788 resultados para School for returning students
The school inclusion presents a number of challenges that has been mobilizing initiatives and studies about its effectiveness. If on one hand in such studies and initiatives it becomes important to emphasize on the role and training of teachers, on the other, there is few studies about the role (and performance) of the pedagogical coordination in face of this process. In this sense, this research focuses on the role of educational coordination in face of the school inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and it undertakes the following study s questions: has the action by the coordinator contributed to the process of including students with Special Educational Needs? How is it presented in the process of inclusion of students with SEN in regular education? And it aims to: investigate the role of the pedagogical coordinator in the process of inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs of Primary Education at regular schools; and to analyze the limits and possibilities of the coordinator actions in the process of inclusion of students with SEN. For the effectiveness of the research, a state school of Elementary School located at the city of Natal/RN was taken as an empiric field. It was selected as research subjects 4 coordinators, 2 teachers of the Multifunctional Resources Room and 2 teachers of 6th to 9th grades. The methodological approach that was used in this research is consistent with the qualitative approach, and it is configured as a case study, as it is understood that this type of research responds to the objective of the study, assuming the observation of everyday school life, the educational document analysis and interviews with the subjects as procedures and tools to build data. The construction and analysis of the data were followed by a dialogue with the literature dedicated to coordinating education and school enrollment. Considering the responsibilities of the contemporary pedagogical coordination due to the challenges and possibilities of schooling for all students, specially regarding to what is referred as collaborative work and ongoing training of teachers, this study points out to the lack of an articulated action related to the school inclusion process, considering the monitoring of the teaching activity and its dialogue with the Multifunctional Resources Room. Moreover, the emphasis on meeting the daily school routines and the compliance with bureaucratic procedures, put it into second, restructuring of the Political-Pedagogical and the possibility of mobilization of school around the problematization and systematization of an inclusive school project. The effectiveness of school s inclusion, therefore, implies the scaling of the functions of the pedagogical coordination, as well as the reorganization of the school it self, to ensure the mediation of collaborative actions, contemplating the teachers continuing education, having as a landmark difficulties, problems and experiences constructed in the school context
This article presents a theoretical search and aims to introduce the main categories of historical-cultural theory and discuss its implications for the physical education teacher's work inside the school and also emphasizes this theory and its methodological proposal as an important way to build the scholar physical education in a critical perspective aiming to change the school and the students conscious and personality. The Vigotskian school of human development it is taken as an important reference to understand the scholars in their vital process of development and helps the teachers in general, and physical education teachers in specific, to consider the activity ( vital activity) as important instrument to get the humanization and liberty of human being, inside the school and inside the contemporary society.
This research aiming at show an interpretative description about the form and function of Scientific Publication (SP) discursive genre, in two magazines of national circulation. We analyzed subjects published from 2004 to 2006, in the magazines Revista do Professor and Revista Nova Escola. We see at SP subjects reported discourses, into its two main presentation forms of other voices: direct discourse and indirect discourse. We have established some aims, first, we analyzing different forms to mark the discursive heterogeneity, by the reason the writer conceptualize an image of his/her interlocutor. The second one, we intend to look at the differences between marked heterogeneity according to the writer production, journalists and researchers, and finally, we investigate more or less occurrence of cited discourse, in what is concerned with different perspectives at communities that produce this kind of text. As theoretical background to our discussions we followed socio-historical perspective, its language and subject discourse conceptualizations. We did it mainly based on Bakhtin s works (1929; 1995; 2003). We were also based on theoretical discussions about discursive heterogeneity by Authier-Revuz (1990; 1998; 2004) and Maingueneau (1993; 2001). At analyzing the social dimensions of our data, we identified as relevant elements in the construction of the subjects (stories) the image that the writer (reporter) did/construct about his/her interlocutor as well as the use of different strategies, for example: the text produced by the journalists frequently use of direct discourse forms, while texts produced by researchers are almost fulfilled by indirect discourse. Beside this, texts are different in their social voices that are in their discourse. In the case of text produced by journalist are predominant the discursive scene of the school agents: teachers, students, parents, among others. Otherwise, in the texts produced by researchers already-said utterances, that in their majority of times, come from scientific discourse
Cet article étudie le livre de visites de l'ancienne école mixte de la Fazenda Ponte Alta/Bela Vista, liée au groupe scolaire de la ville de Bariri, dans l'état de São Paulo (SP). À partir des registres de vingt ans d'activités (1928-1948), nous retraçons les exigences des inspecteurs primaires et si ces exigences provenaient (ou non) de professeurs et de la communauté paysanne pour ébaucher un cadre socio-historique de l'enseignement des premières lettres dans la zone rurale de l'intérieur de l'état de São Paulo. Il en résulte que le discours qui défendait l'égalité de chances pour les populations urbaines et rurales négligeait généralement le besoin de promouvoir l'égalité de conditions pour que la communauté rurale puisse profiter des chances qui lui étaient promises.
