828 resultados para Teaching online
In recent years, mobile learning has emerged as an educational approach to decrease the limitation of learning location and adapt the teaching-learning process to all type of students. However, the large number and variety of Web-enabled devices poses challenges for Web content creators who want to automatic get the delivery context and adapt the content to mobile devices. In this paper we study several approaches to adapt the learning content to mobile phones. We present an architecture for deliver uniform m-Learning content to students in a higher School. The system development is organized in two phases: firstly enabling the educational content to mobile devices and then adapting it to all the heterogeneous mobile platforms. With this approach, Web authors will not need to create specialized pages for each kind of device, since the content is automatically transformed to adapt to any mobile device capabilities from WAP to XHTML MP-compliant devices.
This paper presents a tool called Petcha that acts as an automated Teaching Assistant in computer programming courses. The ultimate objective of Petcha is to increase the number of programming exercises effectively solved by students. Petcha meets this objective by helping both teachers to author programming exercises and students to solve them. It also coordinates a network of heterogeneous systems, integrating automatic program evaluators, learning management systems, learning object repositories and integrated programming environments. This paper presents the concept and the design of Petcha and sets this tool in a service oriented architecture for managing learning processes based on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The paper presents also a case study that validates the use of Petcha and of the proposed architecture.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
The use of Laptops and the Internet has produced the technological conditions for instructors and students can take advantage from the diversity of online information, communication, collaboration and sharing with others. The integration of Internet services in the teaching practices can be responsible for thematic, social and digital improvement for the agents involved. There are many benefits when we use a Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle, to support the lectures in higher education. We also will consider its implications for student support and online interaction, leading educational agents to a collaborating of different learning environments, where they can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction, blended-learning, and increases the possibilities for better quality and quantity of human communication in a learning background. In general components of learning management systems contain synchronous and asynchronous communication tools, management features, and assessment utilities. These assessment utilities allow lecturers to systematize basic assessment tasks. Assessments can be straightaway delivered to the student, and upon conclusion, immediately returned with grades and detailed feedback. Therefore learning management systems can also be used for assessment purposes in Higher Education.
The developments of digital technology have opened new outlooks for online education which offer students the flexibility to learn at any time and any place. With all this instructional changes instructors, in all levels of the educational chain have been compelled to adapt quickly to this reality. They have a wide diversity of tools available to grab student’s attention and motivate them to embrace the knowledge in their own learning process. One of these resources is the use of videos. Through them lecturers can deliver complex information and contents to students and, if used creatively, videos can become a powerful technological tool in education. In this article we will explore some of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of videos in the teaching and learning process at higher education levels. We will also discuss some thoughts and examples for the use of teaching materials to enhance student’s learning and try to change ideas about the potentialities and future of video’s annotation new software resources, as incoming open tools for group work involvement.
The developments of digital technology have opened new outlooks for online education which offer students the flexibility to learn at any time and any place. With all this instructional changes teachers, in all levels of the educational chain have been compelled to adapt quickly to this reality. They have a wide diversity of tools available to grab student’s attention and to motivate them to embrace the knowledge in their own learning process. One of these resources is the use of videos. Through them teachers can deliver complex information and contents to students and, if used creatively, videos can become a powerful technological tool in education. In this article we will explore some of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of videos in the teaching and learning process at higher education levels. We will also discuss some thoughts and examples for the use of teaching materials to enhance student’s learning and try to share ideas about the potentialities and future of video’s annotation new software resources, as incoming open tools for group work involvement.
In the past few years we have witnessed the fast development of distance learning tools such as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This paper presents the “Mathematics without STRESS” MOOC Project, which is a cooperation between four schools from the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP). The concepts of MOOC and their quickly growing popularity are presented and complemented by a discussion of some MOOC definitions. The process of the project development is demonstrated by focusing on used MOOC structure, as well as the several types of course materials produced. At last, is presented a short discussion about problems and challenges met throughout the project. It is also our goal to contribute for a change in the way as teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays.
