863 resultados para Substituição tecnológica
Preparação de óxidos mistos de níquel e zinco nanoparticulados a partir de combustíveis alternativos
The field of "Materials Chemistry" has been developing in recent years and there has been a great increase of interest in the synthesis and chemical and physical properties of new inorganic solids. New routes of synthesis and synthesis modified has been developed with the aim not only to optimize the processes in laboratory scale, but also on an industrial scale, and make them acceptable by current environmental legislation. The phenomenology of current solid state chemistry properties coupled with the high temperature superconductivity, ferromagnetism, porosity molecular and colors are evidence affected by the synthesis method, which in turn can influence the technological application of these materials. From this understanding, mixed oxides of nickel and zinc nanoparticulate were synthesized by microwave-assisted combustion route using three specific types of organic fuels employing the weight ratios 1:1/2 and 1:1 of cation metallic/fuel, in order to investigate the influence of such proportions to obtain the solids. The new fuels were chosen to replace, for example, urea or glycine that are the fuels most commonly preferred in this kind of synthesis. The powders without heat treatment were studied by Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and then calcined at 900°C. After heat treatment, the samples were characterized by analysis of X Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The modified synthesis route porposed was effective for obtaining powders. Both the alternative fuels chosen as the different weight ratios employed, influenced in the morphology and obtaining oxides
Over recent years the structural ceramics industry in Brazil has found a very favorable market for growth. However, difficulties related to productivity and product quality are partially inhibiting this possible growth. An alternative for trying to solve these problems and, thus, provide the pottery industry the feasibility of full development, is the substitution of firewood used in the burning process by natural gas. In order to contribute to this process of technological innovation, this paper studies the effect of co-use of ceramic phyllite and kaolin waste on the properties of a clay matrix, verifying the possible benefits that these raw materials can give to the final product, as well as the possibility of such materials to reduce the heat load necessary to obtain products with equal or superior quality. The study was divided into two steps: characterization of materials and study of formulations. Two clays, a phyllite and a residue of kaolin were characterized by the following techniques: laser granulometry, plasticity index by Atterberg limits, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, mineralogical composition by Rietveld, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. To study the formulations, specifically for evaluation of technological properties of the parts, was performed an experimental model that combined planning involving a mixture of three components (standard mass x phyllite x kaolin waste) and a 23 factorial design with central point associated with thermal processing parameters. The experiment was performed with restricted strip-plot randomization. In total, 13 compositional points were investigated within the following constraints: phyllite ≤ 20% by weight, kaolin waste ≤ 40% by weight, and standard mass ≥ 60% by weight. The thermal parameters were used at the following levels: 750 and 950 °C to the firing temperature, 5 and 15 °C/min at the heating rate, 15 and 45min to the baseline. The results showed that the introduction of phyllite and/or kaolin waste in ceramic body produced a number of benefits in properties of the final product, such as: decreased absorption of water, apparent porosity and linear retraction at burn; besides the increase in apparent specific mass and mechanical properties of parts. The best results were obtained in the compositional points where the sum of the levels of kaolin waste and phyllite was maximal (40% by weight), as well as conditions which were used in firing temperatures of 950 °C. Regarding the prospect of savings in heat energy required to form the desired microstructure, the phyllite and the residue of kaolin, for having small particle sizes and constitutions mineralogical phases with the presence of fluxes, contributed to the optimization of the firing cycle.
