855 resultados para Torres Strait Island


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Extract from related chapter 5.5.2 in reference: The Orca Seamount was discovered in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait around the posit 62°26'S and 58°24'W on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula, the most western area of the south polar continent. Through the discovery was made known in 1987, it was only during three bathymetric surveys with high resolution fan echosounders between 1993 and 1995 that the character and complete shape of a remarkable volcano seamount became evident. The data acquisition and processing revealed a spectacular crater of 350 m depth. The relative hight of this 3 km wide "caldera" rim is 550 m with a basal diameter of the seamount cone of 11 km. Its flanks are about 15° steep but in some places the slope reaches up to 36°. The nearly circular shape of the Orca edifice spreads outh with several pronounced spurs, trending parallel to the basin axis in a northeast-southwest direction. The Bransfield Strait is a trough-shaped basin of 400 km length and 2 km depth between the South Shetland Island Arc and the Antarctic Peninsula, formed by rifting behind the islands. The separation of the South Shetland island chain from the peninsula began possibly several million years ago. The active rifting is still going on however, and has caused recent earthquakes and volcanism along the Bransfield Strait. The Strait hosts a chain of submerged seamounts of volcanic origin with the presently inactive Ora Seamount as the most spectacular one. The South Shelfand Island owe their existence to a subduction related volcanism which is perhaps 5-10 times older than the age of Orca and the other seamounts along the central basin of the Bransfield Strait.


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An extensive submarine cold-seep area was discovered on the northern shelf of South Georgia during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIX/4 in spring 2013. Hydroacoustic surveys documented the presence of 133 gas bubble emissions, which were restricted to glacially-formed fjords and troughs. Video-based sea floor observations confirmed the sea floor origin of the gas emissions and spatially related microbial mats. Effective methane transport from these emissions into the hydrosphere was proven by relative enrichments of dissolved methane in near-bottom waters. Stable carbon isotopic signatures pointed to a predominant microbial methane formation, presumably based on high organic matter sedimentation in this region. Although known from many continental margins in the world's oceans, this is the first report of an active area of methane seepage in the Southern Ocean. Our finding of substantial methane emission related to a trough and fjord system, a topographical setting that exists commonly in glacially-affected areas, opens up the possibility that methane seepage is a more widespread phenomenon in polar and sub-polar regions than previously thought.


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The raw material for these investigations are samples from marine (sub)surface sediments around the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. They had been sampled in the years 1981 to 1986 during several expeditions of the research vessels Meteor, Polarstern and Walther Herwig. 83 box core, gravity core and dredge samples from the area of the Bransfield Strait, the Powell Basin and the northern Weddell Sea have been examined for their grain-size distribution, their mineralogical and petrographical composition. Silt prevails and its clay proportions exceed 25% wt. in water depths greater than 2000 m. The granulometrical results reveal some typical sedimentation processes within the area of investigation. While turbiditic processes together with sediment input from melting icebergs control the sedimentation in the Weddell Sea, the South Orkney Island Plateau and the Powell Basin, the fine grained material from Bransfield Strait mainly relies on marine currents in the shelf area. In addition, the direct sediment input of coarse shelf sediments from the Bransfield Strait into the Powell Basin through submarine canyons could be proven. Variations in the grain-size composition with sediment depth are smalI. The mineral composition of the clay and fine silt fractions is quite uniform in all samples. There are (in decreasing order): illite, montmorillonite, chlorite, smectite, mixed-Iayers, as well as detrital quartz and feldspars. A petrographically based sediment stratigraphy can be established in using the considerable changes in the chlorite- and Ca-plagioclase portions in samples from Core 224. For this sedimentation area a mean sedimentation rate of 7 cm/1000 a is assumed. Remarkable changes in the portions of amorphous silica components - diatom skeletons and volcanic glass shards - appear all over the area of investigation. They contribute between 4-83 % to the clay and fine silt fraction. Several provinces according to the heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction can be distinguished: (i) a province remarkably influenced by minerals of volcanic origin south and north of the South Shetland Islands; (ii) a small strip with sediment dominated by plutonic material along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula and (iii) a sediment controlled by metamorphic minerals and rock fragments in the area of the Weddell Sea and Elephant Island. While taking the whole grain-size spectrum into account a more comprehensive interpretation can be given: the accessoric but distinct appearance of tourmaline, rutile and zircon in the heavy mineral assembly along the northwestern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula is in agreement with the occurrence of acid volcanic rock pieces in the coarse fraction of the ice load detritus in this region. In the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands chlorite appears in remarkable portions in the clay fraction in combination with leucoxene, sphene and olivine, and pumice as well as pyroclastic rocks in the medium and coarse grain fractions, respectively. Amphiboles and amphibole-schists are dominant on the South Orkney Island Plateau. In the sediments of the northwestern Weddell Sea the heavy mineral phases of red spinel, garnet, kyanite and sillimanite in connection with medium to highgrade metamorphic rocks especially granulitic gneisses, are more abundant. A good conformity between the ice rafted rock sampIes and the rocks in the island outcrops could be proven, especially in the vicinity of offshore islands nearby. On the continent enrichments of rock societies and groups appear in spacious outlines: acid effusive rocks in the west of the ice divide on the Antarctic Peninsula, clastic sedimentites at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and granoblastic gneisses in central and eastern Antarctica. Coarse grain detritus with more than 1 cm of diameter must have been rafted by icebergs. These rock fragments are classified as rock types, groups and societies. The spacial distribution of their statistically determined weight relations evidently shows the paths of the iceberg drift and in nexus with already known iceberg routes also point to the possible areas of provenance, provided that the density of sample locations and the number of rock pieces are sufficient.


