970 resultados para Protein Purification


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Squalene epoxidase, a membrane-associated enzyme that converts squalene to squalene 2,3-oxide, plays an important role in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. In 1957, Bloch and colleagues identified a factor from rat liver cytosol termed “supernatant protein factor (SPF),” which promotes the squalene epoxidation catalyzed by rat liver microsomes with oxygen, NADPH, FAD, and phospholipid [Tchen, T. T. & Bloch, K. (1957) J. Biol. Chem. 226, 921–930]. Although purification of SPF by 11,000-fold was reported, no information is so far available on the primary structure or biological function of SPF. Here we report the cDNA cloning and expression of SPF from rat and human. The encoded protein of 403 amino acids belongs to a family of cytosolic lipid-binding/transfer proteins such as α-tocopherol transfer protein, cellular retinal binding protein, yeast phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p), and squid retinal binding protein. Recombinant SPF produced in Escherichia coli enhances microsomal squalene epoxidase activity and promotes intermembrane transfer of squalene in vitro. SPF mRNA is expressed abundantly in the liver and small intestine, both of which are important sites of cholesterol biosynthesis. SPF is expressed significantly in isolated hepatocytes, but the expression level was markedly decreased after 48 h of in vitro culture. Moreover, SPF was not detectable in most of the cell lines tested, including HepG2 and McARH7777 hepatomas. Transfection of SPF cDNA in McARH7777 significantly stimulated de novo cholesterol biosynthesis. These data suggest that SPF is a cytosolic squalene transfer protein capable of regulating cholesterol biosynthesis.


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An in vitro assay for nucleocytoplasmic transport was established in which signal-dependent protein import is reproduced faithfully by isolated purified nuclei. The assay permits the precise quantification of import kinetics and the discrimination between translocation through the nuclear envelope and intranuclear transport. Nuclei were manually isolated from Xenopus oocytes and after manual purification incubated with a medium containing a green fluorescent transport substrate, karyopherins α2 and β1, a red fluorescent control substrate, an energy mix and, for keeping an osmotic balance, 20% (wt/vol) BSA. Import of transport substrates into the nucleus and exclusion of the control substrate were monitored simultaneously by two-color confocal microscopy. Two widely differing import substrates were used: the recombinant protein P4K [480 kDa, four nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) per P4K tetramer], and NLS-BSA (90 kDa, 15 NLSs). The measurements suggested that import, at the specific conditions used in this study, consisted of two consecutive processes: (i) the rapid equilibration of the concentration difference across the nuclear envelope, a process involving binding and translocation of substrate by the nuclear pore complex , and (ii) the dissipation of the intranuclear concentration difference by diffusion.


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We have cloned, expressed and purified a hexameric human DNA helicase (hHcsA) from HeLa cells. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the hHcsA has strong sequence homology with DNA helicase genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that this gene appears to be well conserved from yeast to human. The hHcsA gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The expressed protein had a subunit molecular mass of 116 kDa and analysis of its native molecular mass by size exclusion chromatography suggested that hHcsA is a hexameric protein. The hHcsA protein had a strong DNA-dependent ATPase activity that was stimulated ≥5-fold by single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Human hHcsA unwinds duplex DNA and analysis of the polarity of translocation demonstrated that the polarity of DNA unwinding was in a 5′→3′ direction. The helicase activity was stimulated by human and yeast replication protein A, but not significantly by E.coli ssDNA-binding protein. We have analyzed expression levels of the hHcsA gene in HeLa cells during various phases of the cell cycle using in situ hybridization analysis. Our results indicated that the expression of the hHcsA gene, as evidenced from the mRNA levels, is cell cycle-dependent. The maximal level of hHcsA expression was observed in late G1/early S phase, suggesting a possible role for this protein during S phase and in DNA synthesis.


