994 resultados para Reduced topologies


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The development and deployment of distributed network-aware applications and services over the Internet require the ability to compile and maintain a model of the underlying network resources with respect to (one or more) characteristic properties of interest. To be manageable, such models must be compact, and must enable a representation of properties along temporal, spatial, and measurement resolution dimensions. In this paper, we propose a general framework for the construction of such metric-induced models using end-to-end measurements. We instantiate our approach using one such property, packet loss rates, and present an analytical framework for the characterization of Internet loss topologies. From the perspective of a server the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server with clients at its leaves, in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We show how end-to-end unicast packet probing techniques could b e used to (1) infer a loss topology and (2) identify the loss rates of links in an existing loss topology. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. We report on simulation, implementation, and Internet deployment results that show the effectiveness of our approach and its robustness in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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Recent work has shown the prevalence of small-world phenomena [28] in many networks. Small-world graphs exhibit a high degree of clustering, yet have typically short path lengths between arbitrary vertices. Internet AS-level graphs have been shown to exhibit small-world behaviors [9]. In this paper, we show that both Internet AS-level and router-level graphs exhibit small-world behavior. We attribute such behavior to two possible causes–namely the high variability of vertex degree distributions (which were found to follow approximately a power law [15]) and the preference of vertices to have local connections. We show that both factors contribute with different relative degrees to the small-world behavior of AS-level and router-level topologies. Our findings underscore the inefficacy of the Barabasi-Albert model [6] in explaining the growth process of the Internet, and provide a basis for more promising approaches to the development of Internet topology generators. We present such a generator and show the resemblance of the synthetic graphs it generates to real Internet AS-level and router-level graphs. Using these graphs, we have examined how small-world behaviors affect the scalability of end-system multicast. Our findings indicate that lower variability of vertex degree and stronger preference for local connectivity in small-world graphs results in slower network neighborhood expansion, and in longer average path length between two arbitrary vertices, which in turn results in better scaling of end system multicast.


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Recent empirical studies have shown that Internet topologies exhibit power laws of the form for the following relationships: (P1) outdegree of node (domain or router) versus rank; (P2) number of nodes versus outdegree; (P3) number of node pairs y = x^α within a neighborhood versus neighborhood size (in hops); and (P4) eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix versus rank. However, causes for the appearance of such power laws have not been convincingly given. In this paper, we examine four factors in the formation of Internet topologies. These factors are (F1) preferential connectivity of a new node to existing nodes; (F2) incremental growth of the network; (F3) distribution of nodes in space; and (F4) locality of edge connections. In synthetically generated network topologies, we study the relevance of each factor in causing the aforementioned power laws as well as other properties, namely diameter, average path length and clustering coefficient. Different kinds of network topologies are generated: (T1) topologies generated using our parametrized generator, we call BRITE; (T2) random topologies generated using the well-known Waxman model; (T3) Transit-Stub topologies generated using GT-ITM tool; and (T4) regular grid topologies. We observe that some generated topologies may not obey power laws P1 and P2. Thus, the existence of these power laws can be used to validate the accuracy of a given tool in generating representative Internet topologies. Power laws P3 and P4 were observed in nearly all considered topologies, but different topologies showed different values of the power exponent α. Thus, while the presence of power laws P3 and P4 do not give strong evidence for the representativeness of a generated topology, the value of α in P3 and P4 can be used as a litmus test for the representativeness of a generated topology. We also find that factors F1 and F2 are the key contributors in our study which provide the resemblance of our generated topologies to that of the Internet.