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This work presents results of a study of plankton and benthic microbiocenoses of the Amur River estuary. It is shown that distribution of total abundance and indicator groups of bacteriobenthos are characterized by stronger heterogeneity compared with bacterioplankton and that it depends on the Amur River runoff and bottom type. The river runoff helps by increasing overall bacterioplankton abundance in the near-mouth part of the estuary. Microorganisms utilizing low concentrations of organic matter (OM) play major role in processes of OM utilization in water and bottom sediments. Saprophytic bacteria play a significant role in OM utilization only in water at certain sampling sites in the Tatarsky Strait and Sakhalin Bay and in bottom sediments sampled in the mouth part of the estuary. Some parts of the estuary subjected to organic contamination are found according to microbiological characteristics. It is shown that fluctuation of salinity leads to change of the role of bacteria with different food demands in the microbial community.


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A study of the distribution, dispersal and composition of surficial sediments in the Strait of Georgia, B.C., has resulted in the understanding of basic sedimentologic conditions within this area. The Strait of Georgia is: a long, narrow, semi-enclosed basin with a restricted circulation and a single, main, sediment source. The Fraser. River supplies practically all the sediment now being deposited in the Strait of Georgia, the bulk of it during the spring and summer freshet. This river is building a delta into the Strait from the east side near the south end. Ridges of Pleistocene deposits within the Strait and Pleistocene material around the margins, like bedrock exposures, provide local sources of sediment of only minor importance. Rivers and streams other than the Fraser contribute insignificant quantities of sediment to the Strait. Sandy sediments are concentrated in the vicinity of the delta, and in the area to the south and southeast. Mean grain size decreases from the delta toward the northwest along the axis of the Strait, and basinwards from the margins. Silts and clays are deposited in deep water west and north of the delta front, and in deep basins northwest of the delta. Poorly sorted sediments containing a gravel component are located near tidal passes, on the Vancouver Island shelf area, on ridge tops within the Strait, and with sandy sediments at the southeastern end of the study area. The Pleistocene ridges are areas of non-deposition, having at most a thin veneer of modern mud on their crests and upper flanks. The southeastern end of the study area contains a thick wedge of shandy sediment which appears to be part of an earlier delta of the Fraser River. Evidence suggests that it is now a site of active submarine erosion. Sediments throughout the Strait are compositionally extremely similar, with-Pleistocene deposits of the Fraser River drainage basin providing the principal, heterogeneous source. Gravels and coarse sands are composed primarily of lithic fragments, dominantly of dioritic to granodloritlc composition. Sand fractions exhibit increasing simplicity of mineralogy with decreasing grain-size. Quartz, felspar, amphibole and fine-grained lithic fragments are the dominant constituents of the finer sand grades. Coarse and medium silt fractions have compositions similar to the fine sands. Fine silts show an increase in abundance of phyllosilicate material, a feature even more evident in the clay-size fractions on Montmorillonite, illite, chlorite, quartz and feldspar are the main minerals in the coarse clay fraction, with minor mixed-layer clays and kaolinite. The fine clay fraction is dominated by montmorillonite, with lesser amounts of illite and chlorite. The sediments have high base-exchange capacities, related to a considerable content of montmorillonite. Magnesium is present in exchange positions in greater quantity in Georgia Strait sediments than in sediments from the Fraser River, indicating a preferential uptake of this element in the marine environment. Manganese nodules collected from two localities in the Strait imply slow sediment accumulation rates at these sites. Sedimentation rates on and close to the delta, and in the deep basins to the northwest, are high.


