641 resultados para SEAGRASS MEADOWS


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The oxidation of water to oxygen by bromate ions is mediated by the heterogeneous redox catalyst ruthenium-Adams, a high surface area and very stable form of ruthenium(IV) oxide. The initial kinetics of catalysis are investigated as a function of [BrO3-], [Ru-Adams], temperature and [anion], where ''anion'' = ClO4- Cl- or Br-. An electrochemical model of heterogeneous redox catalysis, in which the two participating redox couples are both electrochemically irreversible, is used to interpret most of the kinetic data. The observed inhibition of the initial rate of the redox reaction by Cl- and, especially, Br- ions is tentatively attributed to competitive adsorption. In the presence of organic species, such as methanol, ethanol and propan-1-ol, which are more easily oxidised than water by bromate ions, the rate of BrO3- ion reduction is significantly faster, i.e. ca 24-34 times.


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C-60 is more effective than graphite or diamond as a redox catalyst for the oxidation of chloride to chlorine by cerie ions.


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The kinetics of reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) by excess thiosulfate, mediated by RuO2.xH2O, are investigated. At high concentrations of S2O32- (0.1 mol dm-3) the kinetics of Fe(CN)63- reduction are first order with respect to [Fe(CN)63-] and [RuO2.xH2O] and independent of [Fe(CN)64-], [S2O32-] and [S4O62-]. At relatively low concentrations Of S2O32- (0.01 mol dm-3) and in the presence of appreciable concentrations of Fe(CN)64- and S4O62- (0.01 mol dm-3) the kinetics depend directly upon [Fe(CN)63-] and [RuO2.xH2O] and inversely upon [Fe(CN)64-]. Both sets of kinetics can be rationalised using an electrochemical model of redox catalysts in which a reversible reduction reaction [Fe(CN)63- + e- --> Fe(CN)64-] is coupled to an irreversible oxidation reaction (s2O32- - e- --> 1/2S4O62-), by a dispersion of RuO2.xH2O microelectrodes. At high concentrations Of S2O32- this model predicts that the kinetics of Fe(CN)63- reduction are controlled by the rate of diffusion of the Fe(CN)63- ions to the RuO2.xH2O particles. The kinetics observed at low concentrations of S2O32- are predicted by the electrochemical model, assuming that the Tafel slope for the oxidation Of S2O32- to S4O62- on the RuO2.xH2O particles is 56.4 mV decade-1.


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The kinetics of the oxidation of Ru(bpy)32+ to Ru(bpy)33+ by T13+ ions, catalyzed by a dispersion of RuO2-xH2O in 3 mol dm-3 HNO3, are reported as a function of [Ru(bpy)32+], [Tl3+], [Tl+], [RuO2.xH2O], and temperature. The kinetics of Ru(bpy)32+ oxidation fit an electrochemical model of redox catalysis involving electron transfer between the two electrochemically reversible redox couples, i.e. Ru(bpy)33+/Ru(bpy)32+ and Tl3+/Tl+, mediated by the dispersion of microelectrode particles of RuO2.xH2O. In this model, the rate of reaction is assumed to be controlled by the diffusion of Ru(bpy)32+ toward, and Ru(bpy)33+ away from, the catalyst particles. The Arrhenius activation energy for the catalyzed reaction is 25.9 +/- 0.7 kJ mol-1, and the changes in enthalpy and entropy for the reaction are 36 +/- 2 kJ mol-1 and 127 +/- 6 J mol-1 K-1, respectively. This work describes a rare example of reversible heterogeneous redox catalysis.


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A number of different carbon blacks are tested for activity as chlorine catalysts in the oxidation of chloride (2 mol dm-3 in 0.5 mol dm-3 H2SO4) to chlorine by Ce(IV) ions, that is,


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Like many of the world's subtropical regions, southern Africa is highly sensitive to changes in the earth's climate system, but a dearth of reliable palaeoenvironmental records means that relatively little is known about how regional environments have been affected over centennial to multi-millennial timescales. To a large extent this sensitivity is a function of the position of these regions at the interface between temperate and tropical circulation systems. The resulting seasonality and irregularity of rainfall have limited the development of suitable archives, such as lakes and wetlands, for the preservation of palaeoenvironmental proxies.

