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Isotopic compositions of uranium (234U and 238U) and thorium (230Th and 232Th) were measured in metalliferous sediments from the western flank of the East Pacific Rise at 21°-22°S, in the area of hydrothermal activity and massive sulfide accumulation at the axis of the EPR. Concentration of 232Th (on the carbonate-free base) is consistent with composition of mafic extrusive rocks; isotope ratios 232Th/238U and 234U/238U indicate that about 70% of uranium passes into sediments from sea water with hydrothermal iron hydroxide. Mean sedimentation rates are calculated for seven cores by the nonequilibrium 230Th method with use of the constant concentration model. Flux of 230Th to bottom sediments is calculated and its mean value is used to determine sedimentation rate in four other cores. The constant flux model is used to calculate change of sedimentation rate with depth for seven cores over time interval of 100-300 ky. Sedimentation rates varied not much (0.3-0.6 cm/ky). The greatest changes occurred in two cores: one located near massive sulfide structures, and another near the spreading axis. Determinations of mean rates by the radiocarbon method and the nonequilibrium thorium method are in good agreement.


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Holes drilled into the volcanic and ultrabasic basement of the Izu-Ogasawara and Mariana forearc terranes during Leg 125 provide data on some of the earliest lithosphere created after the start of Eocene subduction in the Western Pacific. The volcanic basement contains three boninite series and one tholeiite series. (1) Eocene low-Ca boninite and low-Ca bronzite andesite pillow lavas and dikes dominate the lowermost part of the deep crustal section through the outer-arc high at Site 786. (2) Eocene intermediate-Ca boninite and its fractionation products (bronzite andesite, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) make up the main part of the boninitic edifice at Site 786. (3) Early Oligocene intermediate-Ca to high-Ca boninite sills or dikes intrude the edifice and perhaps feed an uppermost breccia unit at Site 786. (4) Eocene or Early Oligocene tholeiitic andesite, dacite, and rhyolite form the uppermost part of the outer-arc high at Site 782. All four groups can be explained by remelting above a subduction zone of oceanic mantle lithosphere that has been depleted by its previous episode of partial melting at an ocean ridge. We estimate that the average boninite source had lost 10-15 wt% of melt at the ridge before undergoing further melting (5-10%) shortly after subduction started. The composition of the harzburgite (<2% clinopyroxene, Fo content of about 92%) indicates that it underwent a total of about 25% melting with respect to a fertile MORB mantle. The low concentration of Nb in the boninite indicates that the oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction was not enriched by any asthenospheric (OIB) component. The subduction component is characterized by (1) high Zr and Hf contents relative to Sm, Ti, Y, and middle-heavy REE, (2) light REE-enrichment, (3) low contents of Nb and Ta relative to Th, Rb, or La, (4) high contents of Na and Al, and (5) Pb isotopes on the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line. This component is unlike any subduction component from active arc volcanoes in the Izu-Mariana region or elsewhere. Modeling suggests that these characteristics fit a trondhjemitic melt from slab fusion in amphibolite facies. The resulting metasomatized mantle may have contained about 0.15 wt% water. The overall melting regime is constrained by experimental data to shallow depths and high temperatures (1250? C and 1.5 kb for an average boninite) of boninite segregation. We thus envisage that boninites were generated by decompression melting of a diapir of metasomatized residual MORB mantle leaving the harzburgites as the uppermost, most depleted residue from this second stage of melting. Thermal constraints require that both subducted lithosphere and overlying oceanic lithosphere of the mantle wedge be very young at the time of boninite genesis. This conclusion is consistent with models in which an active transform fault offsetting two ridge axes is placed under compression or transpression following the Eocene plate reorganization in the Pacific. Comparison between Leg 125 boninites and boninites and related rocks elsewhere in the Western Pacific highlights large regional differences in petrogenesis in terms of mantle mineralogy, degree of partial melting, composition of subduction components, and the nature of pre-subduction lithosphere. It is likely that, on a regional scale, the initiation of subduction involved subducted crust and lithospheric mantle wedge of a range of ages and compositions, as might be expected in this type of tectonic setting.


