538 resultados para Spirituality.


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Pain affects peoples' well-being and quality of life and is one of the most common symptoms experienced by people receiving haemodialysis (HD).

To explore how Thai people receiving HD perceive pain, the effect of pain on their lives, and how they cope with and manage pain.

Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants from two Thai outpatient haemodialysis facilities in Songkhla province. Face-to-face, in-depth individual interviews using open-ended questions were conducted during January and February 2012. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using Ritchie and Spencer's Framework method.

Twenty people receiving HD participated in the study: age range 23–77 years; 10 were females. Three main types of pain emerged: physical pain, which occurred when needles were inserted during HD treatment and vascular access operations; psychological pain due to unfulfilled hopes and dreams and changes in family roles; and social pain. Perception of pain was influenced by the general populations' perceptions of chronic kidney disease. Participants used two main coping styles to manage pain: health-adjustment and health-behaviour styles. These two coping styles encompassed four specific coping strategies: religion, spirituality, accepting pain associated with HD treatment, and social support. Coping styles and strategies were influenced by Thai culture.

The study elicited information that could help nursing staff understand how Thai people manage pain and the importance of cultural beliefs to their pain experience and coping strategies, which in turn can help nurses plan appropriate pain management.


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Social work continues to move towards the incorporation of spirituality within social work theory and practice, yet gaps remain at many levels. The current dearth of theorization of spirituality in social work has created a situation where individual social workers wishing to include spirituality in their practice are forced to rely on their own initiative and inventiveness, with no clear theoretical, practical, or ethical guidelines. This article presents the beginnings of an integrated spiritual practice framework which may help to address some of these concerns. This research scrutinized the proposed Integrated Spiritual Practice Framework (ISPF) through literature survey of three spiritual ideologies (Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism) using the process of metatriangulation. The study found that each ideological perspective provided evidence and support for the structures and concepts of the ISPF. Through the analysis and theory building process, each ideology contributed greater understanding of components of the ISPF, resulting in a more sophisticated and developed framework for integrating spirituality within social work.


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This chapter describes how young women prisoners draw on NZ Maori spiritual values to resist limiting and limited identity constructions in language use within the prison.


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The purpose of the current study was to understand the processes Thai people receiving HD used to adapt to CKD and its treatment. Religion, spirituality, social support and self-management were powerful coping strategies. These coping strategies were strongly influenced by Thai culture and other belief systems.


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It has been asserted that schizotypy has a negative relationship with subjective well-being. By employing a multidimensional measure of spiritual well being with 400 British College students we report a more complex relationship. The Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being and Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief Version were used and analysis made use of Canonical Correlational Analysis. Results suggested that two distinct relationships emerged between schizotypy and spirituality. First, a positive association between cognitive/perceptual features of schizotypy and spiritual connectedness emerged. Second a more global negative relationship between feelings of spiritual isolation and despair was found for all aspects of schizotypy. These findings challenge the previous literature based on one-dimensional subjective well being measures which have found only a negative relationship. However, the positive association between connectedness and cognitive-perceptual aspects of schizotypy raises import questions about the possible benefit of certain types of schizotypal experience.


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The musical involvement of people over the centuries is fundamentally interwoven with spiritual experiences (Seifert 2011). This paper discusses the connection between music and spirituality in an inter-denominational group in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne. With ethical clearance, through semi-structured interviews with two church leaders and the music worship team, subsequently employing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), I analysed and codified the data gathered. Two overarching themes are discussed: insights into music and spirituality; and connecting music to worship with self and others. The findings show that music in worship may provide a rich pathway for people to explore, experience, and express their spirituality, and to connect to the wider multicultural society. It also adds to the current debates on whether music has spiritual significance for some people apart from community expressions of spirituality through music. Limitations of the current study are knowledged and generalizations cannot be made regarding connections to music and spirituality. However, the findings do indicate that music in worship can enrich one’s spiritual experience and connection with God and others.


