999 resultados para Proteção ambiental, Brasil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Neste artigo analisam-se aspectos relativos s perspectivas e participao de atores em processos suscitados pelos desafios do uso social e da conservao dos recursos naturais em reas protegidas na Amaznia Brasileira. No mbito de um processo de territorializao, observa-se, particularmente, a implantao de um projeto de alternativa econmica na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Aman, Unidade de Conservao localizada no Estado do Amazonas. Como so percebidas e como e em que condies participam grupos sociais - residentes tradicionais, pesquisadores e intervencionistas - informados na idia de desenvolvimento sustentvel, em um contexto de ambientalizao, compem aqui a questo, o desafio, remetendo tanto para a crena quanto para as reticncias promessa do Desenvolvimento.
A dissertao analisa as possibilidades, os limites e os modos de desenvolvimento do Turismo de Base Comunitria. Especificamente, discute a proposta de um mtodo para valorar o nvel de atratividade das comunidades de Reservas Extrativistas para implantar o TBC. Os objetivos especficos foram identificar os elementos de valorao turstica, criar uma metodologia de valorao da atratividade turstica, aplicar esta metodologia nas comunidades de Nossa Senhora de Nazar do Lago do Jacar, Santa Maria e Santa Rita de Cssia, localizadas na RESEX de Mapu, Arquiplago do Maraj, Estado do Par, capacitar os pesquisadores (tcnicos e comunitrios) e interpretar os dados. As informaes foram coletadas com base na metodologia da Anlise em Pares, que compreende em levantamento de dados e anlise a partir de olhares tcnicos e de membros das comunidades. A pesquisa orienta-se tambm pela problemtica que envolve a discusso de como se iniciam os processos de implantao de projetos de turismo de base comunitria em unidades de conservao, particularmente em reservas extrativistas, e como pode ser medido e valorado o nvel de atratividade turstica de RESEX's, a exemplo de Mapu. A dissertao revela que as comunidades pesquisadas possuem valorao adequada para um possvel desenvolvimento de projeto de TBC, considerando a possibilidade de sanar determinados gargalos sinalizados nos resultados finais da pesquisa. Diante das evidncias expostas, conclui-se que possvel valorar o nvel de atratividade turstica das reservas extrativistas, por meio de uma metodologia especfica para este tipo de unidade de conservao, bem como a sua capacidade adaptativa para aplicabilidade em outras reas de preservao e proteção ambiental.
O resduo do refino da bauxita, comumente conhecido como lama vermelha, tem mostrado ser capaz de ligar metais traos tais como o cobre, cdmio, zinco, cromo, nquel e chumbo sob condies apropriadas. A neutralizao da lama vermelha necessria porque essa lama tipicamente custica, com pH em torno de 13. Muitas pesquisas tm sido desenvolvidas envolvendo a utilizao da lama vermelha, porque contem uma srie de elementos valiosos. Assim a utilizao da lama vermelha como material de construo e como adsorvente atrativa porque ela utilizada em grande quantidade. Nada pode ser feito sem descartar componentes valiosos como titnio, zircnio e principalmente ferro. A sntese de hidrotalcita conectada com a reciclagem de solues alcalinas representa uma maneira efetiva de uso dessa soluo considerando a forte demanda por proteção ambiental no mundo. Os compostos tipo hidrotalcita, precipitados durante a neutralizao da lama, tambm removem oxi-nions de metais de transio atravs da combinao de intercalaes e adsoro de espcies aninicas na sua superfcie externa. Os hidrxidos duplos lamelares (HDL) vm sendo investigados muitos anos como materiais hospedeiros para uma variedade de reaes de intercalao de anions. A estrutura lamelar dos HDLs pode ser usada para controlar a adio ou remoo de uma variedade de espcies qumicas, tanto orgnicas quanto inorgnicas. Isto alcanado atravs de sua habilidade de adaptar a separao das lamelas de hidrxidos, e da reatividade da regio interlamelar. O material resultante adsorve anions quando colocado em solues e reverte a estrutura da hidrotalcita. Avanos significativos tm sido alcanados recentemente na caracterizao desses materiais, incluindo estudos estruturais sobre o mecanismo de intercalao. O objetivo desse trabalho foi a sntese e caracterizao de HDLs a partir da lama vermelha, e testar esses materiais como adsorventes de metais pesados.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Geografia - FCT
Ps-graduao em Filosofia - FFC
