959 resultados para Rt-Pcr


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A febre amarela é doenca infecciosa não-contagiosa causada por um arbovírus mantido em ciclos silvestres em que macacos atuam como hospedeiros amplificadores e mosquitos dos gêneros Aedes na África, e Haemagogus e Sabethes na América, são os transmissores. Cerca de 90% dos casos da doença apresentam-se com formas clínicas benignas que evoluem para a cura, enquanto 10% desenvolvem quadros dramáticos com mortalidade em torno de 50%. O problema mostra-se mais grave em África onde ainda há casos urbanos. Nas Américas, no período de 1970-2001, descreveram-se 4.543 casos. Os países que mais diagnosticaram a doença foram o Peru (51,5%), a Bolívia (20,1%) e o Brasil (18,7%). Os métodos diagnósticos utilizados incluem a sorologia (IgM), isolamento viral, imunohistoquímica e RT-PCR. A zoonose não pode ser erradicada, mas, a doença humana é prevenível mediante a vacinação com a amostra 17D do vírus amarílico. A OMS recomenda nova vacinação a cada 10 anos. Neste artigo são revistos os principais conceitos da doença e os casos de mortes associados à vacina.


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The aim of this investigation was to determine nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva samples from hepatitis C virus-positive patients in an attempt to test the hypothesis if increased levels of nitric oxide metabolites correlates with the presence of HCV-RNA in saliva. Saliva of 39 HCV-positive patients and 13 HCV-negative patients, without clinical or laboratorial evidence of liver disease were tested for nitric oxide metabolites. HCV-RNA was detected in serum and saliva by a RT-PCR method and nitric oxide level was determined by evaluation of its stable degradation products, nitrate and nitrite. No differences were found between the concentration of nitrite in saliva from HCV patients and controls, in despite of the presence or not of HCV RNA in saliva. Patients with HCV and cirrhosis had higher concentrations of nitrite but not significantly different from the control group or the groups of anti-HCV patients without cirrhosis. Increased levels of nitrite were not detected in anti-HCV positive patients, an indirect indication that chronic sialoadenitis are infrequent in these patients or occurs with low intensity not sufficient to increase nitric oxide metabolite levels in saliva.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Microbiologia Médica


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A digoxigenin-labeled probe was produced from the Pasteur virus strain for the detection of the rabies virus N gene. The probe hybridization was performed from amplified N gene obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and the results by RT-PCR and hybridization showed 100% agreement. The hybridization, when carried out in products amplified by RT-PCR, increases the sensitivity of this technique even more and confers specificity to the diagnosis. The technique described in this work will be useful in rabies diagnosis laboratories, once the cost is compatible with traditional rabies diagnostic techniques.