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Eutypine (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzaldehyde) is a toxin produced by Eutypa lata, the causal agent of eutypa dieback in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Eutypine is enzymatically converted by numerous plant tissues into eutypinol (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzyl alcohol), a metabolite that is nontoxic to grapevine. We report a four-step procedure for the purification to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity of a eutypine-reducing enzyme (ERE) from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata) hypocotyls. The purified protein is a monomer of 36 kD, uses NADPH as a cofactor, and exhibits a Km value of 6.3 μm for eutypine and a high affinity for 3- and 4-nitro-benzaldehyde. The enzyme failed to catalyze the reverse reaction using eutypinol as a substrate. ERE detoxifies eutypine efficiently over a pH range from 6.2 to 7.5. These data strongly suggest that ERE is an aldehyde reductase that could probably be classified into the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. We discuss the possible role of this enzyme in eutypine detoxification.


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Isochorismate is an important metabolite formed at the end of the shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites. It is synthesized from chorismate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme isochorismate synthase (ICS; EC We have purified ICS to homogeneity from elicited Catharanthus roseus cell cultures. Two isoforms with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kD were purified and characterized. The Km values for chorismate were 558 and 319 μm for isoforms I and II, respectively. The isoforms were not inhibited by aromatic amino acids and required Mg2+ for enzyme activity. Polymerase chain reaction on a cDNA library from elicited C. roseus cells with a degenerated primer based on the sequence of an internal peptide from isoform II resulted in an amplification product that was used to screen the cDNA library. This led to the first isolation, to our knowledge, of a plant ICS cDNA. The cDNA encodes a protein of 64 kD with an N-terminal chloroplast-targeting signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shares homology with bacterial ICS and also with anthranilate synthases from plants. Southern analysis indicates the existence of only one ICS gene in C. roseus.


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This study identified and purified specific isoamylase- and pullulanase-type starch-debranching enzymes (DBEs) present in developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. The cDNA clone Zpu1 was isolated based on its homology with a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA coding for a pullulanase-type DBE. Comparison of the protein product, ZPU1, with 18 other DBEs identified motifs common to both isoamylase- and pullulanase-type enzymes, as well as class-specific sequence blocks. Hybridization of Zpu1 to genomic DNA defined a single-copy gene, zpu1, located on chromosome 2. Zpu1 mRNA was abundant in endosperm throughout starch biosynthesis, but was not detected in the leaf or the root. Anti-ZPU1 antiserum specifically recognized the approximately 100-kD ZPU1 protein in developing endosperm, but not in leaves. Pullulanase- and isoamylase-type DBEs were purified from extracts of developing maize kernels. The pullulanase-type activity was identified as ZPU1 and the isoamylase-type activity as SU1. Mutations of the sugary1 (su1) gene are known to cause deficiencies of SU1 isoamylase and a pullulanase-type DBE. ZPU1 activity, protein level, and electrophoretic mobility were altered in su1-mutant kernels, indicating that it is the affected pullulanase-type DBE. The Zpu1 transcript levels were equivalent in nonmutant and su1-mutant kernels, suggesting that coordinated regulation of ZPU1 and SU1 occurs posttranscriptionally.


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Poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PADPRP) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from suspension cultures of the maize (Zea mays) callus line. The purified enzyme is a single polypeptide of approximately 115 kD, which appears to dimerize through an S-S linkage. The catalytic properties of the maize enzyme are very similar to those of its animal counterpart. The amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides were obtained by microsequencing. Antibodies raised against peptides from maize PADPRP cross-reacted specifically with the maize enzyme but not with the enzyme from human cells, and vice versa. We have also characterized a 3.45-kb expressed-sequence-tag clone that contains a full-length cDNA for maize PADPRP. An open reading frame of 2943 bp within this clone encodes a protein of 980 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the maize PADPRP shows 40% to 42% identity and about 50% similarity to the known vertebrate PADPRP sequences. All important features of the modular structure of the PADPRP molecule, such as two zinc fingers, a putative nuclear localization signal, the automodification domain, and the NAD+-binding domain, are conserved in the maize enzyme. Northern-blot analysis indicated that the cDNA probe hybridizes to a message of about 4 kb.