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Esta tesis doctoral desarrolla una investigación original sobre las torres defensivas de Menorca y las torres Martello de las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. Con respecto a las torres menorquinas, se distinguen las de Alcaufar y Punta Prima, construidas por ingenieros militares españoles, en 1786; de las levantadas por el ejército británico durante su último periodo de dominación de la isla, entre 1798 y 1802. Estos ingenieros reales británicos construyen las torres Martello en las costas inglesas, entre 1805 y 1812; y otras, semejantes a ellas, en el resto de su Imperio, hasta mediados del siglo XIX. La falta de estudios que relacionen las torres defensivas de Menorca y las Martello inglesas dentro del marco disciplinario de la construcción, ha constituido la justificación de esta investigación. La hipótesis de trabajo plantea un objetivo principal: el estudio y análisis comparativo entre ellas, que se desarrolla en varios niveles de análisis: morfológico, físico-constructivo, de visibilidades; pero también territorial, histórico y poliorcético. Esta tesis cuestiona, en consecuencia, la idea tradicionalmente aceptada de que las torres Martello tomaran la torre de Mortella, en Córcega, o cualquiera de las denominadas torres "preMartello", como referencia para crear su prototipo. La metodología empleada combina los trabajos de gabinete con una intensa labor de campo, en la que se documentaron cincuenta y siete torres, catorce en Menorca y cuarenta y tres en Inglaterra. Se han redactado sus correspondientes fichas de datos, que incluyen aspectos generales - morfológicos y constructivos -, así como documentación fotográfica. Se han elaborado los levantamientos morfológicos de siete de estas torres, aquellas que por sus particularidades constructivas, o bien representan un determinado tipo de torre, o bien se distinguen del resto. Del mismo modo, se han desarrollado los levantamientos físico-constructivos y la caracterización de materiales de las cuatro torres más relevantes para este estudio: las menorquinas Alcaufar y Punta Prima, y las torres 24 y C, que ejemplifican, respectivamente, las levantadas en las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. El sistemático método de trabajo llevado a cabo ha favorecido la investigación y ha ayudado a obtener conclusiones que verifican la hipótesis planteada en la tesis y cumplen los objetivos establecidos al comienzo de la misma. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis develops an original research on the defensive towers of Minorca, and the Martello towers on the south and east coasts of England. Regarding the Minorcan towers, Alcaufar and Punta Prima, built by the Spanish military engineers in 1786, must be distinguished from those erected by the British Army during its last period of domination of the island between 1798 and 1802. These Royal Engineers build the Martello towers on the English coasts between 1805 and 1812; and others, similar to them, in the rest of their Empire until the middle of the 19th century. The lack of studies linking these Minorcan and English towers, within the disciplinary framework of construction, has been the justification for this research. The hypothesis poses a main goal: the study and comparative analysis of them, which takes place at several levels of analysis: morphological, constructive, of visibilities; but also territorial, historical and poliorcetic. Consequently, this thesis questions the traditionally accepted notion that the Martello towers took the Corsican Mortella Tower, or any of the so-called “preMartello” towers as a reference to create their prototype. The methodology combines the cabinet works with significant fieldwork, in which fifty seven towers were documented, fourteen in Minorca and forty three in England. The corresponding data sheets were drafted including general aspects - morphological and constructive-, and photographic documentation. Morphological survey plans were developed for seven of these towers due to their construction peculiarities, which either denote a specific type of tower or makes it stand out from the rest. Likewise, constructive survey plans and material characterisation sheets of the four more relevant towers in this study were developed: the Minorcan Alcaufar and Punta Prima, and towers 24 and C, both respectively exemplifying those built on the south and east coasts of England. The systematic method of work encouraged the research and helped to draw conclusions that both confirm the hypothesis raised in the thesis and meet the objectives established at the beginning of it.


