936 resultados para Salvia - Cultivo - Estudos experimentais
Os cavalos-marinhos têm cativado a imaginação e a curiosidade dos seres humanos por centenas de anos. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, esses animais correm um sério risco de extinção por fatores como a pesca desordenada para suprir os mercados de peixes ornamentais e da medicina tradicional chinesa e principalmente, a destruição do seu habitat. Nesse contexto, é crescente o número de estudos sobre a ecologia, a biologia (reprodutiva, especialmente) e o cultivo de várias espécies do gênero Hippocampus, inclusive para fins conservacionistas e de recomposição de estoques. Duas espécies de cavalos-marinhos são encontradas no Brasil: Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg 1933 e Hippocampus erectus Perry. No entanto, as informações sobre essas espécies estão basicamente restritas ao seu grau de ocorrência ou a sua área de ocupação. No presente estudo, foi avaliado o desempenho reprodutivo de Hippocampus reidi do estuário do rio Potengi (05° 47' 42'' S; 35° 12' 34'' W), em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, cavalos-marinhos grávidos (n = 38) foram coletados no referido estuário nos meses de setembro, outubro e novembro de 2008 e julho, agosto, setembro e outubro de 2009 e mantidos em laboratório até que liberassem os filhotes. O comprimento padrão (CPA), altura (ATA), volume da bolsa (VB) e peso úmido (PuA) dos adultos, bem como o comprimento padrão (CPF), altura (ATF), peso úmido (PuF) e peso seco (PsF) dos filhotes foram determinados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que houve correlações significativas entre o CPA e a ATA (r²=0,171), CPA e PuA (r²=0,624), CPA e VB (r²=0,256), ATA e PuA (r²=0,788), PuA e VB (r²=0,211), CPF e ATF (r²=0,903) e CPF e PsF (r²=0,163). A análise de correspondência (AC) que associou as classes do comprimento padrão dos adultos (CPA) e o volume da bolsa de H. reidi ao número de filhotes mostrou que animais entre 19 cm e 21 cm e com volume de bolsa entre 3 mL e 4 mL foram os que liberaram o maior número de filhotes. Os resultados do presente estudo também indicam que o tamanho mínimo de captura recomendado pela CITES (10 cm de altura) para H. reidi deve ser revisto, uma vez que não foram encontrados animais menores que 13,5 cm que estivessem grávidos. Finalmente, o número médio de filhotes por desova obtido no presente estudo (n = 775 ± 398 filhotes) realçou o potencial reprodutivo de H. reidi e a necessidade de estudos adicionais com esta espécie
This work shows a theoretical analysis together with numerical and experimental results of transmission characteristics from the microstrip bandpass filters with different geometries. These filters are built over isotropic dielectric substrates. The numerical analysis is made by specifical commercial softwares, like Ansoft Designer and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS). In addition to these tools, a Matlab Script was built to analyze the filters through the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The filters project focused the development of the first stage of filtering in the ITASAT s Transponder receptor, and its integration with the others systems. Some microstrip filters architectures have been studied, aiming the viability of implementation and suitable practical application for the purposes of the ITASAT Project due to its lowspace occupation in the lower UHF frequencies. The ITASAT project is a Universityexperimental project which will build a satellite to integrate the Brazilian Data Collect System s satellite constellation, with efforts of many Brazilian institutes, like for example AEB (Brazilian Spatial Agency), ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), INPE/CRN (National Institute of Spatial Researches/Northeastern Regional Center) and UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). Comparisons were made between numerical and experimental results of all filters, where good agreements could be noticed, reaching the most of the objectives. Also, post-work improvements were suggested.
