978 resultados para SCHRODINGER INVARIANCE


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Low-temperature photoluminescence measurement is performed on an undoped AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Temperature-dependent Hall mobility confirms the formation of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) near the heterointerface. A weak photoluminescence (PL) peak with the energy of similar to 79meV lower than the free exciton (FE) emission of bulk GaN is related to the radiative recombination between electrons confined in the triangular well and the holes near the flat-band region of GaN. Its identification is supported by the solution of coupled one-dimensional Poisson and Schrodinger equations. When the temperature increases, the red shift of the 2DEG related emission peak is slower than that of the FE peak. The enhanced screening effect coming from the increasing 2DEG concentration and the varying electron distribution at two lowest subbands as a function of temperature account for such behaviour.


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The subband structure and inter-subband transition as a function of gate voltage are determined by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently in an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Different aluminum mole fraction and thickness of AlxGa1-xN barrier are considered. Calculation results show that energy difference between the first and second subband covers a wide range (from several tens to hundreds milli-electron volt) by applying different gate voltage, which corresponds to the midinfrared and long-wave infrared wavelength scope. Furthermore, such a modulation on the subband transition energy is much more pronounced for the structure with thin barrier. When the applied positive gate voltage is increased, the triangle well formed at the interface turns to be deeper and narrower, which enhances the confinement for electrons. As a result, the overlap between electron wave function at two subbands increases, and thus the optical intersubband transition also enhances its intensity. This tendency is in good agreement with the available data in the literature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A self-consistent solution of conduction band profile and subband energies for AlxGa1-xN-GaN quantum well is presented by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations. A new method is introduced to deal with the accumulation of the immobile charges at the AlxGa1-xN-GaN interface caused by spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization in the process of solving the Poisson equation. The effect of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization is taken into account in the calculation. It also includes the effect of exchange-correlation to the one electron potential on the Coulomb interaction. Our analysis is based on the one electron effective-mass approximation and charge conservation condition. Based on this model, the electron wave functions and the conduction band structure are derived. We calculate the intersubband transition wavelength lambda(21) for different Al molar fraction of barrier and thickness of well. The calculated result can fit to the experimental data well. The dependence of the absorption coefficient a on the well width and the doping density is also investigated theoretically. (C) 2004 American Vacuum Society.


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Ridge-waveguide AlGaInAs/AlGaAs distributed feedback lasers with lattice-matched GaInP gratings were fabricated and their light-current characteristics, spectrum and far-field characteristics were measured. On the basis of our experimental results we analyze the effect of the electron stopper layer on light-current performance using the commercial laser simulation software PICS3D. The simulator is based on the self-consistent solution of drift diffusion equations, the Schrodinger equation, and the photon rate equation. The simulation results suggest that, with the use of a 80 nm-width p-doped Al0.6GaAs electron stopper layer, the slope efficiency can be increased and the threshold current can be reduced by more than 10 mA.


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The dynamics of spin-dependent tunneling through a nonmagnetic semiconductor double-barrier structure is studied including the k(3) Dresselhaus spin orbit coupling is solved by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with a developed method for the finite-difference relaxation. The resonant peak and quasibound level lifetime are determined by the in-plane wave vector and the applied electric field. The buildup time and decay lifetime of resonant probability amplitude are different for the spin-down and spin-up electrons due to the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. Further investigation shows that the steady spin-polarization in both the well and collector regions has been obtained in the time domain. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Magneto-transport measurements have been carried out on a Si delta-doped In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistor with InP substrate in a temperature range between 1.5 and 60 K under magnetic field up to 13 T. We studied the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect and the Hall effect for the In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As single quantum well occupied by two subbands and obtained the electron concentration and energy levels respectively. We solve the Schrodinger-Kohn-Sham equation in conjunction with the Poisson equation self-consistently and obtain the configuration of conduction band, the distribution of carriers concentration, the energy level of every subband and the Fermi energy. The calculational results are well consistent with the results of experiments. Both experimental and calculational results indicate that almost all of the delta-doped electrons transfer into the quantum well in the temperature range between 1.5 and 60 K.


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Based on the analytical solution to the time-dependent Schrodinger equations, we evaluate the holonomic quantum computation beyond the adiabatic limit. Besides providing rigorous confirmation of the geometrical prediction of holonomies, the present dynamical resolution offers also a practical means to study the nonadiabaticity induced effects for the universal qubit operations.


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A nonequilibrium Green's-function formalism is employed to study the time-dependent transport through resonant-tunneling structures. With this formalism, we derive a time-dependent Landauer-Buttiker formula that guarantees current conservation and gauge invariance. Furthermore, we apply the formula to calculate the response behaviors of the resonant-tunneling structures in the presence of rectangular-pulse and harmonic-modulation fields. The results show that the displacement current plays the role of retarding the tunneling current.


