999 resultados para Rashba spin splitting


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In a recent paper, we combined the technique of bosonization with the concept of a Rayleigh dissipation function to develop a model for resistances in one-dimensional systems of interacting spinless electrons Europhys. Lett. 93, 57007 (2011)]. We also studied the conductance of a system of three wires by using a current splitting matrix M at the junction. In this paper, we extend our earlier work in several ways. The power dissipated in a three-wire system is calculated as a function of M and the voltages applied in the leads. By combining two junctions of three wires, we examine a system consisting of two parallel resistances. We study the conductance of this system as a function of the M matrices and the two resistances; we find that the total resistance is generally quite different from what one expects for a classical system of parallel resistances. We do a sum over paths to compute the conductance of this system when one of the two resistances is taken to be infinitely large. We study the conductance of a three-wire system of interacting spin-1/2 electrons, and show that the charge and spin conductances can generally be different from each other. Finally, we consider a system of two wires that are coupled by a dissipation function, and we show that this leads to a current in one wire when a voltage bias is applied across the other wire.


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Here we report a temperature-dependent Raman study of the pyrochlore ``dynamic spin-ice'' compound Pr(2)Sn(2)O(7) and compare the results with its non-pyrochlore (monoclinic) counterpart Pr(2)Ti(2)O(7). In addition to phonon modes, we observe two bands associated with electronic Raman scattering involving crystal field transitions in Pr(2)Sn(2)O(7) at similar to 135 and 460 cm(-1) which couple strongly to phonons. Anomalous temperature dependence of phonon frequencies that are observed in Pyrochlore Pr(2)Sn(2)O(7) are absent in monoclinic Pr(2)Ti(2)O(7). This, therefore, confirms that the strong phonon-phonon anharmonic interactions, responsible for the temperature-dependent anomalous behavior of phonons, arise due to the inherent vacant sites in the pyrochlore structure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have explored the mechanism of spin-torque-driven domain-wall (DW) depinning in cylindrical nanowires of nickel using noise in electrical resistance. We find that the spectral slope of noise is a sensitive probe to the DW kinetics that reveals a creeplike behavior of the DWs at the depinning threshold, and diffusive DW motion at higher spin-torque drive. Different regimes of DW kinetics were characterized by universal kinetic exponents.


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Given an unweighted undirected or directed graph with n vertices, m edges and edge connectivity c, we present a new deterministic algorithm for edge splitting. Our algorithm splits-off any specified subset S of vertices satisfying standard conditions (even degree for the undirected case and in-degree ≥ out-degree for the directed case) while maintaining connectivity c for vertices outside S in Õ(m+nc2) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. This improves the current best deterministic time bounds due to Gabow [8], who splits-off a single vertex in Õ(nc2+m) time for an undirected graph and Õ(mc) time for a directed graph. Further, for appropriate ranges of n, c, |S| it improves the current best randomized bounds due to Benczúr and Karger [2], who split-off a single vertex in an undirected graph in Õ(n2) Monte Carlo time. We give two applications of our edge splitting algorithms. Our first application is a sub-quadratic (in n) algorithm to construct Edmonds' arborescences. A classical result of Edmonds [5] shows that an unweighted directed graph with c edge-disjoint paths from any particular vertex r to every other vertex has exactly c edge-disjoint arborescences rooted at r. For a c edge connected unweighted undirected graph, the same theorem holds on the digraph obtained by replacing each undirected edge by two directed edges, one in each direction. The current fastest construction of these arborescences by Gabow [7] takes Õ(n2c2) time. Our algorithm takes Õ(nc3+m) time for the undirected case and Õ(nc4+mc) time for the directed case. The second application of our splitting algorithm is a new Steiner edge connectivity algorithm for undirected graphs which matches the best known bound of Õ(nc2 + m) time due to Bhalgat et al [3]. Finally, our algorithm can also be viewed as an alternative proof for existential edge splitting theorems due to Lovász [9] and Mader [11].


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First systematic spin probe ESR study of water freezing has been conducted using TEMPOL and TEMPO as the probes. The spin probe signature of the water freezing has been described in terms of the collapse of narrow triplet spectrum into a single broad line. This spin probe signature of freezing has been observed at an anomalously low temperature when a milimoler solution of TEMPOL is slowly cooled from room temperature. A systematic observation has revealed a spin probe concentration dependence of these freezing and respective melting points. These results can be explained in terms of localization of spin probe and liquid water,most probably in the interstices of ice grains, in an ice matrix. The lowering of spin probe freezing point, along with the secondary evidences, like spin probe concentration dependence of peak-to-peak width in frozen limit signal, indicates a possible size dependence of these localizations/entrapments with spin probe concentration. A weak concentration dependence of spin probe assisted freezing and melting points, which has been observed for TEMPO in comparison to TEMPOL, indicates different natures of interactions with water of these two probes. This view is also supported by the relaxation behavior of the two probes.


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Examining theories with an extended strong interaction sector such as axigluons or flavour universal colorons, we find that the constraints obtained from the current data on $t \bar t$ production at the Tevatron are in the range of $\sim {\cal O}$ TeV and thus competitive with those obtained from the dijet data. We point out that for large axigluon/coloron masses, the limits on the coloron mass may be different than those for the axigluon even for $\cot \xi = 1$. We also compute the expected forward-backward asymmetry for the case of the axigluons which would allow it to be discriminated against the SM as also the colorons. We further find that at the LHC, the signal should be visible in the $t \bar t$ invariant mass spectrum for a wide range of axigluon and coloron masses that are still allowed. We point out how top polarisation may be used to further discriminate the axigluon and coloron case from the SM as well as from each other.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in liquid-crystalline matrix provide information on the structure and orientation of the molecules. Thermotropic liquid crystals used as an orienting media result in the spectra of spins that are generally strongly coupled. The number of allowed transitions increases rapidly with the increase in the number of interacting spins. Furthermore, the number of single quantum transitions required for analysis is highly redundant. In the present study, we have demonstrated that it is possible to separate the subspectra of a homonuclear dipolar coupled spin system on the basis of the spin states of the coupled heteronuclei by multiple quantum (MQ)−single quantum (SQ) correlation experiments. This significantly reduces the number of redundant transitions, thereby simplifying the analysis of the complex spectrum. The methodology has been demonstrated on the doubly 13C labeled acetonitrile aligned in the liquid-crystal matrix and has been applied to analyze the complex spectrum of an oriented six spin system.


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We present a spin model, namely, the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising Hamiltonian, and show that it exhibits both confinement-deconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagnetic/spin-chain/ferromagnetic phases and topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin-liquid phases. We develop a fermionic resonating-valence-bonds (RVB) mean-field theory to chart out the phase diagram of the model and estimate the stability of its spin-liquid phases, which might be relevant for attempts to realize the model in optical lattices and other spin systems. We present an analytical mean-field theory to study the confinement-deconfinement transition for large coefficient of the loop term and show that this transition is first order within such mean-field analysis in this limit. We also conjecture that in some other regimes, the confinement-deconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the mean-field theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism. Finally, we present a general classification of the perturbations to the Kitaev model on the basis of their effect on it's spin correlation functions and derive a necessary and sufficient condition, within the regime of validity of perturbation theory, for the spin correlators to exhibit a long-ranged power-law behavior in the presence of such perturbations. Our results reproduce those of Tikhonov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 067203 (2011)] as a special case.