With advent of the technology of the recombinant DNA, the recombinant protein expression becomes an important tool in the studies of the structure, function and identification of new proteins, mainly with therapeutical purposes. The Escherichia coli has been procarioto predominant in the studies of genetic engineering due to wealth of information regarding its metabolism. Despite the expressivo advance of the studies of molecular biology and the immunology of the infections, it does not exist, currently, no prophylactic drug capable to prevent calazar. Of this form, it exists a great necessity of specific antigen identification for the vaccine development and kits for disgnostic against the visceral Leishmaniose. In this context, this work objectified to study the recombinant antigen expression of the Leishmania chagasi during the culture of Escherichia coli in shaker. A first set of assays was carried through with the objective of if knowing the kinetic behavior of the growth of two clones recombinant proteins (eIF, LACK) in two different compositions of culture medium (2xTY, TB) supplemented by antibiotics, without IPTG addition. In the second stage of the assays, the procedure of induction for IPTG was carried through, in order to verify the influence of the composition of the ways tested in the expression them recombinant proteins. On the basis of the gotten results, can be observed that the high complexity of culture medium favored the kinetic one of growth of clones recombinant (eIF, LACK), however, to if to deal with the assays submitted to the procedure of induction for IPTG, the raised complexity of culture medium did not favor the expression of recombinant proteins. On the other hand, they had been gotten resulted positive for all clones recombinant (eIF, LACK) tested, confirmed through the eletroforético profile
Solid substrate cultivation (SSC) has become an efficient alternative towards rational use of agro industrial wastes and production of value-added products, mainly in developing countries. This work presents the production and functional application results of phenolic extracts obtained by solid substrate cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) residues associated to soy flour and bioprocessed by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Two experimental groups were tested: (1) 9g of fruit residue and 1g of soy flour (A9 or G9); (2) 5g of fruit residue and 5g of soy flour (A5 or G5). After SSC, 100ml of distilled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flask containing 10g of bioprocessed material in order to obtain the phenolic extracts. Samples were taken every two days for total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity evaluation by DPPH test during 12-day cultivation. The 2-day and 10-d ay extracts were selected and concentrated by ebullition until 1/10 of original volume was reached. After that, both non-concentrated and concentrated extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica and a-amylase inhibitory capacity. It was observed an inverse relationship between total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity during the cultivation. Besides that, the concentrated pineapple samples after two days were able to inhibit both pathogens tested, especially S. aureus. Guava concentrated extracts after 2 days showed expressive inhibition against S. enterica, but negative results against S. aureus growth. When it comes to a-amylase inhibition, A9 extracts after 2 days, both concentrated or not, completely inhibited enzyme activity. Similar behavior was observed for G9 samples, but only for concentrated samples. It was shown that concentration by ebullition positively affected the enzymatic inhibition of G9 and A9 samples, but on the other side, decreased antiamylase activity of A5 and G5 samples
Metabolic flux analysis (MFA) is a powerful tool for analyzing cellular metabolism. In order to control the growth conditions of a specific organism, it is important to have a complete understanding of its MFA. This would allowed us to improve the processes for obtaining products of interest to human and also to understand how to manipulate the genome of a cell, allowing optimization process for genetic engineering. Streptomyces olindensis ICB20 is a promising producer of the antibiotic cosmomycin, a powerful antitumor drug. Several Brazilian researchers groups have been developing studies in order to optimize cosmomycin production in bioreactors. However, to the best of our knowledge, nothing has been done on metabolic fluxes analysis field. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify several factors that can affect the metabolism of Streptomyces olindensis ICB20, through the metabolic flux analysis. As a result, the production of the secondary metabolite, cosmomycin, can be increased. To achieve this goal, a metabolic model was developed which simulates a distribution of internal cellular fluxes based on the knowledge of metabolic pathways, its interconnections, as well as the constraints of microorganism under study. The validity of the proposed model was verified by comparing the computational data obtained by the model with the experimental data obtained from the literature. Based on the analysis of intracellular fluxes, obtained by the model, an optimal culture medium was proposed. In addition, some key points of the metabolism of Streptomyces olindensis were identified, aiming to direct its metabolism to a greater cosmomycin production. In this sense it was found that by increasing the concentration of yeast extract, the culture medium could be optimized. Furthermore, the inhibition of the biosynthesis of fatty acids was found to be a interesting strategy for genetic manipulation. Based on the metabolic model, one of the optimized medium conditions was experimentally tested in order to demonstrate in vitro what was obtained in silico. It was found that by increasing the concentration of yeast extract in the culture medium would induce to an increase of the cosmomycin production
This work targetet the caprine ice cream production added with probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. It is divided into two parts. In the first one, four caprine ice cream formulations were evaluated, in which it was used hydrogenated fat (F1 and F3) or fat substitute (F2 and F4) in two different flavors (F1 and F2, passion fruit, F3 and F4, guava). Statistical differences (p<0.05) were detected for their physical-chemical properties, mainly for total solids and fat, but no differences were observed for melting test results. When it went to sensory acceptance, all four ice cream formulations reached high acceptance indexes, mostly formulation F4, which was selected for further studies. In the second part, F4 formulation was prepared with the addition of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. The growth kinetics was studied and it was observed that the cellular concentration peak was reached after four fermentation hours (10.14 log UFC/g). This time was selected for pre-fermentation procedure and posterior addition at ice cream syrup. In this part of the study, two experimental groups were evaluated: group G1, in which the probiotic addition occurred before the maturation step and group G2, which included a pre-fermentation step and probiotic addition after ice cream maturation. The physical-chemical properties of these two ice cream groups were similar, except for pH, which was higher for group G2 (p<0.05). G1 samples had superior melting rate (3.566 mL/min) and both groups presented microbiological and sanitary results in accordance to current Brazilian legislation. Also, G1 and G2 were considered sensory accepted due to their acceptance indexes higher than 70%. G1 and G2 sensory profiles were similar (p>0.05), and both ice cream samples exhibited high creaminess (6.76 to 6.91) and mouth melting sensation (6.53 to 6.67) scores, while low sandiness scores (0.85 to 0.86) were observed, positive characteristics for this kind of food product. During the first 24 hours after ice cream production, the population of B. animalis subsp. lactis decreased, reaching 7.15 e 6.92 log CFU/g for G1 and G2, respectively. Probiotic bacteria counts fluctuated in ice cream samples during the first 108 days at frozen storage, especially for G2 group. Decreased probiotic viability was observed for G1 samples during the first 35 days of frozen storage, mild variation between 35 and 63 days and stabilized counts were observed after this time. After 21 days at frozen storage, ice cream samples of G1 and G2 groups reached 1.2 x 109 and 1.3 x 109 CFU/portion, respectively. After 108 days under these storage conditions, the survival rate of B. animalis subsp. lactis was 94.26% and 81.10% for G1 and G2 samples, respectively. After simulation of gastroenteric conditions, G2 group reached 9.72 x 105 CFU/portion. Considering the current requirements of Brazilian legislation, which stipulates that functional foods must have minimum probiotic count between 108 and 109 CFU/portion and detectable probiotic bacteria after being submitted to gastroenteric conditions, it is concluded that the ice cream with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis made as shown in this work, can be considered as a dairy functional food
O uso das técnicas de fertirrigação em ambiente protegido vem aumentando no Brasil devido à praticidade de condução e redução dos custos de produção. Apesar dessas vantagens, salienta-se que esta prática também pode trazer riscos, principalmente pelo acúmulo de sais na superfície do solo e na região periférica do bulbo radicular. em caso de salinização do solo pelo manejo incorreto do sistema podem ocorrer alterações na disponibilidade de nutrientes, com conseqüências fisiológicas no desenvolvimento das plantas. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se o pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) como planta-modelo para estudos da interferência da salinidade na nutrição das plantas, pela alteração da condutividade elétrica (CE) na solução do solo. Os resultados revelaram indícios de antagonismo entre nutrientes, notadamente entre as formas catiônicas em razão do aumento da concentração de KCl nos tratamentos com alta CE. A suplementação do solo com adubo orgânico não atenuou os efeitos do aumento da concentração salina e os valores extremos de CE interferiram drasticamente na produção.
