994 resultados para Rectal neoplasm
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) are the second most frequent malignancies in AIDS patients. The majority of NHL associated with AIDS involves extranodal sites, especially the digestive tract and the central nervous system. Primary liver lymphoma (PLL) is an uncommon neoplasm among these patients. Ultrasonography and computed tomography scans may be helpful in the diagnosis of focal hepatic lymphoma. Image-guided fine-needle biopsy with histopathology of the liver lesions is the gold standard for the diagnosis of hepatic lymphoma. We report a case of PLL as the initial manifestation of AIDS in a patient without any previous infection by hepatitis C or B virus, presented as multiple and large hepatic masses.
A amebíase é uma doença infecciosa com diferentes formas de apresentação. Trata-se de um doente de 32 anos, sexo masculino, raça caucasiana, natural e residente em Lisboa, admitido na consulta de Proctologia por rectorragias. O exame objectivo e a avaliação laboratorial não mostraram alterações. Na sigmoidoscopia observaram-se úlceras entre 3 e 5 mm na mucosa rectal e da sigmoideia com friabilidade. A histologia revelou: manutenção da arquitectura, sem depleção das células caliciformes, infiltrado inflamatório intenso, misto com muitos polimorfonucleares neutrófilos e agregados linfóides da lâmina própria, criptite e úlcera com exsudado necroinflamatório, identificando-se Entamoeba histolytica. Medicado com metronidazol com resolução clínica, endoscópica e histológica.
A fasceíte necrotizante dos tecidos infra-diafragmáticos (gangrena de Fournier) é uma grave infecção sinergística por agentes aeróbicos/anaeróbicos, com uma evolução clínica súbita e rápida de gangrena da fascia e sepsis generalizada, associada a elevada mortalidade. Trata-se de uma emergência médico-cirúrgica necessitando de tratamento intensivo englobando a correcção das anomalias hemodinâmicas, hidroelectrolí- ticas e metabólicas, antibioterapia dupla/tripla de largo espectro por via endovenosa, desbridamento cirúrgico agressivo do tecido necrótico infectado e correcção da determinante etiológica da gangrena. É frequente encontrar como factores de risco a diabetes mellitus, doença crónica hepática, doenças malignas, doenças imunológicas congénitas ou adquiridas, tratamento com fármacos imuno-supressores, alcoolismo crónico e má nutrição. As fontes infecciosas originais conducentes a uma gangrena de Fournier são geralmente abcessos da área peri-anal ou processos infecciosos genitourológicos. Embora a gangrena de Fournier seja muito menos frequente na mulher que no homem, é importante pensar nesse diagnóstico, de forma a proporcionar às doentes a possibilidade de tratamento com sucesso. Descreve-se o caso de uma gangrena de Fournier, determinada porumabscesso da fossa ísquio-rectal, numa mulher diabética e em tratamento de um penfigus vulgaris com fármacos imuno-supressores, com evolução fatal, possivelmente em resultado de diagnóstico e tratamento tardios.
Setting: Burkitt’s lymphoma is a rare form of cancer and is an extremely rare diagnosis during pregnancy. This form of lymphoma is a very fast growing B cell neoplasm and chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for the disease in all its stages. Case report: The authors describe the case of a Caucasian 40-year-old nulliparous woman, with previous known Epstein–Barr virus infection, that presents at 28 weeks gestation with supraclavicular adenopathy and multiple bilateral breast nodules, in which biopsy showed non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Burkitt’s type. Discussion: There are few described cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma during pregnancy and in general the outcomes have been poor. In most of the cases, the patients were not treated by current standards or instead had a late diagnosis. This neoplasia is the most rapidly progressive human tumor, and any delay in initiating therapy can adversely aVect patient’s prognosis. The authors discuss treatment options in pregnancy and its perinatal implications.