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RESUMO:RESUMO: Nos últimos anos a ultrassonografia emergiu como um instrumento importante no diagnóstico da patologia torácica. O progresso tecnológico possibilitou a conceção de novos equipamentos como a ecoendoscopia brônquica radial e linear. Verificou-se, igualmente, o aparecimento de indicações para a realização de ecografia transtorácica. Uma das principais doenças impulsionadoras da técnica ultrassonográfica no tórax foi o cancro do pulmão, primeira causa de morte oncológica a nível mundial. A aplicabilidade e conhecimento do papel dos ultrassons no âmbito do diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão não se encontram esgotados, persistindo focos de controvérsia e dúvida científica que se pretendem esclarecer. A presente tese foi organizada em cinco capítulos: o primeiro abordou de forma geral e introdutória o estado da arte referente à ultrassonografia torácica, cancro do pulmão e a sua conjugação; o segundo destacou os principais objetivos; o terceiro sumarizou a metodologia utilizada; o quarto englobou os cinco estudos publicados, descritos subsequentemente, e o quinto incluiu uma discussão concisa, as principais conclusões e perspetivas futuras. O primeiro estudo avaliou a rentabilidade diagnóstica, segurança e curva de aprendizagem num coorte de 179 doentes submetidos a ecoendoscopia brônquica linear. De acordo com as indicações para este procedimento os doentes foram subdivididos em três grupos: (1) diagnóstico, (2) diagnóstico e estadiamento e (3) estadiamento. Para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro grupos a sensibilidade da ecoendoscopia foi 86.1%, 86.7% e 95% respetivamente e a precisão técnica foi 87.5%, 93.1% e 97.7% respetivamente. O treino originou um aumento progressivo do número de locais puncionados por doente, com menor duração e sem complicações, comprovando a eficácia e segurança do método quando realizado na população Portuguesa por broncologistas com experiência. O segundo estudo foi conduzido para averiguar a eficácia e custo da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear realizada através da via aérea e/ou esófago no diagnóstico de lesões sugestivas de neoplasia do pulmão, após ineficácia das técnicas convencionais. Nos doentes incluídos prospetivamente alcançou-se um diagnóstico definitivo em 106 casos (87.6%). A sensibilidade global para o diagnóstico de cancro do pulmão foi 89.8%, a especificidade foi 100%, o valor preditivo positivo foi 100%, o valor preditivo negativo foi 20% e a precisão foi 90.1%. Esta estratégia ultrassonográfica abrangente evitou intervenções cirúrgicas diagnósticas em doentes anteriormente submetidos a broncoscopia flexível ou punção aspirativa transtorácica guiada por tomografia computorizada, proporcionando uma redução significativa dos custos. No terceiro estudo investigou-se a viabilidade e papel da conjugação da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear com técnicas moleculares na avaliação de antigénios tumorais e padrões de metastização ganglionar em doentes com cancro do pulmão de não-pequenas células (CPNPC). Os marcadores citoqueratina 19 (CK-19), antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA), molécula de adesão celular epitelial (EPCAM), sialyl-Lewis X e CD44 foram determinados nos aspirados ganglionares de 33 doentes com neoplasia e 17 controlos 10 Ultrassonografia através de citometria de fluxo (CF) e reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RTPCR). Os doentes com CPNPC possuíam um compartimento celular epitelial significativamente aumentado e com marcação superior de CK-19 comparativamente ao grupo de controlo. O compartimento imune foi também analisado nestas amostras e revelou-se alterado no CPNPC com aumento da população de monócitos e diminuição das subpopulações linfocitárias. Os transcriptos de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM estavam elevados nos doentes com cancro do pulmão, identificando-se uma correlação positiva entre estes marcadores e o tamanho da lesão primária. Concluiu-se que a identificação de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM nas amostras obtidas por ecoendoscopia e avaliadas por CF e RTPCR foi viável, podendo auxiliar na deteção de metástases ganglionares no CPNPC. O quarto estudo envolveu a combinação da ecoendoscopia brônquica radial com uma criosonda para o diagnóstico de lesões pulmonares sólidas periféricas. Foi determinada a viabilidade, rentabilidade diagnóstica, tamanho das amostras e segurança do método. Lesões inferiores a 40mm foram localizadas por ultrassonografia sendo os doentes randomizados para a realização de biópsias transbrônquicas com pinça seguidas por criosonda ou vice-versa. Nos 39 casos incluídos a lesão foi visualizada pela minisonda em 31 doentes (79.5%), com 80.6% de prevalência de cancro do pulmão na amostra. A rentabilidade diagnóstica da pinça de biópsia foi 61.3% e da criosonda foi 74.2%. O tamanho do tecido adquirido pelas criobiópsias foi significativamente maior do que o alcançado por pinça (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). Ocorreu um único caso de hemorragia moderada, controlada através de medidas conservadoras. As biópsias transbrônquicas com criosonda sob orientação de ecoendoscopia radial foram seguras e eficazes na obtenção de amostras histológicas. O quinto estudo determinou o valor diagnóstico da ecografia transtorácica na identificação de malignidade em doentes com derrame pleural de natureza indeterminada. Foram examinados de forma prospetiva 154 doentes. Os resultados clínicos e radiológicos de cada caso foram ocultados ao executante do exame que gerou imagens estáticas e vídeos ultrassonográficos relevantes. Estes foram posteriormente visualizados, sendo as suas características classificadas por revisores independentes e comparadas com o diagnóstico definitivo. Em 66 casos o diagnóstico foi de derrame pleural maligno (68.2% com cancro do pulmão) e em 67 de derrame benigno. A ecografia torácica obteve 80.3% de sensibilidade, 83.6% de especificidade, 81.2% de valor preditivo negativo e 82.8% de valor preditivo positivo na deteção de malignidade. A nodularidade pleural ou diafragmática, espessamento pleural superior a 10mm e sinal de swirling foram significativamente diferentes (p<0.001) sendo sugestivos de derrame maligno. A existência de nodularidade pleural e ausência de broncograma aéreo ecográfico aumentaram a probabilidade de malignidade (OR 29.0 