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“The role that music plays in religion and spiritual life is evident throughout history and across cultures” (Lipe 2002, 210). Spirituality and religion are often used together and interchangeably as people may encounter spirituality through an organized religion or individualized religion; connection to nature or personal spiritual practices or people may seek scientific answers and truth as a form of spirituality. This paper situates itself within a wider study on Spirituality and Well-being: Music in the community that started in 2013 in Australia. Both authors are music educators and organists discussing their experience through narrative reflection across two continents in relation to how music contributes to spirituality within religious context and impacts on well-being. They recognize and acknowledge that music is one of God’s gifts and have been included throughout church history through songs and form an important aspect of worship (Vaught 2009). Spiritual connections are not confined to the institution of the church or to religion but are concerned with the connection “we can feel between ourselves and something vast, unseen, mysterious, and wondrous” (Millar 2000, 140). The findings of this are limited in the sense that it only focuses on two voices hence generalizations cannot be made to other musicians or church settings. However, it can be argued that music in worship can enrich and enhance one’s connection with God and with others through sound. The authors argue “music can provide many people with ways of experiencing and expressing their spirituality in their life that otherwise they might find difficult to access in other tangible ways” (Hays and Minichiello, 2005a, 95).


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This article draws on in-depth qualitative interviews with 52 people to examine the meaning and character of afterlife belief among contemporary Australians. It explores the varieties of afterlife belief and considers the impact such beliefs have, particularly in relation to death and dying. The analysis reveals that afterlife belief is varied, individualistic and mainly arrived at with little to no reference to orthodox religious teaching. People variously believe in heaven, reincarnation, life on another planet or something more abstract. Those who follow faithfully a religious tradition are largely ignorant of detailed theological doctrines about life after death and like other kinds of believers, exercise their own authority and judgment over matters of belief.


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Music has played a significant role in religion and spiritual settings over the centuries and continues to be included throughout church history, forming an important aspect of worship, contributing to spiritual growth and wellbeing. This article situates itself within a wider study on Spirituality and Wellbeing: Music in the community. Drawing on narrative reflection, the authors discusstheir experiences across Melbourne (Australia) and Potchefstroom (South Africa) and include some interview data from church musicians from the wider study in Melbourne in relation to how church music contributes to spirituality and impacts on wellbeing. As church musicians they argue that music in church settings can offer parishioners the opportunity to experienceand express spirituality in their life through sound. They recognize and acknowledge that music through singing, playing, improvising and listening is an aspect of spiritual connection that is not confined to the institution of the church or to a religion but is concerned with the connection wefeel and sense in mysterious and unknown places and spacesThe findings of this study are limited as it only focuses on the experience of the authors, hence, generalizations to other musicians or church settings cannot be made. The authors argue that music in church settings can enliven andtransform worship through music in which spiritual connections can be fostered between God and man that positively engender wellbeing.


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Community music is a rich and ongoing activity-taking place in formal and informal settings around Australia. This small-scale phenomenological qualitative case study is part of my wider study Spirituality and Wellbeing: Music in the Community that began in 2013. This paper demonstrates that community music making in a regional district in Victoria (Australia) makes it possible for choirs to use their voice to make musical and social connections to self and community that enhances both personal and community wellbeing. In May 2014, I visited three choirs for a week in the city of Warnnambool. Drawing on observation, questionnaires and focus group semi-structured interviews, I analysed the data using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The findings include why people join choirs in regional towns, what they enjoyed that contributed to their wellbeing and why they want to sing about issues that make connections to social justice and sustainability. Though generalisations cannot be made to other towns or choirs, the findings show the need, importance and benefits of connecting to each other and the wider community. Using voice can serve as an effective platform to promote issues in the community such as social justice and the environment. It is hoped that the findings may provide a vehicle for further dialogue where choirs in other settings may experience similar connections to their community.