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation.
This paper presents the creation and development of technological schools directly linked to the business community and to higher public education. Establishing themselves as the key interface between the two sectors they make a signigicant contribution by having a greater competitive edge when faced with increasing competition in the tradional markets. The development of new business strategies supported by references of excellence, quality and competitiveness also provides a good link between the estalishment of partnerships aiming at the qualification of education boards at a medium level between the technological school and higher education with a technological foundation. We present a case study as an example depicting the success of Escola Tecnológica de Vale de Cambra.
Video poker machines, a former symbol of fraud and gambling in Brazil, are now being converted into computer-based educational tools for Brazilian public primary schools and also for governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with communities of poverty and social exclusion, in an attempt to reduce poverty risks (decrease money spent on gambling) and promote social inclusion (increase access and motivation to education). Thousands of illegal gambling machines are seized by federal authorities, in Brazil, every year, and usually destroyed at the end of the criminal apprehension process. This paper describes a project developed by the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, responsible for the conversion process of gambling machines, and the social inclusion opportunities derived from it. All project members worked on a volunteer basis, seeking to promote social inclusion of Brazilian young boys and girls, namely through digital inclusion. So far, the project has been able to convert over 200 gambling machines and install them in over 40 public primary schools, thus directly benefiting more than 12,000 schoolchildren. The initial motivation behind this project was technology based, however the different options arising from the conversion process of the gambling machines have also motivated a rather innovative and unique experience in allowing schoolchildren and young people with special (educational) needs to access to computer-based pedagogical applications. The availability of these converted machines also helps to place Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the very daily educational environment of these children and youngsters, thus serving social and cultural inclusion aspects, by establishing a dialogue with the community and their technological expectations, and also directly contributing to their digital literacy.
O hotel, para muitos autores, tem como função oferecer abrigo para quem está distante da sua casa e atender às suas necessidades básicas. A hotelaria tem como função básica alojar as pessoas que estão longe da sua residência e que precisam de um quarto com uma cama para dormir e uma casa de banho (Duarte, 1996). Para Beni (2003), um hotel, além de ter a função básica de alojar, tem uma característica que nenhum outro estabelecimento comercial possui, que é o facto de o consumidor se deslocar até ao hotel para poder utilizar os serviços disponíveis. Outra característica muito especifica da atividade hoteleira, é o facto de o atendimento ser o mais importante na hora da prestação do serviço. O Hostel é uma designação muito usada atualmente como sinónimo de albergue. É um tipo de unidade hoteleira que se caracteriza pelos preços convidativos e pela possibilidade de socialização dos hóspedes, onde cada hóspede pode arrendar uma cama ou beliche, num dormitório partilhado, com casa de banho, lavandaria e, por vezes, cozinha, também em regime partilhado. Os Hostels são geralmente económicos praticando preços intitulados low-‐cost. Definir uma estratégia para a Internet é hoje um imperativo para qualquer organização que pretenda utilizar este canal de comunicação para promover a sua atividade. As unidades hoteleiras também não são exceção; a necessidade de comunicar com os públicos alvo no sentido de aumentarem a captação de turistas exige uma presença na Internet que consiga simultaneamente informar e motivar à escolha pelos serviços prestados. A Internet evidencia um incontornável potencial informativo e comunicativo em questões de rapidez de circulação: número de pessoas que atinge e áreas geográficas que abarca; e devido