970 resultados para Renaissance.
Title within ornamental borders.
Letter accepting dedication dated 1854, preface, 1851.
Mode of access: Internet.
Edited by Léon Séché.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Since the Second World War, Australian governments have adopted various approaches to governing nonmetropolitan Australia. The authors profile three distinct approaches to governance characterised as (1) state-centred regionalism; (2) new localism; and (3) new forms of multifaceted regionalism. Although recent policy initiatives have been justified by the argument that the region is the most suitable scale for planning and development in nonmetropolitan Australia, in practice the institutional landscape is a hybrid of overlapping local, regional, and national scales of action. The authors compare this new, multifaceted, regionalism with the so-called 'new regionalism currently being promoted in Western Europe and North America. It is argued that new regionalism differs in quite important ways from the regionalism currently being fostered in Australia. In Australia, the centrality of sustainability principles, and the attempt to foster interdependence amongst stakeholders from the state, market, and civil society, have produced a layer of networked governance that is different from that overseas. It is argued that there is a triple bottom-line 'promise' in the Australian approach which differs from the Western Europe/North American model, and which has the potential to deliver enhanced economic, social, and environmental outcomes.
A posztmodern fogyasztó hiperreális környezetébe csöppenő pozitivista kutató gyakran megtántorodik attól a forgószélszerű pörgéstől és vizuális dinamikától, amelyet a posztmodern világ ont rá. A szupersztrádán teknős módjára kullogó kutató ezért inkább visszahúzódik páncélja mögé, és előhúz valamit a szokásos módszerek közül, függetlenül attól, hogy azok relevánsak-e a probléma vizsgálatára vagy sem. A mozgóképek újjászületése a megváltozott fogyasztói látásmódhoz kapcsolható. Dziga Vertov mechanisztikus szemével egyre inkább a fogyasztók kacsintgatnak, és a curlingben látható módon csúsztatják tovább a magáról megfeledkező és kőnek látszó teknőst. A videográfia a videó és az etnográfia szavak összekapcsolásából keletkezett, vagyis etnográfiai kutatás a mozgókép segítségével. Egyre több nyugati cég arra kéri fel a kutatókat, hogy a fogyasztói magatartásról csupán videó prezentációt készítsenek, mindenféle szöveges magyarázat nélkül. A cikk nagytotálból mutatja be a Belk és Kozinets (2005, 2006) által életre keltett módszertan sajátosságait. / === / The positivist researcher in the middle of the hyperreal context seems to lurch due to the tornado-like whirl and a visual dynamism caused by the postmodern world. This researcher is just like a paddling tortoise on the superhighway draws back in the tortoiseshell and shows one of the classic research methods, no matter the type of the research problem. The rebirth of the motion pictures is linked to the altered consumer perspective. Dziga Vertov’s mechanical eye is used more and more by the consumers, and the tortoise-like researcher is considered to be a curling stone. The consumer researchers tend to ignore the lived visual and auditory aspects of the consumer culture and the appropriate research methods of this field. The aim of this article is to present the types and the main features of the videography vivified by Belk and Kozinets (2005, 2006).
Peer reviewed
Inspired both by debates about the origins of the modern ideology of race and also by controversy over the place of Ireland and the Irish in theories of empire in the early modern Atlantic world, Renaissance Humanism and Ethnicity before Race argues that ethnic discourse among the elite in early modern Ireland was grounded firmly in the Renaissance Humanism and Aristotelianism which dominated all the European universities before the Enlightenment. Irish and English, Catholic and Protestant, all employed theories of human society based on Aristotle’s Politics and the natural law of the medieval universities to construct or dismantle the categories of civility and barbarism. The elites operating in Ireland also shared common resources, taught in the universities, for arguing about the human body and its ability to transmit hereditary characteristics. Both in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe, these theories of human society and the human body underwent violent changes in the late seventeenth century under the impact of the early Enlightenment. These changes were vital to the development of race as we know it.