886 resultados para Systems Simulation


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A stand-alone power system is an autonomous system that supplies electricity to the user load without being connected to the electric grid. This kind of decentralized system is frequently located in remote and inaccessible areas. It is essential for about one third of the world population which are living in developed or isolated regions and have no access to an electricity utility grid. The most people live in remote and rural areas, with low population density, lacking even the basic infrastructure. The utility grid extension to these locations is not a cost effective option and sometimes technically not feasible. The purpose of this thesis is the modelling and simulation of a stand-alone hybrid power system, referred to as “hydrogen Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell (PVFC) hybrid system”. It couples a photovoltaic generator (PV), an alkaline water electrolyser, a storage gas tank, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), and power conditioning units (PCU) to give different system topologies. The system is intended to be an environmentally friendly solution since it tries maximising the use of a renewable energy source. Electricity is produced by a PV generator to meet the requirements of a user load. Whenever there is enough solar radiation, the user load can be powered totally by the PV electricity. During periods of low solar radiation, auxiliary electricity is required. An alkaline high pressure water electrolyser is powered by the excess energy from the PV generator to produce hydrogen and oxygen at a pressure of maximum 30bar. Gases are stored without compression for short- (hourly or daily) and long- (seasonal) term. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is used to keep the system’s reliability at the same level as for the conventional system while decreasing the environmental impact of the whole system. The PEM fuel cell consumes gases which are produced by an electrolyser to meet the user load demand when the PV generator energy is deficient, so that it works as an auxiliary generator. Power conditioning units are appropriate for the conversion and dispatch the energy between the components of the system. No batteries are used in this system since they represent the weakest when used in PV systems due to their need for sophisticated control and their short lifetime. The model library, ISET Alternative Power Library (ISET-APL), is designed by the Institute of Solar Energy supply Technology (ISET) and used for the simulation of the hybrid system. The physical, analytical and/or empirical equations of each component are programmed and implemented separately in this library for the simulation software program Simplorer by C++ language. The model parameters are derived from manufacturer’s performance data sheets or measurements obtained from literature. The identification and validation of the major hydrogen PVFC hybrid system component models are evaluated according to the measured data of the components, from the manufacturer’s data sheet or from actual system operation. Then, the overall system is simulated, at intervals of one hour each, by using solar radiation as the primary energy input and hydrogen as energy storage for one year operation. A comparison between different topologies, such as DC or AC coupled systems, is carried out on the basis of energy point of view at two locations with different geographical latitudes, in Kassel/Germany (Europe) and in Cairo/Egypt (North Africa). The main conclusion in this work is that the simulation method of the system study under different conditions could successfully be used to give good visualization and comparison between those topologies for the overall performance of the system. The operational performance of the system is not only depending on component efficiency but also on system design and consumption behaviour. The worst case of this system is the low efficiency of the storage subsystem made of the electrolyser, the gas storage tank, and the fuel cell as it is around 25-34% at Cairo and 29-37% at Kassel. Therefore, the research for this system should be concentrated in the subsystem components development especially the fuel cell.


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In rural areas of the Mekong Countries, the problem of electricity supplying rural communities is particularly alarming. Supplying power to these areas requires facilities that are not economically viable. However, government programs are under way to provide this product that is vital to community well being. A nation priority of Mekong Countries is to provide electrical power to people in rural areas, within normal budgetary constraints. Electricity must be introduced into rural areas in such a way that maximize the technical, economic and social benefit. Another consideration is the source of electrical generation and the effects on the natural environment. The main research purpose is to implement field tests, monitoring and evaluation of the PV-Diesel Hybrid System (PVHS) at the Energy Park of School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) in order to test the PVSH working under the meteorological conditions of the Mekong Countries and to develop a software simulation called RES, which studies the technical and economic performance of rural electrification options. This software must be easy to use and understand for the energy planner on rural electrification projects, to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the PVHS based on the renewable energy potential for rural electrification of the Mekong Country by using RES. Finally, this project aims to give guidance for the possible use of PVHS application in this region, particularly in regard to its technical and economic sustainability. PVHS should be promoted according to the principles of proper design and adequate follow up with maintenance, so that the number of satisfied users will be achieved. PVHS is not the only possible technology for rural electrification, but for the Mekong Countries it is one of the most proper choices. Other renewable energy options such as wind, biomass and hydro power need to be studied in future.


