884 resultados para Task to promote education


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Resena las actividades de promocion de la cooperacion tecnica y economica entre paises en desarrollo realizadas por CEPAL en los planos regional e interregional, destacando los aportes hechos a las reuniones tecnicas convocadas por el Comite de Seguimiento y Coordinacion en el bienio 1983-1984.


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The main objective of the meeting was to present recommendations to the Ad Hoc Committee established by the United Nations to consider proposals and elements for inclusion in an international convention aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Attending the meeting were key stakeholders from the human rights and disabled community, public and private sector, the academic community, and members of the United Nations system.


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The greatest challenge of undergraduate engineering courses is to encourage creativity, cooperation with other students, teamwork, and motivation in the first years of their courses. While students have little or no contact with advanced disciplines, it is very difficult to attract their interests and encourage them to develop the skills in their undergraduate courses. This work aims to achieve these objectives through a mini-factory project involving the construction of a production line of ceramic tiles on a laboratory scale, from the ceramic processing using raw materials to the shipping of the final product. Having been given an established monthly demand for ceramic tiles, the students determined the construction requirements of the mini-factory, as they have created the layout, including the processing equipment, the dimensioning of equipment, and its operational structure. This article intends to describe the successful creation of the ceramic tile mini-factory, including the objectives, benefits, and inherent difficulties of the process and the receptivity of the exercise by the students involved.


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact in relation of dietary electrolytes, based on changes in the balance Na+K-Cl (DEB) and the ratio (K+Cl)/Na (DER) on the performance and survival of broilers subjected to acute heat stress. A total of 1575 male broiler chicks from 1 to 46 d of age were allocated in a 5x3 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design, totaling of 15 treatments with 3 replicates of 35 birds each. The treatments consisted of 5 diets with electrolyte balances, arising from combinations DEB/DER (150/3, 250/2, 250/3, 250/4 and 350/3), associated with different times of application or not of the acute heat stress on birds at 25 and 36 d old. All diets were cornsoybean meal based and formulated to meet or exceed NRC requirements. Chicks had ad libitum access to feed and water in floor pens with wood shavings as litter. It was possible to verify that a DEB of 250 mEq/kg and a DER very close to the 3:1 providing a more nutritionally adequate diet. There was, however, the impossibility of obtaining a more suitable electrolyte ratio for a very low DEB (150 mEq/kg) or very high (350 mEq/kg) and also, to a very narrow DER (2:1) or very wide (4:1), due to an unfavorable performance and survival rate of birds in these conditions electrolytes adjustments of K, Na and Cl. There was clear indication, with significant difference (P < 0.05), that the DER has the potential to improve the performance of broilers, since simultaneous adjustment made in DEB, even in conditions of acute stress. The results of performance and survival rate of this study also indicate clearly that DER could not replace the DEB, and vice versa, in practical diets for broilers. Therefore, it can be affirmed that the strategic formulation of the correct electrolyte balance for DEB and DER enhances the performance and is able to prevent the effect of heat stress in broiler chickens, leading to better performance and survival.


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Background: Previous studies show that chronic hemiparetic patients after stroke, presents inabilities to perform movements in paretic hemibody. This inability is induced by positive reinforcement of unsuccessful attempts, a concept called learned non-use. Forced use therapy (FUT) and constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) were developed with the goal of reversing the learned non-use. These approaches have been proposed for the rehabilitation of the paretic upper limb (PUL). It is unknown what would be the possible effects of these approaches in the rehabilitation of gait and balance. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Modified FUT (mFUT) and Modified CIMT (mCIMT) on the gait and balance during four weeks of treatment and 3 months follow-up. Methods: This study included thirty-seven hemiparetic post-stroke subjects that were randomly allocated into two groups based on the treatment protocol. The non-paretic UL was immobilized for a period of 23 hours per day, five days a week. Participants were evaluated at Baseline, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks, and three months after randomization. For the evaluation we used: The Stroke Impact Scale (SIS), Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FM). Gait was analyzed by the 10-meter walk test (T10) and Timed Up & Go test (TUG). Results: Both groups revealed a better health status (SIS), better balance, better use of lower limb (BBS and FM) and greater speed in gait (T10 and TUG), during the weeks of treatment and months of follow-up, compared to the baseline. Conclusion: The results show mFUT and mCIMT are effective in the rehabilitation of balance and gait. Trial Registration ACTRN12611000411943.


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Ferrao FM, Lara LS, Axelband F, Dias J, Carmona AK, Reis RI, Costa-Neto CM, Vieyra A, Lowe J. Exposure of luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells to ANG II induces dimerization of AT(1)/AT(2) receptors to activate SERCA and to promote Ca2+ mobilization. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302: F875-F883, 2012. First published January 4, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00381.2011.-ANG II is secreted into the lumens of proximal tubules where it is also synthesized, thus increasing the local concentration of the peptide to levels of potential physiological relevance. In the present work, we studied the effect of ANG II via the luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells on Ca2+-ATPase of the sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum (SERCA) and plasma membrane (PMCA). ANG II (at concentrations found in the lumen) stimulated rapid (30 s) and persistent (30 min) SERCA activity by more than 100% and increased Ca2+ mobilization. Pretreatment with ANG II for 30 min enhanced the ANG II-induced Ca2+ spark, demonstrating a positively self-sustained stimulus of Ca2+ mobilization by ANG II. ANG II in the medium facing the luminal side of the cells decreased with time with no formation of metabolites, indicating peptide internalization. ANG II increased heterodimerization of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors by 140%, and either losartan or PD123319 completely blocked the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II. Using the PLC inhibitor U73122, PMA, and calphostin C, it was possible to demonstrate the involvement of a PLC -> DAG(PMA)-> PKC pathway in the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II with no effect on PMCA. We conclude that ANG II triggers SERCA activation via the luminal membrane, increasing the Ca2+ stock in the reticulum to ensure a more efficient subsequent mobilization of Ca2+. This first report on the regulation of SERCA activity by ANG II shows a new mechanism for Ca2+ homeostasis in renal cells and also for regulation of Ca2+-modulated fluid reabsorption in proximal tubules.


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The success of agribusiness in Brazil in recent decades is unquestionable. Although the country has always had favorable conditions for agriculture (land, water and climate), this success has only come about recently, due to scientific research, which has resulted in considerable increases in yield and in improvement of product quality, as well as making the occupation of new agricultural frontiers possible. A decisive factor for development of agriculture in the country was the creation of EMBRAPA in 1973, which, in a few years, led to considerable demand for researchers with training in graduate programs. Among them are plant breeders, who came to exercise their activity throughout the country and in all ecosystems. The training of plant breeders was only possible because, as from the middle of the 1960s, the country began a wide-ranging education program, with the creation of several graduate programs in genetics and plant breeding.