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Introdução: Esta tese de doutorado é mais uma contribuição do Grupo de Qualidade de Vida (Centro Brasileiro) do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas: Psiquiatria, da UFRGS. Esse grupo têm trabalhado em projetos transculturais de elaboração de instrumentos de qualidade de vida (QV) sob a coordenação da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Entre os instrumentos genéricos de QV já desenvolvidos estão o WHOQOL-100 e o WHOQOL-Bref e entre os instrumentos específicos, para populações especiais, estão o WHOQOL-HIV, o WHOQOL-SRPB e, mais recentemente, o WHOQOL-OLD. O desenvolvimento de uma escala de QV para idosos é especialmente importante tendo em vista especificidades deste grupo etário, bem como o aumento da proporção de idosos na população mundial. Objetivos: O objetivo maior deste estudo é desenvolver uma escala de QV para idosos (WHOQOL-OLD). Entretanto, como trata-se de um processo com longa duração de tempo, foram gerados objetivos específicos a partir da revisão da literatura e coleta de dados, que deram origem a 5 artigos, cada um com sua proposta, a saber: artigo 1. Apresentar a metodologia utilizada e os resultados dos grupos focais para avaliação de QV do idoso, artigo 2. Identificar variáveis relevantes na QV de pessoas idosas, artigo 3. Investigar a relação da percepção de QV do idoso com a percepção de QV do idoso na opinião de seu cuidador, artigo 4. Investigar variáveis associadas com percepção subjetiva de saúde em idosos internados e artigo 5. Pesquisar um possível viés nas respostas de idosos no Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Métodos: O primeiro estudo teve um desenho qualitativo enquanto os demais foram quantitativos. As amostras variaram para cada estudo. Em todos os estudos idosos(as) acima de 60 anos foram entrevistados. Para os estudos 1 e 2, a amostra contou com profissionais da área da saúde (1) e cuidadores (1 e 2). E, para o estudo 5, adultos acima de 18 anos também foram pesquisados. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em hospitais, lares e grupos comunitários, residências e recrutamento utilizando a técnica de "snow-ball" (bola de neve) em que cada sujeito indicava um outro sujeito. Todos os entrevistados preencheram o Termo de Consentimento Informado e, a partir daí, foram convidados a responder acerca de informações sociodemográficas, QV percebida (WHOQOL-100) e sintomatologia depressiva (BDI), com pequena variação para os cuidadores. O último estudo contou apenas com os dados sociodemográficos e com as respostas ao BDI. Resultados: De forma abreviada, os resultados dos 5 artigos confirmam as especificidades do idoso e portanto a necessidade de desenvolvimento de instrumentos específicos para esta população. O artigo 1 teve como resultado a sugestão de novos itens para idosos, a partir das respostas espontâneas e análise dos domínios e facetas do WHOQOL-100. O artigo 2, por sua vez, mostrou associações da percepção de QV geral com níveis de depressão, percepção subjetiva de saúde e sexo. No artigo 3, foi possível verificar uma tendência, em todos os domínios e na medida QV geral, de o cuidador responder pior percepção de QV do idoso do que o próprio idoso cuidado, apesar de algumas concordâncias (domínios físico, nível de independência, meio ambiente e espiritualidade/religião). Também observou-se que a intensidade de depressão do idoso exerceu forte influência tanto na sua própria percepção de QV quanto na percepção do cuidador sobre o idoso. O artigo 4 mostrou uma prevalência alta e não esperada de idosos internados que se percebiam como saudáveis. Foi possível observar, ainda, uma associação significativa entre percepção saudável e menor intensidade de sintomas depressivos, bem como melhor percepção de QV no domínio nível de independência. E por último, o artigo 5 discute o viés da subescala somático e de desempenho nas respostas do idoso ao BDI. Conclusões: Idosos constituem um grupo particular e, como tal, apresentam especificidades relevantes. A avaliação dos idosos em relação às suas percepções de QV está associada a sexo, idade, estado civil, classe social, percepção de saúde e mais fortemente associada a níveis de sintomas depressivos. Explorando o cuidador como avaliador da QV do idoso observou-se uma tendência de o cuidador perceber a QV do idoso pior do que a própria percepção do idoso, apesar de fortes correlações para todos os domínios e na medida QV geral na percepção do par idoso-cuidador. Já na avaliação de percepção de saúde em idosos foi verificada a influência da intensidade dos sintomas depressivos bem como da dimensão independência: quanto menor a intensidade de depressão e quanto maior o nível de independência, maior associação com percepção de saúde entre idosos. Além desses, características próprias da população idosa podem interferir nos resultados do BDI fazendo com que seus achados sejam maximizados por questões somáticas e de desempenho sugerindo pontos de corte especiais para os idosos. Novos estudos são sugeridos a fim de atender a demanda específica do idoso.


