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Amphiphile Peptide, Pro-Glu-(Phe-Glu)n-Pro, Pro-Asp-(Phe-Asp)n-Pro, und Phe-Glu-(Phe-Glu)n-Phe, können so aus n alternierenden Sequenzen von hydrophoben und hydrophilen Aminosäuren konstruiert werden, dass sie sich in Monolagen an der Luft-Wasser Grenzfläche anordnen. In biologischen Systemen können Strukturen an der organisch-wässrigen Grenzfläche als Matrix für die Kristallisation von Hydroxyapatit dienen, ein Vorgang der für die Behandlung von Osteoporose verwendet werden kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Computersimulationenrneingesetzt, um die Strukturen und die zugrunde liegenden Wechselwirkungen welche die Aggregation der Peptide auf mikroskopischer Ebene steuern, zu untersuchen. Atomistische Molekulardynamik-Simulationen von einzelnen Peptidsträngen zeigen, dass sie sich leicht an der Luft-Wasser Grenzfläche anordnen und die Fähigkeit haben, sich in β-Schleifen zu falten, selbst für relativ kurze Peptidlängen (n = 2). Seltene Ereignisse wie diese (i.e. Konformationsänderungen) erfordern den Einsatz fortgeschrittener Sampling-Techniken. Hier wurde “Replica Exchange” Molekulardynamik verwendet um den Einfluss der Peptidsequenzen zu untersuchen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigten, dass Peptide mit kürzeren azidischen Seitenketten (Asp vs. Glu) gestrecktere Konformationen aufwiesen als die mit längeren Seitenketten, die in der Lage waren die Prolin-Termini zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass die Prolin-Termini (Pro vs. Phe) notwendig sind, um eine 2D-Ordnung innerhalb derrnAggregate zu erhalten. Das Peptid Pro-Asp-(Phe-Asp)n-Pro, das beide dieser Eigenschaften enthält, zeigt das geordnetste Verhalten, eine geringe Verdrehung der Hauptkette, und ist in der Lage die gebildeten Aggregate durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den sauren Seitenketten zu stabilisieren. Somit ist dieses Peptid am besten zur Aggregation geeignet. Dies wurde auch durch die Beurteilung der Stabilität von experimentnah-aufgesetzten Peptidaggregaten, sowie der Neigung einzelner Peptide zur Selbstorganisation von anfänglich ungeordneten Konfigurationen unterstützt. Da atomistische Simulationen nur auf kleine Systemgrößen und relativ kurze Zeitskalen begrenzt sind, wird ein vergröbertes Modell entwickelt damit die Selbstorganisation auf einem größeren Maßstab studiert werden kann. Da die Selbstorganisation an der Grenzfläche vonrnInteresse ist, wurden existierenden Vergröberungsmethoden erweitert, um nicht-gebundene Potentiale für inhomogene Systeme zu bestimmen. Die entwickelte Methode ist analog zur iterativen Boltzmann Inversion, bildet aber das Update für das Interaktionspotential basierend auf der radialen Verteilungsfunktion in einer Slab-Geometrie und den Breiten des Slabs und der Grenzfläche. Somit kann ein Kompromiss zwischen der lokalen Flüssigketsstruktur und den thermodynamischen Eigenschaften der Grenzfläche erreicht werden. Die neue Methode wurde für einen Wasser- und einen Methanol-Slab im Vakuum demonstriert, sowie für ein einzelnes Benzolmolekül an der Vakuum-Wasser Grenzfläche, eine Anwendung die von besonderer Bedeutung in der Biologie ist, in der oft das thermodynamische/Grenzflächenpolymerisations-Verhalten zusätzlich der strukturellen Eigenschaften des Systems erhalten werden müssen. Daraufrnbasierend wurde ein vergröbertes Modell über einen Fragment-Ansatz parametrisiert und die Affinität des Peptids zur Vakuum-Wasser Grenzfläche getestet. Obwohl die einzelnen Fragmente sowohl die Struktur als auch die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen an der Grenzfläche reproduzierten, diffundierte das Peptid als Ganzes von der Grenzfläche weg. Jedoch führte eine Reparametrisierung der nicht-gebundenen Wechselwirkungen für eines der Fragmente der Hauptkette in einem Trimer dazu, dass das Peptid an der Grenzfläche blieb. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Kettenkonnektivität eine wichtige Rolle im Verhalten des Petpids an der Grenzfläche spielt.