Escherichia coli has been one of the most widely used hosts in recombinant protein production, in both laboratory and industrial scale since the advent of recombinant DNA technology. Despite the substantial progress of studies on the molecular biology and immunology of infections, there is currently no medication-based prophylaxis capable of preventing leishmaniasis. As such, there is a great need to identify specific antigens for the development of vaccines and diagnostic kits against visceral leishmaniasis. Thus, the primary goal of the present study is to assess the influence of cultivation conditions on the production of Leishmania chagasi antigens, carried out in a rotating incubator and bioreactor. To that end, several assays were conducted to evaluate the kinetic behavior of antigens (648, 503) of Leishmania. i. chagasi in two different compositions of media (2xTY, TB), with and without an inducer. In order to improve expression, assays were performed in a benchtop bioreactor using the best conditions obtained in a rotating incubator, in addition to assessing the influence of stirring speed. Results show that high complexity of the cultivation medium favored kinetic growth of clones (648, 503). However, in assays submitted to induction by IPTG, this elevated complexity did not promote the expression of recombinant proteins. Expression of antigens 648 and 503 exhibited behavior associated with growth and, in terms of location, proteins 648 and 503 are intracellularly stored. Lactose may be the most adequate inducer in protein expression, when considering factors, cost, toxicity and stability. Elevated stirring may increase cell growth in clone 53, although it may not result in high concentrations for the protein of interest. On the other hand, positive results were obtained for all recombinant clones (648, 503) tested, confirmed by the electrophoretic profile
Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students
Among the polymers that stand out most in recent decades, chitosan, a biopolymer with physico-chemical and biological promising properties has been the subject of a broad field of research. Chitosan comes as a great choice in the field of adsorption, due to their adsorbents properties, low cost and abundance. The presence of amino groups in its chain govern the majority of their properties and define which application a sample of chitosan may be used, so it is essential to determine their average degree of deacetylation. In this work we developed kinetic and equilibrium studies to monitor and characterize the adsorption process of two drugs, tetracycline hydrochloride and sodium cromoglycate, in chitosan particles. Kinetic models and the adsorption isotherms were applied to the experimental data. For both studies, the zeta potential analyzes were also performed. The adsorption of each drug showed distinct aspects. Through the studies developed in this work was possible to describe a kinetic model for the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles, thus demonstrating that it can be described by two kinetics of adsorption, one for protonated tetracycline and another one for unprotonated tetracycline. In the adsorption of sodium cromoglycate on chitosan particles, equilibrium studies were developed at different temperatures, allowing the determination of thermodynamic parameters
Due to its physico-chemical and biological properties, related to the abundance and low cost of raw material, chitosan has been recognized as a material of wide application in various fields, such as in drug delivery systems. Many of these properties are associated with the presence of amino groups in its polymer chain. A proper determination of these amino groups is very important, in order to properly specify if a given chitosan sample can be used in a particular application. Thus, in this work, initially, a comparison between the determination of the deacetylation degree by conductometry and elemental analysis was carried out using a detailed analysis of error propagation. It was shown that the conductometric analysis resulted in a simple and safe method for the determining the degree of deacetylation of chitosan. Subsequently, experiments were performed to monitor and characterize the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles through kinetic and equilibrium studies. The main models of kinetics and adsorption isotherms, widely used to describe the adsorption on wastewater treatment systems and the drug loading, were used to treat the experimental data. Firstly, it was shown that an apparent linear t/q(t) × t relationship did not imply in a pseudo-second-order adsorption kinetics, differently of what has been repeatedly reported in the literature. It was found that this misinterpretation can be avoided by using non-linear regression. Finally, the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles was analyzed using insights obtained from theoretical analysis, and the parameters generated were used to analyze the kinetics of adsorption, the isotherm of adsorption and to ropose a mechanism of adsorption