e OR 10.4, respetivamente). A ecografia transtorácica permitiu diferenciar derrame pleural maligno do benigno. A existência de nódulos pleurais constituiu o fator discriminador mais relevante. Em conclusão, os resultados desta tese possibilitam uma melhor compreensão do papel da ecoendoscopia brônquica (linear e radial) e ecografia transtorácica no diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão, com implicações e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years ultrasonography has emerged as an important instrument in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. Technological progress has enabled the design of new equipment such as radial and linear endobronchial ultrasound. In addition, indications for transthoracic echography were established. One of the main diseases responsible for the progression of chest sonography was lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The applicability and knowledge of the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing and staging lung cancer is not depleted, persisting foci of controversy and scientific doubt that we intend to elucidate. The present thesis was organized into five chapters: the first included a general introduction regarding chest ultrasound, lung cancer and their combination; the second emphasized the main objectives; the third summarized the methodology used; the fourth encompassed the five published studies, subsequently described, and the fifth included a concise discussion, the main findings and future perspectives. The first study evaluated the diagnostic yield, safety and learning curve in a cohort of 179 patients submitted to linear endobronchial ultrasound. According to procedure indications, the patients were divided into three groups: (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnosis and staging, and (3) staging. For the first, second and third groups, endobronchial ultrasound sensitivity was 86.1%, 86.7% and 95% respectively and accuracy was 87.5%, 93.1% and 97.7% respectively. Practise led to an increase number of punctured sites per patient, in a shorter period of time and without complications, proving the safety and efficacy of the method when performed in the Portuguese population by expert echoscopists. The second study was conducted to determine the efficacy and cost of linear endobronchial ultrasound performed through the airway and/or oesophagus for diagnosis of lesions suggestive of lung cancer, after failure of conventional techniques. Of the patients prospectively enrolled a definitive diagnosis was reached in 106 cases (87.6%). The overall sensitivity for the diagnosis of lung cancer was 89.8%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 20% and accuracy was 90.1%. In conclusion, this global ultrasonographic strategy avoided diagnostic surgical procedures in patients that had undergone flexible bronchoscopy or computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle aspiration, providing a significant cost reduction. In the third study, the feasibility and role of linear endobronchial ultrasound combined with molecular techniques in the evaluation of tumour antigens and patterns of lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), sialyl Lewis-X and CD44 were determined in lymph node aspirates of 33 lung cancer patients and 17 controls, using flow cytometry (FC) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In patients with NSCLC the epithelial cell compartment was significantly increased nd showed brighter CK-19 staining, compared to the control group. In NSCLC patients the immune compartment revealed an increased monocyte population and decreased lymphocyte subsets. The transcripts of CK- 19, CEA and EPCAM were higher in lung cancer patients and a positive correlation between these markers and the size of the primary lesion was also found. We concluded that the identification of CK-19, CEA and EPCAM in endobronchial ultrasound samples, using RT-PCR and FC was feasible and might aid in the detection of NSCLC lymph node metastases. The fourth study involved the combination of the radial endobronchial ultrasound with the cryoprobe for diagnosing solid peripheral lung lesions. We determined the feasibility, diagnostic yield, sample size and safety of the method. Lesions less than 40mm were located by ultrasound and forceps or cryobiopsies were performed in a randomized order. Of the 39 cases included, the lesion could be visualized by the miniprobe in 31 patients (79.5%), and lung cancer prevalence was 80.6%. The diagnostic yield of the biopsy forceps was 61.3% and for the cryobiopsy was 74.2 %. Cryobiopsies were significantly larger than forceps biopsies (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). There was only one case of moderate bleeding that was controlled by conservative measures. Transbronchial cryobiopsies under radial endobronchial ultrasound guidance were safe and effective in obtaining histological samples. The fifth study determined the diagnostic value of transthoracic sonography in predicting malignancy in patients with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. One hundred and fifty four patients were prospectively scanned. Relevant ultrasound images and videos were generated by an operator blinded to clinical and radiological results. These were subsequently visualized, its characteristics classified by independent reviewers and compared to the final diagnosis. A malignant pleural effusion was diagnosed in 66 cases (68.2 % with lung cancer) and a benign effusion in 67 cases. Thoracic ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80.3 %, specificity of 83.6%, negative predictive value of 81.2 % and positive predictive value of 82.8% to detect malignancy. The presence of pleural or diaphragmatic nodularity, pleural thickening greater than 10mm and swirling signal were significantly different (p<0.001 ), being suggestive of malignant effusion. The existence of pleural nodularity and absence of lung air bronchogram were more likely to indicate malignancy (OR 29.0 and OR 10.4, respectively). Transthoracic ultrasonography permits the distinction between malignant and benign pleural effusions. Pleural nodules were the most relevant feature. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of endobronchial ultrasound (linear and radial) and transthoracic sonography in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, with direct implications and applicability in clinical practice.