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Current Internet transport protocols make end-to-end measurements and maintain per-connection state to regulate the use of shared network resources. When a number of such connections share a common endpoint, that endpoint has the opportunity to correlate these end-to-end measurements to better diagnose and control the use of shared resources. A valuable characterization of such shared resources is the "loss topology". From the perspective of a server with concurrent connections to multiple clients, the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We develop an end-to-end unicast packet probing technique and an associated analytical framework to: (1) infer loss topologies, (2) identify loss rates of links in an existing loss topology, and (3) augment a topology to incorporate the arrival of a new connection. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that our approach is robust in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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This thesis is focused on the investigation of magnetic materials for high-power dcdc converters in hybrid and fuel cell vehicles and the development of an optimized high-power inductor for a multi-phase converter. The thesis introduces the power system architectures for hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The requirements for power electronic converters are established and the dc-dc converter topologies of interest are introduced. A compact and efficient inductor is critical to reduce the overall cost, weight and volume of the dc-dc converter and optimize vehicle driving range and traction power. Firstly, materials suitable for a gapped CC-core inductor are analyzed and investigated. A novel inductor-design algorithm is developed and automated in order to compare and contrast the various magnetic materials over a range of frequencies and ripple ratios. The algorithm is developed for foil-wound inductors with gapped CC-cores in the low (10 kHz) to medium (30 kHz) frequency range and investigates the materials in a natural-convection-cooled environment. The practical effects of frequency, ripple, air-gap fringing, and thermal configuration are investigated next for the iron-based amorphous metal and 6.5 % silicon steel materials. A 2.5 kW converter is built to verify the optimum material selection and thermal configuration over the frequency range and ripple ratios of interest. Inductor size can increase in both of these laminated materials due to increased airgap fringing losses. Distributing the airgap is demonstrated to reduce the inductor losses and size but has practical limitations for iron-based amorphous metal cores. The effects of the manufacturing process are shown to degrade the iron-based amorphous metal multi-cut core loss. The experimental results also suggest that gap loss is not a significant consideration in these experiments. The predicted losses by the equation developed by Reuben Lee and cited by Colonel McLyman are significantly higher than the experimental results suggest. Iron-based amorphous metal has better preformance than 6.5 % silicon steel when a single cut core and natural-convection-cooling are used. Conduction cooling, rather than natural convection, can result in the highest power density inductor. The cooling for these laminated materials is very dependent on the direction of the lamination and the component mounting. Experimental results are produced showing the effects of lamination direction on the cooling path. A significant temperature reduction is demonstrated for conduction cooling versus natural-convection cooling. Iron-based amorphous metal and 6.5% silicon steel are competitive materials when conduction cooled. A novel inductor design algorithm is developed for foil-wound inductors with gapped CC-cores for conduction cooling of core and copper. Again, conduction cooling, rather than natural convection, is shown to reduce the size and weight of the inductor. The weight of the 6.5 % silicon steel inductor is reduced by around a factor of ten compared to natural-convection cooling due to the high thermal conductivity of the material. The conduction cooling algorithm is used to develop high-power custom inductors for use in a high power multi-phase boost converter. Finally, a high power digitally-controlled multi-phase boost converter system is designed and constructed to test the high-power inductors. The performance of the inductors is compared to the predictions used in the design process and very good correlation is achieved. The thesis results have been documented at IEEE APEC, PESC and IAS conferences in 2007 and at the IEEE EPE conference in 2008.


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Atomic force microscopy, which is normally used for DNA imaging to gain qualitative results, can also be used for quantitative DNA research, at a single-molecular level. Here, we evaluate the performance of AFM imaging specifically for quantifying supercoiled and relaxed plasmid DNA fractions within a mixture, and compare the results with the bulk material analysis method, gel electrophoresis. The advantages and shortcomings of both methods are discussed in detail. Gel electrophoresis is a quick and well-established quantification method. However, it requires a large amount of DNA, and needs to be carefully calibrated for even slightly different experimental conditions for accurate quantification. AFM imaging is accurate, in that single DNA molecules in different conformations can be seen and counted. When used carefully with necessary correction, both methods provide consistent results. Thus, AFM imaging can be used for DNA quantification, as an alternative to gel electrophoresis.


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OBJECTIVES: This study compared LDL, HDL, and VLDL subclasses in overweight or obese adults consuming either a reduced carbohydrate (RC) or reduced fat (RF) weight maintenance diet for 9 months following significant weight loss. METHODS: Thirty-five (21 RC; 14 RF) overweight or obese middle-aged adults completed a 1-year weight management clinic. Participants met weekly for the first six months and bi-weekly thereafter. Meetings included instruction for diet, physical activity, and behavior change related to weight management. Additionally, participants followed a liquid very low-energy diet of approximately 2092 kJ per day for the first three months of the study. Subsequently, participants followed a dietary plan for nine months that targeted a reduced percentage of carbohydrate (approximately 20%) or fat (approximately 30%) intake and an energy intake level calculated to maintain weight loss. Lipid subclasses using NMR spectroscopy were analyzed prior to weight loss and at multiple intervals during weight maintenance. RESULTS: Body weight change was not significantly different within or between groups during weight maintenance (p>0.05). The RC group showed significant increases in mean LDL size, large LDL, total HDL, large and small HDL, mean VLDL size, and large VLDL during weight maintenance while the RF group showed increases in total HDL, large and small HDL, total VLDL, and large, medium, and small VLDL (p<0.05). Group*time interactions were significant for large and medium VLDL (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Some individual lipid subclasses improved in both dietary groups. Large and medium VLDL subclasses increased to a greater extent across weight maintenance in the RF group.