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A crystal nucleus in a finite volume may exhibit phase coexistence with a surrounding fluid. The thermodynamic properties of the coexisting fluid (pressure and chemical potential) are enhanced relative to their coexistence values. This enhancement is uniquely related to the surface excess free energy. rnA model for weakly attractive soft colloidal particles is investigated, the so called Asakura-Oosawa model. In simulations, this model allows for the calculation of the pressure in the liquid using the virial formula directly. The phase coexistence pressure in the thermodynamic limit is obtained from the interface velocity method. We introduce a method by which the chemical potential in dense liquids can be measured. There is neither a need to locate the interface nor to compute the anisotropic interfacial tension to obtain nucleation barriers. Therefore, our analysis is appropriate for nuclei of arbitrary shape. Monte Carlo simulations over a wide range of nucleus volumes yield to nucleation barriers independent from the total system volume. The interfacial tension is determined via the ensemble-switch method, hence a detailed test of classical nucleation theory is possible. The anisotropy of the interfacial tension and the resulting non-spherical shape has only a minor effect on the barrier for the Asakura-Oosawa model.


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Monomer-dimer models are amongst the models in statistical mechanics which found application in many areas of science, ranging from biology to social sciences. This model describes a many-body system in which monoatomic and diatomic particles subject to hard-core interactions get deposited on a graph. In our work we provide an extension of this model to higher-order particles. The aim of our work is threefold: first we study the thermodynamic properties of the newly introduced model. We solve analytically some regular cases and find that, differently from the original, our extension admits phase transitions. Then we tackle the inverse problem, both from an analytical and numerical perspective. Finally we propose an application to aggregation phenomena in virtual messaging services.


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A series of chimaeric DNA/RNA triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) with identical base-sequence but varying sequential composition of the sugar residues were prepared. The structural, kinetic and thermodynamic properties of triplex formation with their corresponding double-helical DNA target were investigated by spectroscopic methods. Kinetic and thermodynamic data were obtained from analysis of non-equilibrium UV-melting- and annealing curves in the range of pH 5.1 to 6.7 in a 10 mM citrate/phosphate buffer containing 0.1M NaCl and 1 mM EDTA. It was found that already single substitutions of ribo- for deoxyribonucleotides in the TFOs greatly affect stability and kinetics of triplex formation in a strongly sequence dependent manner. Within the sequence context investigated, triplex stability was found to increase when deoxyribonucleotides were present at the 5'-side and ribonucleotides in the center of the TFO. Especially the substitution of thymidines for uridines in the TFO was found to accelerate both, the association and dissociation process, in a strongly position-dependent way. Differential structural information on triplexes and TFO single-strands was obtained from CD-spectroscopy and gel mobility experiments. Only minor changes were observed in the CD spectra of the triplexes at all pH values investigated, and the electrophoretic mobility was nearly identical in all cases, indicating a high degree of structural similarity. In contrast, the single-stranded TFOs showed high structural variability as determined in the same way. The results are discussed in the context of the design of TFOs for therapeutic or biochemical applications.


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The advent of single molecule fluorescence microscopy has allowed experimental molecular biophysics and biochemistry to transcend traditional ensemble measurements, where the behavior of individual proteins could not be precisely sampled. The recent explosion in popularity of new super-resolution and super-localization techniques coupled with technical advances in optical designs and fast highly sensitive cameras with single photon sensitivity and millisecond time resolution have made it possible to track key motions, reactions, and interactions of individual proteins with high temporal resolution and spatial resolution well beyond the diffraction limit. Within the purview of membrane proteins and ligand gated ion channels (LGICs), these outstanding advances in single molecule microscopy allow for the direct observation of discrete biochemical states and their fluctuation dynamics. Such observations are fundamentally important for understanding molecular-level mechanisms governing these systems. Examples reviewed here include the effects of allostery on the stoichiometry of ligand binding in the presence of fluorescent ligands; the observation of subdomain partitioning of membrane proteins due to microenvironment effects; and the use of single particle tracking experiments to elucidate characteristics of membrane protein diffusion and the direct measurement of thermodynamic properties, which govern the free energy landscape of protein dimerization. The review of such characteristic topics represents a snapshot of efforts to push the boundaries of fluorescence microscopy of membrane proteins to the absolute limit.