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É descrito o primeiro caso de detecção do genótipo 4 do vírus da hepatite C (VHC) em Salvador, BA. Foram utilizados os testes de RT-PCR para detecção do VHC-RNA, e o LIPA para genotipagem. O genótipo 4 responde mal ao tratamento, sendo portanto importante a busca ativa dos contactantes.


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The first dengue fever epidemic in the State of Rondônia (western region of Brazil) was recorded in 1997, without laboratory confirmation. Following this, there was an epidemic in Manaus, in the neighboring State of Amazon, in 1998, in which DENV-1 and DENV-2 viruses were isolated from patients. In the present paper, the serotype characterization of the dengue virus isolated from patients with clinically suspected dengue in Porto Velho, Rondônia, between 2001 and 2003 is described. One hundred and fifty blood samples were collected between the first and fifth days of symptoms. Seventy samples of virus isolates were subjected to dengue identification by means of RT-PCR using universal primers for the NS1 gene of DENV, which amplifies a 419 bp fragment. The amplicons obtained were subjected to enzymatic digestion to characterize the viral serotypes. All the samples analyzed were DENV-1. A nucleotide sequence randomly selected from one amplicon, which was also DENV-1, presented 98% similarity to sequences from Southeast Asia that were obtained from GenBank.


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A total of 123 stool specimens collected in Teresina, Piauí between 1994 and 1996, from 0 to 2-year-old children with diarrhea, were used for this study. Molecular characterization of the G and P rotavirus genotypes was performed using the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The following results were obtained for the P genotypes: P[8] (17. 1%), P[1] (4. 9%), P[4] (3. 3%), P[6, M37] (2. 4%) and mixtures (27. 6%). The P[1]+P[8] mixture was found in 19. 5% of the samples. For the G genotypes, the results were: G1 (25. 2%), G5 (13. 8%), G2 (2. 5%), G4 (2. 5%), G9 (0. 8%) and mixtures (41. 5%). G1+G5 was the mixture most frequently found (12. 1%). Our results showed unusual combinations such as P[1]G5 and P[1]+P[8]G5. The high percentage of mixtures and unusual combinations containing mixtures of human and animal rotavirus genotypes strongly suggests the possibility of gene reassortment and interspecies transmission.


