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In dieser Arbeit sollten neue Interaktionspartner der regulatorischen Untereinheit (R-UE) der Proteinkinase A (PKA) und des Modellorganismus C. elegans identifiziert und funktionell charakterisiert werden. Im Gegensatz zu Säugern (vier Isoformen), exprimiert der Nematode nur eine PKA-R-Isoform. Mittels in silico Analysen und so genannten „Pulldown“ Experimenten, wurde insbesondere nach A Kinase Ankerproteinen (AKAP) in C. elegans gesucht. Aus in silico Recherchen resultiert das rgs5 Protein als mögliches Funktionshomolog des humanen AKAP10. Rgs5 enthält eine potenzielle, amphipathische Helix (AS 421-446, SwissProt ID A9Z1K0), die in Peptide-SPOT-Arrays (durchgeführt im Biotechnologie Zentrum in Oslo, AG Prof. K. Taskén) eine Bindung an RI und RII-UE zeigt. Eine ähnliche Lokalisation von rgs5 und hAKAP10 in der Zelle, sowie vergleichende BRET² Studien, weisen auf eine mögliche Funktionshomologie zwischen AKAP10 und rgs5 hin. Die hier durchgeführten Analysen deuten darauf hin, dass es sich bei rgs5 um ein neues, klassisches AKAP mit „RII bindender Domäne“ Motiv im Modellorganismus C. elegans handelt. Basierend auf so genannten „pulldown“ Versuchen können, neben „klassischen“ AKAPs (Interaktion über amphipathische Helices), auch Interaktionspartner ohne typische Helixmotive gefunden werden. Dazu gehört auch RACK1, ein multifunktionales Protein mit 7 WD40 Domänen, das ubiquitär exprimiert wird und bereits mehr als 70 Interaktionspartner in unterschiedlichsten Signalwegen komplexiert (Adams et al., 2011). Durch BRET² Interaktionsstudien und Oberflächenplasmonresonanz (SPR) Analysen konnten hRI und kin2 als spezifische Interaktionspartner von RACK1 verifiziert werden. Untersuchungen zur Identifikation der Interaktionsflächen der beiden Proteine RACK1 und hRI zeigten im BRET² System, dass RACK1 über die WD40 Domänen 1-2 und 6-7 interagiert. Die Analyse unterschiedlicher hRI-Deletionsmutanten deutet auf die DD-Domäne im N-Terminus und zusätzlich auf eine potenzielle BH3 Domäne im C-Terminus des Proteins als Interaktionsfläche mit RACK1 hin. Die Koexpression von hRI BH3 und RACK1 zeigt einen auffälligen ein Phänotyp in Cos7 Zellen. Dieser zeichnet sich unter anderem durch eine Degradation des Zellkerns, DNA Kondensation und eine starke Vakuolisierung aus, was beides als Anzeichen für einen programmierten Zelltod interpretiert werden könnte. Erste Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus des ausgelösten Zelltods deuten auf eine Caspase unabhängige Apoptose (Paraptose) hin und einen bislang unbekannten Funktionsmechanismus der PKA hin.