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AnewRelativisticScreenedHydrogenicModel has been developed to calculate atomic data needed to compute the optical and thermodynamic properties of high energy density plasmas. The model is based on anewset of universal screeningconstants, including nlj-splitting that has been obtained by fitting to a large database of ionization potentials and excitation energies. This database was built with energies compiled from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database of experimental atomic energy levels, and energies calculated with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). The screeningconstants have been computed up to the 5p3/2 subshell using a Genetic Algorithm technique with an objective function designed to minimize both the relative error and the maximum error. To select the best set of screeningconstants some additional physical criteria has been applied, which are based on the reproduction of the filling order of the shells and on obtaining the best ground state configuration. A statistical error analysis has been performed to test the model, which indicated that approximately 88% of the data lie within a ±10% error interval. We validate the model by comparing the results with ionization energies, transition energies, and wave functions computed using sophisticated self-consistent codes and experimental data.


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Se presentan las mejoras introducidas en un código de transporte de radiación acoplada a la hidrodinámica llamado ARWEN para el estudio de sistemas en el rango de física de alta densidad de energía (High Energy Density Physics). Los desarrollos introducidos se basan en las siguientes áreas: ít>,~ Ecuaciones de estado: se desarrolla una nueva metodología mediante la cual es posible ajustar los resultados de un modelo simple de ecuaciones de estado como QEOS a datos experimentales y resultados de AIMD. Esta metodología tiene carácter general para poder ser aplicada en gran cantidad de materuales de interés y amplia la flexibilidad de ajuste de los métodos de los que ha partido como base este trabajo. En segundo lugar, se ha desarrollado una librería para la gestión de tablas de datos de ecuaciones de estado que también incluye la gestión de tablas con datos de opacidades y de ionización. Esta nueva librería extiende las capacidades de la anterior al tener llamadas más específicas que aceleran los cálculos, y posibilidad de uso de varias tablas a la vez. Solver de difusión: se ha desarrollado un nuevo paquete para resolver la ecuación de difusión que se aplicará a la conducción de calor dentro del plasma. El método anterior no podía ser ejecutado en paralelo y producía resultados dependientes de la resolución de la malla, mientras que este método es paralelizable y además obtiene una solución con mejor convergencia, lo que supone una solución que no depende del refinamiento del mallado. Revisión del paquete de radiación: en primer lugar se ha realizado una revisión de la implementación del modelo de radiación descubriendo varios errores que han sido depurados. También se ha incluido la nueva librería de gestión de tablas de opacidades que permiten la obtención de las propiedades ópticas del plasma en multigrupos de energía. Por otra parte se ha extendido el cálculo de los coeficientes de transporte al esquema multimaterial que ha introducido David Portillo García en el paquete hidrodinámico del código de simulación. Por último se ha revisado el esquema de resolución del transporte y se ha modificado para hacerlo paralelizable. • Se ha implementado un paquete de trazado de rayos para deposición láser que extiende la utilidad del anterior al ser en 3D y poder utilizar entonces diferentes configuraciones. • Una vez realizadas todas estas tareas se ha aplicado el código ARWEN al estudio de la astrofísica de laboratorio simulando los experimentos llevados a cabo en la instalación PALS por Chantal Stehlé acerca de ondas de choque radiativas. Se han comparado los resultados experimentales frente a las predicciones del código ARWEN obteniéndose una gran concordancia en la velocidad de la onda de choque generada y en las dimensiones del precursor. El código de simulación sobre el que se ha trabajado, junto con los desarrollos aportados por otros investigadores durante la realización de esta tesis, ha permitido participar en colaboraciones con laboratorios de Francia o Japón y se han producido resultados científicos publicados basados en el trabajo descrito en esta tesis. ABSTRACT Improvements in radiation hydrodynamic code ARWEN for the study of systems in the range of physics high energy density (High Energy Density Physics) are presented. The developments introduced are based on the following áreas: • Equations of state: a new methodology was developed to adjust the results of a simple Equation of State model like QEOS to experimental data and results of AIMD. This methodology can be applied to a large amount of materials and it increases the flexibility and range of the previous methods used as basis for this work. Also a new computer library has been developed to manage data tables of thermodynamic properties as well as includes the management of opacity and ionization data tables. This new library extends the capabilities of the previous one with more specific routines, and the possibility of using múltiple tables for several materials. • Diffusion solver: a new package has been developed to solve the diffusion equation applied to the heat conduction of the plasma. The previous method is not parallelizable and it produced mesh dependent results, while this new package can be executed in parallel and achieves a more converged solution that does not depend on the refinement of the mesh. • Radiation package: the check of the radiation model rose several bugs in the implementation that had been removed. The new computer library for EOS managing includes capabilities to store opacity tables for multigroups of energy. Moreover the transport coefficients calculations have been extended for the new multimaterial hydrodynamic package developed by David Portillo García. Also the solving methodology for the transport equation has been modified to make the code run in parallel. • A new ray tracing package has been introduced to extend the previous one to 3D. Once all these tasks has been implemented, the ARWEN code has been applied to study laboratory astrophysics systems. Simulations have been done in order to reproduce the results of the experiments carried out in PALS facility by Chantal Stehlé in radiative shock production. Experimental results are in cióse agreement to the ARWEN estimations of the speed of the shock wave and the length of the precursor. The simulation code used in this thesis, including the work done in ARWEN by other colleagues at the time of this research, allowed the collaboration with other research institution in France and Japan and some of the results presented in this thesis have been published in scientific journals.


