998 resultados para Strenx® 960 MC
A manufacturing system has a natural dynamic nature observed through several kinds of random occurrences and perturbations on working conditions and requirements over time. For this kind of environment it is important the ability to efficient and effectively adapt, on a continuous basis, existing schedules according to the referred disturbances, keeping performance levels. The application of Meta-Heuristics and Multi-Agent Systems to the resolution of this class of real world scheduling problems seems really promising. This paper presents a prototype for MASDScheGATS (Multi-Agent System for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search).
In order to evaluate the capacity of laser scanning cytometry (LSC) to detect acid-fast bacilli directly on clinical samples, a comparison between Kinyoun-stained smears analyzed under light microscopy and propidium iodide-auramine-stained smears analyzed by LSC was performed. The results were compared with those for culture on BACTEC MGIT 960. LSC is a new, reliable methodology to detect Mycobacteria.
Lisbon is the largest urban area in the Western European coast. Due to this geographical position the Atlantic Ocean serves as an important source of particles and plays an important role in many atmospheric processes. The main objectives of this study were to (1) perform a chemical characterization of particulate matter (PM2.5) sampled in Lisbon, (2) identify the main sources of particles, (3) determine PM contribution to this urban area, and (4) assess the impact of maritime air mass trajectories on concentration and composition of respirable PM sampled in Lisbon. During 2007, PM2.5 was collected on a daily basis in the center of Lisbon with a Partisol sampler. The exposed Teflon filters were measured by gravimetry and cut into two parts: one for analysis by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and the other by ion chromatography (IC). Principal component analysis (PCA) and multilinear regression analysis (MLRA) were used to identify possible sources of PM2.5 and determine mass contribution. Five main groups of sources were identified: secondary aerosols, traffic, calcium, soil, and sea. Four-day backtracking trajectories ending in Lisbon at the starting sampling time were calculated using the HYSPLIT model. Results showed that maritime transport scenarios were frequent. These episodes were characterized by a significant decrease of anthropogenic aerosol concentrations and exerted a significant role on air quality in this urban area.
The objectives of this study were to (1) conduct an elemental characterization of airborne particles sampled in Cape Verde and (2) assess the influence of Sahara desert on local suspended particles. Particulate matter (PM10) was collected in Praia city (14°94'N; 23°49'W) with a low-volume sampler in order to characterize its chemical composition by k0-INAA. The filter samples were first weighed and subsequently irradiated at the Portuguese Research Reactor. Results showed that PM10 concentrations in Cape Verde markedly exceeded the health-based air quality standards defined by the European Union (EU), World Health Organization (WHO), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in part due to the influence of Sahara dust transport. The PM10 composition was characterized essentially by high concentrations of elements originating from the soil (K, Sm, Co, Fe, Sc, Rb, Cr, Ce, and Ba) and sea (Na), and low concentrations of anthropogenic elements (As, Zn, and Sb). In addition, the high concentrations of PM measured in Cape Verde suggest that health of the population may be less affected compared with other sites where PM10 concentrations are lower but more enriched with toxic elements.
RESUMO: A mamografia é o método de diagnóstico mais eficaz para deteção precoce de carcinoma da mama. A realização periódica deste exame tem vindo a ser associada a melhores prognósticos como deteção da doença em fases mais precoces e redução de mortalidade. Contudo, a mamografia não é encarada como mais um exame complementar de diagnóstico e constitui, para a maioria das mulheres, uma situação de ameaça. Na verdade, muitas mulheres referem ter experienciado ansiedade, dor ou desconforto durante a realização deste procedimento. Por outro lado, uma percentagem elevada de mulheres falha na realização periódica de mamografias. Este artigo pretende abordar as reações psicológicas associadas ao exame de mamografia e enfatizar a forma como os técnicos de radiologia podem melhorar o atendimento das mulheres que realizam este exame. O papel do técnico de radiologia no fornecimento de informação antes do exame, na criação de uma atmosfera agradável e empática e na utilização de estratégias de confronto para redução de dor e desconforto e na promoção do controlo e autonomia da paciente são alguns dos aspetos abordados.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans because there is “sufficient epidemiological evidence that it causes nasopharyngeal cancer in humans”. Genes involved in DNA repair and maintenance of genome integrity are critically involved in protecting against mutations that lead to cancer and/or inherited genetic disease. Association studies have recently provided evidence for a link between DNA repair polymorphisms and micronucleus (MN) induction. We used the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN assay) in peripheral lymphocytes and MN test in buccal cells to investigate the effects of XRCC3 Thr241Met, ADH5 Val309Ile, and Asp353Glu polymorphisms on the frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers in individuals occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (n = 54) and unexposed workers (n = 82). XRCC3 participates in DNA double-strand break/recombination repair, while ADH5 is an important component of cellular metabolism for the elimination of formaldehyde. Exposed workers had significantly higher frequencies (P < 0.01) than controls for all genotoxicity biomarkers evaluated in this study. Moreover, there were significant associations between XRCC3 genotypes and nuclear buds, namely XRCC3 Met/Met (OR = 3.975, CI 1.053–14.998, P = 0.042) and XRCC3 Thr/Met (OR = 5.632, CI 1.673–18.961, P = 0.005) in comparison with XRCC3 Thr/Thr. ADH5 polymorphisms did not show significant effects. This study highlights the importance of integrating genotoxicity biomarkers and genetic polymorphisms in human biomonitoring studies.
