818 resultados para Step counter app Windows Phone pedometer contapassi accelerometri navigazione


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Aplicació web en html5 multi plataforma sense necessitat d'instal·lació. L'aplicació mostrarà una petita xarxa de restaurants al món empresarial per tal de poder gestionar les reserves.


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L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball es estudiar la plataforma Google App Engine en la seva versió en Phyton. Per a estudiar i provar la plataforma, s'ha desenvolupat una aplicació web de programari lliure que permet la publicació de blogs de viatges. Aquesta aplicació està desenvolupada sobre Django i s'integra amb altres serveis de Google com l'autenticació amb els seus comptes Google Maps o Picasa Web Albums.


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In this study, a model for the unsteady dynamic behaviour of a once-through counter flow boiler that uses an organic working fluid is presented. The boiler is a compact waste-heat boiler without a furnace and it has a preheater, a vaporiser and a superheater. The relative lengths of the boiler parts vary with the operating conditions since they are all parts of a single tube. The present research is a part of a study on the unsteady dynamics of an organic Rankine cycle power plant and it will be a part of a dynamic process model. The boiler model is presented using a selected example case that uses toluene as the process fluid and flue gas from natural gas combustion as the heat source. The dynamic behaviour of the boiler means transition from the steady initial state towards another steady state that corresponds to the changed process conditions. The solution method chosen was to find such a pressure of the process fluid that the mass of the process fluid in the boiler equals the mass calculated using the mass flows into and out of the boiler during a time step, using the finite difference method. A special method of fast calculation of the thermal properties has been used, because most of the calculation time is spent in calculating the fluid properties. The boiler was divided into elements. The values of the thermodynamic properties and mass flows were calculated in the nodes that connect the elements. Dynamic behaviour was limited to the process fluid and tube wall, and the heat source was regarded as to be steady. The elements that connect the preheater to thevaporiser and the vaporiser to the superheater were treated in a special way that takes into account a flexible change from one part to the other. The model consists of the calculation of the steady state initial distribution of the variables in the nodes, and the calculation of these nodal values in a dynamic state. The initial state of the boiler was received from a steady process model that isnot a part of the boiler model. The known boundary values that may vary during the dynamic calculation were the inlet temperature and mass flow rates of both the heat source and the process fluid. A brief examination of the oscillation around a steady state, the so-called Ledinegg instability, was done. This examination showed that the pressure drop in the boiler is a third degree polynomial of the mass flow rate, and the stability criterion is a second degree polynomial of the enthalpy change in the preheater. The numerical examination showed that oscillations did not exist in the example case. The dynamic boiler model was analysed for linear and step changes of the entering fluid temperatures and flow rates.The problem for verifying the correctness of the achieved results was that there was no possibility o compare them with measurements. This is why the only way was to determine whether the obtained results were intuitively reasonable and the results changed logically when the boundary conditions were changed. The numerical stability was checked in a test run in which there was no change in input values. The differences compared with the initial values were so small that the effects of numerical oscillations were negligible. The heat source side tests showed that the model gives results that are logical in the directions of the changes, and the order of magnitude of the timescale of changes is also as expected. The results of the tests on the process fluid side showed that the model gives reasonable results both on the temperature changes that cause small alterations in the process state and on mass flow rate changes causing very great alterations. The test runs showed that the dynamic model has no problems in calculating cases in which temperature of the entering heat source suddenly goes below that of the tube wall or the process fluid.


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Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is characterized by accumulation of lipoproteinaceous material in the terminal airways. Whole lung lavage (WLL) remains the gold standard treatment but may be particularly challenging in cases of severe hypoxemia. We present a 3-step strategy that was used in a patient with PAP-associated refractory hypoxemia and that combined venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vvECMO), double-lumen orotracheal intubation, and bilateral multisegmental sequential lavage (MSL). The procedure was well tolerated and permitted weaning from the ventilator.


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BACKGROUND: Analyses of brain responses to external stimuli are typically based on the means computed across conditions. However in many cognitive and clinical applications, taking into account their variability across trials has turned out to be statistically more sensitive than comparing their means. NEW METHOD: In this study we present a novel implementation of a single-trial topographic analysis (STTA) for discriminating auditory evoked potentials at predefined time-windows. This analysis has been previously introduced for extracting spatio-temporal features at the level of the whole neural response. Adapting the STTA on specific time windows is an essential step for comparing its performance to other time-window based algorithms. RESULTS: We analyzed responses to standard vs. deviant sounds and showed that the new implementation of the STTA gives above-chance decoding results in all subjects (in comparison to 7 out of 11 with the original method). In comatose patients, the improvement of the decoding performance was even more pronounced than in healthy controls and doubled the number of significant results. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S): We compared the results obtained with the new STTA to those based on a logistic regression in healthy controls and patients. We showed that the first of these two comparisons provided a better performance of the logistic regression; however only the new STTA provided significant results in comatose patients at group level. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide quantitative evidence that a systematic investigation of the accuracy of established methods in normal and clinical population is an essential step for optimizing decoding performance.


