930 resultados para Reflex Modification
Cochlear root neurons (CRNs) are involved in the acoustic startle reflex, which is widely used in behavioral models of sensorimotor integration. A short-latency component of this reflex, the auricular reflex, promotes pinna movements in response to unexpected loud sounds. However, the pathway involved in the auricular component of the startle reflex is not well understood. We hypothesized that the auricular reflex is mediated by direct and indirect inputs from CRNs to the motoneurons responsible for pinna movement, which are located in the medial subnucleus of the facial motor nucleus (Mot7). To assess whether there is a direct connection between CRNs and auricular motoneurons in the rat, two neuronal tracers were used in conjunction: biotinylated dextran amine, which was injected into the cochlear nerve root, and Fluoro-Gold, which was injected into the levator auris longus muscle. Under light microscopy, close appositions were observed between axon terminals of CRNs and auricular motoneurons. The presence of direct synaptic contact was confirmed at the ultrastructural level. To confirm the indirect connection, biotinylated dextran amine was injected into the auditory-responsive portion of the caudal pontine reticular nucleus, which receives direct input from CRNs. The results confirm that the caudal pontine reticular nucleus also targets the Mot7 and that its terminals are concentrated in the medial subnucleus. Therefore, it is likely that CRNs innervate auricular motoneurons both directly and indirectly, suggesting that these connections participate in the rapid auricular reflex that accompanies the acoustic startle reflex. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This article evaluates space closure mechanics efficiency in an extraction case where maximum anchorage was a requirement. The Segmented Arch Technique (SAT) was utilized as an anchorage control strategy to obtain maximum anterior retraction and, in consequence, significant facial profile change. A 20-year-10-month old woman needed severe labial and profile changes. The patient had four premolars extracted and SAT with type A mechanics [1] (Marcotte [2] activation protocol) was applied. The results showed significant reduction in labial protrusion and incisal angulation with effective anchorage control. The results were compared to others available in the literature derived from different techniques, where anterior retraction was also accomplished with maximum anchorage [3-7]. In conclusion, the SAT with type A mechanics has been shown to be another treatment option when significant changes in the soft-tissue profile are needed in extraction cases. © 2008. CEO. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, using a biomechanical test, the force needed to remove implants with surface modification by laser (Nd:YAG) in comparison with implants with machined surfaces. Twenty-four rabbits received one implant with each surface treatment in the tibia, machined surface (MS) and laser-modified surface (LMS). After 4, 8 and 12 weeks of healing, the removal torque was measured by a torque gauge. The surfaces studied were analyzed according to their topography, chemical composition and roughness. The average removal torque in each period was 23.28, 24.0 and 33.85 Ncm for MS, and 33.0, 39.87 and 54.57 Ncm for LMS, respectively. The difference between the surfaces in all periods of evaluation was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Surface characterization showed that a deep and regular topography was provided by the laser conditioning, with a great quantity of oxygen ions when compared to the MS. The surface micro-topography analysis showed a statistical difference (p < 0.01) between the roughness of the LMS (R a = 1.38 ± 0.23 μm) when compared to that of the MS (R a = 0.33 ± 0.06 μm). Based on these results, it was possible to conclude that the LMS implants' physical-chemical properties increased bone-implant interaction when compared to the MS implants. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.
In this work, air dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operating at the line frequency (60 Hz) or at frequency of 17 kHz was used to improve the wetting properties of polypropylene (PP). The changes in the surface hydrophilicity were investigated by contact angle measurements. The plasma-induced chemical modifications of PP surface were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The polymer surface morphology and roughness before and after the DBD treatment were analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). To compare the plasma treatment effect at different frequencies the variation of the contact angle is presented as a function of the deposited energy density. The results show that both DBD treatments leaded to formation of water-soluble low molecular weight oxidized material (LMWOM), which agglomerated into small mounts on the surface producing a complex globular structure. However, the 60 Hz DBD process produced higher amount of LMWOM on the PP surface comparing to the 17 kHz plasma treatment with the same energy dose. The hydrophilic LMWOM is weakly bounded to the surface and can be easily removed by polar solvents. After washing the DBD-treated samples in de-ionized water their surface roughness and oxygen content were reduced and the PP partially recovered its original wetting characteristics. This suggested that oxidation also occurred at deeper and more permanent levels of the PP samples. Comparing both DBD processes the 17 kHz treatment was found to be more efficient in introducing oxygen moieties on the surface and also in improving the PP wetting properties. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Esboza los trazos principales de interpretacion del proceso de industrializacion desde la decada de los anos 30 hasta el presente. Aborda el tema central de la transformacion del modelo hasta ahora predominante de industrializacion. Propone una estrategia industrial basada en el crecimiento hacia adentro, mediante la creacion de industrias de bienes de capital y de consumo masivo, la continuacion del proceso de sustitucion selectiva de importaciones, el establecimiento de criterios claros de division del trabajo dentro de la region, y la aplicacion de una politica selectiva y dinamica de insercion en los mercados de los paises centrales.
