660 resultados para TAURUS
Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Robert Cooter y Thomas Ulen, DERECHO Y ECONOMÍA, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002, segunda reimpresión, 686 pp. -- Robert Cooter, Ugo Mattei, Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Roberto Pardolesi, Thomas Ulen, Il. MERCATO DELLE REGOLE, ANALISI ECONÓMICA DEL DIRITTO CIVILE, Bologna, II Mulino, 2001, 488 pp. -- Diego Valadés, PROBLEMAS CONSTITUCIONALES DEL ESTADO DE DERECHO, Buenos Aires, Astrea, 2004, segunda edición, 157 pp. -- Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos / Centro para la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional, Los DERECHOS HUMANOS DE LAS MUJERES: FORTALECIENDO SU PROMOCIÓN Y PROTECCIÓN INTERNACIONAL, San José, IIDH, 2004, 203 pp. -- Carlo Guamieri y Patrizia Pederzoli, LOS JUECES y LA POLÍTICA. PODER JUDICIAL y DEMOCRACIA, trad. Miguel Ángel Ruis de Azua, Madrid, Taurus, 1999, 209 pp.
Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Perú: entre la realidad y la utopía. 180 años de Política Exterior. José Miguel Bákula. Fundación Academia Diplomática del Perú / Fondo de Cultura Económica. Lima, 2002, 2 tomos. -- Elementos para el debate de la seguridad nacional: política de la defensa nacional del Ecuador. Ministerio de Defensa del Ecuador, Quito, 2002, 271 pp. -- El malestar en la globalización. Joseph Stiglitz. Taurus, Buenos Aires, 348 pp. -- Apocalipsis perpetuo. Eduardo Moreano. Editorial Planeta del Ecuador. Noviembre 2002. 478 pp.
An experiment on restricted suckling of crossbred dairy cows was conducted at the Livestock Research Centre, Tanga in north-east Tanzania. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the comparative productivity of Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows of medium and high levels of Bos taurus inheritance, whose calves were either bucket-reared or suckled residual milk. Lactation milk yield, length and persistency were 1563 L, 289 days, and 1.0, respectively, for the bucket-reared and 1592 L, 289 days and 1.4, respectively, for the suckling group. Days to observed oestrus, first insemination and conception for cows whose calves were bucket-reared were 47, 74 and 115 days, respectively, and 57, 81 and 126 days, respectively, for the suckling cows. The calf weights were similar at 1 year of age. The productivity of the cows, measured as the annual milk offtake, was not significantly higher for those that suckled their calves than for those whose calves were bucket-reared.
An experiment on restricted suckling of crossbred dairy cows was conducted at the Livestock Research Centre, Tanga in northeast Tanzania. Thirty-six Bos taurus (Holstein Friesian and Jersey) x Bos indicus (East African Zebu) cows were allocated alternately as they calved to suckling their calves for either 12 or 24 weeks after calving. Cows grazed improved pastures and were offered 4 kg concentrate daily. Milking occurred twice daily by hand; calves were allowed to suck residual milk for 30 min following each milking. Calves were also allowed access to grazing and were offered a maximum of I kg concentrate daily to 24 weeks of age. Weaning age had no significant effect on lactation milk yield for human consumption, the mean (SE) yield being 1806 (102.0) L and 1705 (129. 1) L for 12- and 24-week weaning, respectively. Cows from the two treatments suffered similar losses of live weight and body condition score during lactation and neither group had returned to the original body condition score 40 weeks following calving. Post-partum anoestrous intervals were prolonged. Although not significant, cows suckling calves to 24 weeks had a mean interval to first oestrus extended by 38 days compared with cows suckling calves to 12 weeks. The mean (SE) daily live weight gains of the calves to 52 weeks were 263 (14.1) g/day and 230 (18.1) g/day for calves weaned at 12 and 24 weeks, respectively, such that 12-month weights were 119 (5.6) kg and 110 (7.3) kg, respectively. Twelve-week-weaned calves consumed more concentrate (p < 0.05) from 13 to 24 weeks than did 24-week weaned calves. Calculation of residual milk consumption removed by calves from birth to 12 weeks indicated that it accounted for 28% of total yield. No benefits in cow and calf performance and welfare were found to justify prolonging the suckling period to 24 weeks.