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BACKGROUND: Twelve-step mutual-help groups (TMGs) are among the most available forms of support for homeless individuals with alcohol problems. Qualitative research, however, has suggested that this population often has negative perceptions of these groups, which has been shown to be associated with low TMG attendance. It is important to understand this population's perceptions of TMGs and their association with alcohol outcomes to provide more appropriate and better tailored programming for this multiply affected population. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to (a) qualitatively examine perception of TMGs in this population and (b) quantitatively evaluate its association with motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. METHODS: Participants (N=62) were chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems who received single-site Housing First within a larger evaluation study. Perceptions of TMGs were captured using an open-ended item. Quantitative outcome variables were created from assessments of motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. RESULTS: Findings indicated that perceptions of TMGs were primarily negative followed by positive and neutral perceptions, respectively. There were significant, positive associations between perceptions of TMGs and motivation and treatment attendance, whereas no association was found for alcohol outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Although some individuals view TMGs positively, alternative forms of help are needed to engage the majority of chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems.


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Memòria del PFM de desenvolupament en software lliure. Primera versió de l'aplicació nativa Android, RemoteDomo, aplicable al control d'instal·lacions domòtiques OpenDomo.


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Tämä pro gradu tutkielma esittää markkinointistrategian digitaaliselle matkapuhelinpalvelulle penetroiduttaessa uusille markkinoille. MegaFon on uuden sukupolven mobiilioperaattori, jolla on lukuisia teknlogiaan perustuvia etuisuuksia puolellaan. Markkinointistrategian perusteena asiakkaat on määritelty, paikallistettu ja analysoitu. Tämän lisäksi, palvelun positiointi, hinnoittelu- ja jakelukanavavaihtoehdot on myöskin analysoitu ja määritelty. Menestystekijöihin liittyvät kysymykset, myynnin jälkeiseen toimintaan liittyvät asiat on myös tutkittu. Teoreettiset aspektit liittyvät pääsääntöisesti uuden palvelun ja palveluiden lanseeramiseen (palvelu, palvelun elinkaariajattelu), niiden markkinointistrategioihin lanseerausvaiheessa ja markkinointikanavien päättämiseen. Tutkimuksessa on selitetty MegaFonin ennustamis- ja lähestymistavat, joilla on valotettu todellista markkinatilannetta. Tämän tutkielman informaatio on kerätty useista lähteistä, kuten: yleistä aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta, sisäisiä raportteja ja Megafonin materiaalia, yhteistyökumppaneiden aineistoa, Internettia ja muuta saatavilla olevaa materiaalia. Tuloksena on määritelty päätöksenteon avainkohdat ja osaltaan perinteiset lähestymistavat on kyseenalaistettu.


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Anàlisi i disseny d'una aplicació mòbil per als pacients de la sanitat pública catalana.


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SOSoW (SOS Over Wireless) és una aplicació Android que ajuda a ser localitzat en situacions d'emergència extremes, fent ús únicament dels propis sensors de l'smartphone i sense necessitat d'internet ("offline").


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El present projecte consisteix en desenvolupar una aplicació per a dispositius Android que s'utilitzarà per monitoritzar remotament la informació en temps real i històrica dels nodes d'una llista de xarxes.


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Tämä diplomityö tutkii turvallisia etäyhteystapoja yritysverkkoihin. Samanaikasesti kuin Internettiin liitetyt langattomat verkot, kuten langattomat lähiverkot ja pakettikytkentäiset matkapuhelinverkot, tulevat yhä yleisemmiksi, mahdollisuus etäyhteksien luomiseen näiden verkkojen kautta tulee yhä suositummaksi. Vaikka tietoverkot kehittyvät, pysyvät niitä uhkaavat yleisluontoiset uhat samoina. IP pohjaiset VPN-verkot ovat sopiva tapa suojata Internetin ylitse tapahtuvia etäyhteksiä. Eri VPN-ratkaisuja on kuitenkin tarjolla laaja valikoima. Oikean tyyppisen VPN-ratkaisun valinta on kriittistä, jotta yrityksen etäyhteystarpeet saadaan täytettyä. Diplomityö esittelee eräänä vaihtoehtona miten Pocket PC 2002 PDA laitetta ja Windows XP Professional käyttöjärjestelmää voidaan käyttää edullisen VPN ratkaisun toteuttamiseen.


