878 resultados para Sheet metal cutting processes,
Natural deformation in carbonate mylonites bearing sheet silicates occurs via a complex interaction of granular flow and solution transfer processes and involves continuous cycles of dissolution, grain boundary diffusion, nucleation and growth. In this way, new sheet silicates (a) nucleate within voids formed by grain boundary sliding of calcite grains. (b) grow, and (c) rotate towards the shear plane. As a consequence, small mica grains show a wide range of orientations with respect to the shear plane, but moderate to large grains are subparallel both to each other and to the shear plane. Increases of average grain sizes with increasing temperature of sheet silicates in mica-rich layers is more pronounced than in mica-poor layers. In the calcitic matrix however, sheet silicates can only grow via solution-precipitation and mass transfer processes. Therefore, the observed grain size variability indicates drastic differences in mass transfer behavior between the individual layers, which might be related to differences in the fluid flux. Based on these observations, a conceptual model for the microfabric evolution in sheet silicate bearing mylonites is presented. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In any physicochemical process in liquids, the dynamical response of the solvent to the solutes out of equilibrium plays a crucial role in the rates and products: the solvent molecules react to the changes in volume and electron density of the solutes to minimize the free energy of the solution, thus modulating the activation barriers and stabilizing (or destabilizing) intermediate states. In charge transfer (CT) processes in polar solvents, the response of the solvent always assists the formation of charge separation states by stabilizing the energy of the localized charges. A deep understanding of the solvation mechanisms and time scales is therefore essential for a correct description of any photochemical process in dense phase and for designing molecular devices based on photosensitizers with CT excited states. In the last two decades, with the advent of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopies, microscopic models describing the relevant case of polar solvation (where both the solvent and the solute molecules have a permanent electric dipole and the mutual interaction is mainly dipole−dipole) have dramatically progressed. Regardless of the details of each model, they all assume that the effect of the electrostatic fields of the solvent molecules on the internal electronic dynamics of the solute are perturbative and that the solvent−solute coupling is mainly an electrostatic interaction between the constant permanent dipoles of the solute and the solvent molecules. This well-established picture has proven to quantitatively rationalize spectroscopic effects of environmental and electric dynamics (time-resolved Stokes shifts, inhomogeneous broadening, etc.). However, recent computational and experimental studies, including ours, have shown that further improvement is required. Indeed, in the last years we investigated several molecular complexes exhibiting photoexcited CT states, and we found that the current description of the formation and stabilization of CT states in an important group of molecules such as transition metal complexes is inaccurate. In particular, we proved that the solvent molecules are not just spectators of intramolecular electron density redistribution but significantly modulate it. Our results solicit further development of quantum mechanics computational methods to treat the solute and (at least) the closest solvent molecules including the nonperturbative treatment of the effects of local electrostatics and direct solvent−solute interactions to describe the dynamical changes of the solute excited states during the solvent response.
In both humans and birds, urate is an important antioxidant when maintained at normal plasma concentrations. Though human kidneys primarily reabsorb filtered urate, while those of birds perform mostly secretion, both maintain urate levels at ~300microM. The importance of maintaining urate levels within the homeostatic range was observed when the study of several prominent diseases revealed an association with hyperuricemia. This study examined the effect of elevated zinc concentration on avian urate secretion. Here, acute exposure of chicken proximal tubule epithelial cells (cPTCs) to zinc stress had no effect on urate secretion, but prolonged zinc-induced cellular stress inhibited active transepithelial urate secretion with no change in Mrp4 expression, glucose transport, or transepithelial resistance. Moreover, zinc had no effect on urate transport by isolated brush border membrane vesicles, suggesting involvement of a more complex cellular stress adaptation. Previous work has demonstrated that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical metabolic regulator, conserves energy during cellular stress by shutting down ATP-utilizing processes and activating ATP-generating processes. Pharmacological activation of AMPK by AICAR produced decreased urate secretion by cPTCs similar to the effect seen with prolonged exposure to zinc, while the AMPK inhibitor Compound C prevented both AICAR and zinc inhibition of urate secretion, suggesting a stress induced mechanism of regulation. Supported by NSF. IACUC #A08-046.
A comparison of 50 basalts recovered at Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715 along the Reunion hotspot trace during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean shows that seafloor alteration had little effect on noble metal concentrations (Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, and Ir), determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which generally tend to decrease with magma evolution. Their compatible-element behavior may be related to the precipitation of Ir-Os-based alloys, chromite, sulfides, and/or olivine and clinopyroxene in some combination. The simplest explanation indicates silicate control of concentrations during differentiation. Basalts from the different sites show varying degrees of alkalinity. Noble metal abundances tend to increase with decreasing basalt alkalinity (i.e., with increasing percentages of mantle melting), indicating that the metals behave as compatible elements during mantle melting. The retention of low-melting-point Au, Pd, and Rh in mantle sulfides, which mostly dissolve before significant proportions of Ir-Os-based alloys melt, explains increasing Pd/Ir ratios with decreasing alkalinity (increasing melting percentages) in oceanic basalts. High noble metal concentrations in Indian Ocean basalts (weighted averages of Au, Pd, Rh, Pt, Ru, and Ir in Leg 115 basalts are 3.2, 8.1, 0.31, 7.3, 0.22, and 0.11 ppb, respectively), compared with basalts from some other ocean basins, may reflect fundamental primary variations in upper- mantle noble metal abundances
Surface mineralogical compositions and their association to modern processes are well known from the east Atlantic and south-west Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean, but data from the interface of these areas - the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region - is still missing. The objective of our study was to provide mineralogical data of reference samples from this region and to relate these mineralogical assemblages to hinterland geology, weathering, transport and depositional processes. Clay mineral assemblages were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction technique. Heavy mineral assemblages were determined by counting of gravity-separated grains under a polarizing microscope. Results show that by use of clay mineral assemblages four mineralogical provinces can be subdivided: i) continental shelf, ii) continental slope, iii) deep sea, iv) Kerguelen Plateau. Heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction are relatively uniform except for samples taken from the East Antarctic shelf. Our findings show that mineralogical studies on sediment cores from the study area have the potential to provide insights into past shifts in ice-supported transport and activity and provenance of different water masses (e.g. Antarctic slope current and deep western boundary current) in the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region.
