919 resultados para Speech Motor Control
BACKGROUND/AIMS In a questionnaire survey, we identified 36 (9%) of 417 Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with sleepwalking (SW); 72% of them also had a history of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). We aimed to assess the clinical and polysomnographic characteristics of SW in PD and to compare them to patients with PD with and without a history of RBD. METHODS We performed video-polysomnography and detailed clinical examination in 30 PD patients from the above-mentioned survey: 10 patients with a history of SW, 10 patients with a history of RBD, and 10 patients with no history of either SW or RBD. RESULTS PD patients with SW had higher depression, anxiety and Hoehn & Yahr scores and lower activities of daily living scores than patients without a history of RBD but did not differ from patients with RBD. Patients with SW and RBD also had more often dyskinesia and hallucinations. By polysomnography, RBD was observed in 8 patients with SW and in all patients with a history of RBD. A total of 5 patients without a history of either SW or RBD had REM sleep without atonia without behavioural peculiarities. CONCLUSION SW in PD is associated with depression, higher disease severity and functional disability. The simultaneous occurrence of SW and RBD (overlap parasomnia) in most patients suggests a common underlying disturbance of motor control during sleep in PD, with variable manifestations in different sleep stages.
To date, despite a large body of evidence in favor of the advantage of an effect-related focus of attention compared with a movement-related focus of attention in motor control and learning, the role of vision in this context remains unclear. Therefore, in a golf-putting study, the relation between attentional focus and gaze behavior (in particular, quiet eye, or QE) was investigated. First, the advantage of an effect-related focus, as well as of a long QE duration, could be replicated. Furthermore, in the online-demanding task of golf putting, high performance was associated with later QE offsets. Most decisively, an interaction between attentional focus and gaze behavior was revealed in such a way that the efficiency of the QE selectively manifested under movement-related focus instructions. As these findings suggest neither additive effects nor a causal chain, an alternative hypothesis is introduced explaining positive QE effects by the inhibition of not-to-be parameterized movement variants.
Over recent years, it has repeatedly been shown that optimal gaze strategies enhance motor control (e.g., Foulsham, 2015). However, little is known, whether, vice versa, visual performance can be improved by optimized motor control. Consequently, in two studies, we investigated visual performance as a function of motor control strategies and task parameters, respectively. In Experiment 1, 72 participants were tested on visual acuity (Landolt) and contrast sensitivity (Grating), while standing in two different postures (upright vs. squat) on a ZEPTOR-platform that vibrated at four different frequencies (0, 4, 8, 12 Hz). After each test, perceived exertion (Borg) was assessed. Significant interactions were revealed for both tests, Landolt: F(3,213)=13.25, p<.01, ηp2=.16, Grating: F(3,213)=4.27, p<.01, ηp2=.06, elucidating a larger loss of acuity/contrast sensitivity with increasing frequencies for the upright compared with the squat posture. For perceived exertion, however, a diametrical interaction for frequency was found for acuity, F(3,213)=7.45, p<.01, ηp2=.09, and contrast sensitivity, F(3,213)=7.08, p < .01, ηp2=.09, substantiating that the impaired visual performance cannot be attributed to exertion. Consequently, the squat posture could permit better head and, hence, gaze stabilization. In Experiment 2, 64 participants performed the same tests while standing in a squat position on a ski-simulator, which vibrated with two different frequencies (2.4, 3.6 Hz) and amplitudes (50, 100 mm) in a predictable or unpredictable manner. Control strategies were identified by tracking segmental motion, which allows to derive damping characteristics. Considerable main effects were found for frequency, all F’s(1,52)>10.31, all p’s<.01, all ηp2’s>.16, as well as, in the acuity test, for predictability, F(1,52)=10.31, p<.01, ηp2=.17, and by tendency for amplitude, F(1,52)=3.53, p=.06, ηp2=.06. A significant correlation between the damping amplitude in the knee joint and the performance drop in visual acuity, r=-.97, p<.001, again points towards the importance of motor control strategies to maintain optimal visual performance.
This paper proposes a first approach to Objective Motor Assessment (OMA) methodology. Also, it introduces the Dysfunctional profile (DP) concept. DP consists of a data matrix characterizing the Upper Limb (UL) physical alterations of a patient with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) during the rehabilitation process. This research is based on the comparison methology of UL movement between subjects with ABI and healthy subjects as part of OMA. The purpose of this comparison is to classify subjects according to their motor control and subsequently issue a functional assessment of the movement. For this purpose Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been used to classify patients. Different network structures are tested. The obtained classification accuracy was 95.65%. This result allows the use of ANNs as a viable option for dysfunctional assessment. This work can be considered a pilot study for further research to corroborate these results.
