955 resultados para Socio-educative measure


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This paper describes the international development and psychometric testing of the Recurrent Genital Herpes Quality of Life Questionnaire (RGHQoL), a condition-specific quality of life (QoL) instrument. The theoretical foundation for the measure is the needs-based model of QoL and the content of the instrument was derived from in-depth qualitative interviews with relevant patients in the UK. Versions of the RGHQoL were required for the UK, USA, Italy, Germany, France and Denmark for use in international clinical trials. The results indicate that the final 20 item measure has good reliability, internal consistency and validity for all language versions. A small responsiveness study in Denmark suggested that the measure is sensitive to changes in QoL associated with the initiation of suppression treatment for recurrent genital herpes (RGH). It is concluded that the RGHQoL is a valuable instrument for inclusion in clinical trials. The psychometric properties of the instrument are such that it may also be used to monitor the progress of individual patients.


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Both individual socio-cultural determinants such as selected parental characteristics (migrant background, low educational level and workload) as well as the regional environment are related to childhood overweight and physical activity (PA). The purpose of the study was to compare the impact of distinct socio-cultural determinants such as the regional environment and selected parental characteristics on adiposity, PA and motor skills in preschool children. Forty preschools (N = 542 children) of two culturally different urban regions (German and French speaking part of Switzerland) participated in the study (Ballabeina Study). Outcome measures included adiposity (BMI and skinfold thickness), objectively measured sedentary activities and PA (accelerometers) and agility performance (obstacle course). Parental characteristics (migrant status, educational level and workload) were assessed by questionnaire. Children from the French speaking areas had higher adiposity, lower levels of total and of more intense PA, were more sedentary and less agile than children from the German speaking regions (percent differences for all outcome parameters except for BMI ≥10%; all p ≤ 0.04). Differences in skinfold thickness, sedentary activities and agility, but not in PA, were also found between children of Swiss and migrant parents, though they were ≤8% (p ≤ 0.02). While paternal workload had no effect, maternal workload and parental education resulted in differences in some PA measures and/or agility performance (percent differences in both: ≤9%, p ≤ 0.008), but not in adiposity or sedentary activities (p = NS). Regional differences in skinfold thickness, PA, sedentary activities and agility performance persisted after adjustment for parental socio-cultural characteristics, parental BMI and, where applicable, children's skinfolds (all p ≤ 0.01). The regional environment, especially the broader social environment, plays a prominent role in determining adiposity, PA and motor skills of young children and should be implicated in the prevention of obesity and promotion of PA in children. clinicaltrials.gov NCT00674544.


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There is evidence showing that individual behavior often deviates fromthe classical principle of maximization. This evidence raises at least two importantquestions: (i) how severe the deviations are and (ii) which method is the best forextracting relevant information from choice behavior for the purposes of welfare analysis.In this paper we address these two questions by identifying from a foundationalanalysis a new measure of the rationality of individuals that enables the analysis ofindividual welfare in potentially inconsistent subjects, all based on standard revealedpreference data. We call such measure minimal index.


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Comunicação apresentada às “1ª Jornadas sobre a Agricultura de Cabo Verde”, organizadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária de Cabo Verde, Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical e Instituto Superior de Agronomia, que tiveram lugar em Lisboa em 23/25 de Outubro de 1990. Os autores são, respectivamente, professor catedrático e professor auxiliar convidado do ISCTE. Lisboa.


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Résumé : La société sénégalaise traverse une crise profonde qui touche tous les secteurs de la vie. Cette crise à la fois structurelle et conjoncturelle crée à son tour une sorte de société de la crise qui touche les populations les plus vulnérables. Le phénomène des enfants de la rue est l'expression parfaite de cette société de la crise. Le rythme dans lequel il se développe est la traduction de la dynamique d'exclusion qui sévit en milieu urbain sénégalais en général et dans la région de Dakar en particulier. Dans cette région, l'urbanisation s'est accompagnée de la montée des inégalités qui placent la société dans une sorte de dualisation entre centre et périphérie. A la ville de Dakar qui s'est constituée selon les normes de la planification urbaine, s'oppose les principales banlieues de Pikine, Guédiawaye et Rufisque qui offrent le visage de marges sociales urbaines. D'une certaine manière, la montée des inégalités remet en cause les politiques sociales, de la bonne gouvernance et de la redistribution des richesses. Ces banlieues constituent les principaux milieux d'accueil de la masse de migrants ruraux qui fuient la misère des villages. D'une part, l'hétérogénéité sociale de ces banlieues ne favorise pas l'émergence d'une conscience collective fondée sur l'appartenance à un fonds historique commun. Par contre, elle renforce l'anonymat et l'indifférence propres à la ville. D'autre part, les difficultés économiques et la précarité des conditions de vie conjuguées à l'explosion démographique et ses conséquences affaiblissent les systèmes de solidarité entraînant ainsi la montée de l'individualisme et la philosophie du chacun pour soi. Ce qui met en cause l'éducation des enfants qui devient difficile pour les parents d'assumer. En outre, la place importante accordée à l'imaginaire social dans la société sénégalaise explique le recours aux forces surnaturelles par l'intercession des marabouts, sorciers, devins, etc. D'autre part, la place accordée aux offrandes et aux sacrifices de même que le "besoin de donner" alimente et pérennise la pratique de la mendicité en général et celle des enfants en particulier. En outre, l'instrumentalisation de la mendicité par certains marabouts qui se traduit par une sorte de "business talibé" ou de "marché de l'aumône", rapproche les enfants de l'univers de là rue qui devient pour eux une sorte d'échappatoire face aux conditions de vie que leur imposent ces marabouts. Ainsi, pour eux, la rue remplit une fonction de socialisation. En effet, dans cet univers social, les enfants se forgent une personnalité, développent des compétences et des activités qui leur permettent de survivre, créent des repères et des codes collectifs qui leur permettent de mener une existence que la société assimile strictement à la déviance. Mots clé : crise, école, éducation, enfants de la rue, exclusion, inégalités, migration, pauvreté, socialisation, stratégies de survie, uibanisation.