This paper reviews and evaluates the value of rock hyrax middens as novel palaeoenvironmental archives in southern Africa. Considered are (1) the contemporary taxonomy, distribution and ecology of hyraxes, (2) the mechanisms of hyrax midden development, their physical and chemical structure, rates of accumulation and age; and (3) the palaeoenvironmental proxies preserved within hyrax middens, including fossil pollen, stable isotopes and biomarkers. The interpretive constraints and opportunities offered by these various midden characteristics are assessed with a view to demonstrating the potential of these deposits, widespread as they are through arid and semi-arid southern Africa, in providing a more detailed and chronologically resolved view of late Quaternary palaeoenvironments across the subcontinent. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Cederberg Mountains (Western Cape Province, South Africa) are located within the Fynbos Biome, which exhibits some of the highest levels of species richness and endemism in the world. The region's post-glacial vegetation history, however, remains largely unknown. Presented here are high resolution pollen and microcharcoal records spanning the last 15,600 years obtained from the De Rif rock hyrax midden from the Driehoek Valley of the central Cederberg. In this region, previous pollen studies have shown muted variability in vegetation community composition during periods of globally marked climatic variability (e.g. the last glacial-interglacial transition). In our record, however, significant changes in vegetation composition are apparent. Most notably, they indicate a shift from ericaceous/restioid fynbos (present from 15,600 to 13,300 cal yr BP) to a brief, but prominent, development of proteoid fynbos at the beginning of the Holocene around 11,200 cal yr BP. This vegetation shift is associated with increased moisture at the site, and coincides with reduced fire frequency as indicated by the microcharcoal record. At 10,400 cal yr BP, there is a marked reduction in Protea-type pollen, which is replaced by thicket, characterised by Dodonaea, which became the dominant arboreal pollen type. This shift was likely the result of a long relatively fire-free period coupled with warmer and wetter climates spanning much of the early Holocene. A brief but marked decrease in water availability around 8500-8000 cal yr BP resulted in the strong decrease of Dodonaea pollen. The vegetation of the mid- to late Holocene is characterised by the increased occurrence of Asteraceae and succulent taxa, suggesting substantially drier conditions. These data give unprecedented insight into the vegetation dynamics across a period of substantial, rapid climate change, and while they confirm the presence of fynbos elements throughout the last 15,600 years, the results highlight significant fluctuations in the vegetation that were triggered by changes in both climate and fire regimes. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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South Africa's southwestern Cape occupies a critical transition zone between Southern Hemisphere temperate (winter) and tropical (summer) moisture-bearing systems. In the recent geological past, it has been proposed that the relative influence of these systems may have changed substantially, but little reliable evidence regarding regional hydroclimates and rainfall seasonality exists to refine or substantiate the understanding of long-term dynamics. In this paper we present a mid-to late Holocene multi-proxy record of environmental change from a rock hyrax midden from Katbakkies Pass, located along the modern boundary between the winter and summer rainfall zones. Derived from stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes, fossil pollen and microcharcoal, these data provide a high resolution record of changes in humidity, and insight into changes in rainfall seasonality. Whereas previous work concluded that the site had generally experienced only subtle environmental change during the Holocene, our records indicate that significant, abrupt changes have occurred in the region over the last 7000 years. Contrary to expectations based on the site's location, these data indicate that the primary determinant of changes in humidity is summer rather than winter rainfall variability, and its influence on drought season intensity and/or length. These findings are consistent with independent records of upwelling along the southern and western coasts, which indicate that periods of increased humidity are related to increased tropical easterly flow. This substantially refines our understanding of the nature of temperate and tropical circulation system dynamics in SW Africa, and how changes in their relative dominance have impacted regional environments during the Holocene. 


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Climate change during the last deglaciation was strongly influenced by the „bipolar seesaw‟, producing antiphase climate responses between the North and South Atlantic. However, mounting evidence demands refinements of this model, with the occurrence of abrupt events in southern low to mid latitudes occurring in-phase with North Atlantic climate. Improved constraints on the north-south phasing and spatial extent of these events are therefore critical to
understanding the mechanisms that propagate abrupt events within the climate system. We present a 19,400 year multi-proxy record of climate change obtained from a rock hyrax midden in southernmost Africa. Arid anomalies in phase with the Younger Dryas and 8.2 ka events are apparent, indicating a clear shift in the influence of the bipolar seesaw, which diminished as the Earth warmed, and was succeeded after ~14.6 ka by the emergence of a dominant interhemispheric atmospheric teleconnection.