PURPOSE: To describe the anatomy and imaging findings of the prostatic arteries (PAs) on multirow-detector pelvic computed tomographic (CT) angiography and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) before embolization for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a retrospective study from May 2010 to June 2011, 75 men (150 pelvic sides) underwent pelvic CT angiography and selective pelvic DSA before PA embolization for BPH. Each pelvic side was evaluated regarding the number of independent PAs and their origin, trajectory, termination, and anastomoses with adjacent arteries. RESULTS: A total of 57% of pelvic sides (n = 86) had only one PA, and 43% (n = 64) had two independent PAs identified (mean PA diameter, 1.6 mm ± 0.3). PAs originated from the internal pudendal artery in 34.1% of pelvic sides (n = 73), from a common trunk with the superior vesical artery in 20.1% (n = 43), from the anterior common gluteal-pudendal trunk in 17.8% (n = 38), from the obturator artery in 12.6% (n = 27), and from a common trunk with rectal branches in 8.4% (n = 18). In 57% of pelvic sides (n = 86), anastomoses to adjacent arteries were documented. There were 30 pelvic sides (20%) with accessory pudendal arteries in close relationship with the PAs. No correlations were found between PA diameter and patient age, prostate volume, or prostate-specific antigen values on multivariate analysis with logistic regression. CONCLUSIONS: PAs have highly variable origins between the left and right sides and between patients, and most frequently arise from the internal pudendal artery.
Os autores apresentam as principais características clínicas e descrevem os achados ultrastruturais de 8 casos de cerolipofuscinose (CLF)dos tipo infantil tardio (5 casos) e juvenil (3 casos) cujo diagnóstico clínico foi confirmado pela observação em microscopia electrónica de microbuffycoats de linfócitos do sangue periférico, e de biópsias de músculo estriado, pele, conjuntiva palpebral e mucosa rectal. A observação ultrastrutural confirmou o predomínio de agrupamentos de perfis paralelos de membranas e figuras paracristalinas nas células dos casos do tipo juvenil, e de corpos curvilineares nas células dos casos de tipo infantil tardio. Nestes dois tipos não se verificou preferência pela observação de um determinado tecido para a confirmação ultrastrutural do diagnóstico clínico. Em dois casos foram observados, nos linfócitos do sangue periférico, feixes de tubos paralelos associados no mesmo citosoma às inclusões típicas das CLF, o que pode sugerir uma relação daquelas estruturas com a alteração metabólica destas doenças. A sensibilidade e a especificidade reveladas pelo exame ultrastrutural de linfócitos do sangue periférico, e a facilidade de execução técnica, recomendam o seu uso para a confirmação do diagnóstico clínico de cerolipofuscinose.
Várias são as patologias orgânicas ou funcionais que podem interferir com os mecanismos da defecação. Os AA apresentam 4 casos clínico com incontinência fecal: - 1 falsa encoprese - 2 mielomeningocelos - 1 anastomsose ileo-anal (colectomia total em D. de Behçet). Todos os casos foram avaliados manométricamente, e operados com miorrafia dos levantadores do recto, plastia dos músculos glúteos, com aproximação e sutura mediana, sem dissecção circunferencial do recto, solidarizando músculos contíguos de inervação independente. Na incontinência por anastomose ileo-anal foi préviamente feita ileostomia e reconstruída uma bosa rectal. Nos outros casos não foi feita qualquer derivação intestinal. Em 3 casos os pós-operatórios decorreram sem incidentes tendo havido uma nítida melhoria da continência. No outro caso (mielomeningocelo) verificou-se uma complicação abcesso com deiscência de sutura - o que contribuiu muito provávelmente para um resultado menos satisfatório. Depois de claramente despistados os casos de incontinência, a técnica utilizada é de simples execução, usando para a reconstrução anatómica e funcional grupos musculares vizinhos capazes de melhorar os mecanismos de continência.