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Study of basaltic debris from the Kara Sea bottom has shown its similarity to traps of the Eastern Siberia in mineralogy, structures and chemical composition. In comparison with oceanic tholeiites, the source of traps and Kara Sea basin basaltic melts was enriched in REE and some other incompatible elements. K-Ar dating of two samples of supposed autochtonous location from the eastern part of the Kara Sea basin has shown 209 and 218 Ma - younger than traps (247-248 Ma). Origin of Siberian traps used to connect with action of the mantle plume (Iceland plume, according to geodinamic reconstruction). Our new age data may be interpreted as an evidence of the Siberian plate moving over the head of plume.


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We present new U-series disequilibrium and radiogenic isotope data for 7 mafic lavas from the Lesser Antilles arc. These are combined with published data in an internally consistent model that quantitatively estimates the amount of sediment and fluid added to the source of the Lesser Antilles arc system. Some lavas form an array consistent with bulk sediment addition (0.2-2%) whereas others appear to require addition of 0.4-2% sediment melt, particularly in the south of the arc. Evidence for both bulk sediment and sediment melt addition can be found within both the northern and central sections of the arc suggesting a thermal structure whereby the upper portions of the subducted sediment pile lie close to their solidus beneath much of the arc. Addition of up to 5% fluid derived from altered oceanic crust to these sediment enriched mantle wedge source regions can simulate the majority of the lavas on a plot of 207Pb/204Pb versus Ce/Pb. By taking into account the range in calculated wedge compositions and allowing for some mobility of Th in the fluid, the same model can also account for much of the observed range of U-Th-Ra disequilibria, especially if the eclogitic residue contains trace amounts of rutile. The implication of this more complex model is that the time scales for fluid addition and differentiation could be significantly shorter than those estimated in some previous studies.


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The Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit (5.4 Mt at 0.72% Cu, 41 t at 0.23 g/t Au), which is related to the granodiorite porphyry and the quartz-diorite porphyry from the Bangongco copper belt in central Tibet, formed in a continental arc setting. Here, we present the zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical whole-rock, Sr-Nd whole-rock and zircon in-situ Hf-O isotopic data for the Duolong porphyries. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U-Pb analyses for six samples yielded consistent ages of ~118 Ma, indicating a Cretaceous formation age. The Duolong porphyries (SiO2 of 58.81-68.81 wt.%, K2O of 2.90-5.17 wt.%) belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. They show light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched distribution patterns with (La/Yb)N = 6.1-11.7, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (e.g., Cs, Rb, and Ba) and depletion of high field strength elements (e.g., Nb), with negative Ti anomalies. All zircons from the Duolong porphyries share relatively similar Hf-O isotopic compositions (d18O=5.88-7.27 per mil; eHf(t)=3.6-7.3), indicating that they crystallized from a series of cogenetic melts with various degrees of fractional crystallization. This, along with the general absence of older inherited zircons, rules out significant crustal contamination during zircon growth. The zircons are mostly enriched in d18O relative to mantle values, indicating the involvement of an 18O-enriched crustal source in the generation of the Duolong porphyries. Together with the presence of syn-mineralization basaltic andesite, the mixing between silicic melts derived from the lower crust and evolved H2O-rich mafic melts derived from the metsomatizied mantle wedge, followed by subsequent fractional crystallization (FC) and minor crustal contamination in the shallow crust, could well explain the petrogenesis of the Duolong porphyries. Significantly, the hybrid melts possibly inherited the arc magma characteristics of abundant F, Cl, Cu, and Au elements and high oxidation state, which contributed to the formation of the Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit.


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Our record of Younger Dryas intermediate-depth seawater D14C from North Atlantic deep-sea corals supports a link between abrupt climate change and intermediate ocean variability. Our data show that northern source intermediate water (~1700 m) was partially replaced by 14C-depleted southern source water at the onset of the event, consistent with a reduction in the rate of North Atlantic Deep Water formation. This transition requires the existence of large, mobile gradients of D14C in the ocean during the Younger Dryas. The D14C water column profile from Keigwin (2004) provides direct evidence for the presence of one such gradient at the beginning of the Younger Dryas (~12.9 ka), with a 100 per mil offset between shallow (<~2400 m) and deep water. Our early Younger Dryas data are consistent with this profile and also show a D14C inversion, with 35 per mil more enriched water at ~2400 m than at ~1700 m. This feature is probably the result of mixing between relatively well 14C ventilated northern source water and more poorly 14C ventilated southern source intermediate water, which is slightly shallower. Over the rest of the Younger Dryas our intermediate water/deepwater coral D14C data gradually increase, while the atmosphere D14C drops. For a very brief interval at ~12.0 ka and at the end of the Younger Dryas (11.5 ka), intermediate water D14C (~1200 m) approached atmospheric D14C. These enriched D14C results suggest an enhanced initial D14C content of the water and demonstrate the presence of large lateral D14C gradients in the intermediate/deep ocean in addition to the sharp vertical shift at ~2500 m. The transient D14C enrichment at ~12.0 ka occurred in the middle of the Younger Dryas and demonstrates that there is at least one time when the intermediate/deep ocean underwent dramatic change but with much smaller effects in other paleoclimatic records.