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Our task in this paper is to analyze the organization of trading in the era of quantitativefinance. To do so, we conduct an ethnography of arbitrage, the trading strategy that bestexemplifies finance in the wake of the quantitative revolution. In contrast to value andmomentum investing, we argue, arbitrage involves an art of association - the constructionof equivalence (comparability) of properties across different assets. In place of essentialor relationa l characteristics, the peculiar valuation that takes place in arbitrage is based on an operation that makes something the measure of something else - associating securities to each other. The process of recognizing opportunities and the practices of making novel associations are shaped by the specific socio-spatial and socio-technical configurations of the trading room. Calculation is distributed across persons and instruments as the trading room organizes interaction among diverse principles of valuation.


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Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life,human suffering and enormous damage to homes, other buildings and infrastructure. The Technology Resources forEarthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) Team of 36 space professionals analysed this problem over thecourse of the International Space University Summer Session Program and published their recommendations in the formof a report. The TREMOR Team proposes a series of space- and ground-based systems to provide improved capabilityto manage earthquakes. The first proposed system is a prototype earthquake early-warning system that improves theexisting knowledge of earthquake precursors and addresses the potential of these phenomena. Thus, the system willat first enable the definitive assessment of whether reliable earthquake early warning is possible through precursormonitoring. Should the answer be affirmative, the system itself would then form the basis of an operational earlywarningsystem. To achieve these goals, the authors propose a multi-variable approach in which the system will combine,integrate and process precursor data from space- and ground-based seismic monitoring systems (already existing andnew proposed systems) and data from a variety of related sources (e.g. historical databases, space weather data, faultmaps). The second proposed system, the prototype earthquake simulation and response system, coordinates the maincomponents of the response phase to reduce the time delays of response operations, increase the level of precisionin the data collected, facilitate communication amongst teams, enhance rescue and aid capabilities and so forth. It isbased in part on an earthquake simulator that will provide pre-event (if early warning is proven feasible) and post-eventdamage assessment and detailed data of the affected areas to corresponding disaster management actors by means of ageographic information system (GIS) interface. This is coupled with proposed mobile satellite communication hubs toprovide links between response teams. Business- and policy-based implementation strategies for these proposals, suchas the establishment of a non-governmental organisation to develop and operate the systems, are included.


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En Suisse, le nombre de filles et de femmes migrantes excisées au cours de leur enfance dans leur pays d'origine ou menacées de mutilations génitales rituelles est estimé à 6-7000. Les professionnels de la santé en tant qu'interlocuteurs privilégiés doivent donc être en mesure de répondre aux questions y relatives, non seulement durant l'adolescence, mais aussi dans toutes les phases de la vie. L'absence d'information ou de transmission par des aînées aussi bien avant l'excision qu'au moment de la maturité sexuelle en fait souvent un événement biographique traumatisant. Arrivées en Suisse, le décalage entre les attentes socioculturelles et familiales et le vécu individuel, influencé par le pays d'accueil, peut s'avérer particulièrement difficile à vivre pour les jeunes filles concernées. In Switzerland, the estimated number of survivors after traditional female genital mutilation in the country of origin or girls and adult women at risk is 6-7000. Health professionals must be able to respond adequately to their questions not only during adolescence but through out the different periods of life. The lack of information or transmission by the seniors as well before the excision as at the time of sexual maturity contributes in a large measure to the frequent biographic trauma. It can be very difficult for the girls to deal with the gap between socio cultural and family expectations and their individual life experience in Switzerland.