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Die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen, daß es möglich ist, komplexe thermische Systeme, unter Verwendung der thermisch-, elektrischen Analogien, mit PSpice zu simulieren. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen standen hierbei Strangkühlkörper zur Kühlung von elektronischen Bauelementen. Es konnte gezeigt werden,daß alle Wärmeübertragungsarten, (Wärmeleitung, Konvektion und Wärmestrahlung) in der Simulation berücksichtigt werden können. Für die Berechnung der Konvektion wurden verschiedene Methoden hergeleitet. Diese gelten zum einen für verschiedene Kühlkörpergeometrien, wie z.B. ebene Flächen und Kühlrippenzwischenräume, andererseits unterscheiden sie sich, je nachdem, ob freie oder erzwungene Konvektion betrachtet wird. Für die Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen wurden verschiedenen Berechnungsmethoden entwickelt. Für die Simulation mit PSpice wurde die Berechnung der Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen vereinfacht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Fehler, die durch die Vereinfachung entstehen, vernachlässigbar klein sind. Für das thermische Verhalten einer zu kühlenden Wärmequelle wurde ein allgemeines Modell entworfen. Zur Bestimmung der Modellparameter wurden verschiedene Meßverfahren entwickelt. Für eine im Fachgebiet Elektromechanik entwickelte Wärmequelle zum Test von Kühlvorrichtungen wurde mit Hilfe dieser Meßverfahren eine Parameterbestimmung durchgeführt. Die Erstellung des thermischen Modells eines Kühlkörpers für die Simulation in PSpice erfordert die Analyse der Kühlkörpergeometrie. Damit diese Analyse weitestgehend automatisiert werden kann, wurden verschiedene Algorithmen unter Matlab entwickelt. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, den Kühlkörper in Elementarzellen zu zerlegen, die für die Erstellung des Simulationsmodells benötigt werden. Desweiteren ist es für die Simulation notwendig zu wissen, welche der Elementarzellen am Rand des Kühlkörpers liegen, welche der Elementarzellen an einem Kühlrippenzwischenraum liegen und welche Kühlkörperkanten schräg verlaufen. Auch zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben wurden verschiedene Algorithmen entwickelt. Diese Algorithmen wurden zu einem Programm zusammengefaßt, das es gestattet, unterschiedliche Strangkühlkörper zu simulieren und die Simulationsergebnisse in Form der Temperaturverteilung auf der Montagefläche des Kühlkörpers grafisch darzustellen. Es können stationäre und transiente Simulationen durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren kann der thermische Widerstand des Kühlkörpers RthK als Funktion der Verlustleistung der Wärmequelle dargestellt werden. Zur Verifikation der Simulationsergebnisse wurden Temperaturmessungen an Kühlkörpern durchgeführt und mit den Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Diese Vergleiche zeigen, daß die Abweichungen im Bereich der Streuung der Temperaturmessung liegen. Das hier entwickelte Verfahren zur thermischen Simulation von Strangkühlkörpern kann somit als gut bewertet werden.