The family Chironomidae is one of the most important groups within the macroinvertebrate communities, both in density and in richness, and because of its high adaptive value, has a wide distribution on the planet. These and other more specific features of each genus allow the use of this group of biomonitoring studies in the aquatic ecosystem, however, primarily, it is necessary to inventory the aquatic fauna. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the taxonomic composition of Chironomidae associated with Eichhornia azurea in six lateral lagoons of Paranapanema River, where only five of them have very little information about the aquatic fauna associated with floating macrophytes. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of environmental conditions on the richness and density of this community. Samples (biotic and abiotic) were held in March and August 2009 on the Ivo, Carmo, Sete Ilhas, Barbosa, Poo da Pedra and Coqueiral lagoons, which are upstream of the Jurumirim Reservoir. Samples with an area of 0.1976 m2 were collected at three banks of E. azurea of each lagoon. Then, they were washed in formaldehyde and water and fixed in 70% alcohol. The identification of morphospecies recorded 38 taxa (32 in March and 37 in August), where the Ivo lagoon is the richest (27 taxa). The density of each group varied according to each pond and is generally Asheum sp., Chironomus sp., Beardius sp., Parachironomus sp., Labrundinia sp., Tanytarsus sp., Ablabesmyia sp. and Polypedilum sp. the most representative. Limnophyes sp., Denopelopia sp., Paratanytarsus sp. and Parametriocnemus sp. were genders in lower density. The Dominance index ranged between 0.1490 (Barbosa Lagoon in March) and 0.4114 (Poo da Pedra Lagoon in March), and the Diversity Index ranged from 2.08 (Coqueiral Lagoon in March) and 3.58 (Barbosa Lagoon in August). The concentration of dissolved oxygen and pH were the environmental variables most correlated with the groups ...
Marine turtles are reptiles that occur on the Brazilian coast and can travel very large distances between feeding and nesting grounds. Five species found in Brazil are threatened. The consumption of turtle meat and eggs is an ancient habit in many coastal communities around the world. The main causes that threaten these species are the increase in fishing and the drastic changes in the environment. The presence of turtles near the beaches and their accidental capture were reported by fishermen in the region of Canania, where this work was developed. This study was also made based in interviews of fishermen that living in the area and the follow up of their fishing activities. This methodology made possible to identify the turtles in the area, the behavior of the fishermen with these animals and the relation between non-commercial fishing and turtles. The fishing traps area has a direct relation with the capture of turtles. The higher incidence of turtle capture is usually next to islands, rocky coasts, low lands and bay entrances, which are areas where the most common species of the region (Chelonia mydas) normally look for food. The fishermen opinions about the critical situation of these species and their conservation has also been studied. Several programs in Environmental Education for the communities of the region have been recommended
Despite the current Environmental Legislation resolution, concerning the protection of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), be quite rigid, in practice, is observed noncompliance with the minimum limits of protection, especially in urban areas where, historically, the urbanization processes have been executed without compliance with the minimum standards of urban and environmental planning. Given the above, the present study aimed to analyze the urban sprawl evolution at the Olinda stream APP, located in the city of Rio Claro - SP. By means of the visual interpretation of aerial photographs in the GIS/ARCGIS environment, thematic maps of the urban sprawl of the years 1972, 1995 and 2010, as well as the Olinda Stream APP surroundings, were prepared. From the maps, it was possible to measure the occupation density for each scenario and indicate from which period the urbanization process has intensified. It was also possible to quantify the loss of vegetation area and indicate the major environmental problems in the basin of the Olinda stream. Therefore, the development of this research shows its importance, considering that its results can support the public administration, assisting in proper planning of land use and occupation in urban watersheds
Sustainability has been moving up on the business agenda in recent decades, and many methods to assess corporate sustainability have already been created. One of the most used and reliable methods is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Given the importance of sustainability for society and organizations, this study examined sustainability reports published by mining companies Alcoa, Vale and Samarco since 2006. The objective was to verify the indicators that contribute most to the minimization of environmental impacts and the improvement of environmental performance. The methodology consisted of collecting and analyzing data from the GRI sustainability reports. It was discovered that the sustainability reports helped the companies to identify improvement opportunities and it is essential companies provide in their reports an economic, environmental and social context of their activities. Furthermore, it was found out that the indicators related to atmospheric emissions, solid waste generation, environmental protection expenditure, and the consumption of raw materials, energy and water are the ones more attached to the production process, which means they are the main contributors for the environmental performance improvement
