945 resultados para Rockaway Hunting Club.
Did you know if you look up the word "integrity" in the dictionary, the definition is Alan Moeller?
USFWS to Explore Canada Goose Management Strategies -- from a press release issued Aug. 3 by the US. Fish & Wildlife Service, written by Chris Tollefson. Anti-Trapping Measure Passes House Oregon Legislature Moves To Ensure Safety Of Its Citizens Against Cougars Acord Promoted Away From Wildlife Services New State Director US DA/APHIS in Mississippi is Kristina Godwin BOOk R e v i e w : "Living With Wildlife: How to Enjoy, Cope With, and Protect North America's Wild Creatures Around Your Home and Theirs," The California Center for Wildlife, with Diana Landau and Shelley Stump. San Francisco: A Sierra Club Book. 1994. 340 pp. + index $15.00. French Shepherds Protest Predators Rabbit Calicivirus Kills 65% of Rabbit Population Abstracts from the 2nd International Wildlife Management Congress, Hungary Crop Damage by Wildlife in Northern Ghana – O. I. Aalangdon* and A.S. Langyintuo, *Dept. of Renewable Natural Resources, University for Development Studies, Tamale Northern Region, Ghana Large Predators in Slovenia On the Way from Near Extermination to Overprotection and Back: Is Conservation Management of Large Predators in Cultural Landscapes Possible At All? -- M. Adamic, Chair of Wildlife Ecology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Human-wolf Conflicts in the East Baltic: Past, Present, and Future -- Z. Andersone*, L. Balciauskas, and H. Valdmann., *Kemeri National Park, KemeriJurmala, Latvia Gray Wolf Restoration in the Northwestern United States -- E.E. Bangs*, J.A. Fontaine, D.W. Smith, C. Mack, and C. C. Niemeyer, *U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Helena, MT The Impact of Changing U.S. Demographics on the Future of Deer Hunting -- R. D. Brown, Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Management of Overabundant Marcropods in Nature Reserves: 6 Case Studies from Southeastern Australia -- G. Coulson, Dept. of Zoology,University of Melbourne,Parkville, Victoria, Australia
We use a recently developed computerized modeling technique to explore the long-term impacts of indigenous Amazonian hunting in the past, present, and future. The model redefines sustainability in spatial and temporal terms, a major advance over the static "sustainability indices" currently used to study hunting in tropical forests. We validate the model's projections against actual field data from two sites in contemporary Amazonia and use the model to assess various management scenarios for the future of Manu National Park in Peru. We then apply the model to two archaeological contexts, show how its results may resolve long-standing enigmas regarding native food taboos and primate biogeography, and reflect on the ancient history and future of indigenous people in the Amazon.
Previous studies using morphine-treated dams reported a role for the rostral lateral periaqueductal gray (rIPAG) in the behavioral switching between nursing and insect hunting, likely to depend on an enhanced seeking response to the presence of an appetitive rewarding cue (i.e., the roach). To elucidate the neural mechanisms mediating such responses, in the present study, we first observed how the rIPAG influences predatory hunting in male rats. Our behavioral observations indicated that bilateral rIPAG NMDA lesions dramatically interfere with prey hunting, leaving the animal without chasing or attacking the prey, but do not seem to affect the general levels of arousal, locomotor activity and regular feeding. Next, using Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), we have reviewed the rIPAG connection pattern, and pointed out a particularly dense projection to the hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. Double labeled PHA-L and orexin sections showed an extensive overlap between PHA-L labeled fibers and orexin cells, revealing that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups receive a substantial innervation from the rIPAG. We have further observed that both the medial/perifornical and lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell groups up-regulate Fos expression during prey hunting, and that rIPAG lesions blunted this Fos increase only in the lateral hypothalamic, but not in the medial/perifornical, orexinergic group, a finding supposedly associated with the lack of motivational drive to actively pursue the prey. Overall, the present results suggest that the rIPAG should exert a critical influence on reward seeking by activating the lateral hypothalamic orexinergic cell group. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ventrolateral caudoputamen (VLCP) is well known to participate in the control of orofacial movements and forepaw usage accompanying feeding behavior. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that insect hunting is associated with a distinct Fos up-regulation in the VLCP at intermediate rostro-caudal levels. Moreover, using the reversible blockade with lidocaine, we have previously suggested that the VLCP implements the stereotyped actions seen during prey capture and handling, and may influence the motivational drive to start attacking the roaches, as well. However, considering that (1) lidocaine suppresses action potentials not only in neurons, but also in fibers-of-passage, rendering the observed behavioral effect not specific to the ventrolateral caudoputamen; (2) the short lidocaine-induced inactivation period had left a relatively narrow window to observe the behavioral changes; and (3) that the restriction stress to inject the drug could have also disturbed hunting behavior, in the present study, we have examined the role of the VLCP in predatory hunting by placing bilateral NMDA lesions three weeks previous to the behavior testing. We were able to confirm that the VLCP serves to implement the stereotyped sequence of actions seen during prey capture and handling, but the study did not confirm its role in influencing the motivational drive to hunt. Together with other studies from our group, the present work serves as an important piece of information that helps to reveal the neural systems underlying predatory hunting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Indigenous Reserves have played an indispensable role in maintaining forest areas in the Neotropics. In the Amazon there is a clear correlation between these reserves and the presence of forest cover; however, the simple presence of uninterrupted vegetation is no guarantee for the conservation of biodiversity, especially where hunting is practiced. This study describes hunting practices among the Awá-Guajá people from 1993 through 1994, also identifying sociocultural, technological, and demographic changes that have influenced their resource acquisition strategies over the last two decades. The data was obtained through ethnographic fieldwork, recording 78 days of foraging returns, with follow-up visits through 2010. This work provides useful information for an effective diachronic analysis of hunting in this community, by revealing foraging patterns of the early to mid-1990s, and describing community transformations over the last two decades in this locale.