Parenting styles concern overall interaction characteristics between parents and children. To assess them, it is important to build and adapt valid and reliable instruments. The main objectives of this dissertation were to translate, adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for the Brazilian context, as seek associations between the YPI and Familiogram Test (FG). In current study, YPI was adapted to Portuguese by backtranslation method. Content analyses were made by five judges. 920 high school and college students (543 females), whose ages were between 14 and 69 years (M = 21.3, SD = 6.1), filled out the research instruments. Data were collected in Natal, Petrolina and Brasilia cities and Porto Alegre metropolitan region. The results confirmed the existence of five factors. Final version of the YPI was composed by 49 items. Exploratory factorial analysis (principal components) were conducted using oblimin rotation. Five factors extracted explained 45.12% of the maternal scale variance and 47.59% of paternal scale. Each factor explained, at least, 3% of the variance and showed Eigenvalue over than 1.5. All items have factorial loadings values above 0.3. The confirmatory factorial analysis has showed fit statistics reasonably adequate: for maternal scale, ² [1114] = 4636.38, p < 0.001, ² / df = 4.16, with GFI = 0.83, AGFI = 0.81 and RMSEA = 0.06; for paternal scale, ² [1114] = 5133.69 p < 0.001, ² / df = 4.61, with GFI = 0.81, AGFI = 0.79 and RMSEA = 0,06. Thus, final instrument was composed by the following factors: (I) Disconnection and Rejection ( = 0.89 and 0.90), (II) Affectivity and Emotional Stability ( = 0.85 and 0.88); (III) Overvigilance and Other Directedness ( = 0.83 and 0.85), (IV) Overprotection and Impaired Autonomy ( = 0.78 and 0.79) and (V) Impaired Limits ( = 0.66 and 0.71). Finally, relations between the YPI and FG were assessed. Pearson's correlations between the YPI and FG showed moderated associations, particularly between the factors Affectivity (YPI) and Affection (FG) (r = 0.69 and 0.7 for maternal and paternal scale, respectively); and the factors Disconnection and Rejection (YPI) and Conflict (FG) (r = 0.59 and 0.58). The regression models indicated that over than 40% of variance of factors of FG can be predicted by factors of YPI. Beta coefficients for Affection-Affectivity relation were 0.67 (maternal scale) and 0.53 (paternal scale); for Disconnection-Conflict relation were 0.31 (maternal scale) and 0.44 (paternal scale). We conclude the YPI has adequate psychometric parameters and can be used in future research in this area. However, adjustments in the structure of the YPI were made. Moreover, it is suggested further studies to consider other samples and variables, increasing the knowing of parenting styles and the Young‟s theory in the Brazilian context
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade da superfície de assento da cadeira na velocidade e no tempo despendido por alunos com paralisia cerebral espástica durante a execução de uma tarefa de manuseio de um objeto na posição sentada. Participaram do estudo 11 alunos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral espástica, que tinham algum controle de tronco e membros superiores. A quantificação da análise cinemática foi realizada em duas situações experimentais: 1) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o indivíduo posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de lona; 2) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o participante posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de madeira. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica por meio do teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) a velocidade média de execução das tarefas não foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado 2) o tempo de execução da tarefa foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado. A utilização do assento de lona aumentou o tempo de realização da tarefa. Conclui-se que o assento de um mobiliário escolar para um aluno com paralisia cerebral espástica não deve ser confeccionado com um material muito flexível. Este tipo de assento fornecerá uma base instável que dificultará o desempenho do aluno durante atividades realizadas com os membros superiores.