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The NWW-striking Qinling Orogen formed in the Triassic by collision between the North China and Yangtze Cratons. Triassic granitoid intrusions, mostly middle- to high-K, calc-alkaline in composition, are widespread in this orogen, but contemporaneous intrusions are rare in the southern margin of the North China Craton, an area commonly considered as the hinterland belt of the orogen. In this paper, we report zircon U-Pb ages, elemental geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data for the Laoniushan granitoid complex that was emplaced in the southern margin of the North China Craton. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the complex was emplaced in the late Triassic (228±1 to 215±4 Ma), indicating that it is part of the post-collisional magmatism in the Qinling Orogen. The complex consists of, from early to late, biotite monzogranite, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, and hornblende monzonite, which have a wide compositional range, e.g., SiO2=55.9-70.6 wt%, K2O+Na2O=6.6-10.2 wt%, and Mg# of 24 to 54. Rocks of the biotite monzogranite have high Al2O3(15.5-17.4 wt%), Sr(396-1398 ppm) and Ba(1284-3993 ppm) contents and La/Yb(mostly 14-30) and Sr/Y(mostly 40-97) ratios, but low Yb(mostly 1.3-1.6 ppm) and Y(mostly14-19 ppm) contents, features typical of adakite. The quartz monzonite, hornblende monzonite and quartz diorite have a shoshonitic affinity, with K2O up to 5.58 wt% and K2O/Na2O ratios averaging 1.4. The rocks are characterized by strong LREE/HREE fractionation in chondrite-normalized REE pattern, without obvious Eu anomalies, and show enrichment in large ion lithophile elements but depletion in high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Ti). The biotite monzogranite (228 Ma) has initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7061 to 0.7067, eNd(t) values of -9.2 to -12.6, and ?Hf(t) values of -9.0 to -15.1; whereas the shoshonitic granitoids (mainly 217-215 Ma) have similar initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7065 to 0.7075) but more radiogenic eNd(t) (-12.4 to -17.0) and eHf(t) (-14.1 to -17.0). The Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data indicate that the rocks were likely generated by partial melting of an ancient lower continental crust with heterogeneous compositions, as partly confirmed by the widespread presence of the early Paleoproterozoic inherited zircons. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs), characterized by fine-grained igneous textures and an abundance of acicular apatites, are common in the Laoniushan complex. Compared with the host rocks, they have lower SiO2 (48.6-53.7 wt.%) and higher Mg# (51-56), Cr (122-393 ppm), and Ni (24-79 ppm), but equivalent Sr-Nd isotope compositions, indicating that the MMEs likely originated from an ancient enriched lithospheric mantle. The abundance of MMEs in the granitoid intrusions suggests that magma mixing plays an important role in the generation of the Laoniushan complex. Collectively, it is suggested that the Laoniushan complex was a product of post-collisional magmatism related to lithospheric extension following slab break-off. Formation of the adakitic and shoshonitic intrusions in the Laoniushan complex indicates that the Qinling Orogen had evolved into a post-collisional setting by about 230-210 Ma.


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The Okinawa Trough (OT) in the East Asian continental margin is characterized by thick terrigenous sediment and ubiquitous volcanic-hydrothermal activities. In this study, the clays collected during IODP Expedition 331 to the middle OT (Iheya North Knoll) were analyzed for mineralogical and geochemical compositions. By comparing with the clays from the East China Sea shelf and surrounding rivers, we examine different clay origins. The hydrothermal field in the mid-OT is dominated by Mg-rich chlorite, while the recharge zone has clay mineral assemblages similar to the shelf and rivers, showing high content of illite, subordinate chlorite and kaolinite and scarce smectite. Compared to the terrigenous clays, the hydrothermal clays in the OT have high concentrations of Mg, Mn and Zr but low Fe, Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, P, Sc and Ti, while the hydrothermal clays in the mid-ocean ridge are relatively enriched in Fe and V and depleted in Al, Mg, Zr, Sc and Ti. Different fractionation patterns of rare earth elements also register in the terrigenous and hydrothermal clays, diagnostic of variable clay origins. We infer that the OT hydrothermal clay was primarily formed by the chemical alteration of detrital sediments subject to the hydrothermal fluids. The remarkably different compositions of hydrothermal clays between the sediment-rich back arc basin like OT and the sediment-starved ocean ridge suggest different physical and chemical processes of hydrothermal fluids and fluid-rock/sediment reactions under various geologic settings.