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Nach einem einleitenden ersten Kapitel wird im zweiten Kapitel der Stand der Technik für Regelungs- und Monitoringsysteme mit vernetzten Systemen dargestellt. Daraus wird die Motivation zur Entwicklung neuer, kostengünstiger Systeme abgeleitet. Im dritten Kapitel folgt eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Arten marktverfügbarer Embedded Systems und dafür geeigneter Betriebs­systeme. Anforderungen an verteilte Regelungssysteme, unterschiedliche Strukturen dieser Systeme und deren Vor- und Nachteile sind Gegenstand des vierten Kapitels. Anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Erzeugungsmanagement für den Betrieb von KWK-Anlagen, Energieverbrauchsmonitoring und Smart-Metering wird der Einsatz von verteilten Regelungs- und Monitoringsystemen im fünften Kapitel dargestellt. Im folgenden sechsten Kapitel wird die Bedeutung normierter Kommunikation für den Einsatz in verteilten Systemen sowie dafür vorhandene Standards aus der elektrischen Energieversorgungstechnik und der Automatisierungstechnik behandelt. Der Stand der Internet-Technik für verteilte Systeme ist Gegenstand des siebten Kapitels. Dabei werden zunächst die verschiedenen drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Kommunikationsmedien vorgestellt und ihre Eigenschaften und die Rand­bedingungen für ihren Einsatz erörtert. Ebenso werden technische Probleme beim Einsatz der Internet-Technik aufgezeigt und Lösungsmöglichkeiten für diese Probleme dargestellt. Es folgt eine Übersicht von Netzwerkdiensten, die für den Betrieb von verteilten Systemen notwendig sind. Außerdem werden Techniken zur Überwachung von verteilten Systemen behandelt. Kapitel acht zeigt Sicherheitsrisiken bei der Nutzung des Internets auf und bewertet verschiedene Techniken zur Absicherung des Netzwerkverkehrs. Kapitel neun stellt ein Internet-basiertes Client-Server-System zur Online-Visualisierung von Anlagendaten im Webbrowser mit Hilfe von Java-Applets und XML-RPC vor. Die Visualisierung von Anlagendaten auf Mobiltelefonen mit Hilfe des Wireless Application Protocol sowie die dafür notwendige Software und Infrastruktur ist Gegenstand des zehnten Kapitels. Im elften Kapitel wird eine neuartige Software für die Simulation von dezentralen Energiesystemen und deren Regelungs­systemen auf Basis von virtuellen Maschinen, virtuellen Netzwerken und einer thermischen Simulationsumgebung vorgestellt sowie deren Anwendung für die Reglerentwicklung erklärt. Verschiedene Techniken für die Installation von Betriebssystemen und Software für die Embedded Systems eines verteilten Systems werden im Kapitel zwölf untersucht. Im Kapitel 13 werden verschiedene Technologien zur Konfiguration und Parametrierung von Regelungssystemen in der industriellen Prozess- und Fertigungs­automatisierung hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für dezentrale Energiesysteme analysiert. Anschließend wird eine Software zur Installation und Parametrierung von Monitoringsystemen sowie der dazugehörigen Infrastruktur vorgestellt. Kapitel 14 beschäftigt sich mit Anforderungen an die Hardware für verteilte Systeme und mit Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Betriebs- und der Datensicherheit. Im 15. Kapitel werden die in den bisherigen Kapiteln vorgestellten Techniken anhand eines großen verteilten Monitoringsystems und anhand eines Power Flow and Power Quality Management Systems auf Basis von verteilten Embedded Systems evaluiert. Kapitel 16 fasst die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zusammen und enthält einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen.


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Weltweit leben mehr als 2 Milliarden Menschen in ländlichen Gebieten. Als Konzept für die elektrische Energieversorgung solcher Gebiete kommen dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungseinheiten zum Einsatz, die lokal verfügbare erneuerbare Ressourcen nutzen. Stand der Technik bilden Einheiten, die auf PV-Diesel-Batterie System basieren. Die verwendeten Versorgungsskonzepte in Hybridsystemen sind durch den Einsatz von Batterien als Energiespeicher meist wenig zuverlässig und teuer. Diese Energiespeicher sind sehr aufwendig zu überwachen und schwerig zu entsorgen. Den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung eines neuen Hybridsystems mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher. Dieses Konzept eignet sich für Bergregionen in Entwicklungsländern wie Nepal, wo z.B. neben der solaren Strahlung kleine Flüsse in großer Anzahl vorhanden sind. Das Hybridsystem verfügt über einen Synchrongenerator, der die Netzgrößen Frequenz und Spannung vorgibt und zusätzlich unterstützen PV und Windkraftanlage die Versorgung. Die Wasserkraftanlage soll den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energienutzung erhöhen. Die Erweiterung des Systems um ein Dieselaggregat soll die Zuverlässigkeit der Versorgung erhöhen. Das Hybridsystem inkl. der Batterien wird modelliert und simuliert. Anschließend werden die Simulations- und Messergebnisse verglichen, um eine Validierung des Modells zu erreichen. Die Regelungsstruktur ist aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Systemen und Parametern sehr komplex. Sie wird mit dem Simulationstool Matlab/Simulink nachgebildet. Das Verhalten des Gesamtsystems wird unter verschiedene Lasten und unterschiedlichen meteorologischen Gegebenheiten untersucht. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer modularen Energiemanagementeinheit, die auf Basis der erneuerbaren Energieversorgung aufgebaut wird. Dabei stellt die Netzfrequenz eine wichtige Eingangsgröße für die Regelung dar. Sie gibt über die Wirkleistungsstatik die Leistungsänderung im Netz wider. Über diese Angabe und die meteorologischen Daten kann eine optimale wirtschaftliche Aufteilung der Energieversorgung berechnet und eine zuverlässige Versorgung gewährleistet werden. Abschließend wurde die entwickelte Energiemanagementeinheit hardwaretechnisch aufgebaut, sowie Sensoren, Anzeige- und Eingabeeinheit in die Hardware integriert. Die Algorithmen werden in einer höheren Programmiersprache umgesetzt. Die Simulationen unter verschiedenen meteorologischen und netztechnischen Gegebenheiten mit dem entwickelten Model eines Hybridsystems für die elektrische Energieversorgung haben gezeigt, dass das verwendete Konzept mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher ökologisch und ökonomisch eine geeignete Lösung für Entwicklungsländer sein kann. Die hardwaretechnische Umsetzung des entwickelten Modells einer Energiemanagementeinheit hat seine sichere Funktion bei der praktischen Anwendung in einem Hybridsystem bestätigen können.