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The effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the optical properties of GaNxAs1-x/GaAs strained single quantum well (SQW) was studied by low-temperature photoluminescence (PL). The GaNxAs1-x/GaAs SQW structures were prepared by dc active nitrogen plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. PL measurements on a series of samples with different well widths and nitrogen compositions were used to evaluate the effects of RTA. The annealing temperature and time were varied from 650 to 850 degrees C and 30 s to 15 min, respectively. Remarkable improvements of the optical properties of the samples were observed after RTA under optimum conditions. The interdiffusion constants have been calculated by taking into account error function diffusion and solving the Schrodinger equation. The estimated interdiffusion constants D are 10(-17)-10(-16) cm(2)/s for the earlier annealing conditions. Activation energies of 6-7 eV are obtained by fitting the temperature dependence of the interdiffusion constants. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)10401-3].


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The influences of channel layer width, spacer layer width, and delta-doping density on the electron density and its distribution in the AlSb/InAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been studied based on the self-consistent calculation of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations with both the strain and nonparabolicity effects being taken into account. The results show that, having little influence on the total two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) concentration in the channel, the HEMT's channel layer width has some influence on the electron mobility, with a channel as narrow as 100-130 angstrom being more beneficial. For the AlSb/InAs HEMT with a Te delta-doped layer, the 2DEG concentration as high as 9.1 X 10(12) cm(-2) can be achieved in the channel by enhancing the delta-doping concentration without the occurrence of the parallel conduction. When utilizing a Si delta-doped InAs layer as the electron-supplying layer of the AlSb/InAs HEMT, the effect of the InAs donor layer thickness is studied on the 2DEG concentration. To obtain a higher 2DEG concentration in the channel, it is necessary to use an InAs donor layer as thin as 4 monolayer. To test the validity of our calculation, we have compared our theoretical results (2DEG concentration and its distribution in different sub-bands of the channel) with the experimental ones done by other groups and show that our theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental results.


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In this paper, we propose the periodic boundary condition which can be applied to a variety of semiconductor nanostructures to overcome che difficulty of solving Schrodinger equation under the natural boundary condition. When the barrier width is large enough. the average of the maximum and minimum of energy band under the periodic boundary condition is very close to the energy level obtained under the natural boundary condition. As an example, we take the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs system, If the width of the Ga1-xAlxAs barrier is 200 Angstrom, the average of the maximum and minimum of energy band of the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs superlattices is very close to the energy level of the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells (QWs). We give the electronic structure effective mass calculation of T-shaped quantum wires (T-QWRs) under the periodic boundary condition, The lateral confinement energies E1D-2D of electrons and holes, the energy difference between T-QWRs and QWs, are precisely determined.


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We have measured low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption spectra of an In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) structure at pressures up to 8 GPa. Below 4.9 GPa, PL shows only the emission of the n = 1 heavy-hole (HH) exciton. Three new X-related PL bands appear at higher pressures. They are assigned to spatially indirect (type-II) and direct (type-I) transitions from X(Z) states in GaAs and X(XY) valleys of InGaAs, respectively, to the HH subband of the wells. From the PL data we obtain a valence band offset of 80 meV for the strained In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs MQW system. Absorption spectra show three features corresponding to direct exciton transitions in the quantum wells. In the pressure range of 4.5 to 5.5 GPa an additional pronounced feature is apparent in absorption, which is attributed to the pseudo-direct transition between a HH subband and the folded X(Z) states of the wells. This gives the first clear evidence for an enhanced strength of indirect optical transitions due to the breakdown of translational invariance at the heterointerfaces in MQWs.


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We have measured low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) and absorption spectra of In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQW's) under hydrostatic pressures up to 8 GPa. In PL, only a single peak is observed below 4.9 GPa corresponding to the n = 1 heavy-hole (HH) exciton in the InxGa1-xAs wells. Above 4.9 GPa, new PL lines related to X-like conduction band states appear. They are assigned to the type-II transition from the X(Z) states in GaAs to the HH subband of the InxGa1-xAs wells and to the zero-phonon line and LO-phonon replica of the type-I transition involving the X(XY) valleys of the wells. In addition to absorption peaks corresponding to direct exciton transitions in the wells, a new strong absorption feature is apparent in spectra for pressures between 4.5 and 5.5 GPa. This absorption is attributed to the pseudodirect transition between the HH subband and the X, state of the wells. This gives clear evidence for an enhanced strength of indirect optical transitions due to the breakdown of translational invariance in MQW structures. From experimental level splittings we determine the valence band offset and the shear deformation potential for X states in the In0.2Ga0.8As layer.


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A transfer matrix method is presented for the study of electron conduction in a quantum waveguide with soft wall lateral confinement. By transforming the two-dimensional Schrodinger equation into a set of second order ordinary differential equations, the total transfer matrix is obtained and the scattering probability amplitudes are calculated. The proposed method is applied to the evaluation of the electron transmission in two types of cavity structure with finite-height square-well confinement. The results obtained by our method, which are found to be in excellent agreement with those from another transfer matrix method, suggest that the infinite square-well potential is a good approximation to finite-height square-well confinement for electrons propagating in the ground transverse mode, but softening of the walls has an obvious effect on the electron transmission and mode-mixing for propagating in the excited transverse mode. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.