Sires of seven Bos taurus beef breeds were mated with Bos indicus Boran cows at two sites, one near sea level and the other at about 1000 m altitude, and over three years. Purebred Boran calves provided controls for comparisons between sire breeds for growth to 4 years of age, mortality and carcase characteristics in a range environment where all the animals were kept under a similar management regime. Numerous sire breed x site, sire breed x year of birth and site x year of birth interactions were established. Mortality was high, but there was no significant sire breed effect, although purebred Borans had a higher survival than crossbred calves. There was no significant difference between genotypes in birth weight. Generally, Bos taurus cross steers achieved greater live weight gains and heavier carcase weights at 4 years of age than did purebred Borans. Limousin-cross steers had significantly (p<0.05) less fat in the tenth rib sample joint than any of the other genotypes. A productivity index that combined calf survival and carcase weight indicated that the Chianina crosses were more productive than any other genotype at either site. Purebred Borans were more productive than all the Bos taurus crossbreds with the exception of the Chianina crosses at site 1, but were only superior to the Limousin crosses at site 2, which was at the higher altitude. When lean meat yield was introduced into the productivity index, the Boran purebreds were the least productive at site 2.
Postglacial expansion of deciduous oak woodlands of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus Mountains, a major biome of the Near East, was delayed until the middle Holocene at ~6300 cal. yr BP. The current hypotheses explain this delay as a consequence of a regional aridity during the early Holocene, slow migration rates of forest trees, and/or a long history of land use and agro-pastoralism in this region. In the present paper, support is given to a hypothesis that suggests different precipitation seasonalities during the early Holocene compared with the late Holocene. The oak species of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus Mts, particularly Quercus brantii Lindl., are strongly dependent on spring precipitation for regeneration and are sensitive to a long dry season. Detailed analysis of modern atmospheric circulation patterns in SW Asia during the late spring suggests that the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) intensification can modify the amount of late spring and/or early summer rainfall in western/northwestern Iran and eastern Anatolia, which could in turn have controlled the development of the Zagros—Anti-Taurus deciduous oak woodlands. During the early Holocene, the northwestward shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) could have displaced the subtropical anticyclonic belt or associated high pressure ridges to the northwest. The latter could, in turn, have prevented the southeastward penetration of low pressure systems originating from the North Atlantic and Black Sea regions. Such atmospheric configuration could have reduced or eliminated the spring precipitation creating a typical Mediterranean continental climate characterized by winter-dominated precipitation. This scenario highlights the complexity of biome response to climate system interactions in transitional climatic and biogeographical regions.
Taphonomic studies regularly employ animal analogues for human decomposition due to ethical restrictions relating to the use of human tissue. However, the validity of using animal analogues in soil decomposition studies is still questioned. This study compared the decomposition of skeletal muscle tissues (SMTs) from human (Homo sapiens), pork (Sus scrofa), beef (Bos taurus), and lamb (Ovis aries) interred in soil microcosms. Fixed interval samples were collected from the SMT for microbial activity and mass tissue loss determination; samples were also taken from the underlying soil for pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient (potassium, phosphate, ammonium, and nitrate) analysis. The overall patterns of nutrient fluxes and chemical changes in nonhuman SMT and the underlying soil followed that of human SMT. Ovine tissue was the most similar to human tissue in many of the measured parameters. Although no single analogue was a precise predictor of human decomposition in soil, all models offered close approximations in decomposition dynamics.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible use of biometric testicular traits as selection criteria for young Nellore bulls using Bayesian inference to estimate heritability coefficients and genetic correlations. Multitrait analysis was performed including 17,211 records of scrotal circumference obtained during andrological assessment (SCAND) and 15,313 records of testicular volume and shape. In addition, 50,809 records of scrotal circumference at 18 mo (SC18), used as an anchor trait, were analyzed. The (co) variance components and breeding values were estimated by Gibbs sampling using the Gibbs2F90 program under an animal model that included contemporary groups as fixed effects, age of the animal as a linear covariate, and direct additive genetic effects as random effects. Heritabilities of 0.42, 0.43, 0.31, 0.20, 0.04, 0.16, 0.15, and 0.10 were obtained for SC18, SCAND, testicular volume, testicular shape, minor defects, major defects, total defects, and satisfactory andrological evaluation, respectively. The genetic correlations between SC18 and the other traits were 0.84 (SCAND), 0.75 (testicular shape), 0.44 (testicular volume), -0.23 (minor defects), -0.16 (major defects), -0.24 (total defects), and 0.56 (satisfactory andrological evaluation). Genetic correlations of 0.94 and 0.52 were obtained between SCAND and testicular volume and shape, respectively, and of 0.52 between testicular volume and testicular shape. In addition to favorable genetic parameter estimates, SC18 was found to be the most advantageous testicular trait due to its easy measurement before andrological assessment of the animals, even though the utilization of biometric testicular traits as selection criteria was also found to be possible. In conclusion, SC18 and biometric testicular traits can be adopted as a selection criterion to improve the fertility of young Nellore bulls.