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To better understand the way counterfeit consumers value their consumptions the present work will take the Typology of Consumer Value proposed by Holbrook (1994, 1996, 1999 and 2006) as the chosen approach, given its ability to capture the nature of consumption experiences e, therefore, to identify the types of value in the consumer experience. The analysis presented on this work was based on in-deep interviews with Brazilian counterfeit consumers and the most frequent aspects presented during the interviews were the consumer value as play, followed by esteem and status, and while the values excellence, efficiency, ethics and spirituality were observed with a lower frequency, the value aesthetics was not observed during the interviews. These results suggest the possibility of further studies on the subject.


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O consumo como espiritualidade de acordo com Holbrook (1999) e o consumo do luxo de acordo com Alléres (2000) foram os temas iniciais usados neste trabalho como forma de buscar conhecer o que o consumidor tem a dizer a respeito de suas experiências de compras especiais e marcantes. A partir da Taxonomia do Valor de Consumo de Holbrook (1999), este trabalho procurou responder à seguinte pergunta: como a narrativa do mito descreve o consumo enquanto eSpiritualidade? Nas entrevistas realizadas foi usada uma abordagem interpretativa onde os informantes pudessem fazer emergir livremente suas considerações sobre o assunto. Pelos dados levantados, a narrativa do mito parece ser usada como metáfora para descrever o consumo como espiritual idade. As categorias êmicas encontradas sugerem um direcionamento para os esforços de marketing de quem pretende proporcionar uma experiência relevante ao consumidor, principalmente a partir de uma perspectiva metafórica.


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Social Entrepreneurship (SE) has attracted growing interest from a wide variety of actors over the last 30 years, especially due to a general agreement that it could be an important tool for tackling many of the world’s social ills. In the academic sphere, this growing interest did not translate into a matured field of study. Quite the opposite, a quick look at this literature makes it evident that: SE has been consistently subjected to numerous theoretical discussions and disagreements, especially over the definition of the concept of SE which is often based on a taken-for-granted notion of social change; it has been more systematically investigated in restricted contexts, often leaving aside so called developing/emerging countries like Brazil and especially lacking in-depth qualitative studies; SE literature lags behind SE practices and few studies focus on how SE actually occurs in a daily and bottom-up manner. In order to address such gaps, this thesis examines how social entrepreneurship practices accomplish social change in the context of Brazil. In this investigation I conducted an inductive practice-based, qualitative/ethnographic study in three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) located in different cities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Data collection lasted from February 2014 until March 2015 and was mainly done through participant observations and through in-depth unstructured conversations with research participants. Secondary data and documents were also collected whenever available. The participants of this study included a variety of the studied organizations’ stakeholders: two founders, volunteers, employees, donors and beneficiaries. Observation data was kept in fieldnotes, conversations were recorded whenever possible and were later transcribed. Data was analyzed through an iterative thematic analysis. Through this I identified eight recurrent themes in the data: (1) structure; (2) relationship with other organizational actors (sub-themes: relationship with state, relationship with businesses and relationship with other NGOs); (3) beliefs, spirituality and moral authority; (4) social position of participants, (5) stakeholders’ mobilization and participation; (6) feelings; (7) social purpose; and (8) social change. These findings were later discussed under the lens of practice theory, and in this discussion I argue and show that, in the context studied: (a) even though SE embraces a wide variety of different social purposes, they are intertwined with a common notion of social change based on a general understanding and aspiration for social equality; (b) this social change is accomplished in a processual and ongoing manner as stakeholders from antagonistic social groups felt compelled to and participated in SE practices. In answering the proposed research question the contributions of this thesis are: (i) the elaboration a working definition for SE based on its relationship with social change; (ii) providing in-depth empirical evidence which accounts for and explains this relationship; (iii) characterizing SE in the Brazilian context and reflecting upon its transferability to other contexts. This thesis also makes a methodological contribution, for it demonstrates how thematic analysis can be used in practice-based studies.