624 resultados para SVG-edit


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Il problema dell'antibiotico-resistenza è un problema di sanità pubblica per affrontare il quale è necessario un sistema di sorveglianza basato sulla raccolta e l'analisi dei dati epidemiologici di laboratorio. Il progetto di dottorato è consistito nello sviluppo di una applicazione web per la gestione di tali dati di antibiotico sensibilità di isolati clinici utilizzabile a livello di ospedale. Si è creata una piattaforma web associata a un database relazionale per avere un’applicazione dinamica che potesse essere aggiornata facilmente inserendo nuovi dati senza dover manualmente modificare le pagine HTML che compongono l’applicazione stessa. E’ stato utilizzato il database open-source MySQL in quanto presenta numerosi vantaggi: estremamente stabile, elevate prestazioni, supportato da una grande comunità online ed inoltre gratuito. Il contenuto dinamico dell’applicazione web deve essere generato da un linguaggio di programmazione tipo “scripting” che automatizzi operazioni di inserimento, modifica, cancellazione, visualizzazione di larghe quantità di dati. E’ stato scelto il PHP, linguaggio open-source sviluppato appositamente per la realizzazione di pagine web dinamiche, perfettamente utilizzabile con il database MySQL. E’ stata definita l’architettura del database creando le tabelle contenenti i dati e le relazioni tra di esse: le anagrafiche, i dati relativi ai campioni, microrganismi isolati e agli antibiogrammi con le categorie interpretative relative al dato antibiotico. Definite tabelle e relazioni del database è stato scritto il codice associato alle funzioni principali: inserimento manuale di antibiogrammi, importazione di antibiogrammi multipli provenienti da file esportati da strumenti automatizzati, modifica/eliminazione degli antibiogrammi precedenti inseriti nel sistema, analisi dei dati presenti nel database con tendenze e andamenti relativi alla prevalenza di specie microbiche e alla chemioresistenza degli stessi, corredate da grafici. Lo sviluppo ha incluso continui test delle funzioni via via implementate usando reali dati clinici e sono stati introdotti appositi controlli e l’introduzione di una semplice e pulita veste grafica.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zur Rückstoßeffekten, sowie Ausheizversuche zur Erforschung struktureller Veränderungen und Änderung der Edelgaskonzentrationen und Ausgasungsmuster in meteoritischen Nanodiamanten durchgeführt. In der ersten Versuchsserie wurden die durch prompte "?"-Strahlung bei Neutronenaktivierung von Brom in terrestrische Detonationsdiamanten und durch den "?"-Zerfall von 22Na in synthetischen und meteoritischen Diamanten verursachten Rückstoßverluste bestimmt. Diese wurden mit theoretischen Verlustwerten, berechnet mit Hilfe der SRIM-Software und der Korngrößenverteilung, verglichen. Im Fall der prompten "?"-Strahlung war der Unterschied signifikant. Hierzu können allerdings systematische Unsicherheiten in den gemessenen Verlusten, wie z.B. unbekannte Br-Verteilung innerhalb der Diamanten beigetragen haben. Die Ergebnisse des zweiten Versuchs bei kleineren Rückstoß-Energien, wie sie auch in der Natur vorkommen würden, zeigten dagegen keinen signifikanten Unterschied. Dies führt zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass weder das „Fehlen“ einiger in Supernovae Typ II gebildeter Radionuklide, wie 26Al, 44Ti, in den Diamanten noch die in einem für die Erklärung des Xe-H vorgeschlagenen Modell benötigte frühzeitige Trennung der Vorläuferkerne stabiler Xe-Isotope von den stabilen Xe-Isotopen durch Rückstoßverluste erklärt werden kann. In der zweiten Versuchsreihe wurden meteoritische Nanodiamantproben bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen im Vakuum vorgeheizt und danach, um die Heizprodukte zu entfernen, chemisch behandelt. Bei allen Vorheiztemperaturen wurden zwiebelähnliche Strukturen registriert und auch in den nachbehandelten Proben wurden, bedingt durch die wegen Verklumpung der Proben eingeschränkte chemische Behandlung, neben Diamanten unveränderte, oder teilweise zerstörte Umwandlungsprodukte gefunden. Weiterhin wurden Edelgaskonzentrationen und Ausgasungsmuster gemessen, um die durch Vorheizen und chemische Behandlung bedingten Veränderungen im Vergleich zu den Original-Diamanten zu untersuchen. Ein unerwartetes Ergebnis dieser Untersuchungen war, dass die vorgeheizten und chemisch nachbehandelten Proben deutlich niedrigere Ausbeuten im Vergleich zu den nur vorgeheizten zeigten, was darauf hindeutete, dass die während des Vorheizens entstandenen Umwandlungsprodukte, wie z.B. zwiebelähnliche Strukturen, Edelgase zurückhalten konnten, die später (teilweise) durch chemische Behandlung entfernt wurden.


