x10⁴ to 4.9x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 2. The highest value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish.
We study three contractual arrangements—co-development, licensing, and co-development with opt-out options—for the joint development of new products between a small and financially constrained innovator firm and a large technology company, as in the case of a biotech innovator and a major pharma company. We formulate our arguments in the context of a two-stage model, characterized by technical risk and stochastically changing cost and revenue projections. The model captures the main disadvantages of traditional co-development and licensing arrangements: in co-development the small firm runs a risk of running out of capital as future costs rise, while licensing for milestone and royalty (M&R) payments, which eliminates the latter risk, introduces inefficiency, as profitable projects might be abandoned. Counter to intuition we show that the biotech's payoff in a licensing contract is not monotonically increasing in the M&R terms. We also show that an option clause in a co-development contract that gives the small firm the right but not the obligation to opt out of co-development and into a pre-agreed licensing arrangement avoids the problems associated with fully committed co-development or licensing: the probability that the small firm will run out of capital is greatly reduced or completely eliminated and profitable projects are never abandoned.
Decisions about noisy stimuli require evidence integration over time. Traditionally, evidence integration and decision making are described as a one-stage process: a decision is made when evidence for the presence of a stimulus crosses a threshold. Here, we show that one-stage models cannot explain psychophysical experiments on feature fusion, where two visual stimuli are presented in rapid succession. Paradoxically, the second stimulus biases decisions more strongly than the first one, contrary to predictions of one-stage models and intuition. We present a two-stage model where sensory information is integrated and buffered before it is fed into a drift diffusion process. The model is tested in a series of psychophysical experiments and explains both accuracy and reaction time distributions. © 2012 Rüter et al.
We report on the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes from a monometallic Co catalyst on an oxidized Si wafer support by the most simple growth recipe (vacuum annealing, growth by undiluted C 2H 2). Nevertheless, multiwavelength Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron spectroscopy show a remarkable selectivity for chiral indices and thus, e.g., high abundance with a single chirality representing 58% of all semiconducting tubes. In situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy monitors the catalyst chemistry during carbon nanotube growth and shows interfacial Co-Si interactions that may help to stabilize the nanoparticle/nanotube diameter. We outline a two-mechanism model explaining the selective growth. © 2012 American Physical Society.
In a typical experiment on decision making, one out of two possible stimuli is displayed and observers decide which one was presented. Recently, Stanford and colleagues (2010) introduced a new variant of this classical one-stimulus presentation paradigm to investigate the speed of decision making. They found evidence for "perceptual decision making in less than 30 ms". Here, we extended this one-stimulus compelled-response paradigm to a two-stimulus compelled-response paradigm in which a vernier was followed immediately by a second vernier with opposite offset direction. The two verniers and their offsets fuse. Only one vernier is perceived. When observers are asked to indicate the offset direction of the fused vernier, the offset of the second vernier dominates perception. Even for long vernier durations, the second vernier dominates decisions indicating that decision making can take substantial time. In accordance with previous studies, we suggest that our results are best explained with a two-stage model of decision making where a leaky evidence integration stage precedes a race-to-threshold process. © 2013 Rüter et al.
Recently, a new numerical benchmark exercise for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) fuel depletion was defined. The purpose of this benchmark is to provide a comparison basis for different codes and methods applied to the burnup analysis of HTGRs. The benchmark specifications include three different models: (1) an infinite lattice of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles, (2) an infinite lattice of fuel pebbles, and (3) a prismatic fuel including fuel and coolant channels. In this paper, we present the results of the third stage of the benchmark obtained with MCNP based depletion code BGCore and deterministic lattice code HELIOS 1.9. The depletion calculations were performed for three-dimensional model of prismatic fuel with explicitly described TRISO particles as well as for two-dimensional model, in which double heterogeneity of the TRISO particles was eliminated using reactivity equivalent physical transformation (RPT). Generally, good agreement in the results of the calculations obtained using different methods and codes was observed.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) method 5136 is widely used in industry and academia to determine the sound power radiated into a duct by fans and other flow devices. The method involves placing the device at the center of a long cylindrical duct with anechoic terminations at each end to eliminate reflections. A single off-axis microphone is used on the inlet and outlet sides that can theoretically capture the plane-wave mode amplitudes but this does not provide enough information to fully account for higher-order modes. In this study, the "two-port" source model is formulated to include higher-order modes and applied for the first three modes. This requires six independent surface pressure measurements on each side or "port." The resulting experimental set-up is much shorter than the ISO rig and does not require anechoic terminations. An array of six external loudspeaker sources is used to characterize the passive part of the two-port model and the set-up provides a framework to account for transmission of higher-order modes through a fan. The relative importance of the higher-order modes has been considered and their effect on inaccuracies when using the ISO method to find source sound power has been analyzed.
Mechanical degradation is thought to be one of the causes of capacity fade within Lithium-Ion batteries. In this work we develop a coupled stress-diffusion model for idealized spherical storage particles, which is analogous to the development of thermal strains. We then non-dimensionalize the model and identify three important parameters that control the development of stress within these particles. We can therefore use a wide number of values for these parameters to make predictions about the stress responses of different materials. The maximum stress developed within the particle for different values of these parameters are plotted as stress maps. A two dimensional model of a battery was then developed, in order to study the effect of particle morphology. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
The brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) has been proposed as a viable alternative in wind turbines to the commonly used doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The BDFIG retains the benefits of the DFIG, i.e. variable speed operation with a partially rated converter, but without the use of brush gear and slip rings, thereby conferring enhanced reliability. As low voltage ride-through (LVRT) performance of the DFIG-based wind turbine is well understood, this paper aims to analyze LVRT behavior of the BDFIG-based wind turbine in a similar way. In order to achieve this goal, the equivalence between their two-axis model parameters is investigated. The variation of flux linkages, back-EMFs and currents of both types of generator are elaborated during three phase voltage dips. Moreover, the structural differences between the two generators, which lead to different equivalent parameters and hence different LVRT capabilities, are investigated. The analytical results are verified via time-domain simulations for medium size wind turbine generators as well as experimental results of a voltage dip on a prototype 250 kVA BDFIG. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Cetacean respiration usually happen in bouts. The most widely applied quantitative method used to analyze the structure of these bouts is the log(e)-survivorship analysis, based on the assumption that the respiratory intervals are distributed as negative exponentials. However, for the data collected from three captive Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), we failed to obtain a convergent result with the application of log,survivorship analysis. However, the two-Gaussian model, which was recently proposed to analyze the feeding behavior of cows, was successfully fitted to the data. According to the fitting results, the overall respiratory pattern of the captive Yangtze finless porpoises can be described as a dive with a mean duration of around 30-40 s, followed by two or three ventilations with a mean interval of approximately 9 s. The average intra-bout intervals during both active and inactive periods are constant at 7.7-9.9 s for all individuals. However, when shifting from active to inactive states, the adult male and female decrease their mean numbers of respirations per bout and average length of inter-bout respiratory intervals, while the estimates of both parameters increase for the juvenile female. It was pointed out that the two-Gaussian model might be more adequate for cetacean respiratory-bout structure analyses than the log(e)-survivorship technique.