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Tree ring Delta C-14 data (Reimer et al., 2004; McCormac et al., 2004) indicate that atmospheric Delta C-14 varied on multi-decadal to centennial timescales, in both hemispheres, over the period between AD 950 and 1830. The Northern and Southern Hemispheric Delta C-14 records display similar variability, but from the data alone is it not clear whether these variations are driven by the production of C-14 in the stratosphere (Stuiver and Quay, 1980) or by perturbations to exchanges between carbon reservoirs (Siegenthaler et al., 1980). As the sea-air flux of (CO2)-C-14 has a clear maximum in the open ocean regions of the Southern Ocean, relatively modest perturbations to the winds over this region drive significant perturbations to the interhemispheric gradient. In this study, model simulations are used to show that Southern Ocean winds are likely a main driver of the observed variability in the interhemispheric gradient over AD 950-1830, and further, that this variability may be larger than the Southern Ocean wind trends that have been reported for recent decades (notably 1980-2004). This interpretation also implies that there may have been a significant weakening of the winds over the Southern Ocean within a few decades of AD 1375, associated with the transition between the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age. The driving forces that could have produced such a shift in the winds at the Medieval Climate Anomaly to Little Ice Age transition remain unknown. Our process-focused suite of perturbation experiments with models raises the possibility that the current generation of coupled climate and earth system models may underestimate the natural background multi-decadal- to centennial-timescale variations in the winds over the Southern Ocean.


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Twenty eight films of titanium dioxide of varying thickness were synthesised by using atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of titanium(IV) chloride and ethyl acetate onto glass and titanium substrates. Fixed reaction conditions at a substrate temperature of 660 degrees C were used for all depositions, with varying deposition times of 5-60 seconds used to control the thickness of the samples. A sacrificial electron acceptor system composed of alkaline sodium persulfate was used to determine the rate at which these films could photo-oxidise water in the presence of 365 nm light. The results of this work showed that the optimum thickness for CVD films on titanium substrates for the purposes of water oxidation was approximate to 200 nm, and that a platinum coating on the reverse of such samples leads to a five-fold increase in the observed rate of water oxidation.


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A controlled-atmosphere chamber, combined with a CCTV system, is used to monitor continuously the change in shape of water droplets on the self-cleaning commercial glass, Activ, and a sol-gel TiO2 substrate during their irradiation with either UVA or UVC light. This system allows the photoinduced superhydrophilic effect (PSH) exhibited by these materials to be studied in real time under a variety of different conditions. UVA was less effective than UVC in terms of PSH for both titania-coated glasses, and plain glass was unaffected by either form of UV irradiation and so showed no PSH activity. With UVA, ozone increased significantly the rate of PSH for both substrates, but had no effect on the wettability of plain glass. For both titania substrates and plain glass, no PSH activity was observed under an O-2-free atmosphere. A more detailed study of the PSH effect exhibited by Activ revealed that doping the water droplet with either an electron acceptor (Na2S2O8), electron donor (Na2S2O4), or simple electrolyte (KCl) in the absence of oxygen did not promote PSH. However, when Activ was UV irradiated, while immersed in a deoxygenated KCl solution, prior to testing for PSH activity, only a small change in contact angle was observed, whereas under the same conditions, but using a deoxygenated persulfate-containing immersion solution, it was rendered superhydrophilic. The correlation between organic contaminant removal and surface wetting was also investigated by using thick sol-gel films coated with stearic acid; the destruction of SA was monitored by FTIR and sudden wetting of the surface was seen to coincide with the substantial removal of the organic layer. The results of this work are discussed in the context of the current debate on the underlying cause of PSH.


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Communication: Coatings Of Yellow gamma-WO3 are deposited on glass by APCVD of WOCl4 and either ethanol or ethylacetate at 350-450degreesC. The yellow films show significant photoactivity for the destruction of stearic acid, and photoinduced superhydrophilicity. Preparation of blue reduced WO2.92 films from the same reaction at higher substrate temperatures of 500-600degreesC (Figure) is also found to be possible. These films show no photoactivity, but can be converted into the fully stoichiometric photoactive form simply by heating in air.


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A novel route involving atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) is reported for coating Nb2O5 onto glass substrates via the reaction of NbCl5 and ethyl acetate at 400-660degreesC. Raman spectroscopy is shown to be a simple diagnostic tool for the analysis of these thin films. The contact angle of water on Nb2O5-coated glass drops on UV irradiation from 60degrees to 5-20degrees. XPS Analysis showed that the Nb:O ratio of the film was 1:2.5. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction showed that all films were crystalline, with only a single phase being observed; this has some preferred orientation in the (201) plane of Nb2O5. The niobium(V) oxide materials show minimal photocatalytic ability to degrade organic material.