The alar base widening is directly related to the Le Fort I osteotomy which could lead to an undesirable facial change if not adequately controlled transoperatively. Several surgical techniques to control the lateralization and widening of the nasal base have been described in the literature. The extraoral technique, first described by Shams and Motamedi in 2002 seems to make this procedure more predictable and reliable. The authors preset a modification for that technique. © 2013 Asian AOMS, ASOMP, JSOP, JSOMS, JSOM, and JAMI.
Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) process is a three dimensional surface modification method that is quite mature and well known to the surface engineering community nowadays, especially to those working in the field of plasma-materials interaction, aiming at both industrial and academic applications. More recently, deposition methods have been added to PIII, the PIII&D, opening possibilities of broader range of applications of these techniques. So, PIII&D is becoming a routine method of surface modification, with the advantage of pushing up the retained dose levels limited by the sputtering due to ion implantation. Therefore, well adherent, thick, three-dimensional films without stress are possible to be achieved, at relatively low cost, using PIII&D. In this paper, we will discuss about a few PIII and PIII&D experiments that have been performed recently to achieve surface improvements in different materials: 1 - high temperature nitrogen PIII in Ti6Al4V alloy in which a deep nitrogen rich treated layer resulted in surface improvements as increase of hardness, corrosion resistance and resistance to wear of the Ti alloy; 2 - nanostructures in ZnO films, obtained by PIII&D of vaporized & ionized Zn source; 3 - combined implantation and deposition of calcium for biomaterial activity of Ti alloy (PIII&D), allowing the growth of hydroxyapatite in a body solution; 4 - magnetron sputtering deposition of Cr that was enhanced by the glow discharge Ar plasma to allow implantation and deposition of Cr on SAE 1070 steel (PIII&D) resulting in surfaces with high resistance to corrosion; and 5 - implantation of nitrogen by ordinary PIII into this Cr film, which improved resistance to corrosion, while keeping the tribological properties as good as for the SAE 1070 steel surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
In this report, hierarchical ZnO nano- and microstructures were directly grown for the first time on a bacterial cellulose substrate and on two additional different papers by hydrothermal synthesis without any surface modification layer. Compactness and smoothness of the substrates are two important parameters that allow the growth of oriented structures. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
An incompetent vulvar seal leads to reproductive failure, and a surgical intervention might be required. The present paper describes modifications to Pouret's surgery. We suggest the use of a simple interrupted vertical mattress suture, which avoids seroma. Eighteen Brazilian Jumping Horse mares, older than 20 years and barren for 3-5 consecutive years, underwent modified Pouret's surgery. A horizontal skin incision of 3-4 cm was made half way between the anus and upper commissure of the vulva. The submucosal and connective tissue were dissected, and the rectovaginal shelf was split horizontally by sectioning the muscular and ligamentous connections between the anus, vulva, caudal portion of the rectum, and vagina until the vulva was oriented vertically. The wound was changed from a horizontal plane to a vertical plane by placing the suture vertically using approximately eight interrupted U sutures distributed in two layers with polyamide thread. The modified Pouret's surgical technique provided a perfect coaptation of the vulvar lips and a correct perineal position. Those mares that presented with horizontally tipped vulvar lips due to advanced age and stretching of the pelvic tissues by multiple foaling had their vulvas replaced. Also, the surgical procedure was easy to perform. As to fertility, of the 18 initial mares, 14 were inseminated, and all became pregnant. Thus, it was possible to conclude that the anatomical changes performed throughout the surgical procedure predisposed to a better vulvar coaptation, correcting the pneumovagina. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We investigate the mutual location of the zeros of two families of orthogonal polynomials. One of the families is orthogonal with respect to the measure dμ (x), supported on the interval (a, b) and the other with respect to the measure |x -c|τ|x -d|γdμ (x), where c and d are outside (a, b) We prove that the zeros of these polynomials, if they are of equal or consecutive degrees, interlace when either 0 < τ, γ ≤ 1 or γ = 0 and 0 < τ ≤ 2. This result is inspired by an open question of Richard Askey and it generalizes recent results on some families of orthogonal polynomials. Moreover, we obtain further statements on interlacing of zeros of specific orthogonal polynomials, such as the Askey-Wilson ones. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
In this study, modifications of alumina surface with of alkaline earth metal oxides were studied, using the polymeric precursor method. The modified compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption-desorption and scanning electron microscopy. The catalytical properties of these new catalysts were evaluated for the transesterification reaction of babassu oil. It is observed that the transesterification reaction of babassu oil with methanol was successfully carried out using the modified alumina samples.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of thermal treatment on the physical properties of juvenile and mature woods of Eucalyptus grandis. Boards were taken from 30-year-old E. grandis trees. The boards were thermally modified at 180 °C in the Laboratory of Wood Drying and Preservation at UNESP, Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The results showed that thermal modification caused: (1) decrease of 6.8% in the density at 0% equilibrium moisture content of mature wood; (2) significant decreases of 14.7% and 35.6% in the maximum volumetric swellings of juvenile and mature woods, respectively; (3) significant decreases of 13.7% and 21.3% in the equilibrium moisture content of juvenile and mature woods, respectively. The influence of thermal modification in juvenile wood was lower than in mature wood and caused greater uniformity in the physical variations between these types of wood in E. grandis.