904 resultados para Psycho-social impact
Estudo sobre a realização de documentários no contexto do movimento sindical brasileito dos anos 1970 e 1980. O objetivo é analisar os processos cinematográficos de realização, embates e jogos de representação nas narrativas sobre os trabalhadores industriais urbanos nos documentários realizados por cineastas que se propuseram a intervir e representar os novos movimentos sociais que ressurgem no contexto da abertura política brasileira. O recorte de análise é a imagem do trabalhador urbano dentro ou fora do contexto de greve, símbolo máximo da sua representação política, ressurgimento e impacto social. A metodologia consiste na codificação dos elementos narrativos visuais e na análise de conteúdo para, posteriormente, através do confronto entre as declarações colhidas em entrevistas com seus realizadores, verificar de que forma essas imagens construíram um discurso sobre o trabalhador que acabou sendo utilizado como instrumentos de comunicação alternativa e afirmação de identidade pelos próprios envolvidos.
A mídia impressa não especializada apresenta variados assuntos sobre estudantes universitários e esta tese objetiva verificar que aspectos psicossociais desses estudantes são abordados com mais freqüência. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram selecionadas notícias sobre estudantes de graduação veiculadas pelos jornais Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo e A Tribuna. A análise das notícias foi norteada pela Teoria Evolutiva da Adaptação, de Ryad Simon, mais especificamente, no que tange aos setores adaptativos afetivo-relacional, produtivo, orgânico e sócio-cultural. Verificou-se que a mídia impressa dá mais relevância aos setores produtivo e sócio-cultural dos alunos, em detrimento dos setores afetivo-relacional e orgânico. Com a finalidade de investigar o posicionamento de jornalistas frente aos resultados da análise setorial, foi-lhes enviado um questionário com base nos resultados obtidos, e verificou-se que a maioria desses profissionais está ciente da hegemonia dos setores produtivo e sócio-cultural, mas consideram importante a presença de todos os setores adaptativos nas notícias publicadas.
Assuntos como vestibular, escolha profissional ocupam espaço na mídia impressa especializada principalmente no final do ano. Evidentemente, o adolescente está inserido nesse contexto. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral investigar como essa mídia representa o adolescente na etapa da escolha profissional e do vestibular, pesquisando que aspectos da vida desse jovem são mais focalizados. Para tanto, foram analisadas algumas publicações da mídia especializada - revistas GUIA DO ESTUDANTE, ALMANAQUE DO ESTUDANTE e os suplementos teens FOVEST e FOLHATEEN, veiculados pelo jornal Folha de SP. Tomando-se por base a teoria evolutiva da adaptação humana de Ryad Simon,que procura analisar quatro setores adaptativos: Afetivo-Relacional, Produtividade,Sócio-Cultural e Orgânico, procurou-se verificar se a mídia leva em conta todos os setores ou se procura dar maior destaque apenas ao setor da produtividade. O período de análise escolhido foi o que antecede a época do vestibular, de meio e de final de ano. A pesquisa foi quantitativa e qualitativa, buscando-se utilizar, como método, a análise de conteúdo por meio da EDAO, um instrumento da Psicologia que avalia os quatro setores da adaptação humana, segundo a teoria proposta por Simon (1989). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a mídia especializada dá maior ênfase aos aspectos produtivos, portanto ao setor Produtividade. Os demais setores, confirmando as hipóteses formuladas, foram pouco abordados, tanto pelas revistas quanto pelos suplementos.Outro dado observado foi a pouca profundidade na abordagem dos temas. O estudo concluiu, também, que a EDAO - Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada pode ser utilizada como instrumento de análise de conteúdo em pesquisas envolvendo a mídia impressa especializada e os aspectos psicossociais do indivíduo.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo pesquisar a reincidência criminal por meio de três estudos exploratórios. No primeiro foi utilizado o Perfil do Detento no Estado de São Paulo, ano de 2003, documento elaborado pela Secretaria da Administração Penitenciaria, selecionando-se dele a população de 1.280 sujeitos do gênero masculino do Presídio Desembargador "Adriano Marrey" de Guarulhos. Foram encontradas prováveis associações à reincidência criminal nos seguintes fatores: idade, número de delitos cometidos e escolaridade. No segundo utilizou-se um levantamento aleatório, através do número de matrícula dos presos, que atingiu 11% dos 1.654 registrados e classificados em 2004. Os dados dos prontuários criminológicos dessa população carcerária, que foi de 182 sujeitos, foram comparados aos do primeiro estudo. Os resultados corroboraram tendências de associação entre idade, escolaridade, números de delitos e reincidência criminal. No terceiro estudo foram analisados 30 protocolos do Teste do Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH) aplicados