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Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of titanium dioxide coatings on glass substrates was achieved by the reaction of TiCl4 and a co-oxygen source (MeOH, EtOH, (PrOH)-Pr-i or H2O) at 500-650degreesC. The coatings show excellent uniformity, surface coverage and adherence. Growth rates were of the order of 0.3 mum min(-1) at 500degreesC. All films are crystalline and single phase with XRD showing the anatase TiO2 diffraction pattern; a = 3.78(1), c = 9.51(1) Angstrom. Optically, the films show minimal reflectivity from 300-1600 nm and 50-80% total transmission from 300-800 nm. Contact angles are in the range 20-40degrees for as-prepared films and 1-10degrees after 30 min irradiation at 254 nm. All of the films show significant photocatalyic activity as regards the destruction of an overlayer of stearic acid.


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The use of atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma represents an interesting and novel approach for the decontamination of surfaces colonized with microbial biofilms that exhibit enhanced tolerance to antimicrobial challenge. In this study, the influence of an atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma jet, operated in a helium and oxygen gas mixture under ambient pressure, was evaluated against biofilms of Bacillus cereus,Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Within <4 min of plasma exposure, complete eradication of the two Gram-positive bacterial biofilms was achieved. Although Gram-negative biofilms required longer treatment time, their complete eradication was still possible with 10 min of exposure. Whilst this study provides useful proof of concept data on the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas for the eradication of bacterial biofilms in vitro, it also demonstrates the critical need for improved understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics related to such a potentially significant approach. © 2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.


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Experimental values for the solubility of carbon dioxide, ethane, methane, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and carbon monoxide in 1-butyl-3- methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, [bmim][BF4] - a room temperature ionic liquid - are reported as a function of temperature between 283 K and 343 K and at pressures close to atmospheric. Carbon dioxide is the most soluble gas with mole fraction solubilities of the order of 10-2. Ethane and methane are one order of magnitude more soluble than the other five gases that have mole fraction solubilities of the order of 10-4. Hydrogen is the less soluble of the gaseous solutes studied. From the variation of solubility, expressed as Henry's law constants, with temperature, the partial molar thermodynamic functions of solvation such as the standard Gibbs energy, the enthalpy, and the entropy are calculated. The precision of the experimental data, considered as the average absolute deviation of the Henry's law constants from appropriate smoothing equations is of 1%. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bacteria exist, in most environments, as complex, organised communities of sessile cells embedded within a matrix of self-produced, hydrated extracellular polymeric substances known as biofilms. Bacterial biofilms represent a ubiquitous and predominant cause of both chronic infections and infections associated with the use of indwelling medical devices such as catheters and prostheses. Such infections typically exhibit significantly enhanced tolerance to antimicrobial, biocidal and immunological challenge. This renders them difficult, sometimes impossible, to treat using conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Effective alternative approaches for prevention and eradication of biofilm associated chronic and device-associated infections are therefore urgently required. Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasmas are gaining increasing attention as a potential approach for the eradication and control of bacterial infection and contamination. To date, however, the majority of studies have been conducted with reference to planktonic bacteria and rather less attention has been directed towards bacteria in the biofilm mode of growth. In this study, the activity of a kilohertz-driven atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma jet, operated in a helium oxygen mixture, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro biofilms was evaluated. Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms exhibit marked susceptibility to exposure of the plasma jet effluent, following even relatively short (~10's s) exposure times. Manipulation of plasma operating conditions, for example, plasma operating frequency, had a significant effect on the bacterial inactivation rate. Survival curves exhibit a rapid decline in the number of surviving cells in the first 60 seconds followed by slower rate of cell number reduction. Excellent anti-biofilm activity of the plasma jet was also demonstrated by both confocal scanning laser microscopy and metabolism of the tetrazolium salt, XTT, a measure of bactericidal activity.


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Peatlands are a key component of the global carbon cycle. Chronologies of peatland initiation are typically based on compiled basal peat radiocarbon (14C) dates and frequency histograms of binned calibrated age ranges. However, such compilations are problematic because poor quality 14C dates are commonly included and because frequency histograms of binned age ranges introduce chronological artefacts that bias the record of peatland initiation. Using a published compilation of 274 basal 14C dates from Alaska as a case study, we show that nearly half the 14C dates are inappropriate for reconstructing peatland initiation, and that the temporal structure of peatland initiation is sensitive to sampling biases and treatment of calibrated14C dates. We present revised chronologies of peatland initiation for Alaska and the circumpolar Arctic based on summed probability distributions of calibrated 14C dates. These revised chronologies reveal that northern peatland initiation lagged abrupt increases in atmospheric CH4 concentration at the start of the Bølling–Allerød interstadial (Termination 1A) and the end of the Younger Dryas chronozone (Termination 1B), suggesting that northern peatlands were not the primary drivers of the rapid increases in atmospheric CH4. Our results demonstrate that subtle methodological changes in the synthesis of basal 14C ages lead to substantially different interpretations of temporal trends in peatland initiation, with direct implications for the role of peatlands in the global carbon cycle.