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S-Adenosyl-l-methionine:l-methionine S-methyltransferase (MMT) catalyzes the synthesis of S-methyl-l-methionine (SMM) from l-methionine and S-adenosyl-l-methionine. SMM content increases during barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germination. Elucidating the role of this compound is important from both a fundamental and a technological standpoint, because SMM is the precursor of dimethylsulfide, a biogenic source of atmospheric S and an undesired component in beer. We present a simple purification scheme for the MMT from barley consisting of 10% to 25% polyethylene glycol fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-Sepharose, and affinity chromatography on adenosine-agarose. A final activity yield of 23% and a 2765-fold purification factor were obtained. After digestion of the protein with protease, the amino acid sequence of a major peptide was determined and used to produce a synthetic peptide. A polyclonal antibody was raised against this synthetic peptide conjugated to activated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The antibody recognized the 115-kD denatured MMT protein and native MMT. During barley germination, both the specific activity and the amount of MMT protein increased. MMT-specific activity was found to be higher in the root and shoot than in the endosperm. MMT could be localized by an immunohistochemical approach in the shoot, scutellum, and aleurone cells but not in the root or endosperm (including aleurone).


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NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+-IDH; EC is involved in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation and glutamate synthesis in higher plants through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Only one NADP+-IDH form of cytosolic localization was detected in green cotyledons of pine (Pinus spp.) seedlings. The pine enzyme was purified and exhibited molecular and kinetic properties similar to those described for NADP+-IDH from angiosperm, with a higher catalytic efficiency (105 m−1 s−1) than the deduced efficiencies for GS and GOGAT in higher plants. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against pine NADP+-IDH and used to assess protein expression in the seedlings. Steady-state levels of NADP+-IDH were coordinated with GS during seed germination and were associated with GS/GOGAT enzymes during chloroplast biogenesis, suggesting that NADP+-IDH is involved in the provision of carbon skeletons for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a noncoordinated pattern of NADP+-IDH and GS/GOGAT was observed in advanced stages of cotyledon development and in the hypocotyl. A detailed analysis in hypocotyl sections revealed that NADP+-IDH abundance was inversely correlated with the presence of GS, GOGAT, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase but was associated with the differentiation of the organ. These results cannot be explained by the accepted role of the enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and strongly suggest that NADP+-IDH may have other, as-yet-unknown, biological functions.


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Stachyose synthase (STS) (EC was purified to homogeneity from mature seeds of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis). Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions revealed a single polypeptide of 90 kD. Size-exclusion chromatography of the purified enzyme yielded two activity peaks with apparent molecular masses of 110 and 283 kD. By isoelectric focusing and chromatofocusing the protein was separated into several active forms with isoelectric point values between pH 4.7 and 5.0. Purified STS catalyzed the transfer of the galactosyl group from galactinol to raffinose and myo-inositol. Additionally, the enzyme catalyzed the galactinol-dependent synthesis of galactosylononitol from d-ononitol. The synthesis of a galactosylcyclitol by STS is a new oberservation. Mutual competitive inhibition was observed when the enzyme was incubated with both substrates (raffinose and ononitol) simultaneously. Galactosylononitol could also substitute for galactinol in the synthesis of stachyose from raffinose. Although galactosylononitol was the less-efficient donor, the Michaelis constant value for raffinose was lower in the presence of galactosylononitol (13.2 mm) compared with that obtained in the presence of galactinol (38.6 mm). Our results indicate that STS catalyzes the biosynthesis of galactosylononitol, but may also mediate a redistribution of galactosyl residues from galactosylononitol to stachyose.


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Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified about 180,000 times compared with the starting soluble-protein extract from developing elm (Ulmus glabra) seeds. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified fraction showed a single protein band with a mobility that corresponded to 15 kD, from which activity could be recovered. When analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the enzyme had a deduced mass of 13,900 D. A 53-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence was determined and aligned with other sequences, giving 62% identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of some rice (Oryza sativa) expressed sequence tag clones. The purified enzyme had an alkaline pH optimum and required Ca2+ for activity. It was unusually stable with regard to heat, acidity, and organic solvents but was sensitive to disulfide bond-reducing agents. The enzyme is a true PLA2, neither hydrolyzing the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine nor having any activity toward lysophosphatidylcholine or diacylglycerol. The biochemical data and amino acid sequence alignments indicate that the enzyme is related to the well-characterized family of animal secretory PLA2s and, to our knowledge, is the first plant enzyme of this type to be described.