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Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) is a key transducer in the NO-cGMP signaling pathway. In this line, PKG has been considered an important drug target for treating hypertensive cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. However, the investigation of PKG’s allosteric activation mechanism has been hampered by a lack of structural information. One of the fundamental questions on the cGMP-dependent activation of PKG is how the enzyme can distinguish cGMP over cAMP and selectively respond to cGMP. To ensure proper signaling, PKG must have developed unique features to ensure its activation upon the right activation signal. In this thesis, the cGMP-selective activation mechanism of PKG was studied through determining crystal structures of three truncated constructs of the regulatory domain [CNB-A (92-227), CNB-B (271-369), and CNB-A/B (92-351)] of PKG Iβ in the absence or presence of cyclic nucleotides. Herein, two individual CNB domain structures with biochemical data revealed that the C-terminal CNB domain (CNB-B) is responsible for cGMP selectivity, while the N-terminal CNB-domain (CNB-A) has a higher binding affinity for both cGMP and cAMP without showing any selectivity. Based on these crystal structures, mutagenesis studies were performed in which the critical residues for cyclic nucleotide selectivity and activation were identified. Furthermore, we discovered that the conformational changes of the C-terminal helix of the CNB-B that bridges between the regulatory and catalytic domains including the hydrophobic capping interaction are crucial for PKG activation. In addition, to observe the global conformation of the activated R-domain, I solved a co-crystal structure of the CNB-A/B with cGMP. Although a monomeric construct was crystallized, the structure displays a dimer. Strikingly, the CNB-A domain and its bound cGMP provide a key interface for this dimeric interaction. Using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the existence of the cGMP-mediated dimeric interface within the CNB domains was confirmed. Furthermore, measuring cGMP-binding affinities (EC50) of the dimeric interface mutants as well as determining activation constants (Ka) revealed that the interface formation is important for PKG activation. To conclude, this thesis study provides a new mechanistic insight in PKG activation along with a newly found interface that can be targeted for designing PKG-specific activity modulators.


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Intrinsic resistance to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; HER1) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) gefitinib, and more generally to EGFR TKIs, is a common phenomenon in breast cancer. The availability of molecular criteria for predicting sensitivity to EGFR-TKIs is, therefore, the most relevant issue for their correct use and for planning future research. Though it appears that in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) response to gefitinib is directly related to the occurrence of specific mutations in the EGFR TK domain, breast cancer patients cannot be selected for treatment with gefitinib on the same basis as such EGFR mutations have been reported neither in primary breast carcinomas nor in several breast cancer cell lines. Alternatively, there is a general agreement on the hypothesis that the occurrence of molecular alterations that activate transduction pathways downstream of EGFR (i.e., MEK1/MEK2 - ERK1/2 MAPK and PI-3'K - AKT growth/survival signaling cascades) significantly affect the response to EGFR TKIs in breast carcinomas. However, there are no studies so far addressing a role of EGF-related ligands as intrinsic breast cancer cell modulators of EGFR TKI efficacy. We recently monitored gene expression profiles and sub-cellular localization of HER-1/-2/-3/-4 related ligands (i.e., EGF, amphiregulin, transforming growth factor-α, ß-cellulin, epiregulin and neuregulins) prior to and after gefitinib treatment in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines. First, gefitinibinduced changes in the endogenous levels of EGF-related ligands correlated with the natural degree of breast cancer cell sensitivity to gefitinib. While breast cancer cells intrinsically resistant to gefitinib (IC50 ≥15 μM) markedly up-regulated (up to 600 times) the expression of genes codifying for HERspecific ligands, a significant down-regulation (up to 106 times) of HER ligand gene transcription was found in breast cancer cells intrinsically sensitive to gefitinib (IC50 ≤1 μM). Second, loss of HER1 function differentially regulated the nuclear trafficking of HER-related ligands. While gefitinib treatment induced an active import and nuclear accumulation of the HER ligand NRG in intrinsically gefitinib-resistant breast cancer cells, an active export and nuclear loss of NRG was observed in intrinsically gefitinib-sensitive breast cancer cells. In summary, through in vitro and pharmacodynamic studies we have learned that, besides mutations in the HER1 gene, oncogenic changes downstream of HER1 are the key players regulating gefitinib efficacy in breast cancer cells. It now appears that pharmacological inhibition of HER1 function also leads to striking changes in both the gene expression and the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of HER-specific ligands, and that this response correlates with the intrinsic degree of breast cancer sensitivity to the EGFR TKI gefitinib. The relevance of this previously unrecognized intracrine feedback to gefitinib warrants further studies as cancer cells could bypass the antiproliferative effects of HER1-targeted therapeutics without a need for the overexpression and/or activation of other HER family members and/or the activation of HER-driven downstream signaling cascades


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The signaling pathway of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) is critical in many aspects of growth and cell survival. The path of PI3K is stimulated physiologically as a result of many growth factors and regulatory factors. Several genetic alterations such as amplification, mutation and chromosomal arrangements may compromise the PI3K pathway, generating permanent activation in different cancer types have found evidence of these deleterious genetic modifications. Abnormal activation of the PI3K pathway results in alteration of the control mechanisms of growth and cell survival, which favors the competitive growth, and frequently metastatic capacity, greater resistance to treatment. The aim of this paper is to review matters relating to the operation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and its role in the process of carcinogenesis in humans.