The sharp consumption of natural resources by the construction industry has motivated numerous studies concerning the application of waste to replace partially or fully, some materials, such as aggregates, thereby reducing the environmental impact caused by the extraction of sand and crushing process. The application of stone dust from crushing process arising as an aggregate for the production of Portland cement concrete is a viable alternative in view of the high cost of natural sands, in addition to the environmental damage which causes its operation to the environment. The stone dust has reduced cost compared to natural sand because it is produced in the beds of their own quarries, which are usually located close to major urban centers. This study examined the feasibility of using stone dust from the crushing of rock gneisses in the state of Bahia, replacing natural quartz sand. In the development of scientific study was conducted to characterize physical and chemical raw materials applied and molded cylindrical specimens , using as reference values Fck 20, Fck 25 and Fck 30 MPa ( resistance characteristic of the concrete after 28 days) in following compositions stone powder: 10%, 30%, 50 %, 100% and 100% with additive. The specimens were cured and subjected to the tests of compressive strength and water absorption, then the samples were subjected to the tests of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results obtained showed that the composition with 10% stone powder showed the best results regarding the physical and mechanical tests performed, confirming the reduction in compressive strength and increased water uptake increased as the content of the powder stone in the concrete composition
The construction industry is one of the largest consumers of natural raw materials, and concrete is considered today the most used material wide. This accentuated consumption of natural resources has generated concern with the preservation of the environment, and has motivated various studies related to the use of resid ues, which can partially or entirely substitute, with satisfactory performance, some materials such as the aggregate, and in so doing, decrease the impact on the environment caused by the produced residues. Research has been done to better understand and improve the microstructure of concrete, as well as to understand the mechanism of corrosion in reinforced steel. In this context, this work was developed aiming at discovering the influence of the substitution of natural sand by artificial sand, with rega rd to mechanical resistance, microstructure, and durability. To obtain the electrochemical parameters, an adaptation was made to the galvanostatic electrochemical method to study the corrosion in reinforced steel. Concretes of categories 20 MPa and 40 MPa were produced, containing natural sand, and concretes of the same categories were produced with artificial sand substituting the natural sand, and with the addition of sodium nitrate and sodium chloride. Due to the use of rock dust reject (artificial sand), an evaluation was made of its environmental risk. The results indicate that the concretes of category 20 MPa present a better performance than the concrete made with natural sand, thus making it a viable substitute. For the category 40 MPa, the better performance is from the concrete containing natural sand. The adaptation of the galvanostatic electrochemical technique to the study of the corrosion of reinforced steel within concrete proved to be valid for obtaining electrochemical parameters with a high degree of reliability, considering the number of degrees of freedom
Replacement of fishmeal by soybean meal in juvenile curimba (Prochilodus lineatus) diets was evaluated. Five isonitrogenous (26% crude protein) and isocaloric (4,000 kcal of gross energy kg(-1)) diets with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of replacement were used. Fish (3.71 +/- 0.54 g) were distributed in 25 tanks (120 liters). The diets were provided for 84 days. Total replacement of fishmeal (100%) by soybean meal worsened weight gain, feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio. An increase in carcass fat was observed at the expense of reducing protein percentage, as well as an increase in hepatosomatic index. It was concluded that replacing 75.0% fish meal by soybean meal (33.2% of inclusion) did not affect the animal growth, although there been observed changes in corporal composition and hepatic hyperplasia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A maioria das instalações de abastecimento de água utiliza bombas hidráulicas do tipo turbobombas, requerendo que o interior de sua carcaça e da tubulação de sucção esteja preenchido com água (escorvados) para que a sucção da água possa ser efetivada. O escorvamento das bombas pode ser efetuado instalando-as abaixo do reservatório de captação (bomba afogada). Quando a bomba está acima do reservatório e o escorvamento é manual, é necessário usar válvulas-de-pé, que são suscetíveis ao mau funcionamento, limitando a confiabilidade do sistema, principalmente em caso de automação. Como alternativa à válvula-de-pé, neste trabalho, foram estudados dois tanques escorva, testados no Laboratório de Hidráulica e Irrigação da FCAV/UNESP - Jaboticabal, avaliando-se situações de altura manométrica de sucção de bomba centrífuga e relações entre volume útil do tanque e volume do tubo de sucção, tendo-se concluído: a) o volume do tanque de escorva é função do volume do tubo de sucção da instalação de bombeamento e da altura manométrica de sucção; b) o volume do tanque de escorva pode ser calculado seguindo-se a Lei de Boyle, com percentagem de acréscimo que, neste estudo, foi de 10% para um modelo de tanque e de 30% para o segundo modelo.