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Recent phosphorites from the Namibian shelf are characterized by low REE contents, depletion in REE compared to host sediments and sharp deficiency of lanthanum and europium. In Late Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary phosphorites from ocean shelves REE contents and patterns in general are the same as in host sediments. Phosphorites from seamounts are enriched in REE compared to shelf phosphorites and their patterns are close to one of seawater. Behavior of REE in shelf phosphorites is determined by the fact that in early stages of phosphorite formation REE are associated not primarily with phosphate, but with organic matter and terrigenous impurities. Only in the later stages of diagenesis phosphate begins to play a leading role in concentration of REE. In metasomatic phosphorites on seamounts concentration of REE depends on age and depth of these rocks, i.e. it is determined by duration and conditions of contact with sea water.


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The thick oceanic crust of the Caribbean plate appears to be the tectonized remnant of an eastern Pacific oceanic plateau that has been inserted between North and South America. The emplacement of the plateau into its present position has resulted in the obduction and exposure of its margins, providing an opportunity to study the age relations, internal structure and compositional features of the plateau. We present the results of 40Ar-39Ar radiometric dating, major-, trace-element, and isotopic compositions of basalts from some of the exposed sections as well as drill core basalt samples from Leg 15 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Five widely spaced, margin sections yielded ages ranging from 91 to 88 Ma. Less well-constrained radiometric ages from the drill cores, combined with the biostratigraphic age of surrounding sediments indicate a minimum crystallization age of ~90 Ma in the Venezuelan Basin. The synchroneity of ages across the region is consistent with a flood basalt origin for the bulk of the Caribbean plateau i.e., large volume, rapidly erupted, regionally extensive volcanism.. The ages and compositions are also consistent with plate reconstructions that place the Caribbean plateau in the vicinity of the Galápagos hotspot at its inception. The trace-element and isotopic compositions of the ~90 Ma rocks indicate a depleted mantle and an enriched, plume-like mantle were involved in melting to varying degrees across the plateau. Within the same region, a volumetrically secondary, but widespread magmatic event occurred at 76 Ma, as is evident in Curacao, western Colombia, Haiti, and at DSDP Site 152/ODP Site 1001 near the Hess Escarpment. Limited trace-element data indicate that this phase of magmatism was generally more depleted than the first. We speculate that magmatism may have resulted from upwelling of mantle, still hot from the 90 Ma event, during lithospheric extension attending gravitational collapse of the plateau, andror tectonic emplacement of the plateau between North and South America. Still younger volcanics are found in the Dominican Republic (69 Ma) and the Quepos Peninsula of Costa Rica (63 Ma). The latter occurrence conceivably formed over the Galápagos hotspot and subsequently accreted to the western edge of the plateau during subduction of the Farallon plate.