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From the above and the grafical results it can be concluded that cores in the research area are locally dominated by turbiditic sequences, which can be observed by a strong increase in coarser sediment (>35 µm). These coarser intercalations are lacking in the vicinity of basaltic seamounts, probably due to a shadowing effect of the seamounts. The infill of the King George Basin might be dominated by a north eastern current. Sedimentary structures as observed in the cores are often lacking or vague due to hydrothermal effects (Suess, L, 1986).


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The influence of biogenic opal sediment input (mainly diatom skeletons) on the fluorine budget of marine sediments will be shown for 24 sampling stations of the antarctic regions of Bransfield Strait, Powell Basin, South Orkney Plateau and northwestern Weddell Sea. 4 bulk samples, one from each sedimentation area, contain 9 to 28 wt.-% of biogenic opal , the clay fraction of the 24 samples investigated have 2 to 82 wt.-%. The fluorine concentration in the amorphous biogenic component is 15 ppm. 300 to 800 ppm of fluorine were measured in the clay fractions, 330 to 920 ppm in their lithogenic components. Biogenic opal causes a decrease in fluorine concentration of the sediment by a considerable amount: 6 to 56 % relative to the clay fraction, due to the proportions involved. Biogenic opal is therefore taken into account as a 'diluting' factor for the fluorine budget in marine sediments.


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The Nares Strait controversy concerns the debate about whether or not a major sinistral transcurrent fault (the Wegener Fault) separates northern Greenland and Canada. To date no firm evidence has been found for the proposed 200 km sinistral offset, and to the contrary, geological correlations, mainly involving Paleozoic rocks across the Nares Strait, suggest that total left-lateral motion is no more than 70 km. The E-W trending Thule (Greenland) and Devon Island (Canada) dyke swarms lie on opposite sides of Baffin Bay and are offset sinistrally about 200 km, suggesting that if their correlation is established a convincing case for the Wegener Fault can be made. Paleomagnetic, geochemical and petrographic data allow, but do not yet establish, the correlation. Paleomagnetic results for Canadian sites (VGP = 6.9°N, 181.8 °E, A95 = 12.7°, N = 5) and Greenland sites (VGP = 11.5 °N, 178.3 °E, A95 = 13.8°, N = 4) are not significantly different at the 95 % confidence level. These levels are too large to resolve whether or not the Thule and Devon Island swarms have been offset. Geochemical data reveal a distinct and identical pattern in incompatible elements, while petrographically, the dykes are indistinguishable. U-Pb geochronological results for a Canadian dyke (720.2 ±2.0 Ma) and a Thule dyke (720.4 ±2.7 Ma) are identical within error and clearly identify the two sets of dykes as being parts of the same magmatic episode.


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This paper, focusing principally on post-Lapita times, outlines the course and outcomes of work undertaken over the last two decades in the West New Britain-Vitiaz Strait-north New Guinea coastal region. It presents two principal arguments. The first is that major periods of movement and abandonment documented in the archaeological sequences of this region from about 3,500 years ago coincide with the record of volcanism in the Talasea-Cape Hoskins area. The second is that the post-Lapita sequences of this region differ significantly from the post-Lapita sequences emerging in the island arc reaching from Manus via New Ireland to southern and eastern island Melanesia, which show continuous occupation and pottery production.