The purpose of this dissertation is whether the demand for manpower trained in technical school for the sector of Oil and Gas (O&G) is in balance with the offer of that training in the Brazilian education system. The methodology used to obtain such information was based on School Census 2000 and 2008 where data were worked out in order to clarify the numbers of enrollments in secondary technical level demanded by the sector of O&G. The demand for manpower with that qualification as a data source was the 2010-2014 Business Plan Program for Mobilization of the National Oil and Natural Gas (PROMINP). This Program identified the future demand for manpower for the Sector of the O&G until 2014 where the occupational categories are mapped prerequisite training and experience. In order to better understand the object of this study was dome a review of the literature with regard to technical education in Brazil but also the importance of the education to economic growth and the peculiarities of the oil economy in different countries possessors of those mines, or that is, developed and underdeveloped countries. Analysis showed that enrollment in technical education in Brazil had a significant increase between the dates 2000 and 2008. It also don´t bring balance with the characteristic of the dynamics of the productive sectors of the economy mainly due to heating of the economy before the global growth especially in the Construction Industry as well as in the Oil and Natural Gas Engineering and a Naval account of the discovery of oil in the Pre-Salt. Another important aspect is that one of the major problems of qualification of manpower in Brazil is due to a bad quality of the student´s school and high school which makes difficult a good performance in office work and also this ability to learn new functions. The rapprochement between the supply of the education system and the demand for manpower with training mid-level technical support for the sector O&G showed that most technical courses demanded or had no enrollment in 2008, had few enrollment in 15 states with demand expect to occur and those enrollment were unevenly distributed among states. The analysis therefore signalize the needed of a public policy that enables the adequacy of the education system (Secondary Technical Education) to Sector of O&G in terms of enrollment and its distribution between the oil producing states and in relation to technical expertise offered
O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é verificar se a demanda de mão-de-obra com formação no ensino médio técnico para o setor de Petróleo e Gás (P&G) está em consonância com a oferta daquela formação no sistema educacional brasileiro. A metodologia aplicada para obter tal informação foi baseada no Censo Escolar 2000 e 2008, em que os dados foram trabalhados de maneira a explicitar o número de matrículas nos cursos de nível médio técnico, demandados pelo setor de P&G. A demanda de mão-de-obra com aquela qualificação teve como fonte de dados o Plano de Negócios 2010-2014 do Programa de Mobilização da Indústria Nacional de Petróleo e Gás Natural (PROMINP). Este Programa identificou a demanda futura de mão-de-obra para o setor de P&G até 2014, onde as categorias ocupacionais mapeadas possuem pré-requisitos de formação e experiência. Com o intuito de entender melhor o objeto deste estudo foi feita uma revisão de literatura no que diz respeito ao ensino técnico no Brasil, como também a importância da educação para o crescimento econômico e as peculiaridades da economia do petróleo nos diferentes países possuidores daquelas jazidas, ou seja, países subdesenvolvidos e desenvolvidos. As análises demonstraram que as matrículas no ensino técnico no Brasil apresentaram um significativo aumento entre as datas de 2000 a 2008. Traz também como característica a desarmonia com a dinâmica dos setores produtivos da economia, devido principalmente ao aquecimento da economia antes da crise mundial de 2008, e a retomada recente do crescimento notadamente no Setor de Construção Civil, bem como no setor de Petróleo e Gás Natural e Engenharia Naval por conta da descoberta de petróleo na camada Pré-sal. Outro aspecto relevante é que um dos grandes problemas da qualificação de mão-de-obra no Brasil se deve a má qualidade do ensino fundamental e médio, que dificulta para o futuro profissional um bom desempenho nas suas funções laborais e na capacidade de aprender novas funções. A aproximação entre a oferta no sistema educacional e a demanda de mão-de-obra com a formação de nível médio técnico para o setor de P&G, demonstraram que a maioria dos cursos técnicos demandados não apresentava matrículas em 2008, ou possuíam poucas matrículas nos 15 estados com demanda prevista, e aquelas matrículas estavam mal distribuídas entre os estados. A análise aponta para a necessidade de uma política pública que possibilite a adequação do sistema educacional (Ensino Médio Técnico) ao setor de P&G, tanto no que se refere ao número de matrículas e a sua distribuição entre os estados produtores de petróleo quanto no que se refere à especialidade técnica oferecida