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In many real world contexts individuals find themselves in situations where they have to decide between options of behaviour that serve a collective purpose or behaviours which satisfy one’s private interests, ignoring the collective. In some cases the underlying social dilemma (Dawes, 1980) is solved and we observe collective action (Olson, 1965). In others social mobilisation is unsuccessful. The central topic of social dilemma research is the identification and understanding of mechanisms which yield to the observed cooperation and therefore resolve the social dilemma. It is the purpose of this thesis to contribute this research field for the case of public good dilemmas. To do so, existing work that is relevant to this problem domain is reviewed and a set of mandatory requirements is derived which guide theory and method development of the thesis. In particular, the thesis focusses on dynamic processes of social mobilisation which can foster or inhibit collective action. The basic understanding is that success or failure of the required process of social mobilisation is determined by heterogeneous individual preferences of the members of a providing group, the social structure in which the acting individuals are contained, and the embedding of the individuals in economic, political, biophysical, or other external contexts. To account for these aspects and for the involved dynamics the methodical approach of the thesis is computer simulation, in particular agent-based modelling and simulation of social systems. Particularly conductive are agent models which ground the simulation of human behaviour in suitable psychological theories of action. The thesis develops the action theory HAPPenInGS (Heterogeneous Agents Providing Public Goods) and demonstrates its embedding into different agent-based simulations. The thesis substantiates the particular added value of the methodical approach: Starting out from a theory of individual behaviour, in simulations the emergence of collective patterns of behaviour becomes observable. In addition, the underlying collective dynamics may be scrutinised and assessed by scenario analysis. The results of such experiments reveal insights on processes of social mobilisation which go beyond classical empirical approaches and yield policy recommendations on promising intervention measures in particular.


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We are currently at the cusp of a revolution in quantum technology that relies not just on the passive use of quantum effects, but on their active control. At the forefront of this revolution is the implementation of a quantum computer. Encoding information in quantum states as “qubits” allows to use entanglement and quantum superposition to perform calculations that are infeasible on classical computers. The fundamental challenge in the realization of quantum computers is to avoid decoherence – the loss of quantum properties – due to unwanted interaction with the environment. This thesis addresses the problem of implementing entangling two-qubit quantum gates that are robust with respect to both decoherence and classical noise. It covers three aspects: the use of efficient numerical tools for the simulation and optimal control of open and closed quantum systems, the role of advanced optimization functionals in facilitating robustness, and the application of these techniques to two of the leading implementations of quantum computation, trapped atoms and superconducting circuits. After a review of the theoretical and numerical foundations, the central part of the thesis starts with the idea of using ensemble optimization to achieve robustness with respect to both classical fluctuations in the system parameters, and decoherence. For the example of a controlled phasegate implemented with trapped Rydberg atoms, this approach is demonstrated to yield a gate that is at least one order of magnitude more robust than the best known analytic scheme. Moreover this robustness is maintained even for gate durations significantly shorter than those obtained in the analytic scheme. Superconducting circuits are a particularly promising architecture for the implementation of a quantum computer. Their flexibility is demonstrated by performing optimizations for both diagonal and non-diagonal quantum gates. In order to achieve robustness with respect to decoherence, it is essential to implement quantum gates in the shortest possible amount of time. This may be facilitated by using an optimization functional that targets an arbitrary perfect entangler, based on a geometric theory of two-qubit gates. For the example of superconducting qubits, it is shown that this approach leads to significantly shorter gate durations, higher fidelities, and faster convergence than the optimization towards specific two-qubit gates. Performing optimization in Liouville space in order to properly take into account decoherence poses significant numerical challenges, as the dimension scales quadratically compared to Hilbert space. However, it can be shown that for a unitary target, the optimization only requires propagation of at most three states, instead of a full basis of Liouville space. Both for the example of trapped Rydberg atoms, and for superconducting qubits, the successful optimization of quantum gates is demonstrated, at a significantly reduced numerical cost than was previously thought possible. Together, the results of this thesis point towards a comprehensive framework for the optimization of robust quantum gates, paving the way for the future realization of quantum computers.