Considering that there are some studies with autopsies from AIDS describing only malignant neoplasias and that changes can occur after the introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), our objectives were to analyze the frequency of benign and malignant neoplasms in AIDS patients in the periods of both pre- and post-HAART. This is a retrospective study with 261 autopsies of HIV-positive patients between 1989 and 2008 in Uberaba, Brazil. Sixty-six neoplasms were found (39 benign, 21 malignant and six premalignant) in 58 patients. The most frequent malignant neoplasms were lymphoid, in 2.7% (four Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, one Hodgkin, one multiple myeloma and one plasmablastic plasmacytoma), and Kaposi's Sarcoma, in 2.3% (six cases). The most frequent benign neoplasms were hepatic hemangiomas in 11 (4.2%) of 261 cases and uterine leiomyoma in 11 (15.7%) of 70 woman. In the pre-HAART period eight (9.8%) benign neoplasias and four (4.9%) malignant occurred in 82 patients; in the post-HAART period, 29 (16.2%) benign and 17 (9.5%) malignant were present; however, the differences were not significant. We conclude that the introduction of HAART in our region doesn't look to have modified the frequency of neoplasms occurring in patients with HIV.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor is a rare, highly aggressive systemic neoplasm for which effective therapies have not yet been established. We describe a 73-year-old man with multiple nodules and patches emerging on the trunk and limbs. Lesional skin biopsy revealed a plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor with dense dermal infiltrate of tumor cells with blastoid features. No apparent systemic involvement was identified in the initial stage. The patient was treated with prednisone daily, with notorious improvement of the skin lesions, although no complete remission was obtained. During the six-month follow-up period, no disease progression was documented, but fatal systemic progression occurred after that period of time.
A obstipação é um problema frequente na idade pediátrica. Os autores propuseram-se analisar os dados clínicos e os registos da manomatria anorectal de um grupo de crianças com obstipação funcional para encontrar as características preditivas de risco de desenvolvimento de encopresis. Foram analisados os processos de 46 crianças com características clínicas de obstipação funcional e agrupadas em dois grupos. o grupo A (n=20) constítuido por crianças obstipadas mas sem encopresis e o grupo B (n=26) por crinaças com história de encopresis. Todas as crianças efecturam manometria anorectal. A duração da obstipação foi mais prolongada no grupo das crianças encopréticas. A análise dos traçados manométricos não demonstrou diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, no que diz respeito ao tónus anal mínimo e máximo e à contracção anal voluntária. O reflexo recto anal inibidor (RRAI) esteve presente em todos os doentes, para volumes de distensão elevados, mas semelhantes. O limiar da sensibilidade à distensão foi mais elevado no grupo B. A relação entre os volumes de distensão desencadeando a sensaibilidade rectal e o RRAI foi semelhante nos dois grupos e em 50% dos casos o RRAI precedeu a sensibilidade para a distensão rectal. Os factores preditivos de aparecimento de encopresis, forma o sexo masculino e o tempo de duração da obstipação.
Os autores apresentam um caso de Cor Pulmonale por Embolia de Células Neoplásicas em uma doente de 42 anos sem antecedentes conhecidos de doença maligna. A neoplasia primitiva era um coriocarcinoma que não foi encontrado no exame necrópsico. É brevemente discutida a fisiopatologia, achados clínicos e marcha diagnóstica destas situações.