Fifty six crossbred kids Parda Alpina x Gurgueia were separeted into four groups of 14 (seven male and seven female) and submited to four treatments with different levels of milk goat substitution by cheese serum. The treatments were : T1=milk goat (testify); T2=15% serum at 23 days and 33% at 55 days; T3=15% serum starting from 16 days, 33% on 23 days and 51% on 72 days of age; and T4=33% on 16 days and 69% of liquid diet in the final fase. At 92 days of age, all animals were slaughtered for carcass evaluation. Pallete were separeted from 20 male animals (five by treatment) and the physical and chemical analysis of the meat were realized using these materials. The studied characteristics were: total weight (TW), meat weight (MW), bone weigth (BW) of the pallete, and percentage of umidity (U), ashes (A), protein (P), fat (F) and pH of the pallete meat. There was significant effect of the treatment over F. Means of PW, A and BW were, respectively 491, 342 and 149.8 g. The meal represented 69,6% of total pallete weight. Means of U, A, P and F were 73, 1.0, 19 and 1.95%, respectively. The pH was 6.7. Results allow to conclude that only the fat percentage of the meat was modified, due to the administration of serun milk on the liquid diet of the kids, during the milking fase.
Qualidade nutricional e tecnológica de genótipos de feijão cultivados em diferentes safras agrícolas
O feijão é um dos alimentos mais produzidos em todo o território nacional, sendo intensa a busca por cultivares produtivas, adaptadas ao local de cultivo e com boas características culinárias. Assim, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de genótipos de feijoeiro, quanto ao teor de proteína, tempo para cozimento e capacidade de hidratação dos grãos. O experimento foi desenvolvido em três safras, correspondendo às épocas da seca 2005, das águas 2005 e da seca 2006. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com 24 tratamentos, representados pelos genótipos de feijoeiro dos grupos comerciais Carioca e Preto, com quatro repetições. Os grãos de feijão produzidos na safra das águas 2005 tiveram maior tempo médio para cozimento, menor teor de proteína bruta e maior tempo para máxima hidratação. Os genótipos LP 98-20 e CNFC 9494 (Grupo comercial Carioca), como também as cultivares Graúna e IAC Una (Grupo comercial Preto) destacaram-se quanto ao menor tempo para cozimento nas três safras estudadas, enquanto Gen 96A10, CNFC 9484 (Ambos do grupo comercial Carioca) e CNFP 10138 (Grupo comercial Preto) destacaram-se em relação aos demais pela baixa porcentagem de grãos de casca dura e menor tempo para a máxima hidratação dos grãos.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos residuais, por quatro anos seguidos, de diferentes tipos de resíduos, aplicados de formas e em doses distintas, sobre a qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar de quinto corte (cultivar SP 81-3250). Os tratamentos testados são combinações de dois tipos de resíduos (lodo de esgoto; vinhaça; lodo de esgoto + vinhaça) com dois modos de aplicação (ao lado da linha de cultivo e em área total) e com duas doses (100 e 200%), e um tratamento-testemunha. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, totalizando 39 parcelas. As variáveis analisadas foram: percentagem de sólidos solúveis no caldo extraído (Brix % C.E.), percentagem aparente de sacarose no caldo extraído (Pol % C.E.), percentagem da fibra na cana (Fibra % cana), pureza (%), percentagem aparente de sacarose na cana (Pol % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores na cana (AR % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores totais na cana (ART % cana) e açúcares totais recuperáveis (ATR). Os fatores de variação testados (tipo de resíduo, modo de aplicação e doses) não promoveram alterações na qualidade e não comprometeram a valorização da cana-de-açúcar.