Quaternary sedimentation within the Japan Sea was controlled by the configuration of peripheral sills, seasonal and long-term climatic variability, and the resultant fluctuations in sea level (Tamaki, 1988). Prior to drilling in the area, piston cores recovered from its basins contained Pleistocene sediments having distinctive color and fabric variation. Sedimentological and geochemical studies conducted on those facies indicated that the variability in fabric was the result of fluctuating marine and/or terrigenous influx to the deep-water basins of the Japan Sea (see, for example, Chough, 1984; Matoba, 1984). The sequences recovered during Leg 127 at Sites 794, 795, and 797 contain long, virtually undisturbed sequences (92.3, 123, and 119.9 mbsf [Hole 797B], respectively) of upper Miocene, upper Pliocene, and Pleistocene/Holocene sediments. The majority of these sequences consists of dark-colored (dark brown, green, and black) silty-clays, many of which are enriched in biogenic components (majority silicious, some carbonate) and/or organic matter, some containing pyrite and/or ash. These facies alternate with light-colored silty-clays, some containing ash and some showing signs of bioturbation (for example, Tamaki, Pisciotto, Allan, et al., 1990, p. 425-433). The dark-to-light sequences are present throughout the section, although they are especially dominant throughout the Pleistocene (for a more detailed lithology of Quaternary sequences recovered at Sites 794, 795, and 797, see Follmi et al. 1992 and Tada et al., 1992). This data report provides trace metal information on Pliocene-Pleistocene-Holocene samples at Sites 794,795, and 797. These data can be used (1) to provide information related to the depositional environments of the Japan Sea during the Quaternary period, (2) to permit comparisons between the dark organic-rich sediments recovered from this semi-enclosed basin and those reported for other silled basins (for example, the Mediterranean and Black seas), and (3) to permit comparisons between these sediments and contemporary equivalents found, for instance, beneath areas of high biogenic productivity. By providing such data, one should be able (1) to determine more precisely the processes governing the deposition of sediments with various levels of organic matter within enclosed basins, (2) to compare individual basin-wide processes, (3) to look for and compare the signatures present as a result of climatic fluctuation, and (4) to attempt to identify the presence and/or absence of cyclicity within such sequences.
he global carbon cycle during the mid-Cretaceous (~125-88 million years ago, Ma) experienced numerous major perturbations linked to increased organic carbon burial under widespread, possibly basin-scale oxygen deficiency and episodes of euxinia (anoxic and H2S-containing). The largest of these episodes, the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (ca. 93.5 Ma), or oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 2, was marked by pervasive deposition of organic-rich, laminated black shales in deep waters and in some cases across continental shelves. This deposition is recorded in a pronounced positive carbon isotope excursion seen ubiquitously in carbonates and organic matter. Enrichments of redox-sensitive, often bioessential trace metals, including Fe and Mo, indicate major shifts in their biogeochemical cycles under reducing conditions that may be linked to changes in primary production. Iron enrichments and bulk Fe isotope compositions track the sources and sinks of Fe in the proto-North Atlantic at seven localities marked by diverse depositional conditions. Included are an ancestral mid-ocean ridge and euxinic, intermittently euxinic, and oxic settings across varying paleodepths throughout the basin. These data yield evidence for a reactive Fe shuttle that likely delivered Fe from the shallow shelf to the deep ocean basin, as well as (1) hydrothermal sources enhanced by accelerated seafloor spreading or emplacement of large igneous province(s) and (2) local-scale Fe remobilization within the sediment column. This study, the first to explore Fe cycling and enrichment patterns on an ocean scale using iron isotope data, demonstrates the complex processes operating on this scale that can mask simple source-sink relationships. The data imply that the proto-North Atlantic received elevated Fe inputs from several sources (e.g., hydrothermal, shuttle and detrital inputs) and that the redox state of the basin was not exclusively euxinic, suggesting previously unknown heterogeneity in depositional conditions and biogeochemical cycling within those settings during OAE-2.
Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been used for the forming of metal sheets in macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), the use of ns laser pulses provides a suitable parameter matching over an important range of sheet components that, preserving the short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanical (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses, allows for the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization without appreciable thermal deformation.. In the present paper, the physics of laser shock microforming and the influence of the different experimental parameters on the net bending angle are presented.