955 resultados para Swiss literature
O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em analisar o sublime, um conceito estético que vem sendo estudado desde os primeiros séculos. Tomamos como base a definição do sublime como algo paradoxal que cria o prazer e o medo ao mesmo tempo. Porém, o sublime apresenta especificidades que variam de acordo com o filósofo analisado. Neste trabalho, três críticos foram estudados: Longinus, Edmund Burke e Immanuel Kant. Assim, o sublime pode ser representado através da imensidão da natureza, do poder de uma criatura sobrenatural ou, até mesmo, através da sexualidade feminina. E, com o intuito de exemplificar essas diferentes perspectivas do sublime, buscamos obras da Literatura Gótica. Sendo esta uma vertente literária que buscava a oposição ao racionalismo trazido pelo movimento iluminista, as características sublimes foram essenciais para enfatizar a emoção. Para tal exemplificação, utilizamos trechos de dois romances góticos dos séculos XVIII e XIX, respectivamente: The Monk escrito por Matthew Lewis e Dracula escrito por Bram Stoker
Through research aimed at understanding the coastal environment, surveys designed to help manage the resource, and national programs to monitor environmental condition, we see a picture of a dynamic ecosystem that is Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (CRNWR). Currently, there are efforts underway to protect threatened species; monitor fish populations; and quantify the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of this environment. The potential impacts to this system are just now being understood as ecological responses to human modification are observed and explained. As a starting point, this document compiles existing information about Cape Romain NWR in five topic areas and addresses the potential impacts to the Refuge. This review is intended to serve as a stepping stone to developing a research agenda in support of management of the Refuge. There are various sources of information on which to build a framework for monitoring conditions and detecting change to this environment. For instance, information on basic ecological function in estuarine environments has evolved over several decades. Long-term surveys of Southeast fisheries exist, as well as shellfish and sediment contaminants data from estuaries. Environmental monitoring and biological surveys at the Refuge continue. Recently, studies that examine the impacts to similar coastal habitats have been undertaken. This document puts past studies and ongoing work in context for Refuge managers and researchers. This report recommends that the next phase of this resource characterization focus on: • compiling relevant tabular and spatial data, as identified here, into a Geographic Information System (GIS) framework • assessing the abundance and diversity of fisheries utilizing CRNWR • delineating additional data layers, such as intertidal habitats and subtidal clam beds, from low-level aerial photography, hard copy maps, and other sources • continued inventories of plant and animal species dependent on the Refuge • monitoring physical and chemical environmental parameters using the methodology employed at National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) and other coastal sites, where appropriate • further definition of the potential risks to the Refuge and preparing responses to likely impacts.
This study sought to improve the baseline knowledge of the fisheries of Lake Nasser and to make recommendations for the improved management of the fisheries, including stock assessment. This review draws heavily from the most recent reviews of Lake Nasserr and its fisheries, including van Zwieten et al. (2011), Habib et al. (2014) and Habib (2015). It is supplemented with findings from the field study described in the final technical report, Lake Nasser fisheries: Recommendations for management, including monitoring and stock assessment (Halls 2015).
把1870-2001年来自美国"现代灵长类文献题录数据库"、"维普中文数据库"及"中国灵长类研究文献题录"的资料按4个时期(I:1870-1949;Ⅱ:1950-1965;Ⅲ:1966-1977;Ⅳ:1978-2001)分类整理.此外,使用了"科学引文数据库(扩展版)".结果如下:(1)1870-2001年共有20 52篇文献,2个文献数量高峰分别出现于1950-1965和1978-2001年;科研部门所发表的论文占54.2%,并随时间而增加;而国外部门则随之减少.(2)2 052篇文献中,超过9%的文献为SCI所收录,其中1966-1977年被SCI收录的文献百分比最高;在全部被SCI收录的文献中又以科研部门的占优势(59.1%);但国外部门则以其30.1%的文献被SCI收录而领先.(3)统计了灵长类研究9个领域文献百分比及其变化,其中1978-2001间生态学和行为、神经生物学、繁殖和饲养快速发展;化石灵长类、形态学和解剖学减少;分类及分布、细胞及分子进化显得不甚突出;在第Ⅱ时期和第Ⅳ时期疾病防治研究相当多;保护生物学得到越来越多的关注.第Ⅳ时期作者数量最多,但每个作者的文献平均数却不如第Ⅰ时期.一般地说,在SCI收录的作者中以中国作者居多,但在第I时期唯一被SCI收录的作者则是一名外国学者;在第Ⅲ时期外国作者占被收录作者数的60%.