The Brn-3 subfamily of POU domain genes are expressed in sensory neurons and in select brainstem nuclei. Earlier work has shown that targeted deletion of the Brn-3b and Brn-3c genes produce, respectively, defects in the retina and in the inner ear. We show herein that targeted deletion of the Brn-3a gene results in defective suckling and in uncoordinated limb and trunk movements, leading to early postnatal death. Brn-3a (-/-) mice show a loss of neurons in the trigeminal ganglia, the medial habenula, the red nucleus, and the caudal region of the inferior olivary nucleus but not in the retina and dorsal root ganglia. In the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, but not in the retina, there is a marked decrease in the frequency of neurons expressing Brn-3b and Brn-3c, suggesting that Brn-3a positively regulates Brn-3b and Brn-3c expression in somatosensory neurons. Thus, Brn-3a exerts its major developmental effects in somatosensory neurons and in brainstem nuclei involved in motor control. The pheno-types of Brn-3a, Brn-3b, and Brn-3c mutant mice indicate that individual Brn-3 genes have evolved to control development in the auditory, visual, or somatosensory systems and that despite differences between these systems in transduction mechanisms, sensory organ structures, and central information processing, there may be fundamental homologies in the genetic regulatory events that control their development.
The song system of birds consists of several neural pathways. One of these, the anterior forebrain pathway, is necessary for the acquisition but not for the production of learned song in zebra finches. It has been shown that the anterior forebrain pathway sequentially connects the following nuclei: the high vocal center, area X of lobus parolfactorius, the medial portion of the dorsolateral thalamic nucleus, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of anterior neostriatum (IMAN), and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). We now show in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that IMAN cells that project to RA also project to area X, forming a feedback loop within the anterior forebrain pathway. The axonal endings of the IMAN projection into area X form cohesive and distinct domains. Small injections of tracer in subregions of area X backfill a spatially restricted subset of cells in IMAN, that, in turn, send projections to RA that are arranged in horizontal layers, which may correspond to the functional representation of vocal tract muscles demonstrated by others. We infer from our data that there is a myotopic representation throughout the anterior forebrain pathway. In addition, we suggest that the parcellation of area X into smaller domains by the projection from IMAN highlights a functional architecture within X, which might correspond to units of motor control, to the representation of acoustic features of song, or both.
Proactive and reactive inhibition during overt and covert actions. An electrical neuroimaging study.
Response inhibition is the ability to suppress inadequate but automatically activated, prepotent or ongoing response tendencies. In the framework of motor inhibition, two distinct operating strategies have been described: “proactive” and “reactive” control modes. In the proactive modality, inhibition is recruited in advance by predictive signals, and actively maintained before its enactment. Conversely, in the reactive control mode, inhibition is phasically enacted after the detection of the inhibitory signal. To date, ample evidence points to a core cerebral network for reactive inhibition comprising the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the basal ganglia (BG). Moreover, fMRI studies showed that cerebral activations during proactive and reactive inhibition largely overlap. These findings suggest that at least part of the neural network for reactive inhibition is recruited in advance, priming cortical regions in preparation for the upcoming inhibition. So far, proactive and reactive inhibitory mechanisms have been investigated during tasks in which the requested response to be stopped or withheld was an “overt” action execution (AE) (i.e., a movement effectively performed). Nevertheless, inhibitory mechanisms are also relevant for motor control during “covert actions” (i.e., potential motor acts not overtly performed), such as motor imagery (MI). MI is the conscious, voluntary mental rehearsal of action representations without any overt movement. Previous studies revealed a substantial overlap of activated motor-related brain networks in premotor, parietal and subcortical regions during overtly executed and imagined movements. Notwithstanding this evidence for a shared set of cerebral regions involved in encoding actions, whether or not those actions are effectively executed, the neural bases of motor inhibition during MI, preventing covert action from being overtly performed, in spite of the activation of the motor system, remain to be fully clarified. Taking into account this background, we performed a high density EEG study evaluating cerebral mechanisms and their related sources elicited during two types of cued Go/NoGo task, requiring the execution or withholding of an overt (Go) or a covert (MI) action, respectively. The EEG analyses were performed in two steps, with different aims: 1) Analysis of the “response phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, for the evaluation of reactive inhibitory control of overt and covert actions. 2) Analysis of the “preparatory phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo EEG datasets, focusing on cerebral activities time-locked to the preparatory signals, for the evaluation of proactive inhibitory mechanisms and their related neural sources. For these purposes, a spatiotemporal analysis of the scalp electric fields was applied on the EEG data recorded during the overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks. The spatiotemporal approach provide an objective definition of time windows for source analysis, relying on the statistical proof that the electric fields are different and thus generated by different neural sources. The analysis of the “response phase” revealed that key nodes of the inhibitory circuit, underpinning inhibition of the overt movement during the NoGo response, were also activated during the MI enactment. In both cases, inhibition relied on the activation of pre-SMA and rIFG, but with different temporal patterns of activation in accord with the intended “covert” or “overt” modality of motor performance. During the NoGo condition, the pre-SMA and rIFG were sequentially activated, pointing to an early decisional role of pre-SMA and to a later role of rIFG in the enactment of inhibitory control