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Understanding how multiple signals are integrated in living cells to produce a balanced response is a major challenge in biology. Two-component signal transduction pathways, such as bacterial chemotaxis, comprise histidine protein kinases (HPKs) and response regulators (RRs). These are used to sense and respond to changes in the environment. Rhodobacter sphaeroides has a complex chemosensory network with two signaling clusters, each containing a HPK, CheA. Here we demonstrate, using a mathematical model, how the outputs of the two signaling clusters may be integrated. We use our mathematical model supported by experimental data to predict that: (1) the main RR controlling flagellar rotation, CheY6, aided by its specific phosphatase, the bifunctional kinase CheA3, acts as a phosphate sink for the other RRs; and (2) a phosphorelay pathway involving CheB2 connects the cytoplasmic cluster kinase CheA3 with the polar localised kinase CheA2, and allows CheA3-P to phosphorylate non-cognate chemotaxis RRs. These two mechanisms enable the bifunctional kinase/phosphatase activity of CheA3 to integrate and tune the sensory output of each signaling cluster to produce a balanced response. The signal integration mechanisms identified here may be widely used by other bacteria, since like R. sphaeroides, over 50% of chemotactic bacteria have multiple cheA homologues and need to integrate signals from different sources.


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The regulation of phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase activities has been linked to many normal and disease-related processes, including cell survival, cell growth and proliferation, cell differentiation, cell motility, and intracellular vesicle trafficking. However, as the family of enzymes has now grown to include eight true members, in three functional classes, plus several related protein kinases that are also inhibited by the widely used PI 3-kinase selective inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, extended methodologies are required to identify which type of kinase is involved in a particular cellular process, or protein complex, under study. A robust in vitro PI 3-kinase assay, suitable for use with immunoprecipitates, or purified proteins, is described here together with a series of modifications of substrate and assay conditions that will aid researchers in the identification of the particular class and isoform of PI 3-kinase that is involved in a signaling process under investigation.


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Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural 5A protein (NS5A) contains a highly conserved C-terminal polyproline motif with the consensus sequence Pro-X-X- Pro-X-Arg that is able to interact with the Src-homology 3 (SH3) domains of a variety of cellular proteins. Results: To understand this interaction in more detail we have expressed two N-terminally truncated forms of NS5A in E. coli and examined their interactions with the SH3 domain of the Src-family tyrosine kinase, Fyn. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that NS5A binds to the Fyn SH3 domain with what can be considered a high affinity SH3 domain-ligand interaction (629 nM), and this binding did not require the presence of domain I of NS5A (amino acid residues 32-250). Mutagenic analysis of the Fyn SH3 domain demonstrated the requirement for an acidic cluster at the C-terminus of the RT-Src loop of the SH3 domain, as well as several highly conserved residues previously shown to participate in SH3 domain peptide binding. Conclusion: We conclude that the NS5A: Fyn SH3 domain interaction occurs via a canonical SH3 domain binding site and the high affinity of the interaction suggests that NS5A would be able to compete with cognate Fyn ligands within the infected cell.


