940 resultados para Turkey--Court and courtiers


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This report contains a brief discussion of the boards and commissions within this department, caseload statistics from each level of court, and concludes with personnel and other financial information gathered from the Judicial Survey of the offices of Clerk of Court, Probate Judge, Master-In-Equity, Public Defender, Magistrate and Municipal Judge.


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This report contains a brief discussion of the boards and commissions within this department, caseload statistics from each level of court, and concludes with personnel and other financial information gathered from the Judicial Survey of the offices of Clerk of Court, Probate Judge, Master-In-Equity, Public Defender, Magistrate and Municipal Judge.


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The present study locates the challenges faced by defendants during cooperation proceedings in the context of the unique structural system of the Court, and the inherent tensions and limitations that characterize the ICC’s functioning. The study is divided into two parts. The first part sets out the institutional and jurisdictional context in which cooperation plays out at the ICC. Chapter 2 addresses the ICC dependence on cooperation from an institutional, a political and a normative dimension, showing that compliance with requests for cooperation is ultimately tied to State political willingness and international political pressure; Chapter 3 delves into the connection between cooperation and the complementary jurisdiction of the Court, criticising the ‘positive approach’ to complementarity endorsed by the Prosecutor in order to enhance states cooperation. The second part of the study addresses the impact that cooperation occurring in the above-explained context has on the right to liberty of defendants and on equality of arms. Chapter 4 and 5 analyse the ICC’s law protecting the selected rights, as well as the practice regarding allegations of violations of these rights brought forward by some defendants. It concludes that, so far, the organs of the Court (i.e., the Prosecutor and the judges) have failed to engage with the structural tensions and limitations of the Court with a view of protecting the rights of suspects and accused.


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Questa tesi coniuga metodologie tradizionali e nuove tecnologie per far luce sulla straordinaria proliferazione di immagini musicali che caratterizza il ducato di Alfonso I d’Este (1505-1534) e offrire la possibilità di esplorare in modo nuovo uno degli ambienti più significativi del Rinascimento: il Camerino delle Pitture, studiolo del Duca. Il lavoro svolto ha portato all’individuazione di 60 opere finora mai analizzate da un punto di vista iconografico-musicale, ad eccezione di pochissimi casi, e alla creazione del primo catalogo iconografico-musicale sulla Ferrara di Alfonso I (vol. II). Il vol. I della tesi espone gli approfondimenti critici. Il corpus raccolto nel catalogo è inquadrato nel particolare contesto culturale di ricercata sinergia tra le arti, alla luce della dimensione cortese del consumo musicale ma soprattutto del valore identitario che Alfonso stesso attribuiva alla musica. Le immagini musicali sono quindi analizzate nella duplice veste di testimonianze storiche (sui contesti esecutivi, sulle sonorità degli ensembles, sulla diffusione e l’interesse per alcuni strumenti e sul loro valore di emblemi dell’elegante ed armonica vita cortese) e di omaggio verso il Duca, i suoi gusti artistici e le sue vedute culturali. Ad Alfonso e alle sue identificazioni mitologiche è dedicata la seconda parte. Un accurato profilo caratteriale prelude all’analisi di alcune delle opere più significative della committenza alfonsina con particolare attenzione ai capolavori provenienti dai suoi studioli, lo Studio dei Marmi e il Camerino delle Pitture. Quest’ultimo è al centro anche della terza ed ultima parte della tesi che ne propone, in conclusione, un’originale elaborazione 3D in cui è possibile avere informazioni storico-critiche sulle opere e, soprattutto, ascoltare una registrazione inedita del canone di Adrian Willaert raffigurato nel Baccanale degli Andrii di Tiziano, autentico manifesto identitario e culturale di Alfonso.


