999 resultados para Spin tunneling


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Most often the measurement of VHF from the conventional 1D H-1 NMR spectrum is severely hindered consequent to similar magnitudes of JHF and JHH couplings and the spectral multiplicity pattern. The present study reports a new 1D NMR technique based on real time spin edition, which removes all JHF and JHH while retaining only VHF of a chosen fluorine. The obtained spectrum is significantly simplified and permits straightforward determination of all possible VHF values of a chosen fluorine. Due to one dimensional nature, the method is much faster compared to 2D GET-SERF by 1-2 orders of magnitude. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-kappa TiO2 thin films have been fabricated from a facile, combined sol-gel spin - coating technique on p and n type silicon substrate. XRD and Raman studies headed the existence of anatase phase of TiO2 with a small grain size of 18 nm. The refractive index `n' quantified from ellipsometry is 2.41. AFM studies suggest a high quality, pore free films with a fairly small surface roughness of 6 angstrom. The presence of Ti in its tetravalent state is confirmed by XPS analysis. The defect parameters observed at the interface of Si/TiO2 were studied by capacitance - voltage (C - V) and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The flat - band voltage (V-FB) and the density of slow interface states estimated are -0.9, -0.44 V and 5.24x10(10), 1.03x10(11) cm(-2); for the NMOS and PMOS capacitors, respectively. The activation energies, interface state densities and capture cross -sections measured by DLTS are E-V + 0.30, E-C - 0.21 eV; 8.73x10(11), 6.41x10(11) eV(-1) cm(-2) and 5.8x10(-23), 8.11x10(-23) cm(2) for the NMOS and PMOS structures, respectively. A low value of interface state density in both P-and N-MOS structures makes it a suitable alternate dielectric layer for CMOS applications. And also very low value of capture cross section for both the carriers due to the amphoteric nature of defect indicates that the traps are not aggressive recombination centers and possibly can not contribute to the device operation to a large extent. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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High-k TiO2 thin film on p-type silicon substrate was fabricated by a combined sol-gel and spin coating method. Thus deposited titania film had anatase phase with a small grain size of 16 nm and surface roughness of congruent to 0.6 nm. The oxide capacitance (C-ox), flat band capacitance (C-FB), flat band voltage (V-FB), oxide trapped charge (Q(ot)), calculated from the high frequency (1 MHz) C-V curve were 0.47 nF, 0.16 nF, -0.91 V, 4.7x10(-12) C, respectively. As compared to the previous reports, a high dielectric constant of 94 at 1 MHz frequency was observed in the devices investigated here and an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) was 4.1 nm. Dispersion in accumulation capacitance shows a linear relationship with AC frequencies. Leakage current density was found in acceptable limits (2.1e-5 A/cm(2) for -1 V and 5.7e-7 A/cm(2) for +1 V) for CMOS applications.


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Ground state magnetic properties are studied by incorporating the super-exchange interaction (J(se)) in the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) between localized (f-) electrons on a triangular lattice for half filled case. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo simulation are used to study the ground state magnetic properties. We have found that the magnetic moment of (d-) and (f-) electrons strongly depend on the value of Hund's exchange (J), super-exchange interaction (J(se)) and also depends on the number of (d-) electrons (N-d). The ground state changes from antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) state as we decrease (N-d). Also the density of d electrons at each site depends on the value of J and J(se).


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High-k TiO2 thin film on p-type silicon substrate was fabricated by a combined sol-gel and spin coating method. Thus deposited titania film had anatase phase with a small grain size of 16 nm and surface roughness of congruent to 0.6 nm. The oxide capacitance (C-ox), flat band capacitance (C-FB), flat band voltage (V-FB), oxide trapped charge (Q(ot)), calculated from the high frequency (1 MHz) C-V curve were 0.47 nF, 0.16 nF, -0.91 V, 4.7x10(-12) C, respectively. As compared to the previous reports, a high dielectric constant of 94 at 1 MHz frequency was observed in the devices investigated here and an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) was 4.1 nm. Dispersion in accumulation capacitance shows a linear relationship with AC frequencies. Leakage current density was found in acceptable limits (2.1e-5 A/cm(2) for -1 V and 5.7e-7 A/cm(2) for +1 V) for CMOS applications.


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We use analytic conformal bootstrap methods to determine the anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients for large spin operators in general conformal field theories in four dimensions containing a scalar operator of conformal dimension Delta(phi). It is known that such theories will contain an in finite sequence of large spin operators with twists approaching 2 Delta(phi) + 2n for each integer n. By considering the case where such operators are separated by a twist gap from other operators at large spin, we analytically determine the n, Delta(phi) dependence of the anomalous dimensions. We find that for all n, the anomalous dimensions are negative for Delta(phi) satisfying the unitarity bound. We further compute the first subleading correction at large spin and show that it becomes universal for large twist. In the limit when n is large, we find exact agreement with the AdS/CFT prediction corresponding to the Eikonal limit of a 2-2 scattering with dominant graviton exchange.


