414 resultados para Tier


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Eine biblische und theologische Kulturgeschichte der Tiere mit 30 Tierporträts und Einleitungen zum Verhältnis Mensch-Tier, Tierschutz, Tiersymbolik im alten Israel und seinen Nachbarkulturen.


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To determine the potential inhalatory risk posed by carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a tier-based approach beginning with an in vitro assessment must be adopted. The purpose of this study therefore was to compare 4 commonly used in vitro systems of the human lung (human blood monocyte-derived macrophages [MDM] and monocyte-derived dendritic cells [MDDC], 16HBE14o- epithelial cells, and a sophisticated triple cell co-culture model [TCC-C]) via assessment of the biological impact of different CNTs (single-walled CNTs [SWCNTs] and multiwalled CNTs [MWCNTs]) over 24h. No significant cytotoxicity was observed with any of the cell types tested, although a significant (p < .05), dose-dependent increase in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α following SWCNT and MWCNT exposure at concentrations up to 0.02mg/ml to MDM, MDDC, and the TCC-C was found. The concentration of TNF-α released by the MDM and MDDC was significantly higher (p < .05) than the TCC-C. Significant increases (p < .05) in interleukin (IL)-8 were also found for both 16HBE14o- epithelial cells and the TCC-C after SWCNTs and MWCNTs exposure up to 0.02mg/ml. The TCC-C, however, elicited a significantly (p < .05) higher IL-8 release than the epithelial cells. The oxidative potential of both SWCNTs and MWCNTs (0.005-0.02mg/ml) measured by reduced glutathione (GSH) content showed a significant difference (p < .05) between each monoculture and the TCC-C. It was concluded that because only the co-culture system could assess each endpoint adequately, that, in comparison with monoculture systems, multicellular systems that take into consideration important cell type-to-cell type interactions could be used as predictive in vitro screening tools for determining the potential deleterious effects associated with CNTs.


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Avulsion of nerve roots of the brachial plexus can be diagnosed clinically, neurologically, radiographically and by electromyography. But like the myelography these techniques are inprecise for determination of the severity (partial or complete disruption) and the localization of the lesion. In human medicine the combination of computerized tomography with myelography shows high accuracy. Veterinary reports of experience in this field are not yet known. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate nerve root avulsions using myelography and computerized tomography. Three dogs and one cat with traumatic lesions of the brachial plexus were examined. The lesion could be seen in all patients. Thus CT-myelography results in an improved prognostic assessment of brachial plexus paralysis. Moreover, this technique could become one of the most important diagnostic methods for brachial plexus lesions involving nerve root reinsertion--neurotizations in veterinary medicine.


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The present article gives a survey over the current scientific knowledge of the canine neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL). NCL is a heterogenous group of lysosomal storage diseases in humans and animals. In consequence of a gene mutation, there is an accumulation of ceroid-lipofuscin in neurons, cells of the retina and the skin and other cells. The stored ceroid-lipofuscin in neurons leads to an impaired cell function and subsequently to cell death. Recently, the underlying genetic defect was discovered in several dog breeds. Genetic testing permits an ante mortem diagnosis of the disease, which up to now was only possible with a positive biopsy result. Another advantage is the identification of carrier animals to eliminate the deleterious alleles.


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Die Doktorarbeit “Dein Gott ist ein Esel. Griechische und römische Tierkarikaturen als Spiegel antiker Wertvorstellungen” hat sowohl die lange und intensive Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Tier als auch das antike Humorverständnis zum Thema. Trotz seiner verschiedenen Rollen als Helfer und Freund blieb (und bleibt) das Tier der Stereotyp des ‚Anderen’, das Gegenbild, das alle Menschen teilen. Das Lachen und damit die Karikatur wiederum helfen uns, zu reflektieren und Distanz zu den Dingen und vielleicht zu uns selbst zu gewinnen. Tierkarikaturen sind deshalb besonders geeignet, ein Spiegel menschlicher Fehler und Schwächen zu sein. In der Regel handelt es sich bei den antiken Tierkarikaturen um Bilder von Menschen, die tiergestaltig ‚verzerrt’ sind, zum Beispiel ein Lehrer mit dem Äusseren eines Esels. Solche Darstellungen sind ab dem 6. Jh. v. Chr. zu finden und werden in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit häufiger, wo der Fokus der Arbeit liegt. Meist sind es Terrakotta- oder Bronzefiguren, die verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen zugeordnet werden können wie Religion, Politik, Freizeit usw. Unter Berücksichtigung des spezifischen kulturellen und funktionalen Kontextes jedes Stückes sowie zeitgenössischen schriftlichen Quellen wird die Bedeutung dieser Karikaturen erarbeitet.


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Widely publicized reports of fresh MBAs getting multiple job offers with six-figure annual salaries leave a long-lasting general impression about the high quality of selected business schools. While such spectacular achievement in job placement rightly deserves recognition, one should not lose sight of the resources expended in order to accomplish this result. In this study, we employ a measure of Pareto-Koopmans global efficiency to evaluate the efficiency levels of the MBA programs in Business Week's top-rated list. We compute input- and output-oriented radial and non-radial efficiency measures for comparison. Among three tier groups, the schools from a higher tier group on average are more efficient than those from lower tiers, although variations in efficiency levels do occur within the same tier, which exist over different measures of efficiency.


