370 resultados para Soulsby 2219.
Includes index.
Includes indexes.
Printed in Great Britain.
Mode of access: Internet.
Also published in Linné's Amoenitates academicae, v. 5, ed. 1, 1760; ed. 2, 1788, p. 371-388.
Part 1 only; pt. II, "Pro gradu doctoris. 1763. Gryphiswald". cf Krok, Bibl. bot. suecana (1925) p. 572.
Also published in Linné's Amoenitates academicae, v.8, 1785, p.75-106.
Background: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation has been reported in bipolar disorder (BD), but previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of pituitary gland volume in BD have yielded inconsistent findings. In addition, the contribution of genetic factors to the pituitary changes in BD remains largely unknown. Method: We used MRI to investigate the pituitary volume in 29 remitted patients with BD, 49 of their first-degree relatives (of whom 15 had a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder), and 52 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Results: BD patients had a significantly larger pituitary volume compared with their relatives and healthy controls. Pituitary volume did not differ between controls and healthy relatives or relatives diagnosed with major depression. Limitations: Direct measures of HPA function (i.e., hormonal levels) were not available. Conclusions: These findings suggest that enlarged pituitary volume is associated with disease expression but not genetic susceptibility to BD. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P10.
Az esettanulmány célja, hogy azonosítsa azokat a tényezőket, amelyek a rövid ellátási láncokban – elsősorban a „hagyományos” és a termelői piacokon – részt vevő kisléptékű élelmiszertermelők árusítást meghatározó döntéseit befolyásolják. Jelen (nem reprezentatív) kutatás eredményei megerősítik azokat a korábbi megfigyeléseket, amelyek szerint a piacokat elsősorban a kisebb gazdálkodó szervezetek választják. Magyarország nagyvárosaiban a hagyományos és a termelői piacok eltérő gazdálkodói kört vonzanak: előbbi választásában a magasabb ár, az azonnali készpénzfizetés és a megszokások játszanak motiváló szerepet, míg utóbbi esetében e tényezők hatása kevésbé egyértelmű. A termelői piaci árusítás valószínűbb olyan gazdálkodóknál, akik nagyobb birtokmérettel, szélesebb termékválasztékkal és további beruházási tervekkel rendelkeznek. A választott piaci forma melletti hosszabb távú elköteleződésre a tapasztalatok alapján elsősorban inkább a hagyományost preferáló gazdálkodók hajlandók. A szövetkezeti tagság és (kisebb mértékben) az informális együttműködésekben (például gépcserében) történő részvétel, bár hatással van a piaci árusításra vonatkozó döntésekre, nem jellemző.
In order to map the modern distribution of diatoms and to establish a reliable reference data set for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern North Pacific, a new data set including the relative abundance of diatom species preserved in a total of 422 surface sediments was generated, which covers a broad range of environmental variables characteristic of the subarctic North Pacific, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea between 30° and 70°N. The biogeographic distribution patterns as well as the preferences in sea surface temperature of 38 diatom species and species groups are documented. A Q-mode factor analysis yields a three-factor model representing assemblages associated with the Arctic, Subarctic and Subtropical water mass, indicating a close relationship between the diatom composition and the sea surface temperatures. The relative abundance pattern of 38 diatom species and species groups was statistically compared with nine environmental variables, i.e. the summer sea surface temperature and salinity, annual surface nutrient concentration (nitrate, phosphate, silicate), summer and winter mixed layer depth and summer and winter sea ice concentrations. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicates 32 species and species groups have strong correspondence with the pattern of summer sea surface temperature. In addition, the total diatom flux data compiled from ten sediment traps reveal that the seasonal signals preserved in the surface sediments are mostly from spring through autumn. This close relationship between diatom composition and the summer sea surface temperature will be useful in deriving a transfer function in the subarctic North Pacific for the quantitative paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental studies. The relative abundance of the sea-ice indicator diatoms Fragilariopsis cylindrus and F. oceanica of >20% in the diatom composition is used to represent the winter sea ice edge in the Bering Sea. The northern boundary of the distribution of F. doliolus in the open ocean is suggested to be an indicator of the Subarctic Front, while the abundance of Chaetoceros resting spores may indicate iron input from nearby continents and shelves and induced productivity events in the study area.
Acknowledgements: We thank Iain Malcolm of Marine Scotland Science for access to data from the Girnock and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency for historical stage-discharge relationships. CS contributions on this paper were in part supported by the NERC/JPI SIWA project (NE/M019896/1).
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Jonathan Dick, Josie Geris, Jason Lessels, and Claire Tunaley for data collection and Audrey Innes for lab sample preparation. We also thank Christian Birkel for discussions about the model structure and comments on an earlier draft of the paper. Climatic data were provided by Iain Malcolm and Marine Scotland Fisheries at the Freshwater Lab, Pitlochry. Additional precipitation data were provided by the UK Meteorological Office and the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC).We thank the European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910 VEWA) for funding the VeWa project.
Peer reviewed
Funded by Leverhulme Trust. Grant Number: F/00 152/AG