998 resultados para Rydberg, Viktor, 1828-1895
In this paper, I review some recent high-precision Rydberg state lifetime measurements using a cold-trapped sample of neutral atoms held in a magneto-optical trap. The measurements were performed in rubidium for the S, P and D states varying the principal quantum number from n = 26 to 45 using the field ionization technique. The experimental results were compared with quantum mechanical calculations and good agreement was observed. This is an important demonstration of how cold atomic samples can be used to perform high-precision spectroscopy in the time domain.
The behaviour of interacting ultracold Rydberg atoms in both constant electric fields and laser fields is important for designing experiments and constructing realistic models of them. In this paper, we briefly review our prior work and present new results on how electric fields affect interacting ultracold Rydberg atoms. Specifically, we address the topics of constant background electric fields on Rydberg atom pair excitation and laser-induced Stark shifts on pair excitation.
Jag har med denna uppsats velat undersöka betydelsen av Fackskolan för huslig ekonomi i Uppsala,(FHE), för de ogifta borgarflickornas emancipation vad beträffar utbildningsmöjligheter. Detta har jag gjort genom att undersöka den sociala rekryteringen, där de rekryterade flickornas fäders yrken, samt en geografisk fördelning har upptecknats, från tiden då skolan grundades, 1895 och fram till 1910. Det undersökta materialet, som är matriklar för rekryterade hushållslärarinnor på FHE, är arkivmaterial som lagras på Landsarkivet i Uppsala, där FHE är arkivbildare. Undersökningen visar att ca 65 % av eleverna var av medelklassfamilj, vilket vid jämförelse överrensstämmer med andra liknande skolor. Blanda annat visar min jämförande undersökning med Folkskollärarinneseminariet i Falun, (FFS), detta. Det som utmärker FHE är dock det höga antalet elever som kom från akademiker-och överklasshem, ca.30 % och det låga antalet med arbetarbakgrund,(2-4%), vilket visar på att skolan hade en övervägande borgerlig profil.
This thesis discusses an experimental technique for investigating electron temperature control by Rydberg atoms in ultra-cold plasmas. The objective we set ourselves was twofold. Firstly, we sought to gain an insight into the processes whereby the creation of Rydberg atoms within the plasma lengthens the lifetime of the plasma. To this end, we created the plasma using a Littman dye laser and subsequently, at a variable time delay, we excited neutral atoms in the plasma to specific Rydberg states using a narrow bandwidth pulsed dye laser. Secondly, we employed radio-frequency (rf) electric fields to excite electron oscillations within the plasma in order to infer such information as plasma density and electron temperature. Although we found that the introduction of high angular momentum Rydberg states did lengthen the plasma lifetime we were not able to differentiate between the temperature moderation effect due to the Rydberg atoms cooling the plasma, and the binding effect due to an increased positive space charge within the plasma.
A free-running, temperature stabilized diode laser has been injection-locked to an external cavity diode laser for use in cold Rydberg atom experiments. Cold rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are excited to Rydberg states using a 10 ns laser pulse. The Rydberg atoms spontaneously ionize due to dipole forces, and the collisional ionization dynamics are observed as a function of atom density and principal quantum number of the Rydberg state, n. The injection-locked diode laser will be used as a repumper in conjunction with a dark spontaneous-force optical trap (SPOT) to increase the Rydberg state density. We report on the design of the injection-locked laser system.