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u.a.: Rezension von Karl Georg Bähr; Über die vierfache Wurzel vom zureichenden Grunde; naturwissenschaftliche Überlegungen zu den Übergangsstufen zwischen Mensch und Tier; Jules Lunteschütz; Versendung einer Daguerreotypie Schopenhauers für eine Ausstellung in Paris; Artikel von Francesco de Sanctis: Schopenhauer e Leopardi in der in Turin herausgegebenen Rivista Contemporanea;


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u.a. Angaben zur Überschwemmungen in Ohra; Reise nach Genua; Stellungnahme zur 2. Auflage der "Welt als Wille und Vorstellung"; Naturwissenschaft; Tier;


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This dissertation develops and tests a comparative effectiveness methodology utilizing a novel approach to the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in health studies. The concept of performance tiers (PerT) is introduced as terminology to express a relative risk class for individuals within a peer group and the PerT calculation is implemented with operations research (DEA) and spatial algorithms. The analysis results in the discrimination of the individual data observations into a relative risk classification by the DEA-PerT methodology. The performance of two distance measures, kNN (k-nearest neighbor) and Mahalanobis, was subsequently tested to classify new entrants into the appropriate tier. The methods were applied to subject data for the 14 year old cohort in the Project HeartBeat! study.^ The concepts presented herein represent a paradigm shift in the potential for public health applications to identify and respond to individual health status. The resultant classification scheme provides descriptive, and potentially prescriptive, guidance to assess and implement treatments and strategies to improve the delivery and performance of health systems. ^


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Genetics education for physicians has been a popular publication topic in the United States and in Europe for over 20 years. Decreasing numbers of medical genetics professionals and an increasing volume of genetic information has created a dire need for increased genetics training in medical school and in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess how well pediatrics-focused primary care physicians apply their general genetics knowledge to clinical genetic testing using scenario-based questions. We chose to specifically focus on knowledge of the diagnostic applicability of Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) technology in pediatrics because of its recent recommendation by the International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium as a first-tier genetic test for individuals with developmental disabilities and/or congenital anomalies. Proficiency in ordering baseline genetic testing was evaluated for eighty-one respondents from four pediatrics-focused residencies (categorical pediatrics, pediatric neurology, internal medicine/pediatrics, and family practice) at two large residency programs in Houston, Texas. Similar to other studies, we found an overall deficit of genetic testing knowledge, especially among family practice residents. Interestingly, residents who elected to complete a genetics rotation in medical school scored significantly better than expected, as well as better than residents who did not elect to complete a genetics rotation. We suspect that the insufficient knowledge among physicians regarding a baseline genetics work-up is leading to redundant (i.e. concurrent karyotype and CMA) and incorrect (i.e. ordering CMA to detect achondroplasia) genetic testing and is contributing to rising health care costs in the United States. Our results provide specific teaching points upon which medical schools can focus education about clinical genetic testing and suggest that increased collaboration between primary care physicians and genetics professionals could benefit patient health care overall.


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Untersuchungen über das Sprungvermögen der Feldheuschreckangattung Stenobothru (277 Individuen) ergaben: 1. Die Sprungbahnen stellen exakte ballistische Kurven dar, Körperbewegungen während des Sprunges haben auf ihre Form keinen wesentlichen Einfluß. Die Verkürzung der Wurfparabel durch den Luftwiderstand beträgt 20%, der mittlere Absprungwinkel 54°. 2. Die Sprungweite eines Weibchen vom mittleren Gewicht 0,22 g beträgt bei etwa 20° im Mittel 0,6 m, mit einem Maximum von 1,2 m. Durch einen Absprungwinkel nahe 45° erzielen die Tiere auf ebener Fläche optimale Sprungweite. 3. Einem solchen Standardsprung entspricht ein physikalischer Energieaufwand von rund 10**4 erg, mit nicht erheblicher empirischer Fehlerbreite. Unter Rücksicht auf den Nutzeffekt dürfte die von einem Tier je Sprung aufgewendete Energie etwas mehr als das 3fache dieses Betrages ausmachen. Als Absprungkraft errechnet sich je Sprung rund 4000 dyn. 4. Im groben verhalten sich große und kleine Vertreter der untersuchten Arten isometrisch, obgleich die großen ausschließlich Weibchen, die kleinen ausschließlich Männchen sind. 5. Die maximale Lokomotionsgeschwindigkeit, gemessen an der ersten Fünfsprungserie, ist bei kleinen und großen Tieren innerhalb der Fehlerbreite absolut gleich, ja bei den kleineren Vertretern sogar (mindestens teilweise vermutlich aus sekundären Gründen) etwas größer. Entsprechendes gilt für eine mittlere Lokomotionsgeschwindigkeit. Überschlagsmäßig würde dauerndes Springen vom Standpunkt der O2-Bilanz keine außergewöhnliche Belastung bedeuten. Die beobachteten Ermüdungserscheinungen beruhen offenbar auf der zu langsamen Mobilisierung gespeicherter Energien. 6. Bei allen guten Springern des Tierreichs (Floh-Känguruh ) scheint größenordnungsmäßig die Sprungleistung massenproportional zu sein.