O gado zebu (Bos indicus) é predominante em todo o mundo. Atualmente, no Brasil, o rebanho de bovinos e zebuínos é composto por aproximadamente 170 milhões de indivíduos, no qual, 80% são zebuínos ou animais de raças cruzadas com zebu. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a possibilidade da utilização de marcadores moleculares de bovinos na identificação genética de zebuínos. A confirmação desta possibilidade seria de extrema valia, já que a quantidade de informações sobre o genoma zebuíno é limitada e metodologias específicas de identificação de marcadores genéticos para raças zebuínas são raras. Assim, o DNA de 65 zebus, de 4 raças diferentes (Gir, Tabapuã, Nelore e Brahman), foi extraído a partir de sangue aplicado em papel filtro, utilizando o “kit” DNA IQTM SYSTEM (Promega®). Após a extração de DNA, foi feito um PCR Multiplex utilizando o “kit” StockMarks® (Applied Biosystems®), o qual amplifica um total de 11 loci (BM1824, BM2113, ETH10, ETH225, ETH3, INRA023, SPS115, TGLA122, TGLA126, TGLA227 e TGLA53). Os fragmentos gerados pela PCR foram analisados por eletroforese capilar utilizando o analisador genético ABI Prism 3100 (Applied Biosystems®) e o programa GeneScan® v.3.7 (Applied Biosystems®). A freqüência dos marcadores e os índices de variabilidade genética foram calculados utilizando o programa Microsatellite Toolkit v.3.1 e o equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg foi determinado através do programa GENEPOP v.3.4. Através destas técnicas foi possível demonstrar que os marcadores moleculares utilizados para identificação genética de bovinos podem também ser utilizados para a realização da técnica de identificação genética de zebuínos Além disso, foi possível demonstrar a freqüência alélica na população de zebuínos analisada como um todo, assim como foi determinada a freqüência alélica para os diferentes marcadores moleculares dentro das 4 raças estudas. Considerando o total de 100 diferentes alelos identificados entre os 11 STR (Short Tandem Repeats) analisados, foi possível observar que a heterozigosidade esperada (He) foi relativamente alta na população analisada, assim como na análise por raça. Estes dados indicam alto grau de diversidade genética nas diferentes raças. Neste sentido, a raça Brahman apresentou a menor diversidade (0,60) e a raça Tabapuã, a maior (0,69). Contudo, estudos complementares são necessários, a fim de confirmar as freqüências alélicas estabelecidas, uma vez que os resultados encontrados no presente trabalho referem-se a um número relativamente pequeno de zebuínos, quando comparados com o total de zebus encontrados no rebanho brasileiro.
Este estudo busca verificar se normas sociais impactam o mercado de ações brasileiro analisando o retorno de ações dos setores que mais estão susceptíveis a serem vistos como nocivos para a sociedade: os produtores de bebidas alcoólicas, cigarros e armamentos. Buscando responder a nossa pergunta, o retorno das ações da Ambev, Souza Cruz e Forjas Taurus foram analisados.