Textile activity results in effluents with a variety of dyes. Among the several processes for dye-uptaking from these wastewaters, sorption is one of the most effective methods, chitosan being a very promising alternative for this end. The sorption of Methyl Orange by chitosan crosslinked particles was approached using equilibrium and kinetic analyses at different pH s. Besides the standard pseudo-order analysis normally effectuated (i.e. pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order), a novel approach involving a pseudo-nth-order kinetics was used, nbeing determined via non-linear regression, using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Zeta potential measurements indicated that electrostatic interactions were important for the sorption process. Regarding equilibrium experiments, data were well fitted to a hybrid Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm, and estimated Gibbs free energy of adsorption as a function of mass of dye per area of chitosan showed that the process of adsorption becomes more homogeneous as the pH of the continuous phase decreased. Considering the kinetics of sorption, although a pseudo-nth-order description yielded good fits, a kinetic equation involving diffusion adsorption phenomena was found to be more consistent in terms of a physicochemical description of the sorption process
A área da região noroeste do Estado do Paraná, sobre o arenito Caiuá, carece de opções de exploração agrícola economicamente viáveis. Assim, o abacaxi apresenta-se como opção de cultivo, entretanto, necessitando de maiores estudos referentes à sua exploração nesta região. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a viabilidade socioeconômica do cultivo desta frutífera na região de Umuarama, Estado do Paraná em relação às principais regiões fornecedoras de abacaxi para o Estado. Para tanto, visitaram-se três propriedades nos municípios de Umuarama, Cafezal do Sul e Cruzeiro do Oeste, objetivando levantar os coeficientes técnicos desta atividade e seus indicadores de lucratividade. A região analisada apresenta boa capacidade competitiva em relação às regiões tradicionalmente produtoras (Frutal, Estado de Minas Gerais e Guaraçaí, Estado de São Paulo), principalmente pela proximidade do mercado consumidor. O abacaxi é uma excelente opção de cultivo no contexto da agricultura familiar.
Em janeiro de 2003 foram constatados sintomas típicos de ferrugem em folhas maduras de videira (Vitis vinifera), nas áreas experimentais da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Ilha Solteira, em Selvíria - MS e Ilha Solteira - SP. Este é o primeiro relato desta doença da videira no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Considerando a intensidade da doença, a importância da cultura da videira na região e a falta de informações sobre a ferrugem, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: reconfirmar a patogenicidade de Phakopsora euvitis; estudar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação de urediniósporos; estudar o efeito do tipo de superfície na germinação de urediniósporos; determinar a longevidade in vivo de urediniósporos e avaliar a eficiência agronômica de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem. Sintomas da ferrugem foram verificados somente em folhas maduras de videira. A temperatura de 25 ºC, no escuro, e a superfície inferior da folha de videira foram as melhores condições para a germinação de urediniósporos de P. euvitis. A germinação dos urediniósporos foi reduzida em 94%, em folhas de videira que foram retiradas das plantas e mantidas durante sete dias na superfície do solo. em dois experimentos realizados em campo constatou-se que os fungicidas tebuconazole, propiconazole e azoxystrobin proporcionaram as menores intensidades da doença. Tebuconazole apresentou-se como o fungicida mais eficiente no controle da ferrugem. No geral, maior intensidade da ferrugem foi observada em videira conduzida no sistema de espaldeira.
In northeastern Brazil, the extraction of agar has increased considerably in recent decades mainly using macroalgae of the genus Gracilaria. The pressure of the harvest of seaweed of this genus has compromised the sustainability of this natural resource. Given the current framework of decline in production of algae in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, it is necessary the deployment of crops that will assist in the development of coastal areas. This research aimed to develop studies on growth, productivity, efficiency and quality of agar of G. birdiae so as to provide subsidies for crops on commercial scale. The study was carried out in dry and rainy periods using rafts of cultivation. Algal biomass and the physical and chemical parameters of water were measured every fifteen days. In laboratory, the resistance and quality of agar were analyzed. The relative growth rate (TCR) was determined by the formula: RGR = ln (final weight / weight initial). 100 / interval time of sampling. During the study, environmental factors as salinity and temperature remained relatively constant (around 35 PSU and 28°C, respectively). The mean values of biomass ranged around 1952.67 ± 576g in the rainy period and 1925.67 ± 450g in the dry period, and they presented no significant variations. The maximum value of growth (TCR) was recorded in the dry season (7.45%.day-1), with an average over the study of 4.35%.day-1. The yield of agar ranged from 22% to 15%, and its resistance ranged from 850 to 650g. cm². The average obtained for the two periods was approximately 750 g cm². These results demonstrate the great potential of Gracilaria birdiae for mariculture can be used as an sustainable activity for coastal communities