Este trabalho aborda o processo de construção do porto de Porto Alegre pelas administrações do PRR no Governo Estadual durante a primeira onda modernizadora na cidade no início do século XX. Nesse contexto, as ações da engenharia e do urbanismo na cidade são vistas enquanto manifestações específicas de um imaginário urbano mais amplo constituído ao longo da modernidade industrial, sendo o porto considerado como o elemento que sintetizou o imaginário de “modernização” e de “progresso” da cidade e do estado. Seguimos a linha de pesquisa Cidade, Cultura e Política, utilizando os conceitos de imaginário social e imaginação. Junto da análise dos objetos técnicos propriamente ditos, como planos, projetos e obras, buscamos seus significados profundos e conteúdos não explicitados. A investigação foi feita sobre os relatórios da Diretoria de Viação Fluvial da Secretaria de Obras Públicas do Estado entre os anos de 1895 e 1930, quando foram abertos os canais de navegação até Rio Grande e construído o cais Mauá, com a ampliação e reformulação das áreas adjacentes no centro histórico da cidade. Também foi levada em conta a dimensão econômica do porto de Porto Alegre como parte de um amplo sistema de transportes que o Governo Estadual implantou no Rio Grande do Sul dentro da “Política de Desenvolvimento Global”, que visava dinamizar a economia e promover o desenvolvimento equilibrado do estado. São analisadas as transferências de modelos urbanos e tecnológicos dos grandes centros europeus para o contexto local por meio de projetos e idéias que influenciaram o pensamento e as ações dos profissionais locais. Da mesma forma é abordada a política federal para a modernização dos portos pelo “Plano de melhoramento dos portos da República”, de 1907. Enfocamos as motivações que levaram à construção do porto, as discussões a seu respeito, os projetos elaborados, inclusive os não executados, e por fim as obras realizadas. O urbanismo e a técnica são entendidos como expressões culturais e produção imaginária, abarcando conteúdos mais amplos da cosmovisão dos agentes envolvidos, de acordo com a metodologia da História Cultural aqui adotada.
In the present paper, we report on the occurrence of the cockroach Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Brachymyrmex cordemoyi Forel, 1895 nests, indicating a possible symbiosis between these two species. Also, the finding of intradomicile P. surinamensis nymphs may indicate this species is extending its habitat to human habitations, i.e. changing its ecological category from peridomestic to domestic.
The aerial activities, leaps and slaps with parts of the body in the surface of water, are part of the behavioral repertoire of several species of cetaceans. Among them, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, shows greater diversity in such behavior. For the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha, the aerial activities are classified as vertical and horizontal, with eight patterns to be noted (tail slap, head slap, motor boating, partial leap, leap, spin, tail over head and tail over head with spin) discriminated between these categories. Such behaviors can be used as a parameter to identify behavioral changes, as well as patterns of daily and seasonal activity. In this manner, this study aimed to characterize the frequency in performance of such activity while the dolphins were within the Dolphin Bay of Fernando de Noronha, and verify possible daily and seasonal hourly fluctuations on such behaviors. The data analyzed in this study was acquired during the period of January 2006 through December 2010, totaling 1431 days of observation from land set point, with 113027 aerial activities registered, daily average of 72,27 (SD=96,10). During 5478h and 54 min of observation the horizontal aerial activity was the most observed and rotation was the most executed pattern. Greater frequency of execution of aerial activity was observed in adults, but for both adults and calves, was observed a predominance of horizontal activities, with spin being the pattern most executed. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of aerial activity performed and the number of animals inside the Bay. Hourly daily fluctuation was observed in the expression of aerial activities by spinner dolphins, and was observed a peak of activity between 8h and 8h59min for the overall frequency relative of aerial activities, as well as for the categories and patterns. Seasonal differences were observed between the rainy and dry season with the greater amount of activity being observed during the rainy season. Nevertheless, the same profile of frequency relative of aerial activity was observed in both seasons with the peak amount being during the same period. When discriminated the aerial activities in categories and patterns, for both seasons, there was a similar pattern of hourly fluctuation; for most of parameters, higher frequency relative of execution of aerial activity remain between 8h and 8h59min
This article analyzes the creation and development of the São Paulo police force during the early years of the republican regime. In a period of political change and turbulence, institutional upheaval (uprising of the Navy and federalist revolution), and social pressure, São Paulo's police force played an important role. As the state sought to organize the public sphere, the police force became a tool in the new government's hands. A more martial set of demands mobilized a large portion of the troops on behalf of the federal government against the Custodio de Mello uprising, and sought to defend São Paulo's borders. Despite official discourse that fomented a militarized response, São Paulo's police force found itself unable to dismiss old personnel and practices and dislodge entrenched interests.