às suas características de imaterialidade, instantaneidade e multimédia, democratiza o acesso à informação e a determinados tipos de bens, facilita a comunicação entre pessoas e instituições e universaliza as oportunidades, eliminando as barreiras espaciais, geográficas e temporais (Balsa, 2007). Rapidamente as unidades hoteleiras se aperceberam das vantagens e potencialidades da Internet: rápida, imediata, económica, integrada no dia-‐a-‐dia de trabalho e lazer e acessível a um cada vez maior número de pessoas. A nível geral, mas com especial incidência no caso das unidades hoteleiras, a Internet apresenta inúmeras vantagens ao nível da estruturação da informação em bases de dados e da sua apresentação dinâmica, tirando partido da inclusão de objetos multimédia em páginas HTML. Os objetos multimédia podem incluir áudio, vídeo,animações em tecnologia Flash e mesmo animações 3D tornando a visita a um sítio Web com este tipo de conteúdos, uma experiência muito gratificante. Por sua vez, a interatividade, característica do próprio funcionamento das páginas Web, facilita a interação entre a unidade hoteleira e o visitante. A interatividade permite ou facilita uma relação ativa entre o utilizador e o hotel. O utilizador passa de espectador passivo a interveniente ativo no processo de consulta da informação. Na web, os avanços tecnológicos têm sido constantes. Em 1980, Alvin Toffler’s no seu bestseller ‘The Third Wave’ previu um novo tipo de consumidor a quem chamou de ‘prosumer’ e que seria um misto de DIY (do-it-yourself) produtor e consumidor em mercados offline (Toffler, 1980). Foi sem dúvida de uma grande visão, mas sem os recentes avanços na web e nas tecnologias digitais, a maioria dos utilizadores não poderia ter dado o salto de espectador passivo para ator que participa ativamente na construção da web (Shuen, 2008). O aparecimento das redes sociais que permitem criar comunidades com interesses afins, o desenvolvimento de plataformas como o Youtube.com para a partilha de vídeos, a vulgarização de plataformas como o flickr.com para a partilha de imagens constituíram marcos determinantes para aquilo a que se designa por WEB 2.0 (tecnologia do século XXI). Enquanto no tempo da WEB 1.0 (tecnologia dos anos 90) os sites eram essencialmente estáticos e a interatividade não era levada aos limites, agora com a WEB 2.0 é possível construir modelos de negócio com conteúdos mais ricos simulando, com muito maior realismo, em ambientes virtuais, o que se passa em ambientes reais. Os sítios Web das unidades hoteleiras estão a evoluir rapidamente para um modelo que contemple as potencialidades da WEB 2.0 Tendo em consideração a importância das unidades hoteleiras no panorama do turismo, a relevância da Internet como meio de comunicação entre as instituições e os cidadãos e a necessidade das unidades hoteleiras disporem de uma estratégia de comunicação digital para difundir as suas valências e atividades, entendemos justificar-se fazer uma revisão da literatura onde: procuraremos compreender a importância do turismo na sociedade atual assim como, o impacto das novas tecnologias da informação em atividades relacionadas com o turismo e ainda, procuraremos perceber quais os canais de comunicação digital que estão ao dispor dos profissionais de turismo, nomeadamente os gestores de unidades hoteleiras, para promover os seus serviços. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste em mostrar como foi desenvolvido uma estratégia de comunicação digital para promover online uma unidade hoteleira low cost, no caso presente o Oporto Invictus Hostel. Trata‐se de um projeto integrado em que não só se criaram as diferentes peças de comunicação como se definiu e aplicou uma estratégia promocional com vista à divulgação do Hostel. O projeto apresentado evidencia como é possível, com recursos limitados, criar um sistema integrado de comunicação digital online que promova uma pequena unidade hoteleira, de forma a dar-‐lhe visibilidade tanto a nível nacional como internacional. O projeto está dividido em cinco partes. Numa primeira parte é feita a apresentação do briefing que resultou de uma primeira reunião com o cliente. Numa segunda parte apresenta‐se a fase de planeamento relativa ao desenvolvimento do projeto. Numa terceira parte descreve-se o processo de implementação do projeto. Na quarta fase abordam-se os testes funcionais e na quinta e última fase faz-se referencia a aspetos relacionados com a conclusão do projeto.
Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - O Estágio do Ensino Especializado realizado no presente ano lectivo foi elaborado na Academia de Música de Lisboa em três turmas. Vários foram os desafios encontrados no decorrer do ano lectivo, como por exemplo a instabilidade das turmas, a falta do quadro na sala em algumas aulas e a pouca experiência anterior na área de docência. A realização deste estágio permitiu experimentar actividades e estratégias aprendidas nas disciplinas do mestrado e estimulou uma atitude de reflexão regular sobre as escolhas pedagógicas elaboradas e sobre a resposta dos alunos. Também o feedback dos professores da Unidade Curricular de Didáctica do Ensino Especializado foi essencial na consciencialização de aspectos que teriam que ser mudados na minha abordagem do ensino: fazer actividades mais formativas e menos avaliativas, dar mais feedback, não avançar para outro nível enquanto uma tarefa ainda não estiver consolidada, não modificar as instruções tão rapidamente, ter cuidado com a apresentação visual das células rítmicas e pensar em soluções para quando os alunos estão cansados. Foi também importante reflectir sobre os planos de aula realizados ao longo do ano e sobre o que não seria realizado da mesma forma, nomeadamente na introdução de células rítmicas, introdução de funções harmónicas e cadências. Durante este ano foi feito um esforço para melhorar estes aspectos, no entanto ainda não foi possível implementar todas as mudanças. De qualquer modo, esta reflexão é um bom ponto de partida para o planeamento do próximo ano e um exemplo da atitude que deve acompanhar-me durante toda a minha actividade enquanto docente.
Relatório de Estágio de Mestrado em Ciências da Informação e da Documentação
Measuring the quality of a b-learning environment is critical to determine the success of a b-learning course. There are a lot of materials related to the quality process, namely different approaches and perspectives but none of them is specific of the product of a b-learning context. In this paper we identify the indicators that should be analyzed in order to determine the quality of a b-learning course, since its success reflect not only the student’s perception, but also what should be taken into account. B-Learning environments are relatively new and combine educational characteristics with technological elements that support the learning process and the training delivery. Our main objective is to know what a high quality b-learning environment is in students’’ perception and what are the main quality dimensions of these courses, in the perspective of the products and services offered. After a literature review concerning the quality process and in particular the b-learning quality field, a structure that provides the main elements that should be evaluated by students when we are measuring the quality and the success of b-learning product/services was created. The structure obtained was applied to a case study of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto. Results presented will help institutions to deliver services with more quality and improve their long-term competitiveness.
This paper discusses the changes brought by the communication revolution in teaching and learning in the scope of LSP. Its aim is to provide an insight on how teaching which was bi-dimensional, turned into a multidimensional system, gathering other complementary resources that have transformed, in a incredibly short time, the ways we receive share and store information, for instance as professionals, and keep in touch with our peers. The increasing rise of electronic publications, the incredible boom of social and professional networks, search engines, blogs, list servs, forums, e-mail blasts, Facebook pages, YouTube contents, Tweets and Apps, have twisted the way information is conveyed. Classes ceased to be predictable and have been empowered by digital platforms, innumerous and different data repositories (TILDE, IATE, LINGUEE, and so many other terminological data banks) that have definitely transformed the academic world in general and tertiary education in particular. There is a bulk of information to be digested by students, who are no longer passive but instead responsible and active for their academic outcomes. The question is whether they possess the tools to select only what is accurate and important for a certain subject or assignment, due to that overflow? Due to the reduction of the number of course years in most degrees, after the implementation of Bologna and the shrinking of the curricula contents, have students the possibility of developing critical thinking? Both teaching and learning rely on digital resources to improve the speed of the spreading of knowledge. But have those changes been effective to promote really communication? Furthermore, with the increasing Apps that have already been developed and will continue to appear for learning foreign languages, for translation among others, will the students feel the need of learning them once they have those Apps. These are some the questions we would like to discuss in our paper.