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Questo lavoro si pone come obiettivo l'approfondimento della natura e delle proprietà dei polinomi espressi mediante la base di Bernstein. Introdotti originariamente all'inizio del '900 per risolvere il problema di approssimare una funzione continua su un intervallo chiuso e limitato della retta reale (Teorema di Stone-Weierstrass), essi hanno riscosso grande successo solo a partire dagli anni '60 quando furono applicati alla computer-grafica per costruire le cosiddette curve di Bezier. Queste, ereditando le loro proprietà geometriche da quelle analitiche dei polinomi di Bernstein, risultano intuitive e facilmente modellabili da un software interattivo e sono alla base di tutti i più moderni disegni curvilinei: dal design industriale, ai sistemi CAD, dallo standard SVG alla rappresentazione di font di caratteri.


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Chronic pancreatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Mutations in the genes encoding cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) and the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (SPINK1) are associated with chronic pancreatitis. Because increased proteolytic activity owing to mutated PRSS1 enhances the risk for chronic pancreatitis, mutations in the gene encoding anionic trypsinogen (PRSS2) may also predispose to disease. Here we analyzed PRSS2 in individuals with chronic pancreatitis and controls and found, to our surprise, that a variant of codon 191 (G191R) is overrepresented in control subjects: G191R was present in 220/6,459 (3.4%) controls but in only 32/2,466 (1.3%) affected individuals (odds ratio 0.37; P = 1.1 x 10(-8)). Upon activation by enterokinase or trypsin, purified recombinant G191R protein showed a complete loss of trypsin activity owing to the introduction of a new tryptic cleavage site that renders the enzyme hypersensitive to autocatalytic proteolysis. In conclusion, the G191R variant of PRSS2 mitigates intrapancreatic trypsin activity and thereby protects against chronic pancreatitis.


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Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is indispensable for immunoglobulin maturation by somatic hypermutations and class switch recombination and is supposed to deaminate cytidines in DNA, while its homolog APOBEC-1 edits apolipoprotein (apo) B mRNA by cytidine deamination. We studied the editing activity of APOBEC-1 and AID in yeast using the selectable marker Gal4 linked to its specific inhibitor protein Gal80 via an apo B cassette (Gal4-C) or via the variable region of a mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (Gal4-VH). Expression of APOBEC-1 induced C to U editing in up to 15% of the Gal4-C transcripts, while AID was inactive in this reaction even in the presence of the APOBEC-1 complementation factor. After expression of APOBEC-1 as well as AID approximately 10(-3) of yeast cells survived low stringency selection and expressed beta-galactosidase. Neither AID nor APOBEC-1 mutated the VH sequence of Gal4-VH, and consequently the yeast colonies did not escape high stringent selection. AID, however, induced frequent plasmid recombinations that were only rarely observed with APOBEC-1. In conclusion, AID cannot substitute APOBEC-1 to edit the apo B mRNA, and the expression of AID in yeast is not sufficient for the generation of point mutations in a highly transcribed Gal4-VH sequence. Cofactors for AID induced somatic hypermutations of immunoglobulin variable regions, that are present in B cells and a variety of non-B cells, appear to be missing in yeast. In contrast to APOBEC-1, AID alone does not exhibit an intrinsic specificity for its target sequences.


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This thesis represents the overview of hydrographic surveying and different types of modern and traditional surveying equipment, and data acquisition using the traditional single beam sonar system and a modern fully autonomous underwater vehicle, IVER3. During the thesis, the data sets were collected using the vehicles of the Great Lake Research Center at Michigan Technological University. This thesis also presents how to process and edit the bathymetric data on SonarWiz5. Moreover, the three dimensional models were created after importing the data sets in the same coordinate system. In these interpolated surfaces, the details and excavations can be easily seen on the surface models. In this study, the profiles are plotted on the surface models to compare the sensors and details on the seabed. It is shown that single beam sonar might miss some details, such as pipeline and quick elevation changes on the seabed when we compare to the side scan sonar of IVER3 because the single side scan sonar can acquire better resolution. However, sometimes using single beam sonar can save your project time and money because the single beam sonar is cheaper than side scan sonars and the processing might be easier than the side scan data.


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Aims: Newer-generation everolimus-eluting stents (EES) have been shown to improve clinical outcomes compared with early-generation sirolimus-eluting (SES) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Whether this benefit is maintained among patients with saphenous vein graft (SVG) disease remains controversial. Methods and results: We assessed cumulative incidence rates (CIR) per 100 patient years after inverse probability of treatment weighting to compare clinical outcomes. The pre-specified primary endpoint was the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), and target vessel revascularisation (TVR). Out of 12,339 consecutively treated patients, 288 patients (5.7%) underwent PCI of at least one SVG lesion with EES (n=127), SES (n=103) or PES (n=58). Up to four years, CIR of the primary endpoint were 58.7 for EES, 45.2 for SES and 45.6 for PES with similar adjusted risks between groups (EES vs. SES; HR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.55-1.60, EES vs. PES; HR 1.07, 95% CI: 0.60-1.91). Adjusted risks showed no significant differences between stent types for cardiac death, MI and TVR. Conclusions: Among patients undergoing PCI for SVG lesions, newer-generation EES have similar safety and efficacy to early-generation SES and PES during long-term follow-up to four years.


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Short-echo-time magnetic resonance spectra of human brain contain broad contributions from macromolecules. As they are a priori of unknown shape and intensity, they pose a problem if one wants to quantitate the overlying spectral features from low-molecular-weight metabolites. On the other hand, the macromolecular contributions may provide relevant clinical information themselves, if properly evaluated. Several methods, based on T(1), T(2), or spectral shape, have previously been suggested to suppress or edit the macromolecule contributions. Here, a method is presented based on a series of saturation recovery scans and that allows for simultaneous recording of the macromolecular baseline and the fully relaxed metabolite spectrum. In comparison to an inversion recovery technique aimed at nulling signals from long-T(1) components, the saturation recovery method is less susceptible to T(1) differences inherent in signals from different metabolites or introduced by pathology. The saturation recovery method was used to quantitate the macromolecular baseline in white and/or gray matter locations of the human brain in 40 subjects. It was found that the content and composition of MR visible macromolecules depends on cerebral location, as well as the age of the investigated subject, while no gender dependence could be found.


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Der vorliegende Sammelband wurde dem bekannten Versicherungsrechtler Prof. Dr. iur. Moritz W. Kuhn zu seinem 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Sein Wirken hat über zwanzig Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Rechtsprechung wie Versicherungsbranche motiviert, mit einem Beitrag eine Plattform für die Erweiterung des bisherigen Wissensstands zu schaffen. Die Rechtsanwendung im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsetzung und AGB-Praxis, Innovation und Wandel, Europa als Chance für Schweizer Versicherer, Nachhaltigkeit, Gesetzgebung auf Abwegen, Richter und Gesetz, Lebensversicherung als Instrument der Nachlassplanung, Anwalt und Versicherung, zum Begriff der Summenversicherung, Versicherungskollisionsrecht, Schadensregulierung im Zeichen der Globalisierung sowie Gefängnismedizin sind Themen, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden. Es richtet sich an Vertreter der Versicherungsbranche, Richter, Anwälte, Versicherungsjuristen und ganz generell jedermann, der sich gegen die finanziellen Folgen schädigender Ereignisse versichert hat.