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To assess the effect of targeted myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor (AR) stimulation on relaxation and phospholamban regulation, we studied the physiological and biochemical alterations associated with overexpression of the human beta2-AR gene in transgenic mice. These mice have an approximately 200-fold increase in beta-AR density and a 2-fold increase in basal adenylyl cyclase activity relative to negative littermate controls. Mice were catheterized with a high fidelity micromanometer and hemodynamic recordings were obtained in vivo. Overexpression of the beta2-AR altered parameters of relaxation. At baseline, LV dP/dt(min) and the time constant of LV pressure isovolumic decay (Tau) in the transgenic mice were significantly shorter compared with controls, indicating markedly enhanced myocardial relaxation. Isoproterenol stimulation resulted in shortening of relaxation velocity in control mice but not in the transgenic mice, indicating maximal relaxation in these animals. Immunoblotting analysis revealed a selective decrease in the amount of phospholamban protein, without a significant change in the content for either sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase or calsequestrin, in the transgenic hearts compared with controls. This study indicates that myocardial relaxation is both markedly enhanced and maximal in these mice and that conditions associated with chronic beta-AR stimulation can result in a selective reduction of phospholamban protein.


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BACKGROUND: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal approach to perioperative care that combines a range of interventions to enable early mobilization and feeding after surgery. We investigated the feasibility, clinical effectiveness, and cost savings of an ERAS program at a major U. S. teaching hospital. METHODS: Data were collected from consecutive patients undergoing open or laparoscopic colorectal surgery during 2 time periods, before and after implementation of an ERAS protocol. Data collected included patient demographics, operative, and perioperative surgical and anesthesia data, need for analgesics, complications, inpatient medical costs, and 30-day readmission rates. RESULTS: There were 99 patients in the traditional care group, and 142 in the ERAS group. The median length of stay (LOS) was 5 days in the ERAS group compared with 7 days in the traditional group (P < 0.001). The reduction in LOS was significant for both open procedures (median 6 vs 7 days, P = 0.01), and laparoscopic procedures (4 vs 6 days, P < 0.0001). ERAS patients had fewer urinary tract infections (13% vs 24%, P = 0.03). Readmission rates were lower in ERAS patients (9.8% vs 20.2%, P = 0.02). DISCUSSION: Implementation of an enhanced recovery protocol for colorectal surgery at a tertiary medical center was associated with a significantly reduced LOS and incidence of urinary tract infection. This is consistent with that of other studies in the literature and suggests that enhanced recovery programs could be implemented successfully and should be considered in U.S. hospitals.


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1. Haemolymph osmoregulation by the shore crab, Carcinus maenas was confirmed over a range of salinities. 2. Na+K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities in gill tissue increased with a decrease in salinity. 3. Na+K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities were inhibited after exposure to p,p′-DDT. 4. K+ ion levels of the haemolymph remained unchanged, but Na+ ion levels were affected after 7 hr when transferred from 100 to 5% SW after exposure to DDT.


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The effect of different salinity levels on colonial growth and gonozooid frequency of the hydroid Campanularia flexuosa Hincks has been studied. It is shown that the usual cumulative presentation of growth data tends to obscure evidence of acclimation and other features of importance to an interpretation of adaptations of the growth process to salinity changes. A method of analysis is described that not only demonstrates acclimation, but apparently shows how growth is controlled after disturbance by changes in salinity. One other response to reduced salinity and other unfavourable changes in water chemistry is an increase in gonozooid frequency due to the diversion of resources from the formation of new hydranths.