of the overt action. Conversely, a concomitant activation of pre-SMA and rIFG emerged during the imagined motor response. This latter finding suggested that an inhibitory mechanism (likely underpinned by the rIFG), could be prewired into a prepared “covert modality” of motor response, as an intrinsic component of the MI enactment. This mechanism would allow the rehearsal of the imagined motor representations, without any overt movement. The analyses of the “preparatory phase”, confirmed in both overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks the priming of cerebral regions pertaining to putative inhibitory network, reactively triggered in the following response phase. Nonetheless, differences in the preparatory strategies between the two tasks emerged, depending on the intended “overt” or “covert” modality of the possible incoming motor response. During the preparation of the overt Go/NoGo task, the cue primed the possible overt response programs in motor and premotor cortex. At the same time, through preactivation of a pre-SMA-related decisional mechanism, it triggered a parallel preparation for the successful response selection and/or inhibition during the subsequent response phase. Conversely, the preparatory strategy for the covert Go/NoGo task was centred on the goal-oriented priming of an inhibitory mechanism related to the rIFG that, being tuned to the instructed covert modality of the motor performance and instantiated during the subsequent MI enactment, allowed the imagined response to remain a potential motor act. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrate a substantial overlap of cerebral networks activated during proactive recruitment and subsequent reactive enactment of motor inhibition in both overt and covert actions. At the same time, our data show that preparatory cues predisposed ab initio a different organization of the cerebral areas (in particular of the pre-SMA and rIFG) involved with sensorimotor transformations and motor inhibitory control for executed and imagined actions. During the preparatory phases of our cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, the different adopted strategies were tuned to the “how” of the motor performance, reflecting the intended overt and covert modality of the possible incoming action.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) provides significant therapeutic benefit for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current DBS devices lack real-time feedback (thus are open loop) and stimulation parameters are adjusted during scheduled visits with a clinician. A closed-loop DBS system may reduce power consumption and side effects by adjusting stimulation parameters based on patient’s behavior. Thus behavior detection is a major step in designing such systems. Various physiological signals can be used to recognize the behaviors. Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) Local field Potential (LFP) is a great candidate signal for the neural feedback, because it can be recorded from the stimulation lead and does not require additional sensors. This thesis proposes novel detection and classification techniques for behavior recognition based on deep brain LFP. Behavior detection from such signals is the vital step in developing the next generation of closed-loop DBS devices. LFP recordings from 13 subjects are utilized in this study to design and evaluate our method. Recordings were performed during the surgery and the subjects were asked to perform various behavioral tasks. Various techniques are used understand how the behaviors modulate the STN. One method studies the time-frequency patterns in the STN LFP during the tasks. Another method measures the temporal inter-hemispheric connectivity of the STN as well as the connectivity between STN and Pre-frontal Cortex (PFC). Experimental results demonstrate that different behaviors create different m odulation patterns in STN and it’s connectivity. We use these patterns as features to classify behaviors. A method for single trial recognition of the patient’s current task is proposed. This method uses wavelet coefficients as features and support vector machine (SVM) as the classifier for recognition of a selection of behaviors: speech, motor, and random. The proposed method is 82.4% accurate for the binary classification and 73.2% for classifying three tasks. As the next step, a practical behavior detection method which asynchronously detects behaviors is proposed. This method does not use any priori knowledge of behavior onsets and is capable of asynchronously detect the finger movements of PD patients. Our study indicates that there is a motor-modulated inter-hemispheric connectivity between LFP signals recorded bilaterally from STN. We utilize a non-linear regression method to measure this inter-hemispheric connectivity and to detect the finger movements. Our experimental results using STN LFP recorded from eight patients with PD demonstrate this is a promising approach for behavior detection and developing novel closed-loop DBS systems.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Many studies have identified changes in trunk muscle recruitment in clinical low back pain (LBP). However, due to the heterogeneity of the LBP population these changes have been variable and it has been impossible to identify a cause-effect relationship. Several studies have identified a consistent change in the feed-forward postural response of transversus abdominis (TrA), the deepest abdominal muscle, in association with arm movements in chronic LBP. This study aimed to determine whether the feedforward recruitment of the trunk muscles in a postural task could be altered by acute experimentally induced LBP. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the abdominal and paraspinal muscles were made during arm movements in a control trial, following the injection of isotonic (non-painful) and hypertonic (painful) saline into the longissimus muscle at L4, and during a 1-h follow-up. Movements included rapid arm flexion in response to a light and repetitive arm flexion-extension. Temporal and spatial EMG parameters were measured. The onset and amplitude of EMG of most muscles was changed in a variable manner during the period of experimentally induced pain. However, across movement trials and subjects the activation of TrA was consistently reduced in amplitude or delayed. Analyses in the time and frequency domain were used to confirm these findings. The results suggest that acute experimentally induced pain may affect feedforward postural activity of the trunk muscles. Although the response was variable, pain produced differential changes in the motor control of the trunk muscles, with consistent impairment of TrA activity.