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Das Jahrbuch zum Strassenverkehrsrecht erscheint neu im Stämpfli Verlag. Der diesjährige Band enthält Beiträge namhafter Autoren zu den Bereichen Verkehrsmedizin und Verkehrspsychologie, Unfalldiagnostik, Zivilrecht, Verwaltungsrecht und Strafrecht. Die Autoren befassen sich mit der Zuverlässigkeit der Legalbewährungsprognose verkehrspsychologischer Gutachten, der Qualitätssicherung der Fahreignungsabklärung als Hauptzweck der neuen Sektion Verkehrsmedizin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin (SGRM), der «neuen Linie» des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts betreffend Beurteilung von verkehrsmedizinischen Fahreignungsgutachten bei Alkoholfällen mit Ethylglucuronid-Haaranalyse, der medizinisch-psychologischen Untersuchung, der Gefährdung beim Fahrstreifenwechsel auf Autobahnen, der immateriellen Unbill nach einem Verkehrsunfall, Fussgängern im Strassenverkehr, Amortisationstabellen in Leasingverträgen, dem Geschäftsbericht 2010-2011 des Nationalen Versicherungsbüros Schweiz und des Nationalen Garantiefonds Schweiz, der Konzession im Strassenverkehr, dem Strassentransport (Ladungssicherung, Bewilligungen für Ausnahmetransporte, Arbeitszeit) und der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zu SVG 58-89, zur Verkehrsopferhilfe sowie zum Strassenverkehrsstrafrecht im Jahr 2010.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (RSs) are responsible for the essential connection of amino acids with trinucleotide sequences of tRNA's. The RS family constitutes two structurally dissimilar groups of proteins, class I and class II. Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), both members of class I, were the focus of this work. Both enzymes are zinc-containing proteins; show a high degree of amino acid specificity; and edit activated noncognate amino acids, thereby ensuring the fidelity of the genetic code. The goals of this work were to further delineate the molecular basis of catalysis and discrimination in these enzymes by mapping active site geometries using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).^ Internuclear distances obtained from transferred nuclear Overhauser effects were used to define the conformations of Mg($\alpha$,$\beta$-methylene)ATP bound to E. coli MetRS and E. coli IleRS in multiple complexes. Identical conformations were found for the bound ATP. Thus, the predicted structural homology between IleRS and MetRS is supported by consensus enzyme-bound nucleotide conformations. The conformation of the bound nucleotide is not sensitive to occupation of the amino acid site of MetRS or IleRS. Therefore, conformational changes known to occur in the synthetases upon ligand binding appear not to alter the bound conformation of the adenosine portion of the nucleotide. Nuclear Overhauser effects on the substrate amino acid L-selenomethionine were also used to evaluate the enzyme-bound conformation of the cognate amino acid. The amino acid assumes a conformation which is consistent with a proposed editing mechanism.^ The E. coli MetRS was shown to catalyze amino acid $\alpha$-proton exchange in the presence of deuterium oxide of all cognate amino acids. It is proposed that the enzyme-bound zinc coordinates the $\alpha$-carboxylate of the amino acid, rendering the $\alpha$-proton more acidic. An enzymic base is responsible for exchange of the $\alpha$-proton. This proposal suggests that the enzyme-bound zinc may have a role in amino acid discrimination in MetRS. However, the role of this exchange reaction in catalysis remains unknown. ^


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BACKGROUND Fertility is impaired in many survivors of childhood cancer following treatment. Preservation of fertility after cancer has become a central survivorship concern. Nevertheless, several doctors, patients, and families do not discuss fertility and recommendations for fertility preservation in pediatrics are still lacking. Recommendations based on scientific evidence are needed and before their development we wanted to assess the practice patterns of fertility preservation in Europe. PROCEDURES On behalf of the PanCare network, we sent a questionnaire to pediatric onco-hematology institutions across Europe. The survey consisted of 21 questions assessing their usual practices around fertility preservation. RESULTS One hundred ninety-eight institutional representatives across Europe received the survey and 68 (response rate 34.3%) responded. Pre-treatment fertility counseling was offered by 64 institutions. Counseling was done by a pediatric onco-hematologist in 52% (33/64) and in 32% (20/64) by a team. The majority of institutions (53%) lacked recommendations for fertility preservation. All 64 centers offered sperm banking; eight offered testicular tissue cryopreservation for pre-pubertal males. For females, the possibility of preserving ovarian tissue was offered by 40 institutions. CONCLUSIONS There is a high level of interest in fertility preservation among European centers responding to our survey. However, while most recommended sperm cryopreservation, many also recommended technologies whose efficacy has not been shown. There is an urgent need for evidence-based European recommendations for fertility preservation to help survivors deal with the stressful topic of fertility. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2014;9999:1-5. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.