em sentenciados do gênero masculino que tinham entre 18 e 35 anos de idade, condenados pelo artigo 157§2° do Código Penal Brasileiro (Assalto a Mão Armada), em regime inicialmente fechado. Esta investigação teve como objetivo conhecer as características de personalidade das pessoas que cometeram crimes. Encontraram-se alguns traços de personalidade que podem estar associados à criminalidade ou a reincidência.Não foram detectadas características psicóticas, mas perturbações e desvios na sexualidade, agressividade, imaturidade, dificuldade de elaboração de frustrações. Estes resultados podem alicerçar o uso das técnicas projetivas nas entrevistas de inclusão. Para tanto se propõe o uso do Desenho da Figura Humana de Machover (1949), com análise proposta por Lourenção Van Kolck (1984). Na discussão dos resultados e nas conclusão foram retomados os fatores que se apresentaram associados à reincidência e alguns temas que se mostraram de interesse para outras pesquisas no campo da psicologia criminal ou penitenciária. Pretendeu-se buscar subsídios que pudessem contribuir para a prevenção da reincidência, com base numa compreensão psicossocial do comportamento criminoso e sempre sob o enfoque da psicologia da saúde. As pessoas envolvidas na execução da pena deverão dar mais ênfase à entrevista de inclusão para cumprir o que determina a Lei de Execução Penal, executando o exame de classificação
Desde tempos remotos é notória a busca da humanidade para entender e conquistar a felicidade, qualidade de vida, bem-estar e saúde na sua plenitude bio-psico-social. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar as relações entre percepções de suporte (social, social no trabalho e organizacional) e bem-estar no trabalho (satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo) em trabalhadores com deficiência, pois são poucas as pesquisas sobre pessoas com deficiência (PCD). O propósito em abordar o trabalho é por ser um importante elemento de integração social e por constituir um símbolo de reconhecimento social, valorizando a capacidade de estreitar contatos e de estabelecer relações sociais. Deste estudo, participaram 44 trabalhadores com algum tipo de deficiência que atuam em cargos operacionais, técnicos e administrativos. Todos foram escolhidos por conveniência, sendo 24 (54,5%) do sexo masculino e 20 (45,5%) do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. Foi possível classificar as deficiências dos participantes em quatro categorias: deficiência nos membros superiores: 9 (20,5%) trabalhadores; deficiência nos membros inferiores: 11 (25%) trabalhadores; deficiência auditiva: 21 (47,7%) trabalhadores; deficiência visual: 3 (6,8%) trabalhadores. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado questionário de auto-preenchimento, composto de seis escalas que avaliam satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional, além de suporte social, suportes social no trabalho e organizacional. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, bem como calculados coeficientes de correlação entre variáveis. Os resultados apontam que em termos de satisfação no trabalho, não revelam discrepâncias entre estudos realizados com trabalhadores sem deficiências (considerados normais ). Também foi possível observar que as PCD declaram ter orgulho da empresa em que trabalham, além de estarem contentes, entusiasmadas, interessadas e animadas com a organização empregadora. O estudo revelou que as PCD obtêm de sua rede social, ajuda emocional que lhes proporciona sentimento de apoio frente às dificuldades ou carências afetivas, pois provavelmente entendam que podem contar com essa rede para comemorar realizações e sucessos, da mesma forma que receber carinho e consolo quando se frustram ou passam por algum momento triste. É possível afirmar que as PCD percebem que essa mesma rede seria capaz de lhes prover algum apoio prático, como receber informações acerca de sua saúde, talvez reabilitação, também informações para atualização profissional ou até acompanhamento do seu desenvolvimento, inclusive busca de novas oportunidades e desafios para crescimento pessoal e profissional. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que as PCD tendem a manter uma forte convicção de que a empresa em que trabalham preocupa-se com seu bem-estar e está disposta a oferecer ajuda diante uma necessidade. Demais resultados sinalizam que as PCD tendem a aumentar o seu vínculo com o trabalho vivenciando mais satisfação na medida em que também aumentam os suportes ofertados pela organização, pela rede social no contexto do trabalho e fora dele. A análise de todo o conteúdo confeccionado é a grande contribuição deste estudo, por ser considerado pioneiro nesta discussão, mas futuros estudos podem vir a confirmar tais resultados e corroborar com mais informações.(AU)