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We study graphene, which has both spin-orbit coupling (SOC), taken to be of the Kane-Mele form, and a Zeeman field induced due to proximity to a ferromagnetic material. We show that a zigzag interface of graphene having SOC with its pristine counterpart hosts robust chiral edge modes in spite of the gapless nature of the pristine graphene; such modes do not occur for armchair interfaces. Next we study the change in the local density of states (LDOS) due to the presence of an impurity in graphene with SOC and Zeeman field, and demonstrate that the Fourier transform of the LDOS close to the Dirac points can act as a measure of the strength of the spin-orbit coupling; in addition, for a specific distribution of impurity atoms, the LDOS is controlled by a destructive interference effect of graphene electrons which is a direct consequence of their Dirac nature. Finally, we study transport across junctions, which separates spin-orbit coupled graphene with Kane-Mele and Rashba terms from pristine graphene both in the presence and absence of a Zeeman field. We demonstrate that such junctions are generally spin active, namely, they can rotate the spin so that an incident electron that is spin polarized along some direction has a finite probability of being transmitted with the opposite spin. This leads to a finite, electrically controllable, spin current in such graphene junctions. We discuss possible experiments that can probe our theoretical predictions.


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An efficient density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented and applied to Y junctions, systems with three arms of n sites that meet at a central site. The accuracy is comparable to DMRG of chains. As in chains, new sites are always bonded to the most recently added sites and the superblock Hamiltonian contains only new or once renormalized operators. Junctions of up to N = 3n + 1 approximate to 500 sites are studied with antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg exchange J between nearest-neighbor spins S or electron transfer t between nearest neighbors in half-filled Hubbard models. Exchange or electron transfer is exclusively between sites in two sublattices with N-A not equal N-B. The ground state (GS) and spin densities rho(r) = < S-r(z)> at site r are quite different for junctions with S = 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2. The GS has finite total spin S-G = 2S(S) for even (odd) N and for M-G = S-G in the S-G spin manifold, rho(r) > 0(< 0) at sites of the larger (smaller) sublattice. S = 1/2 junctions have delocalized states and decreasing spin densities with increasing N. S = 1 junctions have four localized S-z = 1/2 states at the end of each arm and centered on the junction, consistent with localized states in S = 1 chains with finite Haldane gap. The GS of S = 3/2 or 2 junctions of up to 500 spins is a spin density wave with increased amplitude at the ends of arms or near the junction. Quantum fluctuations completely suppress AF order in S = 1/2 or 1 junctions, as well as in half-filled Hubbard junctions, but reduce rather than suppress AF order in S = 3/2 or 2 junctions.


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In the case of metallic ferromagnets there has always been a controversy, i.e. whether the magnetic interaction is itinerant or localized. For example SrRuO3 is known to be an itinerant ferromagnet where the spin-spin interaction is expected to be mean field in nature. However, it is reported to behave like Ising, Heisenberg or mean field by different groups. Despite several theoretical and experimental studies and the importance of strongly correlated systems, the experimental conclusion regarding the type of spin-spin interaction in SrRuO3 is lacking. To resolve this issue, we have investigated the critical behaviour in the vicinity of the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition using various techniques on polycrystalline as well as (001) oriented SrRuO3 films. Our analysis reveals that the application of a scaling law in the field-cooled magnetization data extracts the value of the critical exponent only when it is measured at H -> 0. To substantiate the actual nature without any ambiguity, the critical behavior is studied across the phase transition using the modified Arrott plot, Kouvel-Fisher plot and M-H isotherms. The critical analysis yields self-consistent beta, gamma and delta values and the spin interaction follows the long-range mean field model. Further the directional dependence of the critical exponent is studied in thin films and it reveals the isotropic nature. It is elucidated that the different experimental protocols followed by different groups are the reason for the ambiguity in determining the critical exponents in SrRuO3.


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In the case of metallic ferromagnets there has always been a controversy, i.e. whether the magnetic interaction is itinerant or localized. For example SrRuO3 is known to be an itinerant ferromagnet where the spin-spin interaction is expected to be mean field in nature. However, it is reported to behave like Ising, Heisenberg or mean field by different groups. Despite several theoretical and experimental studies and the importance of strongly correlated systems, the experimental conclusion regarding the type of spin-spin interaction in SrRuO3 is lacking. To resolve this issue, we have investigated the critical behaviour in the vicinity of the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition using various techniques on polycrystalline as well as (001) oriented SrRuO3 films. Our analysis reveals that the application of a scaling law in the field-cooled magnetization data extracts the value of the critical exponent only when it is measured at H -> 0. To substantiate the actual nature without any ambiguity, the critical behavior is studied across the phase transition using the modified Arrott plot, Kouvel-Fisher plot and M-H isotherms. The critical analysis yields self-consistent beta, gamma and delta values and the spin interaction follows the long-range mean field model. Further the directional dependence of the critical exponent is studied in thin films and it reveals the isotropic nature. It is elucidated that the different experimental protocols followed by different groups are the reason for the ambiguity in determining the critical exponents in SrRuO3.