We increasingly face conservative surgery for rectal cancer and even the so called ‘wait and see’ approach, as far as 10–20% patients can reach a complete pathological response at the time of surgery. But what can we say to our patients about risks? Standard surgery with mesorectal excision gives a <2% local recurrence with a post operative death rate of 2–8% (may reach 30% at 6 months in those over 85), but low AR has some deterioration in bowel function and in low cancer a permanent stoma may be required. Also a long-term impact on urinary and sexual function is possible. Distant metastasis rate seem to be identical in the standard and conservative approach. It is difficult to evaluate conservative approach because a not clear standardization of surgery for low rectal cancer. Rullier et al tried to clarify, and they found identical results for recurrence (5–9%), disease free survival (70%) at 5y for coloanal anastomosis and intersphinteric resection. Other series have found local recurrence higher than with standard approach and functional results may be worse and, in some situations, salvage therapy is compromised or has more complications. In this context, functional outcomes are very important but most studies are incomplete in measuring bowel function in the context of conservative approach. In 2005 Temple et al made a survey of 122/184 patient after sphinter preserving surgery and found a 96.9% of incomplete evacuation, 94.4% clustering, 93.2% food affecting frequency, 91.8% gas incontinence and proposed a systematic evaluation with a specific questionnaire. In which concerns ‘Wait and see’ approach for complete clinical responders, it was first advocated by Habr Gama for tumors up to 7cm, with a low locoregional failure of 4.6%, 5y overall survival 96%, 72% for disease free survival; one fifth of patients failed in the first year; a Dutch trial had identical results but others had worse recurrence rates; in other series 25% of patients could not be salvaged even with APR; 30% have subsequent metastatic disease what seems equal for ‘wait and see’ and operated patients. In a recent review Glynne Jones considers that all the evaluated ‘wait and see’ studies are heterogeneous in staging, inclusion criteria, design and follow up after chemoradiation and that there is the suggestion that patients who progress while under observation fare worse than those resected. He proposes long-term observational studies with more uniform inclusion criteria. We are now facing a moment where we may be more aggressive in early cancer and neoadjuvant treatment to be more conservative in the subsequent treatment but we need a better stratification of patients, better evaluation of results and more clear prognostic markers.
Os autores fazem a revisão da clínica, do registo da sintomatologia e impacto na qualidade de vida, dos meios auxiliares ao diagnóstico e das atitudes terapêuticas da Hiperplasia benigna da Próstata. Fundamentados nestes dados propõem Orientações Terapêuticas e Recomendações, para quando e como enviar os doentes portadores desta patologia a Urologia. Assim, segundo os critérios definidos neste trabalho, devem ser enviados à Urologia os doentes com sintomatologia importante ou grave, idade inferior a 50 anos, antecedentes de diabetes ou alterações neurológicas, micção francamente alterada, globo vesical, toque rectal com palpação prostática suspeita de neoplasia, hematúria, infecção urinária, insuficiência renal, ou PSA> 4 nglml para idade inferior a 70 anos.
INTRODUCTION: Primary small bowel malignancy is unusual and accounts for 1-3% of all gastrointestinal tract neoplasms. Adenocarcinoma is one of the most common histologic types, but its frequency decreases with more distal locations. Its clinical presentation is nonspecific and is usually associated with advanced disease, which contributes to delayed diagnosis. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 66-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with a 6-day history of progressively worsening abdominal pain localized in the right lower quadrant, nausea, and vomiting. Investigation revealed an inflammatory appendiceal tumor. The patient underwent surgery and an unexpected tumor involving the distal ileal segment and ileocecal appendix was found. Right radical hemicolectomy with en bloc resection of the distal ileum was performed. Histopathological examination revealed adenocarcinoma of the ileum. DISCUSSION: This rare entity is associated with a nonspecific clinical presentation that contributes to delayed diagnosis and treatment, and consequently to a worse prognosis. Approximately half of the cases are only diagnosed at surgery. Primary treatment consists of wide resection with locoregional lymphadenectomy. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy has yet to be determined. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates an unusual condition characterized by late and challenging diagnosis. We highlight the importance of an earlier diagnosis and optimal treatment for improved patient outcomes.
The use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) for prostate cancer has increased over recent years, mainly for detection, staging, and active surveillance. However, suspicion of recurrence in the set of biochemical failure is becoming a significant reason for clinicians to request mp-MRI. Radiologists should be able to recognize the normal post-treatment MRI findings. Fibrosis and atrophic remnant seminal vesicles after prostatectomy are often found and must be differentiated from local relapse. Moreover, brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy, cryosurgery, and hormonal therapy tend to diffusely decrease the signal intensity of the peripheral zone on T2-weighted images (T2WI) due to the loss of water content, consequently mimicking tumor and hemorrhage. The combination of T2WI and functional studies like diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic contrast-enhanced improves the identification of local relapse. Tumor recurrence tends to restrict on diffusion images and avidly enhances after contrast administration either within or outside the gland. The authors provide a pictorial review of the normal findings and the signs of local tumor relapse after radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, cryosurgery, and hormonal therapy.