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The effects of repeated survey and fieldwork timing on data derived from a recently proposed standard field methodology for empirical estimation of Relative Pollen Productivity have been tested. Seasonal variations in vegetation and associated pollen assemblages were studied in three contrasting cultural habitat types; semi-natural ancient woodlands, lowland heaths, and unimproved, traditionally managed hay meadows. Results show that in woodlands and heathlands the standard method generates vegetation data with a reasonable degree of similarity throughout the field season, though in some instances additional recording of woodland canopy cover should be undertaken, and differences were greater for woodland understorey taxa than for arboreal taxa. Large differences in vegetation cover were observed over the field season in the grassland community, and matching the phenological timing of surveys within and between studies is clearly important if RPP estimates from these sites are to be comparable. Pollen assemblages from closely co-located moss polsters collected on different visits are shown to be variable in all communities, to a greater degree than can be explained by the sampling error associated with pollen counting, and further study of moss polsters as pollen traps is recommended.


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O sucesso do recrutamento em espécies com ciclos de vida complexos, i.e. com duas ou mais fases de desenvolvimento, depende do fornecimento de larvas aos locais apropriados do assentamento (mecanismos de pré-assentamento) e na consequente sobrevivência destas larvas até aos estágios bentónicos iniciais (mecanismos de pós-assentamento). O estudo dos principais processos físicos que controlam a variabilidade intra-anual do recrutamento do caranguejo Carcinus maenas foi possível com à obtenção em séries diárias da abundância de megalopas no plâncton e do seu assentamento em substratos artificiais de assentamento, e de parâmetros físicos relacionados com a amplitude de maré e o upwelling, durante os meses da época reprodutiva deste caranguejo. Os nossos resultados demonstraram um padrão cíclico de fornecimento de megalopas de C. maenas aos estuários na costa ocidental de Portugal, relacionado com a amplitude de maré e favorecido pelos ventos de sul. O assentamento de megalopas nos substratos artificiais de assentamento mostrou-se desacoplado do fornecimento nos dois estuários. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as megalopas são transportadas para a costa após a acção de ventos de downwelling, e o fornecimento para os estuários ocorre por transporte selectivo por corrente de maré. A utilização de substratos artificiais para medir densidades de juvenis de Carcinus maenas deve ser ponderada, uma vez que se verificou que em habitats estruturalmente menos complexos os juvenis utilizam os colectores como refúgio; em habitats mais complexos, os juvenis preferiram refugiar-se nas ervas marinhas existentes. No entanto, a estimativa de abundâncias diárias medidas nos colectores permitiu a descrição das abundâncias dos vários estádios de desenvolvimento juvenis, bem como as respectivas taxas de crescimento. As capacidades locomotoras de diferentes classes de tamanho de juvenis de C. maenas foram estimadas mediante o cálculo de um índice de locomoção. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os juvenis mais pequenos estão relativamente protegidos em habitats com vegetação densa, provavelmente porque este tipo de habitats inibe os movimentos dos juvenis de maiores dimensões. Foram também encontradas evidências da existência de segregação temporal na actividade locomotora das diferentes classes de juvenis, que funcionará como um mecanismo que permite reduzir o canibalismo e, consequentemente, aumentar a capacidade de suporte dos habitats juvenis. Foi realizado um estudo sobre o canibalismo nos juvenis de C. maenas na Ria de Aveiro, in situ e utilizando densidades reais. Verificou-se que as presas mais pequenas eram as mais vulneráveis, sendo os juvenis de maiores dimensões os predadores mais eficazes. Por outro lado, as taxas de canibalismo foram menores em habitats com elevadas densidades de refúgio (Zostera noltii). A estimativa das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas ao canibalismo são aproximadamente metade das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas aos processos de pré-assentamento, indicando que esta população de C. maenas será regulada pelo fornecimento larvar, i.e., será uma população regulada essencialmente por mecanismos préassentamento.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007