979 resultados para Quantum tunneling
To find sustainable solutions for the production of energy, it is necessary to create photovoltaic technologies that make every photon count. To pursue this necessity, in the present work photodetectors of zinc oxide embedded with nano-structured materials, that significantly raise the conversion of solar energy to electric energy, were developed. The novelty of this work is on the development of processing methodologies in which all steps are in solution: quantum dots synthesis, passivation of their surface and sol-gel deposition. The quantum dot solutions with different capping agents were characterized by UVvisible absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. The obtained quantum dots have dimensions between 2 and 3nm. These particles were suspended in zinc acetate solutions and used to produce doped zinc oxide films with embedded quantum dots, whose electric response was tested. The produced nano-structured zinc oxide materials have a superior performance than the bulk, in terms of the produced photo-current. This indicates that an intermediate band material should have been produced that acts as a photovoltaic medium for solar cells. The results are currently being compiled in a scientific article, that is being prepared for possible submission to Energy and Environmental Science or Nanoscale journals.
Recently, CdTe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have attracted great interest due to their unique properties [1]. Their dispersion into polymeric matrices would be very for several optoelectronics applications. Despite its importance, there has been relatively little work done on charge transport in the QD polymeric films [2], which is mainly affected by their structural and morphological properties. In the present work, polymer-quantum dot nanocomposites films based on optically transparent polymers in the visible spectral range and CdTe QDs with controlled particle size and emission wavelength, were prepared via solvent casting. Photoluminescent (PL) measurements indicate different emission intensity of the nanocomposites. A blue shift of the emission peak compared to that of QDs in solution occurred, which is attributed to the QDs environment changes. The morphological and structural properties of the CdTe nanocomposites were evaluated. Since better QDs dispersion was achieved, PMMA seemed to be the most promising matrix. Electrical properties measurements indicate an ohmic behavior.
During last years, photophysical properties of complexes of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) with organic dyes have attracted increasing interest. The development of different assemblies based on QDs and organic dyes allows to increase the range of QDs applications, which include imaging, biological sensing and electronic devices.1 Some studies demonstrate energy transfer between QDs and organic dye in assemblies.2 However, for electronic devices purposes, a polymeric matrix is required to enhance QDs photostability. Thus, in order to attach the QDs to the polymer surface it is necessary to chemically modify the polymer to induce electronic charges and stabilize the QDs in the polymer. The present work aims to investigate the design of assemblies based on polymer-coated QDs and an integrated acceptor organic dye. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and polycarbonate (PC) were used as polymeric matrices, and nile red as acceptor. Additionally, a PMMA matrix modified with 2-mercaptoethylamine is used to improve the attachment between both the donor (QDs) and the acceptor (nile red), as well as to induce a covalent bond between the modified PMMA and the QDs. An enhancement of the energy transfer efficiency by using the modified PMMA is expected and the resulting assembly can be applied for energy harvesting.
We study the temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility of a strained graphene quantum dot by using the determinant quantum Monte Carlo method. Within the Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice, our unbiased numerical results show that a relative small interaction $U$ may lead to a edge ferromagnetic like behavior in the strained graphene quantum dot, and a possible room temperature transition is suggested. Around half filling, the ferromagnetic fluctuations at the zigzag edge is strengthened both markedly by the on-site Coulomb interaction and the strain, especially in low temperature region. The resultant strongly enhanced ferromagnetic like behavior may be important for the development of many applications.
The computation of the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene is discussed within the framework of quantum field theory in curved spaces. The analytical solutions of the Dirac equation in an arbitrary static background geometry for one dimensional periodic deformations are computed, together with the corresponding Dirac propagator. Analytical expressions are given for the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene associated with both intra and interbrand transitions. The special case of small deformations is discussed and the result compared to the prediction of the tight-binding model.
Risk management is of paramount importance in the success of tunnelling works and is linked to the tunnelling method and to the constraints of the works. Sequencial Excavation Method (SEM) and Tun-nel Boring Machine (TBM) method have been competing for years. This article, part of a wider study on the influence of the â Safety and Healthâ criterion in the choice of method, reviews the existing literature about the criteria usually employed to choose the tunnelling method and on the criterion â Safety and Healthâ . This crite-rion is particularly important, due to the financial impacts of work accidents and occupational diseases. This article is especially useful to the scientific and technical community, since it synthesizes the relevance of each one of the choice criteria used and it shows why â Safety and Healthâ must be a criterion in the decision mak-ing process to choose the tunnelling method.