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Electroosmotic flow is a convenient mechanism for transporting polar fluid in a microfluidic device. The flow is generated through the application of an external electric field that acts on the free charges that exists in a thin Debye layer at the channel walls. The charge on the wall is due to the chemistry of the solid-fluid interface, and it can vary along the channel, e.g. due to modification of the wall. This investigation focuses on the simulation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) profile in a cylindrical microchannel with step change in zeta potential. The modified Navier-Stoke equation governing the velocity field and a non-linear two-dimensional Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the electrical double-layer (EDL) field distribution are solved numerically using finite control-volume method. Continuities of flow rate and electric current are enforced resulting in a non-uniform electrical field and pressure gradient distribution along the channel. The resulting parabolic velocity distribution at the junction of the step change in zeta potential, which is more typical of a pressure-driven velocity flow profile, is obtained.


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This paper presents a model and analysis of a synchronous tandem flow line that produces different part types on unreliable machines. The machines operate according to a static priority rule, operating on the highest priority part whenever possible, and operating on lower priority parts only when unable to produce those with higher priorities. We develop a new decomposition method to analyze the behavior of the manufacturing system by decomposing the long production line into small analytically tractable components. As a first step in modeling a production line with more than one part type, we restrict ourselves to the case where there are two part types. Detailed modeling and derivations are presented with a small two-part-type production line that consists of two processing machines and two demand machines. Then, a generalized longer flow line is analyzed. Furthermore, estimates for performance measures, such as average buffer levels and production rates, are presented and compared to extensive discrete event simulation. The quantitative behavior of the two-part type processing line under different demand scenarios is also provided.


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Piecewise linear models systems arise as mathematical models of systems in many practical applications, often from linearization for nonlinear systems. There are two main approaches of dealing with these systems according to their continuous or discrete-time aspects. We propose an approach which is based on the state transformation, more particularly the partition of the phase portrait in different regions where each subregion is modeled as a two-dimensional linear time invariant system. Then the Takagi-Sugeno model, which is a combination of local model is calculated. The simulation results show that the Alpha partition is well-suited for dealing with such a system


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La teoría de redes de Johanson y Mattson (1988) explica como las pequeñas empresas, también conocidas como PyMes, utilizan las redes de negocio para desarrollar sus procesos de internacionalización. Es así que a través de las redes pueden superar sus limitaciones de tamaño para encontrar cierto tipo de fluidez y dinamismo en su gestión, con el fin de aprovechar los beneficios de la internacionalización. A partir del desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las relaciones dentro de la red la organización puede posicionarse en una instancia competitiva cada vez más fuerte (Jarillo, 1988). Según Forsgren y Johanson (1992), para los gerentes es importante coordinar la interacción entre los diferentes actores de la red, ya que a través de estas su posición dentro de la red mejora y así mismo el flujo de recursos será mayor. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el modelo de internacionalización según la teoría de redes, desde una perspectiva cultural, de e-Tech Simulation una PyME “Born to be global” norteamericana. Esta empresa ha minimizado su riesgo de internacionalización, a través del desarrollo de acuerdos entre los diferentes actores. Al mejorar su posición dentro de la red, es decir al fortalecer aún más los lazos existentes y crear nuevas relaciones, la empresa ha obtenido mayores beneficios de la misma y ha logrado ser aún más flexible con sus clientes. Es por esto que a partir de este análisis se planteó una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar los procesos de negociación dentro de la red, bajo un contexto cultural. De igual forma se evidencio la importancia del papel del emprendimiento del gerente en los procesos de internacionalización, así como su habilidad para mezclar los recursos obtenidos de diferentes mercados internacionales para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.