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La respuesta higroscópica de la madera varía a lo largo de la dirección radial del árbol. El aumento de corta de ejemplares jóvenes y el uso de troncos de pequeños diámetros en la industria de los productos forestales, hacen preciso estudiar el comportamiento higroscópico tanto de la madera juvenil como de la madura. Su determinación proporciona información para comprender los mecanismos de sorción. Asimismo, la obtención de las propiedades termodinámicas de ambos tipos de madera facilita la modelización de procesos industriales como el secado o el encolado. En el presente trabajo, se ha comparado el comportamiento higroscópico y las propiedades termodinámicas de la madera juvenil y madura de Abies pinsapo Boissier, Abies alba Mill., Pinus canariensis C. Sm. ex DC., Pinus nigra Arnold, Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb. y Pinus pinea L. Para este propósito se han utilizado las isotermas de sorción obtenidas mediante el método tradicional de sales saturadas descrito por COST Action E8 a 15, 35 y 50ºC en Abies pinsapo, Abies alba, Pinus nigra, Pinus uncinata y Pinus pinea, y a 35 y 50ºC en Pinus canariensis. Igualmente, se ha empleado el equipo dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) en la obtención de las isotermas de Pinus pinea a 35 y 50ºC. El ajuste de las curvas se ha realizado mediante el modelo Guggenheim, Anderson y de Boer-Dent (GAB), cumpliendo todas las muestras los criterios de aceptación establecidos. En el estudio de las isotermas se ha calculado el coeficiente y área de histéresis entre el proceso de adsorción y desorción para cada una de las muestras. Con el fin de comprender el comportamiento higroscópico experimentado por cada madera se ha determinado la composición química, espectros de infrarrojos (FTIR) y difractogramas de rayos X de cada una. Los parámetros termodinámicos - calor isostérico neto y total heat of wetting - se han obtenido a partir de las isotermas de sorción mediante el método de integración de la ecuación de Clausius-Clapeyron. Finalmente, se han comparado los datos obtenidos con el método tradicional de sales saturadas y con dynamic vapor sorption con el propósito de conocer la existencia de similitudes entre ambas metodologías. Los resultados mostraron que los puntos de equilibrio son, en la mayor parte de los casos, superiores en la madera madura frente a la juvenil, y por tanto las isotermas de la madera madura se encuentran siempre por encima de las de la juvenil, debido principalmente a la composición química. Respecto a las propiedades termodinámicas, se ha determinado que la energía involucrada en los procesos de sorción es superior en la madera madura que en la madera juvenil, siendo mayor en el proceso de desorción frente al de adsorción. En la comparación de las metodologías de sales saturadas y dynamic vapor sorption no se han detectado casi diferencias significativas en el proceso de adsorción, mientras que sí se han obtenido en el de desorción. ABSTRACT The hygroscopic response of wood varies throughout the radial direction of the tree. The longer cut of young trees and the use of small-diameter trunks in the forest product industry make it necessary to study the hygroscopic behaviour of both juvenile and mature wood. Determining this behaviour in both types of wood provides information for understanding the sorption mechanisms. Similarly, obtaining the thermodynamic properties of juvenile and mature wood facilitates modelling of industrial processes such as drying and bonding. In this study a comparison was made of the hygroscopic behaviour and thermodynamic properties of juvenile and mature wood of Abies pinsapo Boissier, Abies alba Mill., Pinus canariensis C. Sm. ex DC., Pinus nigra Arnold, Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb. and Pinus pinea L. This was done by obtaining the sorption isotherms using the traditional saturated salt method described by COST Action E8 at 15, 35 and 50ºC in Abies pinsapo, Abies alba, Pinus nigra, Pinus uncinata and Pinus pinea, and at 35 and 50ºC in Pinus canariensis. In addition, dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) was used to obtain the isotherms of Pinus pinea at 35 and 50ºC. The curves were fitted using the Guggenheim, Anderson and de Boer- Dent (GAB) model and all samples met the established acceptance criteria. In the study of the isotherms, the hysteresis coefficient and area of the hysteresis loop between adsorption and desorption were calculated for each sample. To understand the hygroscopic behaviour of juvenile and mature wood, the chemical composition, infrared spectra (FTIR) and X-ray diffractograms of each type of wood were determined. The thermodynamic parameters - net isosteric heat and total heat of wetting - were obtained from the sorption isotherms by applying the integration method of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The data obtained using the traditional saturated salt method and with dynamic vapour sorption were compared to determine the similarities between the two methods. The results showed that the equilibrium points are greater in the mature wood than in the juvenile wood in most cases, and therefore the mature wood isotherms are always above the juvenile wood isotherms, mainly because of the chemical composition. As regards the thermodynamic properties, it was determined that the energy involved in the sorption processes is greater in the mature wood than in the juvenile wood, and is greater in the desorption process than in the adsorption process. On comparing the saturated salt and dynamic vapour sorption methods, almost no significant differences were detected in the adsorption process, but significant differences were obtained in the desorption process.