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A terapia anti-cancro baseada em anticorpos monoclonais tem vindo a ser atractiva na medida em que os anticorpos têm a capacidade de reconhecer especificamente antigénios alvo associados a cancro e de serem reconhecidos por células do sistema imunitário. Um dos antigénios que tem vindo a ser estudado é o glicano sialil-Tn (STn), presente na maioria dos carcinomas humanos e aproximadamente em 30% dos casos de cancro da mama. O objectivo geral deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de novos anticorpos terapêuticos contra STn. Especificamente, foi estudada a imunogenicidade de diferentes antigénios baseados em STn na produção desses anticorpos. Através da análise dos soros, verificou-se uma resposta imune com produção de anticorpos pelos murganhos imunizados, em separado, com mucina1 decorada com STn, mucinas de origem animal STn+ e lisados celulares STn+. Contrariamente, a imunização com STn associado a treonina ou poliacrilamida não desencadeou nenhuma resposta imunológica. Assim, percebeu-se que o STn é muito pouco imunogénico, e que a imunogenicidade deste depende do seu acoplamento a proteínas (mucinas) e da densidade do glicano a decorar as mesmas. Os sobrenadantes da cultura dos hibridomas obtidos pela fusão celular foram analisados por citometria de fluxo. Embora, se esperasse obter hibridomas produtores de anticorpos anti-STn, isto não se verificou. Uma das hipóteses levantadas está relacionada com a tolerância imunológica induzida por este antigénio, tal como verificado anteriormente pelo nosso e outros grupos de investigação. Assim, novas imunizações estão a ser realizadas com alterações relevantes no protocolo. A segunda parte deste trabalho consistiu na criação (transdução lentiviral) e análise (citometria de fluxo e RT-PCR) da linha celular fluorescente MCF-7/GFP STn+, que permitirá analisar o mecanismo de acção dos anticorpos anti-STn futuramente produzidos. A realização deste trabalho permitiu optimizar diversas técnicas e passos-chave importantes para o desenvolvimento de anticorpos terapêuticos anti-STn para cancro da mama ou outros cancros que expressem STn.


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INTRODUCTION: This was a prospective study that included women seen in the obstetrics and gynecology sector of Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás, in Goiânia, State of Goiás, with the aim of detecting rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses and astroviruses. Eighty-four women participated in the study and from these, 314 fecal samples were collected. Out of all of the women, 29 were seropositive for HIV and 55 were seronegative, and 45 and 39 were pregnant and non-pregnant, respectively. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from each woman once every two months over the period from July 2006 to June 2007, and they were screened for rotaviruses by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoenzymatic assays, for caliciviruses and astroviruses by means of RT-PCR and for adenovirus by means of immunoenzymatic assays. The astroviruses were genotyped using nested PCR. RESULTS: Among the 84 patients, 19 (22.6%) were positive for either calicivirus (14/19) or astrovirus (6/19), while one women was positive for both viruses in fecal samples collected on different occasions. Most of the positive samples were collected during the months of July and August (astrovirus) and September and October (calicivirus). None of the samples analyzed was positive for rotavirus or adenovirus. Gastroenteric viruses were detected in 13/19 (68.4%) of the pregnant women, whether HIV-seropositive or not. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the present study showed that neither pregnancy nor HIV-seropositive status among the women increased the risk of infection by any of the gastroenteric viruses studied. This study presents data on gastroenteric virus detection among pregnant and/or HIV-positive women.


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INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome (HPCS) is an emerging serious disease in the Americas. Hantaviruses (Bunyaviridae) are the causative agents of this syndrome and are mainly transmitted through inhalation of aerosols containing the excreta of wild rodents. In the Ribeirão Preto region (state of São Paulo, Brazil), HPCS has been reported since 1998, caused by the Araraquara virus (ARAV), for which Necromys lasiurus is the rodent reservoir. This study aimed to show diagnostic results relating to infection in humans and rodents, obtained at the Virology Research Center of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, between 2005 and 2008. METHODS: HPCS was diagnosed by means of ELISA and/or RT-PCR in 11 (21.2%) out of 52 suspected cases, and 54.4% of these were fatal. Furthermore, 595 wild rodents (Necromys lasiurus, Akodon sp, Calomys tener and Oligoryzomys sp) were caught between 2005 and 2008. RESULTS: Fifteen (2.5%) of these rodents presented antibodies for hantavirus, as follows: Necromys lasiurus (4%), Calomys tener (1.9%) and Akodon sp (1.5%). Nucleotide sequences obtained through RT-PCR from one HPCS patient and one Calomys tener rodent were compared with hantavirus sequences from GenBank, which showed that both were homologous with ARAV. CONCLUSIONS: This work corroborates previous studies showing that ARAV is the hantavirus causing HPCS in the Ribeirão Preto region. It also shows that rodents infected with hantavirus represent a constant risk of transmission of this virus to man.