OBJETIVOS: comparar os achados da avaliação em situação de pré e pós-testagem em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento e escolares bons leitores submetidos ao programa de remediação fonológica e verificar a eficácia terapêutica do programa de remediação fonológica em escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 40 escolares de 2ª a 4ª série de ensino público do município de Marília-SP, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 8 a 12 anos distribuídos em: GI: composto de 20 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia do desenvolvimento que foram submetidos a programa de remediação fonológica, GII: composto de 20 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem da rede municipal de ensino público, pareados segundo sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade com os escolares do GI que não foram submetidos aos programas de remediação. em situação de pré e pós-testagem, todos os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação do Teste de Desempenho Cognitivo-Linguístico nas versões coletiva e individual, seguido de leitura oral e compreensão de textos. RESULTADOS: foram evidenciadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes, indicando que os escolares do GI e GII submetidos ao programa de remediação fonológica apresentaram desempenho superior em situação de pós-testagem em comparação com a situação de pré-testagem para a maioria das habilidades cognitivo-linguísticas avaliadas, incluindo a leitura e compreensão de texto. CONCLUSÃO: o programa de remediação fonológica para crianças com e sem dislexia do desenvolvimento foi eficaz, sugerindo que a habilidade de relação letra-som deve ser utilizada em contexto de sala de aula favorecendo a leitura desses escolares.
O presente artigo levanta questões importantes acerca da qualidade do ensino médio público quando comparado ao particular, a partir de dados da pesquisa 10 anos depois: Unesp - Diferentes perfis de candidatos para diferentes cursos (Estudo de variáveis de capital cultural), questionando a visão ideológica de que a escola particular coloca seus alunos mecanicamente nas melhores universidades. Apresentando dados sobre a performance dos candidatos ao vestibular oriundos do sistema particular e do sistema público, o artigo mostra que, nos dois casos, a freqüência a cursinhos é uma constante, o que coloca em xeque a tão propalada maior qualidade do ensino médio particular.
A scorpion control program was proposed for the town of Aparecida (SP), an endemic region of Tityus serrulatus. Clusters of scorpions in urban and rural areas, environmental degradation of the town's outskirts and new scorpion procreation and dispersal habitats were studied. In addition, infrastructure problems such as the disposal and collection of residential and municipal refuse, sanitation (sewage and storm sewer), condition of vacant lots and constructions in the urban area were evaluated. After an epidemiological study, educational measures such as the distribution of pamphlets, cleaning group work, visits to residences and cooperation from High School teachers and students were also suggested. Chemical control was indicated in high-risk sites, especially those of near-school buildings. Furthermore, the use of natural predators was also mentioned within the present sanitation regulations for urban areas. The authors assert that these procedures must be integrated and continued uninterruptedly for several years. They also suggest a collaborative work with those responsible for the dengue eradication program, as well as the institution of the scorpion study week, which would greatly contribute to the education of the population, to preventive programs and to scorpion control.
Includes bibliography
This paper is based on the Support Paradigm, which establishes the principles to the inclusive education, which indicates educational adjustments participating in the regular school to all students. This study aimed to analyze a special classroom working arrangements and to describe an intervention implemented having a special classroom teacher as participant. Data collection comprised the following phases: (a) special classroom description; (b) analysis of the teacher's teaching plan; (c) application of survey and discussion comprising theory and practice on inclusive education; (d) curricular adaptation fulfilling. Data analysis comprised: special classroom characterization, survey analysis, comparative analysis of curricular adaptation. As results, the study shows divergences between public educational policies and school reality. The intervention provided the teacher with a reflection about her on-work performance based on new teaching procedures.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)