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La contaminación de suelos con hidrocarburos de petróleo en México es un problema que se ha vuelto muy común en nuestros días, debido principalmente a derrames, así como a las actividades propias de la industria petrolera. Algunos suelos contaminados, principalmente en el sureste de México, contienen concentraciones de hidrocarburos hasta de 450,000 mg/kg. Por dichas razones, una de las preocupaciones de las autoridades ambientales es el desarrollo de tecnologías eficientes y económicamente factibles que permitan la eliminación de este tipo de contaminantes. El saneamiento del sitio se puede lograr a través de diversos procedimientos, como son la aplicación de métodos físicos, químicos y biológicos (o combinaciones de ellas). La elección de un método depende de la naturaleza del contaminante, su estado físico, concentración, tipo de suelo, espacio físico disponible, tiempo destinado para su tratamiento, así como de los recursos económicos disponibles. Previa a la aplicación de la tecnología es necesario la realización de un diagnóstico de la contaminación del suelo, con el fin de conocer el tipo, concentración y distribución de los contaminantes presentes, así como el volumen de suelo a tratar, las condiciones climáticas de la zona, y características físicas del lugar (vías de acceso y servicios, entre otros). En la presente tesis, el empleo de surfactantes, se ha propuesto como una técnica para incrementar la movilidad de contaminantes orgánicos hidrofóbicos (HOCs) como hidrocarburos totales del petróleo (HTPs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), Benceno, Tolueno, Xilenos, explosivos, clorofenoles, pesticidas, entre otros, y así facilitar su degradación. Los surfactantes debido a que reducen la tensión superficial del agua, son moléculas formadas por grupos polares hidrofílicos y largas cadenas carbonadas hidrofóbicas. Sus grupos polares forman puentes hidrógeno con las moléculas de agua, mientras que las cadenas carbonadas se asocian a los hidrocarburos debido a interacciones hidrofóbicas que estos presentan. En soluciones acuosas, los surfactantes forman estructuras esféricas organizadas llamadas micelas. La solubilización de los contaminantes se lleva a cabo solamente cuando se forma la fase micelar, la cual se obtiene cuando la concentración del surfactante es superior a la concentración micelar crítica (CMC), es decir, arriba de la concentración de la cual el monómero se comienza a auto-agregar. La eficiencia de desorción de diésel por un surfactante depende de su naturaleza, de la dosis empleada, de la hidrofobicidad del contaminante, de la interacción surfactante-suelo y del tiempo de contacto surfactante-suelo. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia de desorción no está siempre relacionada con la mejor eficiencia de movilidad o solubilidad, debido principalmente a que el empleo de una alta concentración de surfactante puede inhibir la movilización. De acuerdo con información proporcionada por la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA), a la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo en México ninguna restauración de sitios específicamente contaminados con diésel, la técnica de lavado de suelos. Por lo anterior existe la necesidad de emplear la técnica de lavado de suelos ex situ. Específicamente en el suelo extraído de la ex refinería 18 de marzo ubicada en el Distrito Federal México y empleando una solución de surfactantes con agua desionizada, la cual consiste ponerlos en contacto con el suelo contaminado con diésel por medio de columnas de lavado cilíndricas, para lograr la remoción del contaminante. Se emplearon como surfactantes el lauril sulfato de sodio, lauril éter sulfato de sodio y Glucopon AV-100 a diferentes concentraciones de 0.5 a 4.0 [g/L], lográndose obtener una eficiencia del 80 % con este último