A Fundao para a Conservao e a Produo Florestal do Estado de So Paulo Fundao Florestal, rgo vinculado a secretaria do Meio Ambiente, tem por objetivo contribuir para a conservao, manejo e ampliao das florestas de proteção e produo do Estado de So Paulo. A regional de Botucatu atua na gesto de Unidades de Conservao (UC), sendo elas a APA (rea de Proteção Ambiental) Corumbata Botucatu - Tejup, a APA Ibitinga e a APA Rio Batalha. APA uma UC de uso sustentvel destinada a proteger e conservar a qualidade ambiental e os sistemas naturais ali existentes. Alm disso, atua tambm na criao de Unidades de Conservao, em especial as RPPNs (Reservas Particulares do Patrimnio Natural), que uma categoria de UC privada, com o objetivo de conservar a diversidade biolgica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as atividades realizadas durante o perodo de estgio, em especial aquelas voltadas ao Programa RPPN Paulistas da Fundao Florestal. Sabendo que a RPPN representa uma importante participao da sociedade na conservao da biodiversidade e da grande dificuldade encontrada pelos proprietrios na gesto de sua reserva, com o objetivo de ampliar as estratgias do Programa RPPN Paulistas, foi desenvolvido uma entrevista com os proprietrios mediante um questionrio, estruturado em 5 partes, sendo elas: quanto criao da RPPN, quanto gesto da RPPN (Plano de Proteção e Plano de Manejo), quanto s atividades desenvolvidas na reserva, quanto ao grau de satisfao, e comentrios finais, crticas e sugestes. Das 62 RPPNs reconhecidas no Estado de So Paulo, 21 proprietrios participaram da pesquisa. Foi identificada a importncia de parcerias entre proprietrios de RPPN e as universidades. A existncia de pesquisas cientficas bastante positiva, tanto para a RPPN, visto que ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
The main objective of this study was elaborating a diagnosis of technical conditions of Legal Reserves situation on the rural properties in Botucatu. In addition, considering the characteristics of fauna and flora and the economic aspects of these areas, it was presented alternatives to encourage the correct implantation and the effective preservation of the Legal Reserves. Because these areas contribute to the maintenance of local biodiversity and to availability of environmental services essential for all living creatures. In this study it was observed the presence of native vegetation in 13% of the rural properties areas in Botucatu, it is therefore necessary the recovery (reforestation) of 7% of all the rural properties areas, to be achieved the 20% of native vegetation (minimum area to be preserved as Legal Reserve, as disposed in Federal Law n 12.651/12) on rural properties. A viable and significant alternative for recovery these areas, reinforced by the new forestry law, is the practice of sustainable management, that must be carried in harmony with conventional farming practices existing in the remaining areas of rural properties
Tourism represents a socio-economic activity to generate local and regional development and at the same time contribute to the valuation and conservation of natural and cultural landscape. From this premise, we believe that the study area - PESM Ncleo Santa Virginia and surroundings - has a great tourism potential, which can be further explored through public policies that value and at the same time assist the conservation of the natural and cultural landscape of the region. Therefore, this project, which arises from a research project conducted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in partnership with the Forestry Institute (IF), analyzes the possibilities and limitations of the attractions and tourist activities in areas of intensive, extensive use and around this area. Through literature research and application of semi-structured questionnaires to the main agents of local tourism important information for the characterization of tourism activities in the study area were obtained, as well as to identify gaps in planning instruments and management about PESM - Ncleo Santa Virginia. Through this diagnosis, we intend to provide support for the development of tourism in Ncleo Santa Virginia and its surrounding area, seeking to conserve natural and cultural heritage and improving the quality of life of local people