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de pacientes com osteoporose e compará-la com a população geral. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal com 60 pacientes do sexo feminino no serviço de reumatologia de um hospital universitário na Espanha, de abril a outubro de 2003. Foi aplicado o questionário Short Form-36, abordando dados demográficos, características clínicas e dados sobre estilos de vida relacionados à saúde. As pacientes foram classificadas em grupos etários. Foram utilizados os seguintes testes estatísticos: qui-quadrado, modelo linear geral, t de Student. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas tinham idade média de 65,57 (DP: ±9,7 anos), e tempo de diagnóstico médio de 3,4±2,84 anos. As melhores pontuações foram obtidas nas dimensões aspectos sociais (89), aspectos emocionais (72,2) e saúde mental (63). As mais baixas foram em estado geral de saúde (45,1), capacidade funcional (47,7), dor (52,3) e aspectos físicos (59,9). As pontuações médias dos pacientes resultaram inferiores às pontuações conhecidas da população geral espanhola nas dimensões capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos, dor e estado geral de saúde. As máximas diferenças entre as pontuações médias do SF-36 dos pacientes e os valores populacionais espanhóis correspondem ao grupo de idade de 55 a 64 anos. Nas demais dimensões do SF-36, as pontuações foram inferiores ou similares aos valores populacionais espanhóis. Não se encontraram associações significativas entre as dimensões do SF-36 estudadas e os dados clínicos, demográficos e de estilos de vida analisados. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes apresentaram baixa qualidade de vida, sobretudo nas dimensões mais relevantes da enfermidade, quando comparada com valores da população espanhola em geral. As áreas físicas foram as mais afetadas.
The present paper results of an ongoing research project were it is expected to develop an information system to monitoring a cultural-touristic route. The route to monitor is the Romanesque Route of Tâmega. This Route is composed of 58 monuments located in the region of Tâmega in the North of Portugal. Due to the particular location of this region, that is between coastal zone, but not yet in the inland, it has a weak political influence, and it is reflected in the low levels of development at several levels, observed. The Romanesque Route was implemented in a part of this region in 1998, and enlarged to the all-region in 2010. In order to evaluate the socio-ecomonic impact of this route in the region a research project is being developed. The main goal of this paper is to open a discussion on the elements that must be taken into consideration to evaluate the economic and social impact of a touristic cultural route within a region and this one in particular.
In the present paper we will consider strategies of innovation, risk and proactivity as entre/ intrapreneurship strategies. This study was done in a Portuguese and in a Polish region. In Portugal the region was Vale do Sousa, located in the northern Portugal. The Polish region was Lublin Voivodeship and it is situated in the south-eastern part of the country. The study focused on Industrial and Construction sectors. In order to get a valid sample, a group of 251 firms were analysed in Portugal, and 215 in Poland. However, the minimum sample size in Poland should be 323. Since this is a work in progress, we are aiming for this number of questionnaires. Each strategy was analysed individually for both regions and the results pointed to a lack of culture of entrepreneurship in firms’ management. Only Proactivity presented a positive result in firms’ management. Polish firms tend to be more innovative and more risk takers, while in proactivity Portuguese ones present a slightly higher result. Combining the strategy results, it was possible to identify that 61.2% of Portuguese firms present a low level of entrepreneurship, while 60% of Polish firms present a moderate level. Considering intrapreneurship good levels, while Portugal account for 5.2% this figure is 19.1% in Poland.
The family involvement in firms is observable is most economies around the world, although there are significant differences among these countries, not only regarding its predominance in these economies, but also in what refers to the levels of involvement of the family in business. This research aims at understanding the family-based firms’ management when compared to non family based, with particular regards to the forms of corporate governance. This analysis is based on case studies and on secondary data found in the literature to support the findings from the empirical research. The data was collected via face to face in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs from the furniture and the events organisation industries (where the family is predominantly present in the furniture but not on the events organisation industry) and with industry and regional business associations. The case studies used in this research allowed the comparison between the Portuguese firms when the family plays an important role in business and those in which the family is absent. It has been found that there are important differences in businesses in countries/industries/local productive systems in which the family is seen as a dominant institution in the society (where businesses are based on strong ties; there is a harmonious relationship between the family members; and the family is accepted locally and dominates the firm organization) and on situations in which the family plays a more marginal role in the society. In fact, the family brings special characteristics to the business, in terms of management, corporate governance, inter and intra firm relationships and succession. Our findings confirm other empirical studies’ results found in the literature. Thus, this article provides a discussion on the factors that play a role in the form of corporate governance structure in family firms highlighting the pros and cons of organising the firm around the family.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em adolescentes de zona urbana. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional, realizado no município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, de 2001 a 2002. Adolescentes entre 15 e 18 anos de idade foram medidos, pesados e responderam a questionário auto-aplicável. De 90 setores sorteados, foram visitados 86 domicílios em cada setor, totalizando 960 adolescentes. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi definida a partir do índice de massa corporal, mediante a utilização dos pontos de corte, ajustados à idade e ao sexo. Realizou-se análise multivariada com regressão de Poisson, considerando um modelo hierárquico das variáveis associadas ao sobrepeso e à obesidade. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sobrepeso e de obesidade foi 20,9% e 5%, respectivamente. A relação entre a obesidade e idade e escolaridade do adolescente foi inversa. Verificou-se associação de sobrepeso e obesidade com o relato de obesidade dos pais (p=0,03) e maturação sexual do adolescente (p=0,01). Os hábitos de fazer dieta e omitir refeições foram associados à obesidade, com riscos de 3,98 (IC 95%: 1,83-8,67) e 2,54 (IC 95%: 1,22-5,29), respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade na região são preocupantes a despeito do comportamento dos adolescentes para prevenir a obesidade. É necessária a implantação de campanhas mais eficazes, direcionadas a orientar melhor os adolescentes.
XIX Simposio de Botánica Criptogámica, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 24-28 de junio de 2013.
10th International Phycological Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, 4-10 de agosto 2013.
Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro?", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.