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We report the transition from robust ferromagnetism to a spin- glass state in nanoparticulate La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 through solid solution with BaTiO3. The field- and temperature-dependent magnetization and the frequency-dependent ac magnetic susceptibility measurements strongly indicate the existence of a spin- glass state in the system, which is further confirmed from memory effect measurements. The breaking of long-range ordering into short-range magnetic domains is further investigated using density-functional calculations. We show that Ti ions remain magnetically inactive due to insufficient electron leakage from La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 to the otherwise unoccupied Ti-d states. This results in the absence of a Mn-Ti-Mn spin exchange interaction and hence the breaking of the long-range ordering. Total-energy calculations suggest that the segregation of nonmagnetic Ti ions leads to the formation of short-range ferromagnetic Mn domains.


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We show using detailed magnetic and thermodynamic studies and theoretical calculations that the ground state of Ba3ZnIr2O9 is a realization of a novel spin-orbital liquid state. Our results reveal that Ba3ZnIr2O9 with Ir5+ (5d(4)) ions and strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) arrives very close to the elusive J = 0 state but each Ir ion still possesses a weak moment. Ab initio density functional calculations indicate that this moment is developed due to superexchange, mediated by a strong intradimer hopping mechanism. While the Ir spins within the structural Ir2O9 dimer are expected to form a spin-orbit singlet state (SOS) with no resultant moment, substantial frustration arising from interdimer exchange interactions induce quantum fluctuations in these possible SOS states favoring a spin-orbital liquid phase down to at least 100 mK.


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We have designed and constructed a spin polarized low energy electron diffraction system working in the reflected electron pulse counting mode. This system is capable of measuring asymmetries due to spin-orbit and exchange interactions. Photoemission from a strained GaAs/GaAsP super lattice is used as the source of spin polarized electrons. Spin-orbit asymmetry is evaluated for Ir(100) single crystal at various energies. Subsequently, exchange asymmetry has been evaluated on 40 monolayer Fe deposited on Ir(100). This instrument proves to be useful in understanding structure and magnetism at surfaces. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We demonstrate all inorganic, robust, cost-effective, spin-coated, two-terminal capacitive memory metal-oxide nanoparticle-oxide-semiconductor devices with cadmium telluride nanoparticles sandwiched between aluminum oxide phosphate layers to form the dielectric memory stack. Using a novel high-speed circuit to decouple reading and writing, experimentally measured memory windows, programming voltages, retention times, and endurance are comparable with or better than the two-terminal memory devices realized using other fabrication techniques.


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The high-kappa gate dielectrics, specifically amorphous films offer salient features such as exceptional mechanical flexibility, smooth surfaces and better uniformity associated with low leakage current density. In this work, similar to 35 nm thick amorphous ZrO2 films were deposited on silicon substrate at low temperature (300 degrees C, 1 h) from facile spin-coating method and characterized by various analytical techniques. The X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveal the formation of amorphous phase ZrO2, while ellipsometry analysis together with the Atomic Force Microscope suggest the formation of dense film with surface roughness of 1.5 angstrom, respectively. The fabricated films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures to check the electrical capabilities. The oxide capacitance (C-ox), flat band capacitance (C-FB), flat band voltage (V-FB), dielectric constant (kappa) and oxide trapped charges (Q(ot)) extracted from high frequency (1 MHz) C-V curve are 186 pF, 104 pF, 0.37V, 15 and 2 x 10(-11) C, respectively. The small flat band voltage 0.37V, narrow hysteresis and very little frequency dispersion between 10 kHz-1 MHz suggest an excellent a-ZrO2/Si interface with very less trapped charges in the oxide. The films exhibit a low leakage current density 4.7 x 10(-9)A/cm(2) at 1V. In addition, the charge transport mechanism across the MOSC is analyzed and found to have a strong bias dependence. The space charge limited conduction mechanism is dominant in the high electric field region (1.3-5 V) due to the presence of traps, while the trap-supported tunneling is prevailed in the intermediate region (0.35-1.3 V). Low temperature solution processed ZrO2 thin films obtained are of high quality and find their importance as a potential dielectric layer on Si and polymer based flexible electronics. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.