The evaluation and selection of industrial projects before investment decision is customarily done using marketing, technical and financial information. Subsequently, environmental impact assessment and social impact assessment are carried out mainly to satisfy the statutory agencies. Because of stricter environment regulations in developed and developing countries, quite often impact assessment suggests alternate sites, technologies, designs, and implementation methods as mitigating measures. This causes considerable delay to complete project feasibility analysis and selection as complete analysis requires to be taken up again and again till the statutory regulatory authority approves the project. Moreover, project analysis through above process often results sub-optimal project as financial analysis may eliminate better options, as more environment friendly alternative will always be cost intensive. In this circumstance, this study proposes a decision support system, which analyses projects with respect to market, technicalities, and social and environmental impact in an integrated framework using analytic hierarchy process, a multiple-attribute decision-making technique. This not only reduces duration of project evaluation and selection, but also helps select optimal project for the organization for sustainable development. The entire methodology has been applied to a cross-country oil pipeline project in India and its effectiveness has been demonstrated. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The evaluation and selection of industrial projects before investment decision is customarily done using marketing, technical, and financial information. Subsequently, environmental impact assessment and social impact assessment are carried out mainly to satisfy the statutory agencies. Because of stricter environment regulations in developed and developing countries, quite often impact assessment suggests alternate sites, technologies, designs, and implementation methods as mitigating measures. This causes considerable delay to complete project feasibility analysis and selection as complete analysis requires to be taken up again and again until the statutory regulatory authority approves the project. Moreover, project analysis through the above process often results in suboptimal projects as financial analysis may eliminate better options as more environment friendly alternative will always be cost intensive. In this circumstance, this study proposes a decision support system which analyses projects with respect to market, technicalities, and social and environmental impact in an integrated framework using analytic hierarchy process, a multiple attribute decision-making technique. This not only reduces duration of project evaluation and selection, but also helps select an optimal project for the organization for sustainable development. The entire methodology has been applied to a cross-country oil pipeline project in India and its effectiveness has been demonstrated. © 2008, IGI Global.
Despite the difficulties that we have regarding the use of English in tertiary education in Turkey, we argue that it is necessary for those involved to study in the medium of English. Furthermore, significant advances have been made on this front. These efforts have been for the most part language-oriented, but also include research into needs analysis and the pedagogy of team-teaching. Considering the current situation at this level of education, however, there still seems to be more to do. And the question is, what more can we do? What further contribution can we make? Or, how can we take this process further? The purpose of the study reported here is to respond to this last question. We test the proposition that it is possible to take this process further by investigating the efficient management of transition from Turkish-medium to English-medium at the tertiary level of education in Turkey. Beyond what is achieved by only the language orientation of the EAP approach, and moving conceptually deeper than what has been achieved by the team-teaching approach, the research undertaken for the purpose of this study focuses on the idea of the discourse community that people want to belong to. It then pursues an adaptation of the essentially psycho-social approach of apprenticeship, as people become aspirants and apprentices to that discourse community. In this thesis, the researcher recognises that she cannot follow all the way through to the full implementation of her ideas in a fully-taught course. She is not in a position to change the education system. What she does here is to introduce a concept and sample its effects in terms of motivation, and thereby of integration and of success, for individuals and groups of learners. Evaluation is provided by acquiring both qualitative and quantitative data concerning mature members' perceptions of apprenticed-neophytes functioning as members in the new community, apprenticed-neophytes' perceptions of their own membership and of the preparation process undertaken, and the comparison of these neophytes' performance with that of other neophytes in the community. The data obtained provide strong evidence in support of the potential usefulness of this apprenticeship model towards the declared purpose of improving the English-medium tertiary education of Turkish students in their chosen fields of study.