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se aborda el análisis de la Nápoles virreinal entre 1637 y 1647 con una investigación en tres planos: gobierno, corte y ciudad. Esto se realiza a través del estudio del gobierno de Nápoles, con especial atención al Parlamento General del Reino, que se convocó por última vez en 1642. Con la óptica privilegiada que brinda esta institución entre la administración virreinal y urbana, es posible comprender los intereses locales, la agenda napolitana en las dinámicas globales de la Monarquía, los intereses de linaje o “públicos” de los virreyes y, en definitiva, se pone de manifiesto una nueva mirada que parte de la propia realidad napolitana para comprender la estructura de gobierno, a través de fuentes inéditas y labor de archivo, en un periodo convulso para la Monarquía de España. Con todo, se insertan las instituciones en las dinámicas políticas y ceremoniales de la ciudad y Reino de Nápoles. Asimismo, todo ello se estudia a través del canal de la corte de Madrid, ya que los virreyes eran nombrados por el rey y lo representaban en el Reino. Por tanto, las decisiones de gobierno se veían afectadas por las circunstancias cortesanas. En concreto, este periodo coincide con los años de la privanza del conde-duque y el posterior ascenso de Luis de Haro. Así, los virreyes duque de Medina de las Torres, Almirante de Castilla y duque de Arcos se incardinan no solo en la política napolitana, sino en la de la Monarquía de Felipe IV. Por último, la ciudad es actor principal de esta investigación, en su configuración física y simbólica, ya que la capital tuvo una significación singular en el caso napolitano por la sociografía de sus élites y su implicación en el gobierno municipal.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the concentration of vitamins and minerals in meat protein hydrolysates. Calcium, phosphorus and iron were analyzed by inductively coupled-plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry; vitamin C was analyzed by the reduction of cupric ions and vitamins B1 and B2 by fluorescence. Regarding minerals, the beef hydrolysate (BH) had more iron than the turkey hydrolysate (TH) and the chicken hydrolysate (CH); TH had a little more phosphorus. BH had the largest amount of vitamin C, and similar amounts of vitamins B1 and B2. The amount of these nutrients found in the hydrolysates suggests that it is possible to use them to enrich special dietary formulations.


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View of entrance court under construction, with north-west elevation behind.


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Turkey coronavirus (TCoV) is a causative agent associated with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) in turkeys worldwide. The disease is an acute, highly contagious enteric disease that is characterized by depression, anorexia, diarrhea, and high mortality in commercial turkey flocks. The presence of TCoV in 12 intestinal-content samples, from turkey flocks aged between 10 and 104 days and exhibiting severe enteritis, was monitored during the period of 2004 to 2006. TCoV detection was accomplished by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) through amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by amplification of genes 3 and 5. Molecular characterization of the viruses was done through amplification of genes 3 and 5 and showed evidence of genetic similarity between them, although they differed from sequences of other TCoVs described in the literature. In relation to gene 3, samples showed a greater relationship with chicken infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), while gene 5 showed greater identity with pheasant coronavirus (PhCoV). Our results suggest that the strategy of amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by sequencing of genes 3 and 5, has proven to be an effective means of detecting TCoV in intestinal contents.


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This study explores the impact of Turkey's likely entry in the European Union (EU) in terms of the EU's foreign, security and defense policies. It reviews Turkish capabilities, namely its military capabilities, which could provide the EU with valuable defense assets. There are differences related to Turkey's relations with the EU, which have increasingly spilled over into the NATO, hindering the development of cooperation over crisis management operations. The article then delves in the implications of Turkey's strategic geographical location to EU policies. It reviews how far the EU and Turkey may have convergent interests in some of the neighboring regions, especially in the Middle East.


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1 – Summary of the decision taken by the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011; 2 – Complete text of the decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011, Judge Maria João ANTUNES (Reporter), Judge Carlos Pamplona de OLIVEIRA, Judge José Borges SOEIRO, Judge Gil GALVÃO, Judge Rui Manuel Moura RAMOS (President) –in terms of the tribunalconstitucional.pt, August 1, 2011; 3 – Brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.1 – Plus some conclusions on the brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.2 – Brief annotation to the problem of “consent”– continuation of the previous comments; 4 – Conclusions. It must never be forgotten that “consent” does not stand as the only cause of exclusion of unlawfulness.


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OBJECTIVE: Use of analgesics has been increasingly recognized as a major public health issue with important consequences in Turkey. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and patterns of analgesics usage and associated factors in adults with pain complaints. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 15 cities selected from five demographic regions in Turkey. The study sample population comprised 1.909 adults 18-65 age groups suffering from pain. The sampling method was multi-step stratified weighted quota-adjusted sampling. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured survey questionnaire consisting of 28 questions. Odds ratios were produced by logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of analgesic use was 73.1%, and it was higher in females (75.7%; p<0.05), in subjects 45-54 years (81.4%; p<0.05), in subjects in rural areas (74.6%; p<0.05), in subjects in northern region (84.3%; p<0.05), in illiterate subjects (79.1%; p>0.05), and in subjects of lower socioeconomic status (74.1%; p>0.05). One in ten of the participants used non-prescription analgesics. Non-prescription analgesics were more prevalent among the 55-65 age groups (18.1%; p<0.05), among female (11.6%; p>0.05), among the urban population (10.7%; p>0.05), and in subjects of lower middle socioeconomic status (13.2%; p<0.05). Logistic regression showed statistically significant ORs only for age groups, duration of education, socioeconomic status, and demographic regions (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the prevalence of analgesic use and prescription analgesic use is high in Turkey, and their use is related to sociodemographic characteristics.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval