337 resultados para SSR


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Astrocaryum vulgare Mart., conhecida por tucumã-do-Pará, possui uso popular na região amazônica e grandes potencialidades de aproveitamento em indústrias farmacêutica, cosmética e de biodiesel. A exploração ainda é extrativista, tornando fundamentais informações sobre a variabilidade genética existente em áreas de ocorrência natural. A variabilidade genética pode ser acessada por marcadores microssatélites ou SSR, considerados ideais para estudo em populações naturais. Entretanto, não há relatos de desenvolvimento de microssatélites para A. vulgare. O objetivo foi avaliar a transferibilidade de locos SSR desenvolvidos para outras espécies de palmeiras em A. vulgare. Realizou-se a extração de DNA a partir de amostras de folíolos de tucumanzeiros de sete povoamentos e após a quantificação os DNA?s foram submetidos à PCR, com os locos desenvolvidos para Bactris gasipaes, Phoenix dactylifera e Astrocaryum aculeatum. As condições de amplificação seguiram o protocolo desenvolvido para A. aculeatum, com pequenas adaptações. Os produtos amplificados foram aplicados em gel de agarose a 3,5%, corado com brometo de etídio e submetidos à eletroforese horizontal. Os perfis dos géis foram fotodocumentados e as imagens armazenadas digitalmente. A transferibilidade dos locos foi avaliada com base na amplificação dos produtos, sua nitidez e ausência de bandas inespecíficas. Todos os locos de A. aculeatum e a maioria dos de B. gasipaes amplificaram, com 75% deles transferíveis para o genoma de A. vulgare, enquanto que apenas dois dos locos de P. dactylifera amplificaram, com muitas bandas inespecíficas, mostrando-se inviáveis para estudos do genoma da espécie.


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Blast is a major disease of rice in Brazil, the largest rice-producing country outside Asia. This study aimed to assess the genetic structure and mating-type frequency in a contemporary Pyricularia oryzae population, which caused widespread epidemics during the 2012/13 season in the Brazilian lowland subtropical region. Symptomatic leaves and panicles were sampled at flooded rice fields in the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS, 34 fields) and Santa Catarina (SC, 21 fields). The polymorphism at ten simple sequence repeats (SSR or microsatellite) loci and the presence of MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 idiomorphs were assessed in a population comprised of 187 isolates. Only the MAT1-2 idiomorph was found and 162 genotypes were identified by the SSR analysis. A discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) of SSR data resolved four genetic groups, which were strongly associated with the cultivar of origin of the isolates. There was high level of genotypic diversity and moderate level of gene diversity regardless whether isolates were grouped in subpopulations based on geographic region, cultivar host or cultivar within region. While regional subpopulations were weakly differentiated, high genetic differentiation was found among subpopulations comprised of isolates from different cultivars. The data suggest that the rice blast pathogen population in southern Brazil is comprised of clonal lineages that are adapting to specific cultivar hosts. Farmers should avoid the use of susceptible cultivars over large areas and breeders should focus at enlarging the genetic basis of new cultivars.


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Genetic diversity estimates based on morphological and molecular data can provide different information on the relationship between cultivars of a species. This study aimed to develop new microsatellite markers as additional tools in genetic studies on mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), and to analyze the genetic variability of 20 mango cultivars based on morphological descriptors and microsatellite markers. We aimed to better understand the cultivars enhanced breeding histories and to support crossbreeding planning. Positive clones were selected from a DNA library enriched for microsatellite regions for sequencing and primer design. Four plants of each of the 20 accessions were used for observations, based on 48 morphological descriptors. Twenty accessions were analyzed using 27 microsatellite markers, of which 16 were developed during this study. The clusters, based on the morphological descriptors by Ward - MLM strategy and the microsatellite markers, suggested that Brazilian mango cultivars have extensive genetic diversity and are related to cultivars with different provenances, demonstrating their different enhanced breeding histories.