The study of white ethnicities is becoming increasingly important in the social sciences. This book provides a critical introduction to the topic. Whiteness has traditionally been seen as "ethnically transparent" - the marker against which other ethnicities are measured. This analysis is clearly incorrect, but only recently have many race and ethnicity scholars moved away from focusing on ethnic minorities and instead oriented their studies around the construction of white identities. Simon Clarke and Steve Garner's book is designed to guide students as they explore how white identities are forged using both sociological and psycho-social ideas. Including an excellent survey of the existing literature and original research from the UK, this book will be an invaluable guide for sociology students taking modules in race and ethnicity. Show More Show Less
Aim - This pilot study uses qualitative methods to learn about the psycho-social needs of people who seek help with hearing loss. Background - There has been some emphasis in health policy to reduce the number of appointments required between assessment of hearing loss and fitting of hearing aids. This may respond to audiological needs but may not address the psycho-social needs. This study piloted a phenomenological approach to identify the patient's perspective. Methods - A phenomenological approach was taken to provide description of patient perspectives. Findings - Six patients reported that help-seeking was primarily influenced by the need to appease social partners and to improve hearing performance. Hearing aids were not regarded as acceptable treatments. Conclusions - Service providers need to consider the psycho-social consequences of hearing-aid issue alongside audiological needs.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Chinese women living in the UK. However the literature suggests that Chinese women are less likely to attend breast screening than white British women. No studies have been conducted to explore reasons for low attendance among this specific population. The purpose of this thesis was to understand the psycho-social factors related to breast cancer prevention and screening among Chinese women in the UK, and then to inform a breast screening intervention design. Three studies were conducted. The first was a systematic review of interventions to increase breast screening among Chinese women living in Western countries. The second and third studies used focus groups to explore Chinese women’s beliefs about breast cancer prevention and screening practices among older and younger generations. Finally, Intervention Mapping was used to synthesise the findings of the focus groups with those of the systematic review to design an empirical and theoretical evidence based breast screening intervention directed at Chinese women who are non-adherent to the NHS Breast Screening Programme. The qualitative findings revealed that older participants held a more holistic view of health maintenance, and had less knowledge about breast cancer and its causes than younger participants. They showed positive attitudes to breast screening and most had responded to receiving a mammography invitation. Language was a key barrier to older participants using medical care and obtaining health-related information. Younger participants expressed high dissatisfaction with health care in UK and showed a strong ‘neo-fatalistic’ view of breast cancer prevention, believing the main cause of breast cancer to be genetic predisposition. The synthesis of findings suggest that healthcare providers need to take Chinese cultural and language concerns, but also the differences between generations, into account when designing and implementing breast screening services and educational programmes which target Chinese women.
This positional paper proposes a conceptual framework and methodological approach for use in a PhD study investigating the longer term educational and social impact of 'active' engineering focused interventions for children age 8-10 in the UK. The study will critically analyse how a child's participation in an engineering education activity contributes to the Engineering Capital that the child possesses; focusing on how the child's awareness and perceptions about engineering are affected. To achieve this aim it is proposed that Grounded Theory methodology be used to enable an in-depth analysis of participation from the perspective of the child participant. The study proposed will be longitudinal, taking place over three formative years for the education and career aspirations of the child, from age 8-10 to 11-13. Although the research is in its infancy, this paper will provide the opportunity to develop theory in an underdeveloped area of engineering education research.
Extra-care housing has been an important and growing element of housing and care for older people in the United Kingdom since the 1990s. Previous studies have examined specific features and programmes within extra-care locations, but few have studied how residents negotiate social life and identity. Those that have, have noted that while extra care brings many health-related and social benefits, extra-care communities can also be difficult affective terrain. Given that many residents are now ‘ageing in place’ in extra care, it is timely to revisit these questions of identity and affect. Here we draw on the qualitative element of a three-year, mixed-method study of 14 extra-care villages and schemes run by the ExtraCare Charitable Trust. We follow Alemàn in regarding residents' ambivalent accounts of life in ExtraCare as important windows on the way in which liminal residents negotiate the dialectics of dependence and independence. However, we suggest that the dialectic of interest here is that of the third and fourth age, as described by Gilleard and Higgs. We set that dialectic within a post-structuralist/Lacanian framework in order to examine the different modes of enjoyment that liminal residents procure in ExtraCare's third age public spaces and ideals, and suggest that their complaints can be read in three ways: as statements about altered material conditions; as inter-subjective bolstering of group identity; and as fantasmatic support for liminal identities. Finally, we examine the implications that this latter psycho-social reading of residents' complaints has for enhancing and supporting residents' wellbeing.
This research study was designed to examine the relationship between globalization as measured by the KOF index, its related forces (economic, political, cultural and technological) and the public provision of higher education. This study is important since globalization is increasingly being associated with changes in critical aspects of higher education. The public provision of education was measured by government expenditure and educational outcomes; that is participation, gender equity and attainment. The study utilized a non-experimental quantitative research design. Data collected from secondary sources for 139 selected countries was analyzed. The countries were geographically distributed and included both developed and developing countries. The choice of countries for inclusion in the study was based on data availability. The data, which was sourced from international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, were examined for different time periods using five year averages. The period covered was 1970 to 2009.^ The relationship between globalization and the higher education variables was examined using cross sectional regression analysis while controlling for economic, political and demographic factors. The major findings of the study are as follows. For the two spending models, only one revealed a significant relationship between globalization and education with the R 2 s ranging from .222 to .448 over the period. This relationship was however negative indicating that as globalization increased, spending on higher education declined. However, for the education outcomes models, this relationship was not significant. For the sub-indices of globalization, only the political dimension showed significance as shown in the spending model. Political globalization was significant for six periods with R2 s ranging from .31 to .52.^ The study concluded that the results are mixed for both the spending and outcome models. It also found no robust effects of globalization on government education provision. This finding is not surprising given the existing literature which sees mixed results on the social impact of globalization.^