914 resultados para Ressonância magnética funcional


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Labdane diterpenes exhibit important bioactivities such as cardiovascular effects in rats as well as effects in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer syndrome. Recently, the labdane diterpenes ent-13-epi-manoil oxide, ribenone and ribenol were isolated from Croton palanostigma. The computational method DFT/B3LYP/cc-pVDZ was used to optimize the structures of these diterpenes and to calculate infrared data. Chemical shifts (δH and δC) of the minimum energy structures (local minimum) were calculated and compared with the experimental data. Comparison of the NMR data by simple linear regression (SLR) showed satisfactory statistical results with a correlation coefficient (R2) and predictive ability (Q2) of over 98%. The predicted NMR data were used to confirm the δH values that have not been published.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE


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A radiação ultravioleta emitida pela radiação solar pode causar sérios danos à pele humana, sendo essa estratificada em três regiões do espectro de luz: UVA (315-400nm), UVB (280-315nm) e UVC (200-280nm). A incidência da radiação UVA sobre a pele induz a formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROS), afetando indiretamente o DNA humano, podendo provocar câncer de pele. Além disso, a radiação UVB afeta diretamente as bases pirimidínicas das moléculas de DNA, aumentando sua produção e favorecendo processos mutagênicos, produzindo novas células tumorigênicas também. Entre os filtros solares químicos conhecidos estão as benzofenonas e os cinamatos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi sintetizar pró-fármacos derivados de filtros solares químicos baseados nas estruturas das benzofenonas ligadas à derivados do ácido cinâmico, com propriedades antioxidantes para, desta maneira, obter um composto que prevenisse a carcinogênese cutânea por diferentes vertentes. Foram obtidos dois compostos, os quais foram caracterizados estruturalmente por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Hidrogênio e sua capacidade fotoprotetora através do método Optometrics, indicando atividade promissora.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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High pressure NMR spectroscopy has developed into an important tool for studying conformational equilibria of proteins in solution. We have studied the amide proton and nitrogen chemical shifts of the 20 canonical amino acids X in the random-coil model peptide Ac-Gly-Gly-X-Ala-NH2, in a pressure range from 0.1 to 200 MPa, at a proton resonance frequency of 800 MHz. The obtained data allowed the determination of first and second order pressure coefficients with high accuracy at 283 K and pH 6.7. The mean first and second order pressure coefficients <B-1(15N)> and <B-2(15N)> for nitrogen are 2.91 ppm/GPa and -2.32 ppm/GPa(2), respectively. The corresponding values <B-1(1H)> and <B-2(1H)> for the amide protons are 0.52 ppm/GPa and -0.41 ppm/GPa(2). Residual dependent (1)J(1H15N)-coupling constants are shown.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the accuracy of 1.0T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to measure the ventricular size in experimental hydrocephalus in pup rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were subjected to hydrocephalus by intracisternal injection of 20% kaolin (n=13). Ten rats remained uninjected to be used as controls. At the endpoint of experiment animals were submitted to MRI of brain and killed. The ventricular size was assessed using three measures: ventricular ratio (VR), the cortical thickness (Cx) and the ventricles area (VA), performed on photographs of anatomical sections and MRI. RESULTS: The images obtained through MR present enough quality to show the lateral ventricular cavities but not to demonstrate the difference between the cortex and the white matter, as well as the details of the deep structures of the brain. There were no statistically differences between the measures on anatomical sections and MRI of VR and Cx (p=0.9946 and p=0.5992, respectively). There was difference between VA measured on anatomical sections and MRI (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The parameters obtained through 1.0T MRI were sufficient in quality to individualize the ventricular cavities and the cerebral cortex, and to calculate the ventricular ratio in hydrocephalus rats when compared to their respective anatomic slice.


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Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) has been traditionally described as the association of recurrent or bilateral optic neuritis and longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM). Identification of aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-IgG) has deeply changed the concept of NMO. A spectrum of NMO disorders (NMOSD) has been formulated comprising conditions which include both AQP4-IgG seropositivity and one of the index events of the disease (recurrent or bilateral optic neuritis and LETM). Most NMO patients harbor asymptomatic brain MRI lesions, some of them considered as typical of NMO. Some patients with aquaporin-4 autoimmunity present brainstem, hypothalamic or encephalopathy symptoms either preceding an index event or occurring isolatedly with no evidence of optic nerve or spinal involvement. On the opposite way, other patients have optic neuritis or LETM in association with typical lesions of NMO on brain MRI and yet are AQP4-IgG seronegative. An expanded spectrum of NMO disorders is proposed to include these cases.


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O termo gossipiboma é usado para descrever uma massa formada a partir de uma matriz de algodão cercada por uma reação inflamatória/granulomatosa. Sua incidência é estimada em 0,15% a 0,2%. O corpo estranho na cavidade abdominal pode servir de nicho para a proliferação de microrganismos e agir como foco primário para formação de abscessos e de peritonite. Vários estudos têm demonstrado a importância da correlação clínica com os diversos métodos de imagem (radiografia convencional, ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética) no diagnóstico dos gossipibomas. Este ensaio tem por objetivo demonstrar uma série de casos típicos de gossipibomas abdominais e ilustrar suas diversas formas de apresentação, com ênfase nos achados dos diferentes métodos de imagem, visando a familiarizar os radiologistas com esta enfermidade e seus principais diagnósticos diferenciais.


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In imaging diagnosis, redundant nerve roots of the cauda equina are characterized by the presence of elongated, enlarged and tortuous nerve roots in close relationship with a high-grade lumbar spinal canal stenosis. This is not an independent entity, but it is believed to be a consequence of the chronic compression at the level of the lumbar canal stenosis and thus may be part of the natural history of lumbar spinal stenosis. The present paper is aimed at reviewing the histopathological, electrophysiological and imaging findings, particularly at magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the clinical meaning of this entity. As the current assessment of canal stenosis and root compression is preferably performed by means of magnetic resonance imaging, this is the imaging method by which the condition is identified. The recognition of redundant nerve roots at magnetic resonance imaging is important, particularly to avoid misdiagnosing other conditions such as intradural arteriovenous malformations. The literature approaching the clinical relevance of the presence of redundant nerve roots is controversial. There are articles suggesting that the pathological changes of the nerve roots are irreversible at the moment of diagnosis and therefore neurological symptoms are less likely to improve with surgical decompression, but such concept is not a consensus.


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Lipoma arborescens é uma condição rara de moléstia intra-articular, usualmente monoarticular, caracterizada por extensa proliferação dos vilos sinoviais e hiperplasia da gordura subsinovial. O tecido sinovial é progressivamente substituído por células maduras de gordura na membrana sinovial. O presente trabalho é o relato de caso de uma condição rara de lipoma arborescens tanto intra-articular (glenoumeral) como da bursa subacromial-subdeltoide além de ruptura do tendão do supraespinhoso. As apresentações clínicas, histológicas e radiográficas assim como o tratamento são discutidos no presente estudo. A apresentação do caso contempla também a avaliação radiográfica, ressonância magnética e exame patológico. Apesar do lipoma arborescens ser uma condição rara, tal hipótese deve ser considerada frente a um caso com hiperproliferação sinovial e lipossubstituição da sinovial.