Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor is a distinctive but rare trophoblastic tumor. It derives from intermediate trophoblastic cells of the chorion laeve and is usually associated with a previous gestational event. We report the case of a patient who had undergone dilatation and curettage for a missed miscarriage. Three months later gestational trophoblastic disease was suspected because of persistent vaginal bleeding and high levels of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG). Transvaginal ultrasound revealed irregular echolucent lacunae within the myometrium, some of them filled with low-resistance, turbulent blood flow on Doppler examination, emphasizing the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease. The patient was treated with 12 courses of multiagent chemotherapy. After a 2-year remission, a low rise in serum beta-hCG was observed. Transvaginal ultrasound revealed a well-circumscribed echogenic lesion with a diameter of 1.8 cm in the uterine fundus, with no detectable blood flow on Doppler imaging. A diagnosis of tumor of intermediate trophoblastic cells was suspected and total hysterectomy was performed. On pathological examination, the histological and immunohistochemical features were characteristic of epithelioid trophoblastic tumor. Most reported cases of epithelioid trophoblastic tumor have solitary nodules with sharp margins, which is consistent with our ultrasound findings. Ultrasound may be helpful in differentiating epithelioid trophoblastic tumor from placental-site trophoblastic tumor, another tumor of intermediate trophoblastic cells, which shows infiltrative growth insinuating between muscle fibers. Copyright (C) 2010 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Substantial experimental evidence indicates that PAWR gene (PKC apoptosis WT1 regulator; also named PAR-4, prostate apoptosis response-4) is a central player in cancer cell survival and a potential target for cancer-selective targeted therapeutics. However, little is known about the role of PAR-4 in breast cancer. We investigated the possible role of PAR-4 expression in breast cancer. IHC results on tissue microarrays containing 1,161 primary breast tumor samples showed that 57% (571/995) of analyzable cases were negative for PAR-4 nuclear staining. Down-regulation of nuclear PAR-4 protein expression predicted a poor prognosis for breast cancer patients (OS; P=0.041, log-rank test). PAR-4 down-regulation also correlates with poor survival in the group of patients with luminal A subtype breast cancer (P=0.028). Additionally, in this large series of breast cancer patients, we show that ERBB2/HER2, EGFR and pAKT protein expression are significantly associated with shorter disease-free survival and overall survival, but the prognosis was even worse for HER2-positive, EGFR-positive or pAKT-positive breast cancer patients with tumors negative for nuclear PAR-4 expression. Furthermore, using three-dimensional (3D) cell culture we provide preliminary results showing that PAR-4 is highly expressed in the MCF10A cells inside the acini structure, suggesting that PAR-4 might have a role in the lumen acini formation. Taken together, our results provide, for the first time, evidence that PAR-4 may have a role in the process of the mammary eland morphogenesis and its functional inactivation is associated with tumor aggressive phenotype and might represent an additional prognostic and predictive marker for breast cancer.
PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of variations in femtosecond laser energy level on corneal stromal cell death. and inflammatory cell influx following flap creation in a rabbit model. METHODS: Eighteen rabbits were stratified in three different groups according to level of energy applied for flap creation (six animals per group). Three different energy levels were chosen for both the lamellar and side cut; 2.7 mu J (high energy), 1.6 mu J (intermediate energy), and 0.5 mu J (low energy) with a 60 kHz, model II, femtosecond laser (IntraLase). The opposite eye of each rabbit served as a control. At the 24-hour time point after surgery, all rabbits were euthanized and the comeoscleral rims were analyzed for the levels of cell death and inflammatory cell influx with the terminal uridine deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP-nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunocytochemistry for monocyte marker CD11b, respectively. RESULTS: The high energy group (31.9 +/- 7.1 [standard error of mean (SEM) 2.9]) had significantly more TUNEL positive cells in the central flap compared to the intermediate (22.2 +/- 1.9 [SEM 0.8], P=.004), low (17.9 +/- 4.0 [SEM 1.6], P <= .001), and control eye (0.06 +/- 0.02 [SEM 0.009], P <= .001) groups. The intermediate and low energy groups also had significantly more TUNEL positive cells than the control groups (P <= .001). The difference between the intermediate and low energy levels was not significant (P=.56). The mean for CD11b-positive cells/400x field at the flap edge was 26.1 +/- 29.3 (SEM 11.9), 5.8 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), 1.6 +/- 4.1 (SEM 1.6), and 0.005 +/- 0.01 (SEM 0.005) for high energy, intermediate energy, low energy, and control groups, respectively. Only the intermediate energy group showed statistically more inflammatory cells than control eyes (P = .015), most likely due to variability between eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Higher energy levels trigger greater cell death when the femtosecond laser is used to create corneal flaps: Greater corneal inflammatory cell infiltration is observed with higher femtosecond laser energy levels. [J Refract Surg. 2009;25:869-874.] doi:10.3928/1081597X-20090917-08
Purpose In 1988, we formed a consortium of Brazilian institutions to develop uniform standards for the diagnostic assessment and multidisciplinary treatment of children and adolescents with germ cell tumors. We also implemented the first childhood Brazilian germ cell tumor protocol, GCT-91, evaluating two-agent chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide (PE). We now report on the clinical characteristics and survival of children and adolescents with germ cell tumors treated on this protocol. Patients and Methods From May 1991 to April 2000, 115 patients (106 assessable patients) were enrolled onto the Brazilian protocol with a diagnosis of germ cell tumor. Results Patients were treated with surgery only (n = 35) and chemotherapy (n = 71). Important prognostic factors included stage (P = .025), surgical procedure at diagnosis according to resectability (P = .032), and abnormal lactate dehydrogenase value at diagnosis (P = .001). Conclusion The improvement in survival by the introduction of a standard protocol is an important achievement. This is of particular importance for smaller institutions with previous limited experience in the treatment of childhood germ cell tumors. In addition, the results of a two-agent regimen with PE were favorable (5-year overall survival rate is 83.3% for patients in the high-risk group [n = 36] who received PE v 58.8% for patients in the high-risk patients group who received PE plus ifosfamide, vinblastine, and bleomycin [n = 17; P = .017]). Thus for selected patients, complex three-agent regimens may not be necessary to achieve long-term survival, even for some patients with advanced disease.