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Alzheimer"s disease and prion pathologies (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)) display profound neural lesions associated with aberrant protein processing and extracellular amyloid deposits. Dab1 has been implicated in the regulation of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), but a direct link between human prion diseases and Dab1/APP interactions has not been published. Here we examined this putative relationship in seventeen cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD) post mortem. Biochemical analyses of brain tissue revealed two groups, which also correlated with PrPsc types 1 and 2. One group, with PrPsc type 1 showed increased Dab1 phosphorylation, and lower CTF production with an absence of A deposition. The second sCJD group, which carried PrPsc type 2, showed lower levels of Dab1 phosphorylation and CTF production, and A deposition. Thus, the present observations suggest a correlation between Dab1-phosphorylation, A deposition and PrPsc type in sCJD.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten eri parametrit vaikuttavat monilankaisen verrannollisuuslaskurin laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä voidaanko suurikokoista monilankaverrannollisuuslaskuria käyttää tehokkaasti suurien pintojen ? - ja ?- kontaminaation mittaamiseen. Ensin selvitettiin EU:n nykyistä clearing-käytäntöä sekä hahmoteltiin tulevia materiaalivirtoja, esiteltiin verrannollisuuslaskurin ja sen monilankamallin toimintaperiaate sekä käytettävien materiaalien ominaisuudet. Kootun teorian pohjalta selvitettiin tärkeimpien parametrien vaikutus ilmaisimen laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Lopuksi suoritettiin rakenteilla olevan monilankaverrannollisuuslaskurin alustava testaus. Tulevien vuosien aikana eri puolilla maailmaa suljettavat erityyppiset ydinlaitokset luovat suuren tarpeen tehokkaiden kontaminaatiomittauslaitteistojen kehittämiselle. Tällä hetkellä mittaukset suoritetaan lähinnä noin 1 dm2 käsi-instrumentein, joten suurikokoinen, automatisoitu mittauslaitteisto sekä tehostaisi mittausprosessia suuresti sekä säästäisi runsaasti miestyötunteja. Jatkotoimenpiteiksi ehdotetaan laitteiston jatkotestausta, liikkeen ja nopeuden testausta sekä lopulta paikkaherkkyystoiminnon toteuttamisperiaatteen valintaa ja testausta.


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BACKGROUND: Haplodiploidy, where females develop from diploid, fertilized eggs and males from haploid, unfertilized eggs, is abundant in some insect lineages. Some species in these lineages reproduce by thelytoky that is caused by infection with endosymbionts: infected females lay haploid eggs that undergo diploidization and develop into females, while males are very rare or absent. It is generally assumed that in thelytokous wasps, endosymbionts merely diploidize the unfertilized eggs, which would then trigger female development. RESULTS: We found that females in the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica infected with thelytoky-inducing Wolbachia produce 0.7-1.2 % male offspring. Seven to 39 % of these males are diploid, indicating that diploidization and female development can be uncoupled in A. japonica. Wolbachia titer in adults was correlated with their ploidy and sex: diploids carried much higher Wolbachia titers than haploids, and diploid females carried more Wolbachia than diploid males. Data from introgression lines indicated that the development of diploid individuals into males instead of females is not caused by malfunction-mutations in the host genome but that diploid males are most likely produced when the endosymbiont fails to activate the female sex determination pathway. Our data therefore support a two-step mechanism by which endosymbionts induce thelytoky in A. japonica: diploidization of the unfertilized egg is followed by feminization, whereby each step correlates with a threshold of endosymbiont titer during wasp development. CONCLUSIONS: Our new model of endosymbiont-induced thelytoky overthrows the view that certain sex determination mechanisms constrain the evolution of endosymbiont-induced thelytoky in hymenopteran insects. Endosymbionts can cause parthenogenesis through feminization, even in groups in which endosymbiont-diploidized eggs would develop into males following the hosts' sex determination mechanism. In addition, our model broadens our understanding of the mechanisms by which endosymbionts induce thelytoky to enhance their transmission to the next generation. Importantly, it also provides a novel window to study the yet-poorly known haplodiploid sex determination mechanisms in haplodiploid insects.