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In this study we characterized phosphoribulokinase (PRK, EC from the eukaryotic marine chromophyte Heterosigma carterae. Serial column chromatography resulted in approximately 300-fold purification of the enzyme. A polypeptide of 53 kD was identified as PRK by sequencing the amino terminus of the protein. This protein represents one of the largest composite monomers identified to date for any PRK. The native holoenzyme demonstrated by flow performance liquid chromatography a molecular mass of 214 ± 12.6 kD, suggesting a tetrameric structure for this catalyst. Because H. carterae PRK activity was insensitive to NADH but was stimulated by dithiothreitol, it appears that the enzyme may require a thioredoxin/ferredoxin rather than a metabolite mode of regulation. Kinetic analysis of this enzyme demonstrated Michaelis constant values of ribulose-5-phosphate (226 μm) and ATP (208 μm), respectively. In summary, H. carterae PRK is unique with respect to holoenzyme structure and function, and thus may represent an alternative evolutionary pathway in Calvin-cycle kinase development.


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We found a galactose-rich basic glycoprotein (GBGP) in the cell walls of cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. GBGP and extensin were isolated as the major components of basic, salt-extracted cell wall glycoproteins. GBGP and extensin were separated by gel filtration in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride as 49- and 90-kD peaks, respectively, and further purified with reverse-phase chromatography. The protein moiety of GBGP constitutes about one-half of the molecule (w/w) and contains lysine (16%), proline (12%), hydroxyproline (10%), tyrosine (4%), alanine (7%), leucine (6%), and cystine (1.4%). Galactose accounted for 72% of the sugar moiety, arabinose content was low (17%), and a significant amount of mannose (7%) was found. No immunological cross-reaction was detected between GBGP and extensin. The antibody against native GBGP with sugar chains reacted with other glycoproteins on the gel blots, whereas the antibodies against deglycosylated GBGP and native extensin were highly specific. Immunolocalization analysis in tobacco stems showed that GBGP is specific to parenchyma tissue and that extensin localizes in the epidermis. This tissue-specific and exclusive distribution suggests important functions of these basic glycoproteins.


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We have previously shown that three distinct DNA-binding activities, in crude form, are necessary for the ATP-dependent assembly of a specific and stable multiprotein complex at a yeast origin of replication. Here we show the purification of one of these DNA binding activities, referred to as origin binding factor 2 (OBF2). The purified protein is a heterodimer composed of two polypeptides with molecular mass values of 65 and 80 kDa as determined by SDS/PAGE. Purified OBF2 not only binds DNA but also supports the formation of a protein complex at essential sequences within the ARS121 origin of replication. Interestingly, OBF2 binds tightly and nonspecifically to both duplex DNA and single-stranded DNA. The interaction with duplex DNA occurs at the termini. N-terminal sequencing of the 65-kDa subunit has revealed that this polypeptide is identical to the previously identified HDF1 peptide, a yeast homolog of the small subunit of the mammalian Ku autoantigen. Although the potential involvement of Ku in DNA metabolic events has been proposed, this is the first requirement for a Ku-like protein in the assembly of a protein complex at essential sequences within a eukaryotic origin of replication.


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The activation of protein kinases is a frequent response of cells to treatment with growth factors, chemicals, heat shock, or apoptosis-inducing agents. However, when several agents result in the activation of the same enzymes, it is unclear how specific biological responses are generated. We describe here two protein kinases that are activated by a subset of stress conditions or apoptotic agents but are not activated by commonly used mitogenic stimuli. Purification and cloning demonstrate that these protein kinases are members of a subfamily of kinases related to Ste20p, a serine/threonine kinase that functions early in a pheromone responsive signal transduction cascade in yeast. The specificity of Krs-1 and Krs-2 activation and their similarity to Ste20p suggest that they may function at an early step in phosphorylation events that are specific responses to some forms of chemical stress or extreme heat shock.