Intervención radiofónica realizada el 14 de noviembre de 2009 en Radio ECCA (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) sobre el Club de lectura "La calma lectora", creado por la Biblioteca Universitaria de la ULPGC y disponible en http://clubdelecturaulpgc.wordpress.com
Comunicación para el XII Encuentro de Bibliotecarios Municipales de Gran Canaria Vega de San Mateo, 15 de octubre de 2010. Realizada por Fernando Barrera Luján coordinador del Grupo de Extensión y Marketing de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
[ES]El objetivo principal de este proyecto es como su nombre indica el desarrollo de un sistema de información para el Club baloncesto Gran Canaria. Ya que este club estaba interesado en actualizar su imagen de cara a los aficionados, nos solicitó que desarrolláramos una serie de herramientas que permitieran aumentar la iteración de éstos con el sitio web del club. En primer lugar se pidió el desarrollo de la web del club, que se llevó a cabo mediante Joomla, siguiendo todos los requisitos y especificaciones indicadas por los responsables. El motivo era que la anterior estaba bastante anticuada, y aprovechando que iban a disponer de esta nueva herramienta querían renovar su imagen por completo ya que el sistema iría alojado en dicha web. A continuación el segundo punto es el sistema de información en sí, desarrollado en Monet, que dispone de datos, tanto de jugadores, como de equipos y clubs, además de partidos y múltiples estadísticas. Dichos datos están divididos en dos unidades de negocio que interoperan entre sí, ya que una es la encargada de descargar la información desde la web de la federación, y enviársela a la otra unidad una vez que ésta se la solicita. La otra unidad es la encargada de mostrar todos los datos y es la única unidad a la que el usuario tendrá acceso. Finalmente el desarrollo de las librerías, que mediante el protocolo SOAP nos permite descargar los datos desde la FEB que serán incorporadas en la unidad de negocio correspondiente.
[ES] Durante muchos años hemos visto el desarrollo de software como un proceso de ingeniería similar a los de producción y construcción, que siguen un rígido proceso de Análisis-Diseño-Implementación dirigido por documentación. Recientemente ha surgido forma radicalmente diferente de afrontar un proyecto, un nuevo paradigma llamado Agilismo, que valora más: individuos e interacciones sobre procesos y herramientas. Software funcionando sobre documentación extensiva. Colaboración con el cliente sobre negociación contractual. Respuesta ante el cambio sobre seguir un plan. ¿Una forma tan diferente de trabajar, no basada en documentación y calidad de procesos, no resulta excesivamente caótica? ¿Cómo puede funcionar?. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado es un estudio práctico de las Metodologías Ágiles y el Desarrollo Dirigido por Test, en el que, usando las mismas, se ha realizado una implementación parcial sobre un dominio elegido, analizando los resultados de forma cualitativa (mediante análisis comparativo y argumentación) y cuantitativa (a través de métricas del código). Al mismo tiempo, en la memoria se exponen los elementos que definen este nuevo paradigma, algunas herramientas de las que hace uso, y cómo se han integrado en la realización del proyecto. El objetivo de este TFG es, por tanto, al mismo tiempo de investigación y didáctico. Se pretende argumentar y dar respuesta al interrogante sobre la calidad del código usando estos nuevos modelos, y, simultáneamente, ser una guía de introducción para todos aquellos profesionales que deseen conocer esta metodología emergente.