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INTRODUCTION: The Amazon region has extensive forested areas and natural ecosystems, providing favorable conditions for the existence of innumerous arboviruses. Over 200 arboviruses have been isolated in Brazil and about 40 are associated with human disease. Four out of 40 are considered to be of public health importance in Brazil: Dengue viruses (1-4), Oropouche, Mayaro and Yellow Fever. Along with these viruses, about 98% of the malaria cases are restricted to the Legal Amazon region. METHODS: This study aimed to investigate the presence of arboviruses in 111 clinical serum samples from patients living in Novo Repartimento (Pará), Plácido de Castro (Acre), Porto Velho (Rondônia) and Oiapoque (Amapá). The viral RNA was extracted and RT-PCR was performed followed by a Multiplex-Nested-PCR, using Flavivirus, Alphavirus and Orthobunyavirus generic and species-specific primers. RESULTS: Dengue virus serotype 2 was detected in two patients living in Novo Repartimento (Pará) that also presented active Plasmodium vivax infection. CONCLUSIONS: Despite scant data, this situation is likely to occur more frequently than detected in the Amazon region. Finally, it is important to remember that both diseases have similar clinical findings, thus the diagnosis could be made concomitantly for dengue and malaria in patients living or returning from areas where both diseases are endemic or during dengue outbreaks.


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INTRODUCTION: Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common illness in all individuals. Rhinoviruses have been reported as the etiology of more than 50% of respiratory tract infections worldwide. The study prospectively evaluated 47 elderly individuals from a group of 384 randomly assigned for acute respiratory viral infections (cold or flu) and assessed the occurrence of human rhinovirus (HRV), influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus (hMPV) in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Forty-nine nasal swabs collected from 47 elderly individuals following inclusion visits from 2002 to 2003 were tested by GenScan RT-PCR. HRV-positive samples were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. RESULTS: No sample was positive for influenza A/B or RSV. HRV was detected in 28.6% (14/47) and hMPV in 2% (1/47). Of 14 positive samples, 9 isolates were successfully sequenced, showing the follow group distribution: 6 group A, 1 group B and 2 group C HRVs. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of HRV during the months of the influenza season requires further study regarding HRV infection impact on respiratory complications among this population. Infection caused by HRV is very frequent and may contribute to increasing the already high demand for healthcare during the influenza season.


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INTRODUCTION: To detect dengue virus, eggs of Aedes sp were collected in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 2007. METHODS: Egg samples were subsequently hatched and the larvae were tested for the presence of dengue virus RNA by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Among the Aedes aegypti larvae samples, 163 (37.4%) out of 435 were positive, including 32 (10.9%) of 293 individual larvae samples concomitantly positive for two serotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Virological surveillance detecting coinfected vectors in the field could represent an important strategy for understanding the numerous factors involved in the transmission and clinical presentation of dengue.


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INTRODUCÃO: A dengue é uma arbovirose que vem causando sérios problemas de saúde pública, em regiões tropicais e subtropicais do planeta. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, foram investigadas amostras de sangue de crianças, através da RT-PCR, com o intuito de se identificar sorotipos do vírus dengue nessa população infantil, em Manaus/AM, durante o ano de 2008. RESULTADOS: O DENV-3 foi o único sorotipo viral identificado. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo, 83% das crianças analisadas apresentaram resultado negativo para dengue através do RT-PCR sugerindo a ocorrência de outras doenças febris que necessitam ser esclarecidas.