Purpose In animal experiments paclitaxel oleate associated with a cholesterol-rich nanoemulsion concentrated in the neoplastic tissues and showed reduced toxicity and increased antitumor activity compared with paclitaxel-Cremophor EL. Here, a clinical study was performed in breast cancer patients to evaluate the tumoral uptake, pharmacokinetics and toxicity of paclitaxel associated to nanoemulsions. Methods Twenty-four hours before mastectomy [(3)H]paclitaxel oleate associated with [(14)C]-cholesteryl oleatenanoemulsion or [(3)H]- paclitaxel in Cremophor EL were injected into five patients for collection of blood samples and fragments of tumor and normal breast tissue. A pilot clinical study of paclitaxel-nanoemulsion administered at 3-week intervals was performed in four breast cancer patients with refractory advanced disease at 175 and 220 mg/m(2) dose levels. Results T(1/2) of paclitaxel oleate associated to the nanoemulsion was greater than that of paclitaxel (t(1/2) = 15.4 +/- 4.7 and 3.5 +/- 0.80 h). Uptake of the [(14)C]-cholesteryl ester nanoemulsion and [(3)H]- paclitaxel oleate by breast malignant tissue was threefold greater than the normal breast tissue and toxicity was minimal at the two dose levels. Conclusions Our results suggest that the paclitaxel-nanoemulsion preparation can be advantageous for use in the treatment of breast cancer because the pharmacokinetic parameters are improved, the drug is concentrated in the neoplastic tissue and the toxicity of paclitaxel is reduced.
Experience with laparoscopic liver resections has increased in recent years, and so have the number of patients operated on by minimally invasive techniques. Specimen extraction is an important step of laparoscopic liver resection. The size of the specimen, is Usually a limitation for the use Of laparoscopy. The aim of this paper is to describe a new technique combining Pfannenstiel suprapubic incision and obstetric forceps to remove a large specimen from laparoscopic liver resections. The present technique allows an expeditious extraction of intact specimens, even huge ones, through a standard suprapubic Pfannenstiel incision. This technique has additional functional and cosmetic advantages over other techniques of specimen retrieval. We believe that the described technique is feasible, can be easily and rapidly performed, and facilitates laparoscopic liver resection by reducing the technical difficulties for specimen removal and may also be used in other abdominal laparoscopic interventions that deal with large surgical specimens.
Previous studies have shown that patients with major depression have an interhemispheric imbalance between right and left prefrontal and motor cortex. We aimed to investigate the interhemispheric interactions in patients with major depression using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Thirteen patients with major depression and 14 age-matched healthy subjects participated in this study. Corticospinal excitability before and after 1 Hz rTMS (applied to the left primary motor cortex) was assessed in the left and right motor cortex and these results were compared with those in healthy subjects. There was a significant difference in the interhemispheric effects between patients with depression and healthy subjects. In healthy subjects, 1 Hz rTMS significantly decreased corticospinal excitability in the stimulated, left hemisphere and increased it in the contralateral, right hemisphere. In depressed subjects, 1 Hz rTMS also decreased corticospinal excitability in the left hemisphere; however, it induced no significant changes in corticospinal excitability in the contralateral, right hemisphere. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the degree of interhemispheric modulation and the severity of the depression as indexed by the Beck Depression Inventory scores. Our findings showing a decreased interhemispheric modulation in patients with major depression are consistent with the notion that mood disorders are associated with slow interhemispheric switching mechanisms.
Reactive oxygen species oxidize proteins and modulate the proteasomal system in muscle-wasting cancer cachexia. On day 5 (D5), day 10 (D10), and day 14 (D14) after tumor implantation, skeletal muscle was evaluated. Carbonylated proteins and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were measured. Chemiluminescence was employed for lipid hydroperoxide estimation. Glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and total radical antioxidant capacity were evaluated. The proteasomal system was assessed by mRNA atrogin-1 expression. Increased muscle wasting, lipid hydroperoxide, and superoxide dismutase, and decreased glutathione levels and total radical antioxidant capacity, were found on D5 in accordance with increased mRNA atrogin-1 expression. All parameters were significantly modified in animals treated with alpha-tocopherol. The elevation in aldehylde levels and carbonylated proteins observed on D10 were reversed by cc-tocopherol treatment. Oxidative stress may trigger signal transduction of the proteasomal system and cause protein oxidation. These pathways may be associated with the mechanism of muscle wasting that occurs in cancer cachexia. Muscle Nerve 42: 950-958, 2010