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The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim of this thesis is to develop a knowledge-based model to simulate risk of plant-wide operational problems of microbiological origin.For the risk model heuristic knowledge from experts and literature was implemented in a rule-based system. Using fuzzy logic, the system can infer a risk index for the main operational problems of microbiological origin (i.e. filamentous bulking, biological foaming, rising sludge and deflocculation). To show the results of the risk model, it was implemented in the Benchmark Simulation Models. This allowed to study the risk model's response in different scenarios and control strategies. The risk model has shown to be really useful providing a third criterion to evaluate control strategies apart from the economical and environmental criteria.


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The monsoon depressions that form over India during the summer are analyzed using simulations from the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique general circulation model. This type of synoptic system often occurs with a frequency of one to two per month and can produce a strong Indian rainfall. Two kinds of analyses are conducted in this study. The first one is a subjective analysis based on the evolution of the precipitation rate and the pattern of the sea level pressure. The second one is an objective analysis performed using the TRACK program, which identifies and tracks the minima in the sea level pressure anomaly held and computes the statistics for the distribution of systems. The analysis of a 9-yr control run, which simulates strong precipitation rates over the foothills of the Himalayas and over southern India but weak rates over central India, shows that the number of disturbances is coo low and that they almost never occur during August, when break conditions prevail. The generated disturbances more often move north, toward the foothills of the Himalayas. Another analysis is performed to study the effect of the Tibetan Plateau elevation on these disturbances with a 9-yr run carried out with a Tibetan Plateau at 50% of its current height. It is shown that this later integration simulates more frequent monsoon disturbances, which move rather northwestward, in agreement with the current observations. The comparison between the two runs shows that the June-July-August rainfall difference is in large part due to changes in the occurrence of the monsoon disturbances.


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The linear viscoelastic (LVE) spectrum is one of the primary fingerprints of polymer solutions and melts, carrying information about most relaxation processes in the system. Many single chain theories and models start with predicting the LVE spectrum to validate their assumptions. However, until now, no reliable linear stress relaxation data were available from simulations of multichain systems. In this work, we propose a new efficient way to calculate a wide variety of correlation functions and mean-square displacements during simulations without significant additional CPU cost. Using this method, we calculate stress−stress autocorrelation functions for a simple bead−spring model of polymer melt for a wide range of chain lengths, densities, temperatures, and chain stiffnesses. The obtained stress−stress autocorrelation functions were compared with the single chain slip−spring model in order to obtain entanglement related parameters, such as the plateau modulus or the molecular weight between entanglements. Then, the dependence of the plateau modulus on the packing length is discussed. We have also identified three different contributions to the stress relaxation:  bond length relaxation, colloidal and polymeric. Their dependence on the density and the temperature is demonstrated for short unentangled systems without inertia.


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The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) interacts with and influences a wide range of weather and climate phenomena (e.g., monsoons, ENSO, tropical storms, midlatitude weather), and represents an important, and as yet unexploited, source of predictability at the subseasonal time scale. Despite the important role of the MJO in climate and weather systems, current global circulation models (GCMs) exhibit considerable shortcomings in representing this phenomenon. These shortcomings have been documented in a number of multimodel comparison studies over the last decade. However, diagnosis of model performance has been challenging, and model progress has been difficult to track, because of the lack of a coherent and standardized set of MJO diagnostics. One of the chief objectives of the U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) MJO Working Group is the development of observation-based diagnostics for objectively evaluating global model simulations of the MJO in a consistent framework. Motivation for this activity is reviewed, and the intent and justification for a set of diagnostics is provided, along with specification for their calculation, and illustrations of their application. The diagnostics range from relatively simple analyses of variance and correlation to more sophisticated space–time spectral and empirical orthogonal function analyses. These diagnostic techniques are used to detect MJO signals, to construct composite life cycles, to identify associations of MJO activity with the mean state, and to describe interannual variability of the MJO.