With the increase in cement consumption, it has quickly become one of the inputs most consumed by mankind over the last century. This has caused an increase in CO2 emissions, as cement production releases large quantities of this gas into the atmosphere. Adding this fact to the growing consciousness of environmental preservation, it has led to a search for alternatives to cement to complement its derivatives, in the form of waste materials like the ashes. This research aimed to analyze the properties of mortars in fresh and hardened state with partial replacement of Portland cement by residual algaroba wood ash (CRLA) potteries produced by the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The CRLA was collected and sieved, where part of it was ground and characterized in comparison with that just sifted, being characterized according to its chemical composition, grain size, fineness, density, bulk density and index of pozzolanic activity. It was found that the wood ash does not act as pozzolan, and grinding it has not changed its characteristics compared to those just sifted, not justifying its use. Two traces were adopted for this research: 1:3 (cement: fine sand) and 1:2:8 (cement: hydrated lime: medium sand); both in volume, using as materials the CRLA just sifted, CP II F-32 Portland cement, CH-I hydrated lime, river sand and water from the local utility. For each trace were adopted six percentages of partial replacement of cement for wood ash: 0% (control) 5%, 7%, 10%, 12% and 15%. In the fresh state, the mortars were tested towards their consistency index and mass density. In the hardened state, they were tested towards their tensile strength in bending, compressive strength and tensile adhesion strength, and its mass density in the hardened state. The mortar was also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, it was classified according to NBR 13281 (2005). The results showed that up to a content of 5% substitution and for both traces, the residual algaroba wood ash can replace Portland cement without compromising the mortars microstructure and its fresh and hardened state
From the 70`s, with the publication of the Manifesto for Environment UN Conference, held in Stockholm, in Sweden (1972), defend and improve the environment became part of our daily lives. Thus, several studies have emerged in several segments in order to reuse the waste. Some examples of waste incorporated in portland cement concrete are: rice husk ash, bagasse ash of cane sugar, powder-stone, microsilica, tire rubber, among others. This research used the residue of the mining industry Scheelite, to evaluate the incorporation of the residue composition of Portland cement concrete, replacing the natural sand. The percentage of residue were incorporated from 0% to 100%, with a variation of 10%, 11 being produced concrete mix in the ratio 1:2:3:0.60, by mass. We evaluated the following characteristics of concrete: slump test, compressive strength, tensile strength by diametral compression, water absorption, porosity and density, based on the ABNT, through tests performed in the Laboratory of Civil Construction, UFRN. The trace with the addition of 60% scheelite residue was obtained which better performance. Therefore, the use of the waste from the production of Scheelite is feasible due to the durability parameters (water absorption and porosity), sustainability, and the good results of the resistance of the concrete
This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Centers for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, the CEFET s (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica), government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. Taking the FORPLAN/CONCEFET performance indicators matrix it is developed a set of performance indicators for the two tops perspective in the conceptual model proposed five for customer/society perspective and three for financial/budget perspective. A field survey with ten CEFET s General Directors is conducted to validate the indicators and assess the perception of the Directors on the hierarchy of the conceptual model, and a hierarchy among the indicators as well. The main results suggests that the indicators are validated, that most of the Directors support the hierarchy presented in the conceptual model but 30% of them have a traditional model with financials coming first. In terms of indicator hierarchy, there s a slight priority for the student unitary cost among the financial perspective indicators, and a relative balance among the customer/society perspective indicators