surfactante. El lavado de suelos contaminados con diésel empleado surfactantes, es una tecnología que requiere que se profundice en el estudio de algunas variables como son el tipo de surfactante, concentración, tiempo de lavado, fenómenos de difusión, desorción, propiedades termodinámicas, entre otros. Los cuales determinarán el éxito o fracaso de la técnica empleada. Nowadays, soil pollution with oil in Mexico is a very common issue due mainly to both oil spill and oil activities. For example, mainly in the southeast area of Mexico, polluted soil contains high concentrations of hydrocarbons, up to 450,000 mg/kg. For these reasons, enviromental authorities have the concern in developing economically feasible and efficient technology that allow the elimination of these type of contaminants. The sanitation in sites can be achieved through several procedures such as physical, chemical and biological methods (or a combination among them). The choice of a method depends on the nature and physical state of the contaminant, the concentration, type of soil, physical space available, time consumption and financial resources. Before any technological application, a diagnostic of the polluted soil is necessary in order to know the type, concentration and distribution of contaminants as well as the soil volume, climatic conditions and physical features of the place (access routes and services, among others). In this thesis, surfactants has been proposed as a technique to increase the mobility of hydrophobic-organic contaminants (HOCs), e.g. total hydrocarbons of petroleum, polychlorinated biphenyls, benzene, toluene, xylenes, explosives, chlorophenols, pesticides, among others, and, hence, to facilitate degradation. Since surfactants reduce the water surface tension, they are molecules comprised of hydrophilic polar groups and long-hydrophobic carbon chains. Surfactant’s polar groups form hydrogen bonding with water molecules while carbon chains, i.e. hydrocarbon chains, have hydrophobic interactios. In aqueous solutions, surfactants form self-organised spherical structures called micelles. The solubilisation of contaminants is carried out only when the micellar phase is formed. This is obtained when the surfactant concentration is higher than the crítical micelle concentration (CMC), i.e. above the concentration where the surfactant monomer begins to self-aggregate. The diesel efficiency desorption by surfactants depends on their nature, the dose use, the contaminant hydrophobicity, the surfactant-soil interaction and the contact time with surfactant soil. However, the best desorption is not always related with the best either mobility or solubility efficiency since high concentration of surfactant can inhibit mobilisation. According to information of the Federal Bureau of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), up today, there is not any restauration of diesel-polluted sites using the washing-soil technique. Due to the above, there exist the necessity of employing the waching-soil technique ex situ. More specifically, a sample soil from the oil-refinery of “18 de marzo” in Mexico city was extracted and a surfactant solution with deionised water was put in contact with the diesel contaminated soil by means of cylindrical waching columns in order to remove the contaminant. The surfactants employed in this work were sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ether sulfate and Glucopon AV-100 at different concentrations of 0.5 to 4 [g/L], obtaining a efficiency of 80 % with this last surfactant. The washing of diesel-polluted soil using surfactants is a technology which requires a deeper study of some variables such as the type of surfactant, concentration, washing time, difusión phenomena, desorption, thermodynamic properties, among others. These parameters determine the succes or failure of the employed technique.