Dizziness and/or unsteadiness are common symptoms of chronic whiplash-associated disorders. This study aimed to report the characteristics of these symptoms and determine whether there was any relationship to cervical joint position error. Joint position error, the accuracy to return to the natural head posture following extension and rotation, was measured in 102 subjects with persistent whiplash-associated disorder and 44 control subjects. Whiplash subjects completed a neck pain index and answered questions about the characteristics of dizziness. The results indicated that subjects with whiplash-associated disorders had significantly greater joint position errors than control subjects. Within the whiplash group, those with dizziness had greater joint position errors than those without dizziness following rotation (rotation (R) 4.5degrees (0.3) vs 2.9degrees (0.4); rotation (L) 3.9degrees (0.3) vs 2.8degrees (0.4) respectively) and a higher neck pain index (55.3% (1.4) vs 43.1% (1.8)). Characteristics of the dizziness were consistent for those reported for a cervical cause but no characteristics could predict the magnitude of joint position error. Cervical mechanoreceptor dysfunction is a likely cause of dizziness in whiplash-associated disorder.
Aim. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the levels of muscle soreness, serum total cholesterol (TC) and creatine kinase (CK) in the first 48 hours following fatiguing eccentric exercise performed with the triceps brachii. Methods. Eleven untrained male college students performed a total of 50 eccentric elbow extensions in 8 sets (6x7 and 2x4) with a load equal to 85% of their maximal concentric elbow extension strength. Isometric elbow extension strength, muscle soreness and circumference, and serum CK and TC concentrations were measured before, immediately after, and 2, 24 and 48 hours after the exercise. Results. Statistically reliable changes in isometric strength, serum CK and TC, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference occurred within the first 48 hours following eccentric exercise. Serum TC concentrations exhibited a very rapid (within 2 hours) reduction from pre-exercise values after eccentric exercise to a relatively stable concentration of approximately 85% of baseline. Conclusion. These results suggest that serum TC concentration may follow the time-course of reductions in force generating capacity more closely than other biochemical markers of muscle damage.
In his provocative article, F. Mechsner (2004) advances the thesis that human voluntary movements are subject to psychological or perceptual -cognitive control and are thus organized without regard to efferent patterns (p. 355). Rather than considering in detail the experiments that he proffered by way of support, the present author discusses the degree to which that supposition has appeal on the grounds of simplicity and is defined in terms that are compatible with a unified science.
The purpose of this study was to examine the capacity of resistance training to enhance the rapid and coordinated production of force by older people. Thirty adults (greater than or equal to 60 years) completed a visually guided aiming task that required the generation of isometric torque in 2 df about the elbow prior to and following a 4-week training period. Groups of six participants were allocated to two progressive ( 40 - 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) resistance-training (PRT) groups, to two constant low-load (10% MVC) training groups (CLO) and to one no-training control group. Training movements required the generation of either combined flexion and supination (FLESUP), or combined extension and supination (EXTSUP). In response to training, target acquisition times in the aiming task decreased for all groups; however, both the nature of the training load and the training movement influenced the pattern and magnitude of improvements (EXTSUP_ CLO: 36%, FLESUP_ PRT 26%, EXTSUP_ PRT 22%, FLESUP_ CLO 20%, CONTROL 15%). For one group that trained with progressively increasing loads, there arose a subsequent decrease in performance in one condition of the transfer task. For each group, these adaptations were accompanied by systematic changes in the coordination of muscles about the elbow joint, particularly the biceps brachii.
To understand performance of evasive and interceptive actions it is important to know how people decide when to initiate a movement - initiating at the 'right' moment is often essential for successful performance. It has been proposed that initiation is triggered when a perceptually derived quantity reaches an invariant criterion value. Candidate quantities include time-to-collision (TTC), distance, and rate of image expansion ( ROE), all of which have received empirical support. We studied initiation of an evasive manoeuvre in a computer-simulated steering task in which the observer was required to steer through a stationary visual environment and avoid colliding with an obstacle in their path. The results could not be explained by hypotheses which propose that evasive manoeuvre initiation is based on a fixed criterion value of TTC or distance. The overall pattern was, however, consistent with the use of a criterion ROE value. This was further tested by analyses designed to directly evaluate whether the ROE value used to initiate the response was the same across experimental conditions. Only two of the six participants showed evidence for using the ROE strategy.