966 resultados para Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640.
Survey map and description of the land at the cut of the Chippewa or Welland River. Created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a drawing of the land along with brief surveyors notes. Noteable features include; bridge, Welland River, road, Stone house, J. Cummings Esq. house, military line, military land, Old Fort, old military draw bridge. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
An advertisement addressed to the "celebration committees" for May 24th and July 1st. William Hand details his services for fireworks and other lighting. Price ranges are included and reviews/comments quoted from several newspapers.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether English a Second Language (ESL) instructors’ ethnocentrism could be reduced using multicultural education (MCE) principles. There were three focus group discussions and a Likert scale questionnaire. The findings demonstrated that while ESL instructors were conscious of systemic barriers, media stereotypes, and bullying, more diversity training is required in order to improve teachers’ attitudes, responses, and instructional strategies regarding integration issues due to the increasing diversity of learners present in classrooms today. The findings of the study also demonstrated that MCE principles could be used to effectively raise the awareness of ESL instructors when dealing with integration and assimilation issues. When immigration, human rights, and multicultural policies were examined critically, ESL instructors were able to improve their cross-cultural skills in the classroom to be more inclusive towards diverse ethnic groups by giving learners greater opportunities to express themselves. As a result, learners’ knowledge, experience, and skills were validated in the classroom leading to a more meaningful learning experience.
Probate of Last Will and Testament of Alexander Simpson of Crowland Township, January 29, 1872.
Letter to Mr. William Leary, steward of the Long Point Company, from S.D. Woodruff regarding the painting of the new building at Long Point (2 ½ pages, handwritten), June 11, 1875.
Letter (4 pages, handwritten) from the office of Hart, Ball and Hart of Buffalo, New York to William R. Allen of St. Catharines elaborating on the specifications of the hot water heating for the residence of Mr. Woodruff, July 17, 1876.
Statement from the Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln that there are no writs of execution or extent against Owen Clifford. This is signed by Joseph A. Woodruff, March 5, 1869.
Indenture –sheriff’s deed (vellum) between William Kingsmill, sheriff of the Niagara District and Walter H. Dickson for 23 acres in the Town of Niagara – instrument no. 1158, Oct. 29, 1842
Indenture between the Honourable William Dickson and of Niagara and Commander Thomas Bushby, then Lieutenant in the Royal Navy for land in the village plot of Sherbrooke – instrument no. 230. This was recorded on Sept. 15, 1843 in Book A, folio 281-282. April 15, 1843.
The article was first published in the McGill Law Journal. Un résumé en français est disponible.
The enthalpies of formation of charge-transfer complexes of benzene, chlorobenzene, and 1,3-dichlorobenzene as donors with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane as acceptor were determined. The thermochemical data show an increased stability of charge-transfer complexes of donors with permanent dipole moment. The results confirm the importance of electrostatic forces in bonding and stabilizing weak complexes. The approximate formation constants of the complexes are also reported.
Libro de texto para alumnos de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación de enseñanza primaria y primer ciclo de enseñanza secundaria, orientado a la consecución del certificado de ISEB (Information Systems Examinations Board). Está estructurado en seis módulos: presentación de la información (procesadores de texto y software de presentación de contenidos), tratamiento de datos, gráficos, programación y sistemas de control, uso de ordenadores, Internet y correo electrónico (búsqueda de información, diseño de páginas web y e-mail). Incluye un cd-rom con material de apoyo para el desarrollo de los contenidos del libro.