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Two arginine residues, Arg-181 and Arg-268, are conserved throughout the known family of FMN-containing enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of α-hydroxyacids. In the lactate oxidase from Aerococcus viridans, these residues have been changed to lysine in two single mutations and in a double mutant form. In addition, Arg-181 has been replaced by methionine to determine the effect of removing the positive charge on the residue. The effects of these replacements on the kinetic and thermodynamic properties are reported. With all mutant forms, there are only small effects on the reactivity of the reduced flavin with oxygen. On the other hand, the efficiency of reduction of the oxidized flavin by l-lactate is greatly reduced, particularly with the R268K mutant forms. The results demonstrate the importance of the two arginine residues in the binding of substrate and its interaction with the flavin, and are consistent with a previous hypothesis that they also play a role of charge neutralization in the transition state of substrate dehydrogenation. The replacement of Arg-268 by lysine also results in a slow conversion of the 8-CH3- substituent of FMN to yield 8-formyl-FMN, still tightly bound to the enzyme, and with significantly different physical and chemical properties from those of the FMN-enzyme.


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We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.


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"Computed from data taken from ... [the authors'] 'Thermodynamic properties of steam ... (John Wiley & sons, 1936)"--Pref.


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Experimental laboratory methods have been developed that enable phase-equilibria studies to be carried out on slags in the system Ca-Cu-Fe-O in equilibrium with metallic copper. These techniques involve equilibration at temperature, rapid quenching, and chemical analysis of the phases using electron-probe X-ray microanalysis (EPNIA). Equilibration experiments have been carried out in the temperature range of 1150 degreesC to 1250 degreesC (1423 to 1523 K) and in the composition range of 4 to 80 wt pct "Cu2O," 0 to 25 wt pct CaO, and 20 to 75 wt pct "Fe2O3" in equilibrium with metallic copper. Liquidus and solidus data are reported for the primary-phase fields of spinel (magnetite) and dicalcium ferrite. The resulting data have been used to construct liquidus isotherms of the CaO-"Cu2O"-"Fe2O3" system at metallic copper saturation.


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The phase equilibria in the FeO-Fe2O3-ZnO system have been experimentally investigated at oxygen partial pressures between metallic iron saturation and air using a specially developed quenching technique, followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) and then wet chemistry for determination of ferrous and ferric iron concentrations. Gas mixtures of H-2, N-2, and CO2 or CO and CO2 controlled the atmosphere in the furnace. The determined metal cation ratios in phases at equilibrium were used for the construction of the 1200 degrees C isothermal section of the Fe-Zn-O system. The univariant equilibria between the gas phase, spinel, wustite, and zincite was found to be close to pO(2) = 1 center dot 10(-8) atm at 1200 degrees C. The ferric and ferrous iron concentrations in zincite and spinel at equilibrium were also determined at temperatures from 1200 degrees C to 1400 degrees C at pO(2) = 1 center dot 10(-6) atm and at 1200 degrees C at pO(2) values ranging from 1 center dot 10(-4) to 1 center dot 10(-8) atm. Implications of the phase equilibria in the Fe-Zn-O system for the formation of the platelike zincite, especially important for the Imperial Smelting Process (ISP), are discussed.


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A new approach is developed to analyze the thermodynamic properties of a sub-critical fluid adsorbed in a slit pore of activated carbon. The approach is based on a representation that an adsorbed fluid forms an ordered structure close to a smoothed solid surface. This ordered structure is modelled as a collection of parallel molecular layers. Such a structure allows us to express the Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer as the sum of the intrinsic Helmholtz free energy specific to that layer and the potential energy of interaction of that layer with all other layers and the solid surface. The intrinsic Helmholtz free energy of a molecular layer is a function (at given temperature) of its two-dimensional density and it can be readily obtained from bulk-phase properties, while the interlayer potential energy interaction is determined by using the 10-4 Lennard-Jones potential. The positions of all layers close to the graphite surface or in a slit pore are considered to correspond to the minimum of the potential energy of the system. This model has led to accurate predictions of nitrogen and argon adsorption on carbon black at their normal boiling points. In the case of adsorption in slit pores, local isotherms are determined from the minimization of the grand potential. The model provides a reasonable description of the 0-1 monolayer transition, phase transition and packing effect. The adsorption of nitrogen at 77.35 K and argon at 87.29 K on activated carbons is analyzed to illustrate the potential of this theory, and the derived pore-size distribution is compared favourably with that obtained by the Density Functional Theory (DFT). The model is less time-consuming than methods such as the DFT and Monte-Carlo simulation, and most importantly it can be readily extended to the adsorption of mixtures and capillary condensation phenomena.