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Fossil fish teeth from pelagic open ocean settings are considered a robust archive for preserving the neodymium (Nd) isotopic composition of ancient seawater. However, using fossil fish teeth as an archive to reconstruct seawater Nd isotopic compositions in different sedimentary redox environments and in terrigenous-dominated, shallow marine settings is less proven. To address these uncertainties, fish tooth and sediment samples from a middle Eocene section deposited proximal to the East Antarctic margin at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1356 were analyzed for major and trace element geochemistry, and Nd isotopes. Major and trace element analyses of the sediments reveal changing redox conditions throughout deposition in a shallow marine environment. However, variations in the Nd isotopic composition and rare earth element (REE) patterns of the associated fish teeth do not correspond to redox changes in the sediments. REE patterns in fish teeth at Site U1356 carry a typical mid-REE-enriched signature. However, a consistently positive Ce anomaly marks a deviation from a pure authigenic origin of REEs to the fish tooth. Neodymium isotopic compositions of cleaned and uncleaned fish teeth fall between modern seawater and local sediments and hence could be authigenic in nature, but could also be influenced by sedimentary fluxes. We conclude that the fossil fish tooth Nd isotope proxy is not sensitive to moderate changes in pore water oxygenation. However, combined studies on sediments, pore waters, fish teeth and seawater are needed to fully understand processes driving the reconstructed signature from shallow marine sections in proximity to continental sources. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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IPOD Leg 49 recovered basalts from 9 holes at 7 sites along 3 transects across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 63°N (Reykjanes), 45°N and 36°N (FAMOUS area). This has provided further information on the nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic by enabling studies to be made of the variation of basalt composition with depth and with time near critical areas (Iceland and the Azores) where deep mantle plumes are thought to exist. Over 150 samples have been analysed for up to 40 major and trace elements and the results used to place constraints on the petrogenesis of the erupted basalts and hence on the geochemical nature of their source regions. It is apparent that few of the recovered basalts have the geochemical characteristics of typical "depleted" midocean ridge basalts (MORB). An unusually wide range of basalt compositions may be erupted at a single site: the range of rare earth patterns within the short section cored at Site 413, for instance, encompasses the total variation of REE patterns previously reported from the FAMOUS area. Nevertheless it is possible to account for most of the compositional variation at a single site by partial melting processes (including dynamic melting) and fractional crystallization. Partial melting mechanisms seem to be the dominant processes relating basalt compositions, particularly at 36°N and 45°N, suggesting that long-lived sub-axial magma chambers may not be a consistent feature of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Comparisons of basalts erupted at the same ridge segment for periods of the order of 35 m.y. (now lying along the same mantle flow line) do show some significant inter-site differences in Rb/Sr, Ce/Yb, 87Sr/86Sr, etc., which cannot be accounted for by fractionation mechanisms and which must reflect heterogeneities in the mantle source. However when hygromagmatophile (HYG) trace element levels and ratios are considered, it is the constancy or consistency of these HYG ratios which is the more remarkable, implying that the mantle source feeding a particular ridge segment was uniform with respect to these elements for periods of the order of 35 m.y. and probably since the opening of the Atlantic. Yet these HYG element ratios at 63°N are very different from those at 45°N and 36°N and significantly different from the values at 22°N and in "MORB". The observed variations are difficult to reconcile with current concepts of mantle plumes and binary mixing models. The mantle is certainly heterogeneous, but there is not simply an "enriched" and a "depleted" source, but rather a range of sources heterogeneous on different scales for different elements - to an extent and volume depending on previous depletion/enrichment events. HYG element ratios offer the best method of defining compositionally different mantle segments since they are little modified by the fractionation processes associated with basalt generation.


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Age-progressive, linear seamount chains in the northeast Pacific appear to have formed as the Pacific plate passed over a set of stationary hotspots; however, some anomalously young ages and the lack of an "enriched" isotopic signature in basalts from the seamounts do not fit the standard hotspot model. For example, published ages (28-30 Ma) for basalts dredged from the Patton-Murray seamount platform in the Gulf of Alaska are 2-4 m.y. younger than the time when the platform was above the Cobb hotspot. However, the lowermost basalt recovered by ocean drilling on Patton-Murray yielded a 40Ar-39Ar age of 33 Ma. This age exactly coincides with the time when the seamount platform was above the Cobb hotspot, consistent with a stationary, long-lived mantle plume. A 27 Ma alkalic basalt flow recovered 8 m above the 33 Ma basalt is similar in age and composition to the previously dredged basalts, and may be the alkalic capping phase typical of many hotspot volcanoes. A 17 Ma tholeiitic basalt sill recovered 5 m above the 27 Ma basalt was emplaced long after the seamount platform moved away from the hotspot, and may be associated with a period of intraplate extension. Anomalously young phases of volcanism on this and other hotspot seamounts suggest that they can be volcanically rejuvenated by nonhotspot causes, but this rejuvenation does not rule out the hotspot model as an explanation for the initial creation of the seamount platform. The lack of an "enriched" isotopic signature in any of these basalts shows that enriched compositions are not necessary characteristics of plume-related basalts. The isotopic compositions of the lower basalts are slightly more depleted than the 0-9 Ma products of the Cobb hotspot, despite the fact that the hotspot was closer to a spreading ridge at 0-9 Ma. It appears that this hotspot, like several others, has become more enriched with time.