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Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) has been implicated in the regulation of a range of fundamental biological processes such as cell survival, growth, differentiation, and adhesion. In platelets ILK associates with beta 1- and beta 3-containing integrins, which are of paramount importance for the function of platelets. Upon stimulation of platelets this association with the integrins is increased and ILK kinase activity is up-regulated, suggesting that ILK may be important for the coordination of platelet responses. In this study a conditional knockout mouse model was developed to examine the role of ILK in platelets. The ILK-deficient mice showed an increased bleeding time and volume, and despite normal ultrastructure the function of ILK-deficient platelets was decreased significantly. This included reduced aggregation, fibrinogen binding, and thrombus formation under arterial flow conditions. Furthermore, although early collagen stimulated signaling such as PLC gamma 2 phosphorylation and calcium mobilization were unaffected in ILK-deficient platelets, a selective defect in alpha-granule, but not dense-granule, secretion was observed. These results indicate that as well as involvement in the control of integrin affinity, ILK is required for alpha-granule secretion and therefore may play a central role in the regulation of platelet function. (Blood. 2008; 112: 4523-4531)


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Apoptosis induced by the death-inducing ligand FasL (CD95L) is a major mechanism of cell death. Trophoblast cells express the Fas receptor yet survive in an environment that is rich in the ligand. We report that basal nitric oxide (NO) production is responsible for the resistance of trophoblasts to FasL-induced apoptosis. In this study we demonstrate that basal NO production resulted in the inhibition of receptor clustering following ligand binding. In addition NO also protected cells through the selective nitrosylation, and inhibition, of protein kinase Cepsilon (PKCepsilon) but not PKCalpha. In the absence of NO production PKCepsilon interacted with, and phosphorylated, the anti-apoptotic protein cFLIP. The interaction is predominantly with the short form of cFLIP and its phosphorylation reduces its recruitment to the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) that is formed following binding of a death-inducing ligand to its receptor. Inhibition of cFLIP recruitment to the DISC leads to increased activation of caspase 8 and subsequently to apoptosis. Inhibition of PKCepsilon using siRNA significantly reversed the sensitivity to apoptosis induced by inhibition of NO synthesis suggesting that NO-mediated inhibition of PKCepsilon plays an important role in the regulation of Fas-induced apoptosis.


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The virulence factor IpgD, delivered into nonphagocytic cells by the type III secretion system of the pathogen Shigella flexneri, is a phosphoinositide 4-phosphatase generating phosphatidylinositol 5 monophosphate (PtdIns(5) P). We show that PtdIns(5) P is rapidly produced and concentrated at the entry foci of the bacteria, where it colocalises with phosphorylated Akt during the first steps of infection. Moreover, S. flexneri-induced phosphorylation of host cell Akt and its targets specifically requires IpgD. Ectopic expression of IpgD in various cell types, but not of its inactive mutant, or addition of short-chain penetrating PtdIns(5) P is sufficient to induce Akt phosphorylation. Conversely, sequestration of PtdIns(5) P or reduction of its level strongly decreases Akt phosphorylation in infected cells or in IpgD-expressing cells. Accordingly, IpgD and PtdIns(5) P production specifically activates a class IA PI 3-kinase via a mechanism involving tyrosine phosphorylations. Thus, S. flexneri parasitism is shedding light onto a new mechanism of PI 3-kinase/Akt activation via PtdIns(5) P production that plays an important role in host cell responses such as survival.


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The lipid products of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) are involved in many cellular responses such as proliferation, migration, and survival. Disregulation of PI3K-activated pathways is implicated in different diseases including cancer and diabetes. Among the three classes of PI3Ks, class I is the best characterized, whereas class II has received increasing attention only recently and the precise role of these isoforms is unclear. Similarly, the role of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PtdIns-3-P) as an intracellular second messenger is only just beginning to be appreciated. Here, we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulates the production of PtdIns-3-P through activation of a class II PI3K (PI3K-C2β). Both PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β are involved in LPA-mediated cell migration. This study is the first identification of PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β as downstream effectors in LPA signaling and demonstration of an intracellular role for a class II PI3K. Defining this novel PI3K-C2β- PtdIns-3-P signaling pathway may help clarify the process of cell migration and may shed new light on PI3K-mediated intracellular events.


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The cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes and the Cdk inhibitors (CDKI) are crucial regulators of cell cycle progression in all eukaryotic cells. Using rat cardiac myocytes as a model system, this chapter provides a detailed account of methods that can be employed to measure both cyclin/Cdk activity in cells and the extent of CDKI inhibitory activity present in a particular cell type.