El procedimiento de revertir la dinámica colectiva (diablillo de Loschmidt apresurado) mediante un pulso de radio frecuencia, permite generar un Eco de Loschmidt, es decir la refocalización de una excitación localizada. Alternativamente, en acústica es posible implementar un Espejo de Reversión Temporal, que consiste en la progresiva inyección de una débil excitación ultrasónica en la periferia de un sistema, para construir una excitación que se propaga "hacia atrás". Así, podemos afirmar que es posible revertir y controlar la dinámica. Sin embargo, aún no se posee una comprensión detallada de los mecanismos que gobiernan estos procedimientos. Este proyecto busca responder las preguntas que posibilitan esta comprensión.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
Three exceptional modular invariants of SU(4) exist at levels 4, 6 and 8. They can be obtained from appropriate conformal embeddings and the corresponding graphs have self-fusion. From these embeddings, or from their associated modular invariants, we determine the algebras of quantum symmetries, obtain their generators,and, as a by-product, recover the known graphs E4, E6 and E8 describing exceptional quantum subgroups of type SU(4). We also obtain characteristic numbers (quantum cardinalities, dimensions) for each of them and for their associated quantum groupoïds.
Quantum indeterminism is frequently invoked as a solution to the problem of how a disembodied soul might interact with the brain (as Descartes proposed), and is sometimes invoked in theories of libertarian free will even when they do not involve dualistic assumptions. Taking as example the Eccles-Beck model of interaction between self (or soul) and brain at the level of synaptic exocytosis, I here evaluate the plausibility of these approaches. I conclude that Heisenbergian uncertainty is too small to affect synaptic function, and that amplification by chaos or by other means does not provide a solution to this problem. Furthermore, even if Heisenbergian effects did modify brain functioning, the changes would be swamped by those due to thermal noise. Cells and neural circuits have powerful noise-resistance mechanisms, that are adequate protection against thermal noise and must therefore be more than sufficient to buffer against Heisenbergian effects. Other forms of quantum indeterminism must be considered, because these can be much greater than Heisenbergian uncertainty, but these have not so far been shown to play a role in the brain.
Per a determinar la dinàmica espai-temporal completa d’un sistema quàntic tridimensional de N partícules cal integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger en 3N dimensions. La capacitat dels ordinadors actuals permet fer-ho com a molt en 3 dimensions. Amb l’objectiu de disminuir el temps de càlcul necessari per a integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger multidimensional, es realitzen usualment una sèrie d’aproximacions, com l’aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer o la de camp mig. En general, el preu que es paga en realitzar aquestes aproximacions és la pèrdua de les correlacions quàntiques (o entrellaçament). Per tant, és necessari desenvolupar mètodes numèrics que permetin integrar i estudiar la dinàmica de sistemes mesoscòpics (sistemes d’entre tres i unes deu partícules) i en els que es tinguin en compte, encara que sigui de forma aproximada, les correlacions quàntiques entre partícules. Recentment, en el context de la propagació d’electrons per efecte túnel en materials semiconductors, X. Oriols ha desenvolupat un nou mètode [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 066803 (2007)] per al tractament de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes mesoscòpics. Aquesta nova proposta es fonamenta en la formulació de la mecànica quàntica de de Broglie– Bohm. Així, volem fer notar que l’enfoc del problema que realitza X. Oriols i que pretenem aquí seguir no es realitza a fi de comptar amb una eina interpretativa, sinó per a obtenir una eina de càlcul numèric amb la que integrar de manera més eficient l’equació d’Schrödinger corresponent a sistemes quàntics de poques partícules. En el marc del present projecte de tesi doctoral es pretén estendre els algorismes desenvolupats per X. Oriols a sistemes quàntics constituïts tant per fermions com per bosons, i aplicar aquests algorismes a diferents sistemes quàntics mesoscòpics on les correlacions quàntiques juguen un paper important. De forma específica, els problemes a estudiar són els següents: (i) Fotoionització de l’àtom d’heli i de l’àtom de liti mitjançant un làser intens. (ii) Estudi de la relació entre la formulació de X. Oriols amb la aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer. (iii) Estudi de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes bi- i tripartits en l’espai de configuració de les partícules mitjançant la formulació de de Broglie–Bohm.
The dissertation investigates some relevant metaphysical issues arising in the context of spacetime theories. In particular, the inquiry focuses on general relativity and canonical quantum gravity. A formal definition of spacetime theory is proposed and, against this framework, an analysis of the notions of general covariance, symmetry and background independence is performed. It is argued that many conceptual issues in general relativity and canonical quantum gravity derive from putting excessive emphasis on general covariance as an ontological prin-ciple. An original metaphysical position grounded in scientific essential- ism and causal realism (weak essentialism) is developed and defended. It is argued that, in the context of general relativity, weak essentialism supports spacetime substantivalism. It is also shown that weak essentialism escapes arguments from metaphysical underdetermination by positing a particular kind of causation, dubbed geometric. The proposed interpretive framework is then applied to Bohmian mechanics, pointing out that weak essentialism nicely fits into this theory. In the end, a possible Bohmian implementation of loop quantum gravity is considered, and such a Bohmian approach is interpreted in a geometric causal fashion. Under this interpretation, Bohmian loop quantum gravity straightforwardly commits us to an ontology of elementary extensions of space whose evolution is described by a non-local law. The causal mechanism underlying this evolution clarifies many conceptual issues related to the emergence of classical spacetime from the quantum regime. Although there is as yet no fully worked out physical theory of quantum gravity, it is argued that the proposed approach sets up a standard that proposals for a serious ontology in this field should meet.