Avaliaram-se as relações entre características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen de bovinos das subespécies Bos taurus taurus e Bos taurus indicus com a idade dos touros e a época de colheita do sêmen. Utilizaram-se observações feitas durante o período de 1993 a 1999, em 42 touros com 12 a 174 meses de idade, divididos em cinco classes: Bos taurus taurus - 12 a 36 meses; 37 a 60 meses; 61 a 84 meses; 85 a 108 meses; e 109 a 138 meses; e Bos taurus indicus - 12 a 42 meses; 43 a 72 meses; 73 a 102 meses; 103 a 132 meses; e 133 a 174 meses. As características analisadas foram: volume, turbilhonamento espermático, concentração espermática, motilidade espermática, vigor espermático, anormalidades espermáticas e integridade do acrossoma. No processamento das análises, utilizaram-se as médias das características em cada classe de idade e o mês de colheita de sêmen durante o período de 1993 a 1999. As técnicas estatísticas multivariadas de componentes principais e de agrupamento hierárquico mostraram resultados que podem contribuir na escolha de sêmen de melhor qualidade. As classes 103 a 132 meses e 133 a 174 meses para a subespécie Bos taurus indicus e a classe de idade 109 a 138 meses para a subespécie Bos taurus taurus foram as mais contrastantes. Para ambas as subespécies, nos meses mais úmidos, o sêmen apresentou menor qualidade, principalmente na subespécie Bos taurus taurus. As características do sêmen mais contrastantes no estudo por classes e no período de coleta de sêmen foram: vigor espermático, motilidade espermática, concentração espermática, integridade do acrossoma e anormalidades terciárias no sêmen.
Avaliou-se a digestibilidade dos nutrientes de uma ração completa fornecida a bovinos de diferentes grupos genéticos. A digestibilidade foi estimada pela Lignina em Detergente Ácido, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com repetição no tempo. Foram efetuadas análises químicas da ração e das fezes, a cada 28 dias. de cada grupo genético foram colhidas fezes de 16 animais, no mínimo, a cada 28 dias. Observaram-se diferenças no aproveitamento dos nutrientes, destacando-se o Guzerá em todas as variáveis, com exceção da proteína bruta e da fibra em detergente ácido. Por outro lado, o Caracu mostrou-se menos eficiente na digestibilidade dos nutrientes, com exceção da proteína bruta e da fibra em detergente ácido.
The mechanisms controlling the outcome of donor cell-derived mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cloned animals remain largely unknown. This research was designed to investigate the kinetics of somatic and embryonic mtDNA in reconstructed bovine embryos during preimplantation development, as well as in cloned animals. The experiment involved two different procedures of embryo reconstruction and their evaluation at five distinct phases of embryo development to measure the proportion of donor cell mtDNA (Bos indicus), as well as the segregation of this mtDNA during cleavage. The ratio of donor cell (B. indicus) to host oocyte (B. taurus) mtDNA (heteroplasmy) from blastomere- (NT-B) and fibroblast- (NT-F) reconstructed embryos was estimated using an allele-specific PCR with fluorochrome-stained specific primers in each sampled blastomere, in whole blastocysts, and in the tissues of a fibroblast-derived newborn clone. NT-B zygotes and blastocysts show similar levels of heteroplasmy (11.0% and 14.0%, respectively), despite a significant decrease at the 9-16 cell stage (5.8%; p < 0.05). Heteroplasmy levels in NT-F reconstructed zygotes, however, increased from an initial low level (4.7%), to 12.9% (p < 0.05) at the 9-16 cell stage. The NT-F blastocysts contained low levels of heteroplasmy (2.2%) and no somatic-derived mtDNA was detected in the gametes or the tissues of the newborn calf cloned. These results suggest that, in contrast to the mtDNA of blastomeres, that of somatic cells either undergoes replication or escapes degradation during cleavage, although it is degraded later after the blastocyst stage or lost during somatic development, as revealed by the lack of donor cell mtDNA at birth.
Mitochondria are endosymbiotic organelles responsible for energy production in practically every eukaryotic cell. Their uniparental fashion of inheritance, maternally inherited in mammals, and the homogeneity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) within individuals and matrilineages, are biological phenomena that remain unexplained. This paper reviews some of the recent findings on mitochondrial influences on the manner in which embryos develop and how their genotypes are inherited in mammals, with particular emphasis on the genetic bottleneck effect. Animal models carrying a mix of mtDNAs (heteroplasmic) have been produced by karyoplast and cytoplast transplantation to analyze the segregation patterns at different stages during embryogenesis, in fetuses and offspring. Comparisons performed between murine and bovine reveal interesting changes in segregation and replication of transplanted mtDNAs. We have recently obtained Bos indicus and Bos taurus fetuses and calves from embryos reconstructed using enucleated polymorphic oocytes of Bos taurus origin. These and other findings on mitochondrial biology will have important implications in determining the cytoplasmic genotype of clones and in the preservation of endangered breeds and species. (C) 1999 by Elsevier B.V.